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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There's a slightly chace for AfD and Wikileaks has posted that they are about to show CIA's leaks over Merkel and her situation could become worst than already is. SPD is a shit party, they have no chance to continually moving foward, its the perfect time for AfD to strike and gain terrain. What you think about it?
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>>116476956 (OP)
AfD is the only sane option. Unfortunately Schulz and his socialists have made serious gains in the polls lately. I hope the exposure of Merkel won't assist him further....
>>116476956 (OP)
I support Bjorn hocke
the media in German is clearly Left-wing, this is the main problem
Höcke is a pleb who is costing us valuable votes through his constant autistic sperging

It's everywhere in Europe.
>>116476956 (OP)
AfD is finished and tanking in the polls. Watch it not even getting 5% in November.
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>AfD is the only sane option.
What? don't we want merkel over schulz? AfD has no chance at all. SPD is killing it in the polls right now
There is no other major party you can vote, unless you want more refugees and cultural marxism, of course
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That's the problem, yes
What are you, 12?
Please enlighten me then
(And no, FDP isn't a viable alternative)
Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees", nor "cultural marxism", whatever that's supposed to mean.

The AfD is a weirdo shit party with a populist grab bag programme.
>>116476956 (OP)
Pray for the future of German children that they don't fall victim to the Muslim invasion.
every german i know supports SPD. why? in what way will schulz be better than merkel?
Less cozying up to companies, more social stuff and workers' rights and participaton.
>>116476956 (OP)
The AfD won't get into a range of seats that makes them relevan. They'll be a much needed opposition though.

In the case that WikiLeaks has some serious dirt on her, the more likely outcome would be Merkel finally stepping down and the CDU deciding to run with a different candidate. In which case Schulz would immediately become irrelevant again because the only reason he is surging in the polls is because he's not Merkel.
>the two governing parties "want more refugees", nor "cultural marxism"
If it wasn't for the AfD and the public opinion, neither CDU/CSU or SPD would've changed their political stances regarding this

I suggest you get some info on it before sperging around.

Leftist media. Also he's a left-wing populist and promised more gibsmedat for the unemployed

>in what way will schulz be better than merkel?
He won't
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>>116476956 (OP)
Schulz is /ourguy/
How can AfD be so low when every other populist party in Europe is reaching 25-30%?
>If it wasn't for the AfD and the public opinion, neither CDU/CSU or SPD would've changed their political stances regarding this
Utterly wrong, but keep swalling their dumb claims.
So what made them go from 'take in all the refugees' to 'let's have a cap' then?
Might just be polls being polls. IIRC, there is a state election coming up next month. That should show how accurate the polls currently are.

>t. AAS
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Because they are idiots, amateurs who really have no clue of what they are doing or have to do.
Thank god
so vote merkel then...

would you say merkel is germany's mark rutte? Afd is your wilders? schulz is pvda?
germans are cucks. i know many germans and you can't even bring up the refugee crisis in public. you think sweden is bad? hah, at least the social democrats are starting to rise. try germany where if you support AfD you are called a nazi and lose all friends
Merkel is a dangerous narcissist
Someone like her should never be in a position of power, the only reason why she even managed to win so many times is because the German political landscape looks pretty bleak.
>so vote merkel then...
I'll still vote AfD 2bh. It's important to get them in so they'll score big in the following elections

>would you say merkel is germany's mark rutte? Afd is your wilders? schulz is pvda?
>>116476956 (OP)
>ruf doch nochmal Martin
Du kannst das bestimmt genauso schoen :)
>>116476956 (OP)
oh a brasilian autist
but polls.....muhhhh
yeah but schulz is your alternative
fair enough if you're playing the long game but just know you are indirectly getting schulz elected in 2017
>Trump 5% Chance
>none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"
are you genuinely retarded?
these parties are the exact same parties that opened our borders to the hundreds of thousands of third world welfare leeches that came pouring in in 2015.
the only significant politician who objected was seehofer, yet he didn't actually do ANYTHING besides bitch and moan to the press. in the end, he supported (and keeps supporting to this day) merkels madness.

