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I'll bet a spread of Robinhood Gold against your soul
8 hours ago

Hi, this morning I lost $172k trading options on my $5k trading account. I was also hit with $46k margin call (Images inside)

Good Morning, Today I woke up around 5am bc a option spread I had placed was exercised against me.

This resulted in my owing ($172k) worth of Amazon stock. My trading account was only worth around 5k at the time.

Robin hood also hit me with a $46,278k margin maintenance call.

edit*** I posted this in the main wallstreetbets daily but was asked to create it's own post, which is why it says deleted. I deleted the post because I was concerned staff at robinhood would find out I owe them almost 200k and do something to prevent me from trading again. I was also concerned that the US government would use this to prevent me from getting credit in the future, using a screening tool not disclosed to the public.

Update** Robinhood has not threatened to sue or take legal action against me yet if I do not pay. I informed them that I will use my $1k worth of CHEGG stock towards the margin call.

Update2** I have transferred $120USD to show robinhood I do intend to make small payments overtime. In case any lawsuit comes up. This combined with the $1k worth of CHEGG stock which robinhood THEMSELVES offered to accept is proof of my intention to make payments.

I will continue to update this in case this happens to any of you. So that you will be able to see the time-line of events and prevent this from happening again.

For those of you wondering - This was the notification I got early this morning. This was on top of the 170k.

Update** After talking via email(robinhood won't contact you over the phone). Robinhood has given me the spread leg worth of Amazon stock to sell back to the market.

I have sold the stock back to the market and am now letting the opposite leg of the spread ride to see If I can make it back into a profitable position during power hour.

**Update if Amazon closes above $1,600USD I will be okay. If not I'll have to pay $2000USD to avoid a continued margin call

***Update Robinhood contacted me and was very helpful. I was assigned $ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS to pay. The broker actually gives you the opportunity to decide how you want to pay. This is called legging out instead of flatly closing both sides of the trade, which can be beneficial is some trading strategies.

This all started with a Yolo recommendation from another WSB redditor. Unfortunately, due the time I closed out of each leg I still lost roughly $2k.(I think I'm still not sure yet) Which is about 50% of my $5k account.

On Monday I will update everyone whether or not I'm still under a margin maintenance call. If not I should still have about $2k or $3k left. Anyone have any ideas for a good yolo?

93% Upvoted
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level 1
Turned $5k into -$58k
1.6k points · 6 hours ago · edited 5 hours ago

Relax, they will exercise the long put and you'll be left with the max loss of 25.00. They don't immediately exercise for some reason. I guess you get what you pay for?

level 2

The legend lives!

level 2

The myth!

level 2
"whats wrong with gay porn"
143 points · 6 hours ago

Sup bro

level 3
Turned $5k into -$58k
197 points · 5 hours ago

Naked strangles.

level 4
"whats wrong with gay porn"
55 points · 5 hours ago

Is that expensive? asking for a friend...

level 5
Turned $5k into -$58k
109 points · 5 hours ago

Only if you're wrong 😉

level 6

Legend, did you get to keep the 10k?

level 7
Turned $5k into -$58k
101 points · 4 hours ago

So far..

level 8

An actual profit then. I tip my hat to you, sir!

level 9
76 points · 4 hours ago

No it’s more like Schrondingers tendies. It’s both a 18x loss and a 100% profit

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level 2

The legend! He is HERE!

level 2
113 points · 4 hours ago

It literally can't go tits up

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level 2

He is right, wait for the other leg to be exercised and he will just owe the difference. This only looks scary temporarily.

level 2

Sorry, absolute fucking retard chiming in here.

Why is this not as bad as it seems? And if you're serious about the $25 part why does it show the $-170k?

level 3

He did what’s called a credit put spread. This means he sold a put at x price and bought a put at a lower price. They’re both ITM. Somebody exercised their put options early and he got assigned (so he has to buy the shares from Someone at x price). If he waits till this weekend, the options he bought will be assigned too and some other douchebag will have to sell shares to him for the strike price he bought it for. If you do the math, he only really loses &25.

