
You blocked @archiveis

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  1. Feb 6

    is what could be, if we had a sales guy :) It actually is for the insiders, only the public API is restricted to "save one url" and "search" (and no .onion for the public to reduce our communication with the authorities about the content)

  2. Jan 30

    Almost Streisand: Zuck DMCA'ed our DNS server at Linode (DigitalOcean withstood)

  3. Jan 4

    Please do not use mirror for linking, use others mirrors [.TODAY .FO .LI .VN .MD .PH]. .IS might stop working soon.

  4. Retweeted
    2 Oct 2018

    Use ArchiveNow by to save a web page in multiple archives at once (including , , , , , ). You can run ArchiveNow through CLI, UI, and docker.

  5. Retweeted
    5 May 2018

    Motherboard Made a Tool That Archives Websites on Demand - Motherboard > mass_archive, a basic Python script, will push a webpage or URL to multiple archive services at once, hopefully making online journalism or research a bit more efficient

  6. Retweeted
    24 Mar 2018

    To Read This Experimental Edition of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, You’ll Need to Add Heat to the Pages

  7. 31 Jan 2018

    could this be a business model ? :)

  8. 30 Jan 2018

    The first XSS found on by whitehat hackers. Already fixed.

  9. 24 Jan 2018

    Can anyone suggest a .li registrar (from this very limited list ) resilient to troll-attacks like ? Except which is definitively not.

  10. 24 Jan 2018
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  11. 24 Jan 2018
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  12. 23 Jan 2018

    If there was no police report, or was a fake one (I am 99.9% sure) - would it be possible to sue the registrar for the caused downtime ?

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  13. 23 Jan 2018

    seems to be attacked by trolls impersonating police. Absolutely no hints what the "illegal content" might be.

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  14. Retweeted
    1 Jan 2018

    mirrors that are down: ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌(and many more) Sci-Hub mirrors that are currently working: ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅

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  15. 15 Nov 2017

    Google considers reddit posts "hacked content"

  16. Retweeted
    30 Oct 2017
  17. Retweeted
    21 Sep 2017

    If you ask any good Registry to disconnect a Domain for it's websites immoral or illegal content, here is The Answer

  18. Retweeted
    28 May 2017

    Brilliant case for ( time > money ) to sustain a critical open source project. via

  19. Retweeted
    19 Apr 2017

    Написал менеджер для закладок, который бэкапит ссылки в . Так! А как теперь забэкапить саму бд?

  20. Retweeted
    14 Feb 2017

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