Seek legal advice and please ask the legal position in regard to conducting a fishing expedition on Twitter. It’s not professional and I wonder if it’s acceptable? #MarkLewis …
I would tell him to F*ck off, regardless of what I said or did. I will defame, libel and slander TAO and RR as much as I like, they are two fake blondes who think because they have a little bit of 'celeb' they can abuse people. A pair of trollop's no more no less
Then you are incredibly stupid
Seriously what can they do to me? I live in a furnished rented house the only thing I own of value is a wheelchair, I am profoundly disabled and terminally ill, so what is the worst that can be done?
Stewart your disability isn't an acceptable excuse for your vileness & I speak as a disabled person. Your just a nasty piece of work.
Nasty? Nasty is trolling a 16 year old Girl who told them to stop Nasty is repeatedly inviting her to meet up (TAO) 16 times Nasty is using another 17 year old to add to that abuse Nasty is getting her followers to pile on her Nasty is informing her School and Welfare services
Nasty is calling her Parents abusers Nasty is attempting to find her address Every one of these incidents is on their Twitter Feed. Her Parents have called the Police and reported this abuse.
Stewart you have issues (mentally & regarding your understanding of the law) I suggest you seek help.
It seems it's you that has the Mental Health issues, I am fine thanks, as for the Law, as I have repeatedly said there is nothing the Law can do to me, not one single thing unless I commit a Criminal Offence, then of course I could be put in prison.
Head meet brick wall.
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Amazing how misogynist these so-called socialists are, given the least excuse.
ah but there we have it, I don't dislike women, I dislike these two who trolled a 16 year old, one of whom made what can only be described as creepy suggestion that they meet.
It’s the language you choose for expressing that dislike which gives you away. Once the mask has slipped you can’t put it back.
I never had a mask on, I have told them both previously what I think of them and their mate JK Rowling. She threatened to sue me, that was fun.
You must be very proud.
I have Coffee and a free Biscuit so yep I am proud. You lot don't get it, you fear being sued because you have stuff to lose, I literally have nothing to lose, I own nothing, I am living on borrowed time, I piss in a bottle and shit in a bucket. What can anyone do to me?
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At least you’re honest about your illegal activity.
. Any other offences you want taken into consideration?
Preparing papers, lodging intimation and 1 day appearance at Court of Session - cost £5k. Cost of a letter or two looking for resolution - much cheaper overall
It doesn't cost me anything, it costs them if they chose to waste their money. You cannot make someone pay if they do not have the means to do so.
They can find you liable for their costs. If they win. In criminal cases there’s benefit sanctions etc but don’t know in civil stuff
Starting adult life as a bankrupt isn’t ideal.
I am retired thanks.
I was thinking of what your advice would mean to the 17 year old this is all about if she were to follow it.
I never gave anyone any advice, I was talking of me. Others can make up their own minds.
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