TLDR; He was hit with rogue wave but had on a raincoat.

level 4

Thanks man I appreciate it

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level 1

Just delete your account and it’ll all go away. Never look back.

level 2
531 points · 6 hours ago

Yeah and make sure you unplug your router. It'll disconnect the session and it'll be like nothing ever happened.

level 3
240 points · 6 hours ago

Don't forget to do all this while using incognito mode so nobody can track you

level 4

Just don't press Save on your way out.

level 5

And for all that is good and F5 to refresh.

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level 3

True story, one time I lagged out in the middle of the trading day and the lobby was no longer available. I lost all my progress

level 3

I use a lag switch while trading to get the upper hand.

level 3

Or just tell Robinhood that your kid got a hold of your phone and fucked around

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level 2

Nah, just call customer service and ask for a refund bro

level 3
40 points · 2 hours ago

Tell them you want to reset the demo practice account

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level 2
12 points · 3 hours ago

No, just delete the app.

level 3
13 points · 2 hours ago

This game sucks.

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level 1
"whats wrong with gay porn"
3.4k points · 8 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago

Edit: at this point I suspect OP is either trolling, or a genuine mongoloid.

(I am screenshotting this to repost later)

I deleted the post because I was concerned staff at robinhood would find out I owe them almost 200k

You literally think that RH staff would only find out about your margin call by reading WSB.

level 2

LOL exactly. Dude is down 4000% and has a margin call that's 8X his account size. But if he makes a Reddit post, the jig is up. Unreal

level 3
780 points · 7 hours ago

Hold on a second there professor. According to the Wall Street Bets rules #2, current mods are obligated to immediately promote Johnnyy29 to mod. We have to stick to our principles.

level 4
I'll bet a spread of Robinhood Gold against your soul
Original Poster528 points · 7 hours ago

Thanks for the recommendation but I don't want that responsibility right now.

level 5
950 points · 7 hours ago

mods dont have responsibilities here

level 6
523 points · 7 hours ago

Jesus Christ he's perfect, I don't care what it costs, get him in here.

level 7
87 points · 5 hours ago

I say we pool 170K together to get it done...

level 8

If we can all shift our debts in such a way that we owe each other. Eventually we'll have enough debt owed to us that we can use that for a loan. 170k - Double it.

level 9
12 points · 3 hours ago

No chance that’ll go tits up

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level 5
31 points · 6 hours ago

Best internet janitor Mod ever

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level 3

He owe's 200K and his main concern is being prevented from trading and getting more credit...

I've been here from the jump. Things are really getting out of control.

I love it.

level 4

Yeah, he essentially just won a mortgage to pay off.

level 5

This really is move to south america levels of debt.

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level 4

Tits up?

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level 2
resident non-retard
511 points · 7 hours ago

To be fair they only found out about 1R0NYMAN's actual max loss from WSB.

level 3
95 points · 7 hours ago

flair checks out.

level 3
"whats wrong with gay porn"
61 points · 7 hours ago

Fair point

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level 3


You’re kidding, right?

level 4
46 points · 7 hours ago

Wait I'm interested too, how'd that happen?

level 5
dgaff21 says your penis tastes like marshmellows
53 points · 6 hours ago

Just check out the dude's post history, it's legendary.

level 6

Checked it but don't see where RH found out shit from his posts. Can you clarify?

level 7

Robinhood's software is too stupid to calculate the max loss on anything more advanced than an iron condor, so maybe that's what he was getting at

level 8

Correct, should never have been allowed to make those trades. Robinhood changes their rules after this.

level 8

lmao what a fucking shit show of a brokerage

Ay but these broke ass autists save $5/trade so I guess that's a plus

level 9
15 points · 2 hours ago

I saved 5 and it only cost me a 43k Margin call. Worth

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level 2
low test soygirl
159 points · 7 hours ago

You literally think that RH staff would only find out about your margin call by reading WSB.

This is RH we're talking about. There is a non-zero chance of that happening.

level 3

"non-zero" is an odd way to spell "Over 90%"

level 4

They’re technically synonymous, which is exactly the level of nuance in Robinhood’s analytics as well as their risk disclosure.

Robinhood margin accounts are flypaper for retards

level 2

Wait a second. What other method could there possibly be for an RH staff member to know what’s going on in my account? Are you telling me they can just... see all my retarded trades? Find me in a list? Do a sort of “select accountno from client_table where autismflag = true”?

This is a huge invasion of my privacy. Imagine if Facebook employees were able to see all that I have posted on my profile! This is unacceptable!

