Firstly, let me thank you for what I hope will be a mutually beneficial exchange.
Secondly, I only ask that you offer me the bare minimum of respect if you expect me to respond in kind.
Lastly, everything I offer you are free to reject, accept, argue, nitpick, etc, to your hearts content. I believe it to be the Truth of the Matter, if you disagree, that is your free will choice. I hold no hostility towards you, I hold no anger towards you, I simply wish to find the Truth. Here is what I understand to be exactly that.
The names you think you know to be in "power" are illusory. The "Power" that is currently in control of "Earth" is Non-Terrestrial in Nature. They claim they are from the Lucifer Memory Complex, which is originally Venusian. Human beings exist, more or less as we are now, across galaxies. The Number 5 is this particular quadrants "Number", which is why the Pentagram is so important to occultic practice. By inverting it, by placing the Phallus in the place of Logic and Reason and Logic and Reason in the place of the Phallus, they invert our ability to think rationally, clearly, cleanly. We resort to base instinct, we become angry, aggressive, depressed, pathetic, almost loathsome creatures. (For further examination of it's significance, see:Pyramid on Mars/Face on Mars, it's a little too human like and a little too similar to the "Vetruvian man")
They claim, that there are 13 "Ruling" bloodlines. That they have been given the Divine Right to Rule. Many here would scoff at this notion, that's fine. But that is their belief and they act accordingly. Whether you choose to accept such things or not, they are truly divinely indifferent. Their claim is, YAHWEH, the Creator of this current "System" here on Earth, sought out wisdom from the Council that lives within Saturn. They "Govern" This quadrant, for the betterment of all souls involved. When they were sought out, the Lucifer Memory complex(Sixth Density at the time) offered their help in becoming a "Catalyst". YAHWEH wasn't overly fond of "Free Will" And so chose not to impart his creatures, his gifts, his creations, with it. He prefered his benign little tyranny, but honestly, while it was "Harmonious", it couldn't be anything but, and so the souls here didn't do much "growing", seeing as they never had to choose, never had to think for themselves.
It is their belief, that they are not only the so-called "Serpent" in the Garden of Eden, but that they are also the "Apple" of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Or, the ability to have "Free Will". Many argue that we exist in a deterministic existence. They believe so, because they are deeply rooted in the root chakra, they firmly believe they will die, turn to ash and simply cease to exist. They have determined that no one can truly know what awaits on the "Other Side" And any who dare to enter that domain are simply children seeking comfort from the great darkness that they "Know" is awaiting them. The idea that we exist in a deterministic existence because of basic biological requirements is foolish. You "need" to eat, but you don't "Need" to live, you just really, really want too. Ultimately, we co-create our reality. If you doubt, all you have to do to prove me wrong, is to point out exactly where it is that God laid down some roads, or built a home, or hooked up your Internet. Just one example will suffice for me to accept the possibility that "God" has a hand in it in a more "Direct" fashion. Take all the time you need.
These 13 bloodlines are viewed as being one "House" or one "Body", they exist with one "Purpose" and move as one Unit. There is no chaos, there is only their Control, there is only the Family. These 13 "Families" must be thought of as both an Ocean as well as many, slightly smaller, Lakes. Lakes then break off into streams, rivers, flows and so on. Imagine then, these 13 families with 5,000+ years of Breeding behind them, planning inter-generationally how to guide, how to mold and how to "Control" the population. According to them, you've chosen to be subservient to the system, otherwise you wouldn't be here. You've chosen to be limited, to be polarized in the manner that you are as we are "Now". You've chosen to be a part of this grand experience, this grand game of Cat and Mouse, where the House not only holds all the cards, but has been giving you fake cards, lies about the rules and playing a different game altogether.
If you sit down and think about just how much you could accomplish if you knew that you had A) 13 bloodlines that controlled the "World", B) Non-terrestrial understanding of the nature of reality, of "Governance", of Science, etc. C) Could carry this information through the generations and in fact, breed in such a manner that allows for some proginey to be "Born" with the ability to "See" into their "Past" "lives". What could you feasibly accomplish and why? You could do anything at that point, hell, you've got the Console Commands running at that point, so what do you do and why? So many people get caught up in thinking it's money, or power, or fame, or some other contrived nonsense.
