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    30 May 2017

    In which I engage in historical speculation on why an Armenian Youth Council would be planned in dreary Mt Abdulaziz

  2. 2 hours ago

    Three years ago today, Tawfiq Sa'id al-'Ali fell martyr to a mine blast during liberation of Shadadi. An Arab, born in 1979 in the village of Hatlah in Deir ez-Zor, he joined in Jan 2015 and served alongside his Assyrian comrades in several campaigns, wounded once.

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    Thank you for the post, That church is not just any church, it was the Catholicos' Seat. It was the Vatican of the (). The population, although facing massacre in 1840, was not ethnically cleansed until () in 1915-1918

  4. Retweeted
    Feb 17

    I had to get permission from the military authorities to visit Qodjhanis, a decaying Nestorian Church in rugged and volatile SE Turkey. In disuse since the Assyrian population was massacred in the 1840s. Only this gentle cat, who seemed profoundly wise, was around to receive me.

  5. Retweeted

    For some unknown reasons, the UK believes radicalization is a Syrian or Iraqi problem. When we first gained access to satellite channels after 2003 we heard some of the most extreme, intolerant, radical rhetoric coming from Imams in London, not Mosul or Raqqa.

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    16 hours ago

    People are sharing photos of the ISIS wives with their children for the past couple of days yet none of them cared to share photos of the women who’s husbands, sons and fathers were killed by ISIS. These are the wives and children of the Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS.

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    21 hours ago

    Why is the culpability and legal accountability of foreign ISIS members who came to do terrible things in Syria and Iraq being discussed only in terms of their countries of origin? Why is that the reference point, instead of the countries whose people they murdered and abused?

  8. 18 hours ago
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    Feb 19

    The Greek members of the Ottoman parliament in 1908

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    20 hours ago

    They are caretakers of ISIS nucleus family, they are raisers of next ISIS generation and enablers to their ISIS fighter husbands. Think about it.

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    20 hours ago

    Wives of ISIS fighters, in a sense, are a lot more important to how society of ISIS run than your average ISIS fighter, something a lpt of people seems missing.

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  12. Retweeted
    Feb 17

    Armenians of Bitlis dancing Yarkhushta in the 1950’s.

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  13. Retweeted
    Feb 17

    “allegedly” killed? ALLEGEDLY? The Assyrians of Simele were massacred by Muslims and these are NOT allegations. To hell with your thoughts. How would you feel if we say “The Kurds who were allegedly massacred in Halabja”? Bet that’d severely piss you off.

  14. Retweeted
    Feb 18

    Not your average leftists... Ukraine's Anarchist Underground coming soon to Popular Front. Subscribe:

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    Feb 18

    Pls read this piece by instead of worrying about how the tormentors of these poor people are going to live another day to perpetuate evil: Yazidis lose hope for captured loved ones as end of Islamic State's caliphate nears without answers  

  16. Retweeted
    Feb 18

    Baghuz today. It's standard for SDF troops to tag their unit names on buildings to show they've been cleared, but now they're at the end of a six-year existential war, the mood is obviously lighter...

  17. Retweeted
    Feb 18

    Ancient Arabia in Mesopotamia: This is a beautiful cylinder seal with an inscription in an Arabian script from Late Babylonian/Neo-Assyrian Mesopotamia. The text bears the name of its owner dbrk bn drdʾ 'Dabruka (?) son of Dardāʾ'. Source:

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  18. Retweeted
    Feb 17

    Assyrian children in Arzni, Armenia. Credit: Tim Ivanov

  19. Retweeted
    Feb 17
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  20. Retweeted
    Feb 18

    Ignoring for a second this person whom most people have a very suitably low opinion of, the problem of extremist Sunni narratives of Shia is a real and present danger even to non-Shia apparently.

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    She is part of a group that did genocided, & sold as sex-slaves "non-white" ethno-religious indigenous groups. Do they not deserve justice just because the perpetrators are "western". Do the actual victims not deserve to be heard? How about you side with Eastern native victims.


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