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level 2
dgaff21 says your penis tastes like marshmellows
32 points · 6 hours ago

To be fair, anonymous employees at RH have admitted to lurking here.

level 3
23 points · 6 hours ago

I bet they see this post and hope to God it doesn't end up crossing their desk...

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level 2
15 points · 5 hours ago

You literally think that RH staff would only find out about your margin call by reading WSB.

Given the apparent absence of any kind of risk management on their part, this wouldn't surprise me.

level 2
I'll bet a spread of Robinhood Gold against your soul
Original Poster135 points · 8 hours ago

I was trying just to reduce the chances of it occuring. My mind was in overdrive mode because my account said -$172k.

level 3

dude... they already know lol

level 4
I'll bet a spread of Robinhood Gold against your soul
Original Poster281 points · 7 hours ago

But they didn't know "who"

level 5

You deserve to be here

level 6

He also deserves to be moded

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level 5
319 points · 7 hours ago

Do you remember when you made the account and you gave them your name and social security number?


level 6
229 points · 6 hours ago


level 7

Hey calm down bro they still might not know. Don’t say it all loud like that we don’t wanna rat him out

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level 5

Do you think Robinhood accounts are anonymous or something?

level 6

Ya bro don't you know all OP has to do is uninstall the app then reinstall and make a new account? It's like making a throwaway account on Reddit. They'll never know it was him.

level 7
28 points · 6 hours ago · edited 6 hours ago

Real LTP is always in the comments.

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level 5
80 points · 6 hours ago

lmfao they have your bank, SS, name, DoB, and literally everything else that a financial institution is supposed to verify before allowing you to trade.

Just delete the app and that all goes away.

level 6

Yea better destroy the phone too

level 7
16 points · 6 hours ago

And Reddit account

level 8

And say no takesies backsies three times

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level 5

This is either the funniest fucking thing I've ever read or you are literally mentally retarded.

Doesn't the government have some kind of protection from giving the disabled the ability to gamble like this?

level 6
77 points · 6 hours ago

Doesn't the government have some kind of protection from giving the disabled the ability to gamble like this?

If it does, would this sub exist?

level 7

Yeah dude what is this, Norway?

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level 6

It’s both

level 5

hahhahaha oh my god

level 5
10 points · 6 hours ago

By "who" do you mean "which WSB poster"?

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level 3
"whats wrong with gay porn"
21 points · 8 hours ago


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level 2


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level 1
1.3k points · 8 hours ago

-$167k is the new -$57k

level 2

Did not expect anyone to beat 1r0nyman this quickly. Am I seeing -4000%?!

level 3
499 points · 6 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago

We're evolving at an exponential rate

Edit: tf is reddit platinum

level 4
114 points · 6 hours ago

We're Devolving at an exponential rate

level 5

it's only devolving if you went in expecting to turn a profit

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level 3
61 points · 6 hours ago

To be fair, that -$162k is a basic calculation based on current market prices and the options in question. 1r0nyman was technically down $287k before the dust settled

level 4

Well, technically he got that 10k out before the shit hit the fan, didn't he? Wonder what happened with that? Guess RH didn't think it's worthwhile to chase him for that.

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level 3

I opened this thread half expecting it to be 1r0nyman

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level 2
level 2

he made my 12 hour old shit post obsolete, un believable. Someone with better shop skills needs to update the chart

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level 1
1.2k points · 8 hours ago

Smart use of the Gold buddy. Almost as useful as Reddit Gold

level 2

OP makes it clear several times that this is _just_ his trading account. His _real_ portfolio is 1000 shares of BRK-A.

level 3

Isn’t that like, $300,000,000

level 4

More like $900,000,000.

level 5
42 points · 4 hours ago

12 bucks, take it or leave it

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level 2
I'll bet a spread of Robinhood Gold against your soul
Original Poster146 points · 8 hours ago

Could be.

level 3

okay with your new updates you gotta be trolling us.