therefor, all of the governing parties (CDU, CSU, SPD) are ALL pro mass immigration.
regarding the opposition parties:
the greens are extremely vocal about being pro mass immigration.
the FDP is tiptoeing around the issue and avoids taking a clear stance, but since the party line is all about free markets, free trades and being strongly pro EU, they can safely be considered to be pro mass immigration as well.
finally, LINKE is a mixed bag. a bunch of them have spoken out against mass immigration, but they always face massive backlash from within the party. there seems to be a split inside the party regarding this issue.

and that's it. out of 5 parties in parliament, 4 are pro mass immigration and the fifth is a literal remnant of the DDR communist regime. that leaves the AfD as the only option that is explicitly anti mass immigration. unless you consider the controlled opposition meme party that is the NPD a viable alternative, which i don't.
I don't know where you've been for the past years or even decade, but none of both ever wanted to 'take in all the refugees', nor did either "go from 'take in all the refugees' to 'let's have a cap' then".

I know the AfD likes to shitpost their trope about "the AfD made them do this" (which you seem to gladly swallow), but in reality the other parties either haven't in fact adopted what the AfD claims, or it has been party line from even before the AfD existed.

The only ones who call for a cap among the governing parties are politicians from the CSU, but it's not practical in reality, so there's no cap.
>fair enough if you're playing the long game but just know you are indirectly getting schulz elected in 2017

Who gives a shit. No matter if it's Merkel or Schulz, both will be insanely damaging for Germany.
The only option is to start building up a new opposition that can hopefully fix shit in a couple of years.
welcome to 4chan

lurk moore
Bit different though. It's not like the media said Trump had 10% support nation wide.
lol more than the half of all ppl i know will vote for afd, including students and workers..
they all are tired of daily terror attacks and high rise of criminality in our region (NRW)
>being this retarded
Germany's government options are complete shit besides AFD.
But its not about Merkel just about CIA and NSA wiretapped her.

But the Germans doesnt know, that Germany is still occupied by the USA and she cant do anything about it. So this will turn very negative for her!
Nah, you are missing the context. A lot of states are either firmly blue or red with no chance of them changing, so calling those correctly isn't a feat and should not be taken into account.
What matters are the swing states, and there they called pretty much every single one incorrectly.
>fair enough if you're playing the long game
Yeah, I don't lend myself to illusions. The AfD won't get into office before 2021 or 2025. But still, you need from some point

>but just know you are indirectly getting schulz elected in 2017
It will most probably a GroKo (CDU and SPD) coalition anyway. But i somehow hope the CDU will be the bigger party, so Schulz won't be chancellor

What's with all the Schulz shills lately? Is this some childish ironic shitposting or are they legitimately retarded?
>are you genuinely retarded?
No, but you obviously are if you equate relieving shit border states of looming humanitarian crisis with "wanting mass immigration".

>all of the governing parties (CDU, CSU, SPD) are ALL pro mass immigration.
Utter nonsense.
>>116476956 (OP)
nope this wikileaks stuff will only give votes to Schulz because Germans are "Socially progressive"
>What's with all the Schulz shills lately? Is this some childish ironic shitposting or are they legitimately retarded?

Lefties from reddit having "epin raids"

media crackdown and thought policing in germany are on a whole different level.
people have had police raid their homes for making pro afd and anti rapefugee posts on facebook.
people have been fired from their jobs for voicing support for afd.
of all the european states, germany is by far the worst in terms of thought control and social engineering.
Fighting buzzwords with buzzwords. Good job.

Now tell me about their populist grab bag program
>>116476956 (OP)
i agree, also vote for PVV in Holland

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhkRQUtD_Jo [Embed]
There wouldn't be a """""humanitarian crisis""""" if Merkel didn't call them to come here on a dangerous journey

So both legitimately retarded and childish
>t. mentally ill person
germans are stupid, but secretly i hope some of the usual leftist shit parties wins the election so that germany will go down in its knees.
AfD will have more time to become a better party and will overtake germany after 4 years of socialist crap, the people will also look for a change then
>Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"
>Merkel caused this mess
>no one bats an eye

Meanwhile in the SPD:

At least try harder next time you nigger.
Read their programme. For example, they have neoliberal stuff in there while at the same time they're now adopting some recent SPD or Left positions. Also all the weirdo nationalist and culture garbage devoid of reality.
Fuck it now I want Schulz to win and hopefully everything crashes and burns

We need another country to leave the EU in the meantime
>So both legitimately retarded and childish
Yeah. Sadly, this is /pol/. Even someone taking a selfie with an "I'm with her" cap would still get replies, it doesn't matter that they broadcast their intentions with the retarded Schulz-shit right away
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did you notice these german payed / brainwashed MARTIN-SCHULZ-Shill FAGS, too ?