They do it out of Love. Because frankly, sometimes you learn more about yourself by knowing what you ARE NOT, as what you ARE. But, at the core of it all, they believe you have to "choose", the choice doesn't matter, it's in the choosing.
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[–] 16960764? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago (edited ago)
Everything is a weapon. All you have to do is study law so you can peacefully defeat those who would dominate you. They rely on your ignorance and dogmas.
[–] 16961082? [S] 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
Pretty much. If you cannot flow like water, then you will be trapped.
[–] 16960952? 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago (edited ago)
Haha interesting stuff... Reminds me of that Rothschild poster that allegedly came around that time.
If I had never tried DMT I would say much of what you mentioned is impossible, alas, anything is possible.
There’s more to it then the 3Dimensions we see and breathe everyday. I mean a lot of your info is oddly specific, life is quite paradoxal sometimes.
I always want to learn more about the pentagram, the cube, flower of life, it’s all so connected and crazy, dreams are the craziest.
[–] 16961089? [S] 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
The beauty of the Second Law is that you are free to believe what you will. It's entirely up to each individual to determine for themselves what they wish to create, we are all fragments of the one infinite creation. It is our birthright to create as we see fit.
[–] 16962901? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
The aliens are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.
The veridical answer to that question is that the aliens (and their precursor edition, the demons) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the aliens/demons/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the aliens to the fore, to the conscious level. These aliens are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.
For much more on what is going on with the aliens/demons/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:
On the more literal level of extraterrestrial life, it is likely that very simple forms of life exist throughout the universe. Yet the ancient alien hypothesis along with the idea of current intelligent extraterrestrial visitations has been pushed hard by certain sectors of the corporate media, and it is low-grade B-movie science-fiction schlock. A species powerful enough to cross stars--let alone galaxies--wouldn't come to Earth as humanoid creatures in ponderous starships, but rather would use extreme nanotechnology. If they were malicious and wanted to seize the Earth, they would fall to the ground as microscopic dust, infect our craniums, and we'd all be brain-dead before we hit the ground. It would be lights-out before any human even knew that anything had occurred.
Which is to say, if a species powerful and intelligent enough to cross stars were to land on Earth, where they would land is quite literally inside everyone's skulls.
[–] 16962620? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Satan is alive and developing cross current philosophies to confuse everyone.
[–] 16962095? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago (edited ago)
You could say I am a Gnostic even though I hate labeling people.
I can relate with your analogy with a twist.
This is my belief below. Rather than eat up your thread and topic I will leave you the choice to get familiar. Short Version Longer Version
Thank You for sharing your beliefs in short. I know it runs deeper than just this short epitaph.
"If you doubt, all you have to do to prove me wrong, is to point out exactly where it is that God laid down some roads, or built a home, or hooked up your Internet. Just one example will suffice for me to accept the possibility that "God" has a hand in it in a more "Direct" fashion. Take all the time you need."
There is only ONE nothing else exists but the ONE. The ONE is the 'whole pie, everything else is the ingredients. Split a piece of wood; God is there.
Lift up the stone, and you will find God there also.
One cannot divide that which cannot be divided for it is ONE in the same when divided.
Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. [And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.]
The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. During the days when you ate what is dead, you made it come alive. When you are in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?
To be no one but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal? It isn't, it is the most wonderful life on earth.
[–] 16962013? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Too long and boring to read, sorry
[–] 16962004? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Oh Dear God. Seriously? Sounds like you've been a wee bit brainwashed yourself, just at the other end of the spectrum.
[–] 16961992? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago (edited ago)
How I wished I had the power of the pen. I do not. I have a ton I would have loved to discuss with you in a different setting. Let me just say this, I believe you are not far from target. Peace
We all did chose to be here and the one's at home thank us for the sacrifice. Fact.