I have transferred $120USD to show robinhood I do intend to make small payments overtime.

you'll be fine by Saturday when your long put exercise. you prob wont be at max loss, but i hope this teach you a lesson

edit: also everyone else that's retarded thinking he lost 172k on a simple credit spread. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS.

level 4

How much was actually lost

level 5


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level 2

a wsb legend was born this morning, mod this fucker

level 1

This sub is great, I can still lose money with like-minded (read: autistic) individuals AND feel good about myself because I didn’t fuck up this bad

level 2
a decent lad
346 points · 7 hours ago

The fucked up thing is, he didn't fuck up that bad. It's RH being a less than great broker and him not understanding spread enough to realize he actually hasn't lost that much money.

level 3

So if I'm understanding right the negative account value is actually the lost potential profit he could have had? Or am I retarded?

level 4
186 points · 6 hours ago

He basically was forced to buy 100 shares of AMZN which obviously he did not have enough money for. Even if it was a super profitable position, it would still show a negative buying power because it is subtracting the cost of the shares he bought from the money in his account.

Barring a massive fuckup, he will only lose at most the difference between the strikes of his puts.

level 5
19 points · 5 hours ago

Mind expanding on how he was forced to buy those shares?

level 6
47 points · 5 hours ago

Being long a put means that you have the right but not the obligation to sell 100 shares to someone for a specific price by a specific date.

Being short a put is the opposite of that. So what it means is that you are giving someone else the right to sell to you. If they decide to exercise that right, then you are forced to buy 100 shares at the strike price from them.

level 7

Is the maximum earning potential for any short call or short put just the premium?

level 8
11 points · 4 hours ago


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level 4

No, a spread involves both a long and short position. The short was exercised, and robinhood showed him as such...and hadn't exercised the long position, which is what is covering thr short in the first place.

The profit is limited, the negative value is just the amount assigned.

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level 3
25 points · 6 hours ago

how do you have a position that size and not know your max fuckin loss jesus christ i need to go back to r/options

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level 1

I deleted the post because I was concerned staff at robinhood would find out I owe them almost 200k and do something to prevent me from trading again.

This right here. This is how I know you're not just on the spectrum, but you've shown there's an entirely new, previously undiscovered form of autism. I'm in awe, well done mate

level 2

damn. our new king. there's so many gems in this too.

the US government would use this to prevent me from getting credit in the future

yeah the deep state will care

screening tool not disclosed to the public

right here SEC

this guy has no idea what his max loss is on his credit spread and RH, being the retarded app it is, doesnt really help retards when they get early assigned

why they grant these level of options trading to people without a care - i don't know. i guess they ran the math and figured avg accounts of 1-5k with options couldnt do that much damage (until box spread arrived heh)

level 3
225 points · 7 hours ago

But he has such a good argument that this RH's fault, he clearly doesn't have a fucking clue what he is doing.

This could get really interesting.

level 4
dgaff21 says your penis tastes like marshmellows
163 points · 6 hours ago

Honestly at some mysterious point in the future when the economy takes a shit and we are looking for people to blame, I believe RH execs are gonna get grilled in front of a committee. Derivatives were definitely not meant to be used this way.

level 5
121 points · 6 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago

I'm going to be so upset if I lose my commision free trading because the autism monkeys here at WSB can't keep themselves from making a bet 10 to 15 times higher than their net worth.

Then again the only reason I CAN do commision free trading is because people are specifically paying for robinhood gold to make bets 10 to 15 times their net worth.


level 6

They need to just remove options trading for anyone with an account balance under like 10k-20k. You need to do some serious research and DD to even understand how options work.

I just use Robinhood to trade random weed stocks and make easy, quick money on runs (made a quick $45 on EA Apex hype this morning). Losing the ability to have some fun dicking around with pot stocks and making trades with bullshit money would piss me the hell off.

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level 5
15 points · 5 hours ago

Are we looking at subprime option spreads?

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level 4
24 points · 6 hours ago

Pretty sure in their tos. It says they aren’t responsible for autism.

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level 4
20 points · 6 hours ago

big brain: lose ~200k on rh then make a post on r/wsb for deniability.

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level 3

Fuck the credit comment slipped past me at first.

What a gem. Just made my day

level 3

Has 5k account, trading a $1,700 stock. LoL

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level 2
loves large mammal dick
121 points · 7 hours ago

RH HQ: Hey you guys see this reddit thing

Accounting: crap, shit, we totally missed that

level 3

It’s only 2/7 and our monthly account sweep doesn’t kick off until 3/1! We’d have had no idea until then!

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