Every Thread with AfD or german people is getting infiltrated by payed-german-CTR equivalent OR 16 year old school-college-kids ( hardcore PRO-EU-SPD | ANTI-Trump-populist-right-wing cuck propaganda / indoctrination on german schools going on !! )

i've noticed that these shill spam people always say "eeeh afd is an eevil, racist, anti-human mimimimi party, fuck you racist, multicultural is goood, we need schulz - our Gott Kanzler" or other well-known STUPID leftwing multicultural pro-clinton-"build bridges" psyop arguments

notice /r/The_Schulz is a fully-copied The_Donald clone where they try to use meme magic with pepe - a lot of these pro-schulz images that i've seen were used as Pro-AFD before and now just copied as NOT EVEN FUNNY Pro-Schulz Memes.

These FAGS are disgusting, evil and they don't know that germany is FUCKED, if this evil UN-NWO-SOROS-ROTHSCHILD-plant is installed as GERMAN CHANCELLOR.

German BND ( intelligence ) Wikileaks documents told us that Martin Schulz ( former EU Parliament President ) has engineered this "Refugee-Crisis" in Europe - he also KNEW that these rapefugees are 25+ years old MALE, strong economic soldiers without kids. He did approve all this.

Stop Soros / Schulz. Please. He's everything else then an alternative for merkel. He's a Pro-Corporate-Globalist-NEO-Liberal-Leftist fucker.

Now GERMAN media is talking about banning 4chan. Too much redpills inside here huh ?

ByeBye Germany !
Do you even understand the article? I don't see a reason not to adopt to changes. Would you rather have those eligible to stay apart and become more frustrated?
you are mindlessly repeating leftist talking points to distract from reality.

the simple fact of the matter is this: the CDU/CSU/SPD government actively facilitated the illegal entry and accomodation of hundreds of thousands of foreigners into germany. this is mass immigration, plain and simple, and it was (and still is) actively supported by our government.
At least learn how to spell paid correctly, you imbecile.
I'd rather have them return to their families and build up Syria
I'm not even sure why they are doing it because they will convince not a single person to vote for the SPD instead of AfD.
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>>116476956 (OP)
She's our girl!!!
the election program isn't even out yet. I especially like their tax conservatism and economic liberalism. I'm sick and tired of chosing between one of the social democratic/socialist parties and the one economic-right but social progressive party.
If afd shifts to the left though they become unvotable yet again. Considering the other options afd is still best bet.
typical german shill mode - hell of informations and you just care about the correct writing of words. fuck off.
>I don't see a reason not to adopt to changes.
Pumping tax money from Germans for Germans into the asses of people who will probably never work a day in their lives here while living out their medieval backwards culture.

They have to go back to their shitty country and build things up. Not draining our state. That only needs to more problems you dumb prick.
germany was always capable of eating a shitload of social waste and injustice. but someday it will explode, just take a look at what happened 90 years ago (versaille).
There will come hard times under which germans will have to suffer, but i am pretty confident our nation will take revenge one day again
>Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"
Schulz said today that he wants to enable family reunions for the "refugees". That alone would be millions more. You are either trolling or you don't know what you are talking about.
>I'm not even sure why they are doing it
cause they're getting paid for it
look at this guy for example: >>116486061

ALL of his posts contain the exact same talking points that are regurgitated by german TV and press over and over again - mostly low level appeals to emotion, and attempts to paint events as "inevitable" and alternatives as "unrealistic".
nah, banning 4chan is again talked about because of the autistic /b/tard that killed the child in Herne and posted it somewhere here
Höcke is what singlehandedly destroyed all chances for the afd because of his retarded autism speeches larping as Richard Spencer. And now he is on his knees asking for forgiveness. What a spastic. Feck off.

