His wife was also enslaved. She was shot through the head when she tried to escape. She survived but was left brain-damaged. The owner, via intermediaries, sold her back to her husband. While I spoke to him, I could hear her moaning behind a curtain, beating her head on concrete.
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Sinjar fell in 2014. This was a year before Shamima Begum went to join ISIS. She knew full well about the fate of Yazidi girls younger than her, because her recruiter boasted about it, and laughed about their suffering. Yazidi slaves were part of the Caliphate's marketing.
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Yes, we should feel compassion for Shamima Begum. But we should also feel compassion for the Yazidis - many of whom were much younger than her. She was knowingly complicit in their suffering. If we simply give her a slap on the wrist, we betray them.https://twitter.com/davidyelland/status/1096327622517313536 …
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Should we be privileging the misery of a British citizen over the misery of those whose sufferings were infinitely greater, and which she knowingly contributed to? If we do, what kind of message are we sending to other British citizens who may be tempted to do as she did?
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ISIS are broken militarily, but not ideologically. There are still plenty of British citizens susceptible to the message that the Yazidis are pagans, and merit enslavement, rape, beheading. Are they not owed compassion? Does Britain not owe them for what our citizens did to them?
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Yazidi children are not British, & so do not appear on the front of British newspapers. But they too are trapped in camps - bereaved, raped, traumatised beyond our worst nightmares. We owe them a due of compassion too. We owe it to them to keep them in our thoughts & hearts.
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If you would like to help the
#Yazidis, then@AMARLondon is a wonderful charity that does great work:https://www.amarfoundation.org/Show this thread End of conversation
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Thank you for highlighting these horrific stories. When ISIS first started their regime of despicable horror, I was trying to highlight abuses against Assyrians and Yezidis. Makes me sick to the core - so many lives lost and ruined
Yes. To my shame, I forget about them, carry on with my life - but then reminders like jolts.
It was a sad period of my life to spend time before the MPs vote on Syrian intervention trying to highlight issues to prevent genocide. Daily unimaginable horrors. <Never again> Action against hatred is never ending. Thank you for telling their stories. We cannot forget this
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Tom, it is possible to empathise with both the Yazidi people who have been treated abominably & also with a 19 year old girl who has lost two babies & been desensitised in a horrible way. lt's not one or the other. Both deserve our help in different ways.
As I said in my thread. But I know whose sufferings I personally would prioritise.
Both need our support in different ways. And no l don't rule out facing a court of law on her return.
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The Yazidi deserve the UK’s help tenfold more than the nutters who left this country to fight for a savage inhuman ideology, do not allow her or other ISIS monsters in, but help this poor Yazidi’s instead
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Thankyou Tom for reminding us all of the unpalatable truth. ISIS is not the Venture Scouts. It is a viable terror machine. It plumbs the depths of depravity. It destroys all we should treasure in people and places.
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How does he go on? How do we help them?
He probably goes on for his two remaining children.
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Good thread. The lack of attention for the Yazidis and their plight is really depressing. Thank you for doing your part with your excellent TV show.
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