ISIS claims responsibility for this attack
You're laughing, but maybe there is a special unit called Sahali al-Khilafah (Caliphate's Lizards), what would you do?
Run faster than light probably
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I know Syrian soldiers who literately hunt and eat this
there lot of armies in region where they forced to eat snakes etc.
details please and not only special forces legends
its just a traditional desert dishpic.twitter.com/dz64XdRGM5
ok should try it next time
I truly don't recommend that, just have the good old lamb kebab
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I think in Islam this is an unclean animal, and he'll have to do ritual purification if he touches it. Which in the desert may mean taking a dustbath. This is just outright religious harassment/hazing.
I think it's mostly just that it's a dead lizard which is kinda gross.
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Great they're keeping their sense oh humor
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They fight against worlds most bloody and feared terrorists, But they are afraid from desert lizard.
Human beings
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Okadar vahşi yaratıklar Daiş ile savaşıp korkmadı bu küçücük hayvandan korkuyor
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Lizard dangerous then Isis!....
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That laugh
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