HRPT, CHRPT, Meteor MN1/MN2, METOP and Fengyun-3 decoder

Besides NOAA's HRPT, FY1 CHRPT (not in use anymore) and Meteor MN1/2 the GODIL module can now also process METOP and Fengyun 3 satellites. Example first images:

METOP AFengyun 3C
11-13-2016, 10:107-5-2017, 10:44
Processed using HrptReader

Processing METOP

Hardware: in FPGA: Software: in wsat:

Processing Fengyun 3

Hardware: in FPGA: Software: in wsat:

Reed-solomon will be built into wsat. Comparison of uncorrected and corrected metop data: (13-11-2016)

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