Suggestion get it from Get it from people you represent #DrugCartels #MS13 #rapist #murderers #CRIMINALS #ilegal #PlannedParenthood After all that's who you represent American people know better No money for #CriminalParty Your Not American #WeThePeopleAreAwake
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I follow people who aren’t blue Checkers or presidential candidates and they get more engagement than this and they have their dog as their pro pic. You have no shot. Good job on the breakfast club too. Maybe 6ix9ine should be your VP and you listened to who in college?
Maybe she was smokin’ something else & can’t remember what she listened to
Smoking pole
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I guarantee you this: Kamala Harris doesn't give a damn about "The People". I'm thinking she's the prototype for all those lawyer jokes going around.
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Nothing from unions or the Soros web either?
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In the words of our speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi you’re “a here today gone tomorrow candidate.”
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Nah fam
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Hahaha oh really its common practice for the PAC's to request donors give directly to the campaign...all we have to do is get the PAC'S donor list to show ....come on we aren't all drinking the koolaid
or inhaling
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Honest question here. How do you define “corporate” PACs? Do candidates take money from non-federal lobbyists? I’d love to hear more about campaign finance this election.
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Instead of donating to any political candidate donate to a local cause. Homeless shelter, food pantry, school, etc. Your hard earned money & time will be better spent to help others, instead of bumper stickers & yard signs. Millions shouldn’t be wasted on this undeserved garbage.
I do both & donate time as well. And hand out water & food to homeless people. All of these little things add up, but bigger impact is made by the right candidates in leadership.
Mrs. Harris isn't the answer. But hey, at least you have stamina!
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