日本症候群 Japan Syndrome

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Jul 16, 2018 01:51 文化
Paris Syndrome

Have you guys ever heard of this? People talked about it a lot 10 to 15 years ago.

I believed such syndrome would no longer exist in this modern society because we can learn whatever things from the internet from whichever country in the world, but it seems to exist even now.


* I read the Japanese Wikipedia and tried to translate it into English because it seems quite a different from the content of English Wikipedia, so I would appreciate it if you could review and correct the following part as well.

Japanese media, fashion magazines in particular, and advertisements by travel agencies tend to put too much emphasis on the aspect of stylishness and elegance when it comes to Paris. As a result, people who start to live there to study or work get shocked (disappointed) by the enormous gaps between the reality and what they had expected. They eventually go on the blink and suffer from the adjustment disorder.
Professor Hiroaki Ota, a Japanese psychiatrist published the book titled "Paris Syndrome" in 1991, and after that, the name of this symptom became widely known. In 2004, a research paper that was collectively written by Dr.Ota and French psychiatrists was published in a psychiatric medicine journal called "Nervure," and after that, the research was introduced by the French newspaper Libération and other media such as BBC.

You may be puzzled. Why do I suddenly bring up this topic? Japanese learners on Lang-8, who love Japan strongly, seems almost blindly to me, makes me nervous. When I read their posts, something like "I am going to Japan to study in this autumn!" or "I would like to be an English teacher in Japan after graduation!!," I seriously worry about them. I'm wondering if there would be a similar disorder in Japan.
If you have ever been to Japan, I'd love to know what kind of impression of Japan you had. Was that different from what you had expected?

みんな、これは知ってるよね? 今から10~15年ぐらい前に話題になったと思うのだけど。


※ 日本語のWikipediaを読んで、英語にしています。英語版Wikipediaの内容が、日本語のものと結構違っている気がするので。ですので、この部分もチェックして添削してもらえたら嬉しいです。



「なんで唐突にこの話…?」と思うかもしれないけど、Lang-8にいると、私にはほとんど盲目的とすら思えるほど「日本愛」が強い人が結構いるから、心配になる。「今度、留学することになりました」とか「大学を卒業したら、日本で英語の先生になります!」みたいな投稿を読むと、本気で心配。「日本症候群」っていうのは、無いのかな。日本に行ったことのある人、どうですか。 自分の思ってた日本とは違ったな~というのはありましたか。
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