Chuka's coalition claims to speak for the nation but these MPs no longer have a mandate even to speak for their own constituents. People elected them to be Labour MPs on a Labour Manifesto. They should have the courage of their convictions and allow by-elections in their areas.
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They also risk doing more damage to the call for a Second Referendum than to the Labour Party itself, which is why so many have been so quick to distance themselves from Chuka’s coalition today.
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They work for Israel. We want a government that works for us.
Unacceptable and wrong. This should be deleted.
You shouldn't be calling for the tweet to be deleted, you should be calling for her to be evicted from the Labour Party Membership! You are just trying to hide Labour anti Semitism rather than dealing with it!
100% This is so emblematic of the problem. They are factional racists. They think the solution is to hide it. The solution is to expel them
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This only makes us stronger. We stand united. We will win. Those 7 MPs must stand down and alllow by-elections in their constituencies. It is the democratic right of the electorate to choose their MP based on their manifesto.
#ByElectionsNow -
So when Luciana Berger was claiming bullying and racism but her CLP were not allowed a say, did all those suporting her know she was about to leave.
Leaving or not, bullying is bullying and people were right to call it out and support her
What part of the vote wasnt about that do you fail completely understand
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I wouldn't mind but where ARE the Tories who threatened to join this grouping? Got cold feet? If these MPs no longer stand by the manifesto they were elected on they should go to a by-election against someone who does. THEN I might have SOME respect left for them!
Just a pity that Streeting, Kinnock, Mann, Hodge and Ryan didn't join them, all equally useless and poisonous
Not forgetting Phillips.
I think they all will in time, they'll do so in coordinated stages, agreed with
#msm#BBC to try and maximise damage to Corbyn led Labour party. It really is pathetic to watch.#VoteLabour#JC4PM - 1 more reply
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It takes guts to stand firm in the face of capitalist exploitation and abuse. The easily bribed and the weak minded, will always tell us we are wrong, they will always try to undermine us. There is only one thing to say to such people. We are united, and will never be defeated.
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If these people were concerned for anything but themselves, let them stand on their own platform and be elected on that basis. I am sure further staged resignations will follow to increase the impact, because, you know it’s all about the voters right?
They are standing on their own platform. That’s the whole point!! They’re not zombies of the Corbyn Cult and Momentum. They’re actually thinking for themselves rather than being told what to think.
They no longer have a platform to stand on. People did not vote for them on their "manifesto" but on Labour's manifesto. UR right tho they are thinking for themselves as they have always done; Selfish to the very last.
By your thinking people voted for Jeremy Corbyn on Labours manifesto but he then voted against his own party on 000’s of occasions if he’s such a man of principle why didn’t he stand as an Independent rather than for a party he clearly didn’t agree with ?
Utter drivel. JC never left the party, he never attempted a coup (twice!), his voting record speaks for itself AND as McDonnell stated if you believe in the labour values, stay and fight your corner. As usual those who only think of themselves, have done something selfish.
Just how utterly ignorant are some people. Shows what they read and listen to: crap and crap.
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