>>116476956 (OP)
>Merkel and the CDU gets hit with wikileak.
>SPD wins, afd gains nothing

Great thread op
>facilitated the illegal entry and accomodation
More nonsense. I guess that's why that moronic Schachtschneider and others failed with their legal actions, because it was so illegal *ooooOoooo*
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Strohmann Axel Springer: »BILD« was funded by fucking CIA with 7 Million US-Dollars in 1952

link to bnd sources?
No, I understand that they are being paid to spout this bullshit, that much was obvious when Schulz directly addressed r/the_Schulz in a video even though no one cares about it or knows it.

What I am asking is why they are shilling on /pol/ of all places. All they are achieving with that is that people hate them even more.
You probably only know leftists and welfare queens.
Only those go to Spain.
>That only needs to more problems you dumb prick.
Meant to write "lead". God I'm tired.
I'm pretty sure that antifa and other left-wing shitters already get paid by the German government to shill everywhere. We have our own little CTR here.
In none. People delude themselves because they want Merkel gone. And while I support that sentiment, we simply have no competent politicians in our current parties. It's frustrating.
Because they are told to. Whoever it was, who made regular afd-threads in the past got shut down. Right after that the shill sessions and schulz propaganda started in germany. And our propaganda machine is heavy.

Every literate german can just read the party programs. That obviously isn't propagated because none of the other "big parties" has one.

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antifa is a fucking mafia
It's neither cuckoos of the German, nor thought policing nor Schulz.

It is infighting. The afd destroyed itself. Höcke is a dumb nazi larper who couldn't contain his autism any longer to go full Richard Spencer. Didn't fare well with potential voters of course.
STFU Höcke is a fucking great non-globalist patriot
What different candidate? Merkel has consistently undermined her own party so that everyone with a different mindset is stuck in the lower levels, while she panders to both globalists, socialists and the green party. The CDU, in their current situation, simply have no other candidate (which is a shit situation for the entire country)
>>116476956 (OP)
I'd like to believe - oh, how I would like to believe - that Wikileaks will bring something explosive. I ain't keeping my breath though. Their track record with sensationalism, isn't all that great.

Not, that we should wait for wikileaks to come to the rescue in the first place, but a plus, would be a plus.
Which the governing parties also want.

>the election program isn't even out yet
It basically is and I doubt it will go through many changes, since they already put the content to a vote of their members.

>I especially like their tax conservatism and economic liberalism
If you're not particularly rich there should be no reason for you to vote AfD on the basis of their weird and impractical tax and economic delusions.

Nah, but if you rant, at least do it properly, you dumbass.

>That alone would be millions more
>or you don't know what you are talking about
I see you don't actually understand the basis on which he made the change of course here.

>t. mentally ill person fantasizing about people paid on 4chan
>and attempts to paint events as "inevitable" and alternatives as "unrealistic".
Nonsense, but anything the AfD calls for is in fact highly unrealistic.

>t. mentally ill person
>Höcke is what singlehandedly destroyed all chances for the afd
no. the infighting and drama within the party that followed his speech is what turns people off.
this has always been the case - the media's strongest point of attack against the afd is painting them as a bunch of unorganized and chaotic morons who constantly conspire against each other due to being power hungry opportunists.
Wow! It's like you dont even care about getting into parliament.
kek. Höcke is a firebrand installed to draw attention to the party by the media, similar to Gauland. But now it has backfired and Petry has to transfer the blame to someone
They could use one of the cucks from the CSU. Maybe even get back Guttenberg, since he was fairly popular for some inexplicable reason, and still is.
Really, all the CDU would have to do to destroy the SPD again is run anyone but Merkel. I have no idea what gave them the retarded impression that she's a bonus and not a malus.
I do suspect he is controlled opposition desu, nobody can be as retarded as he is.
well, they are not wrong. This is what has driven Lucke from his own party
You forgot the endless cases of actual neonazis in visible positions and the incompetency of the shit party leaders in dealing with them

For example
>what is AfD in Baden-Württemberg and Antisemite and holocaust denier Gedeon
nice bait

>misquote Höcke to prepare the bait
>Petry obviously takes it because she fucking hates him
>by the time they have to correct themselves it doesn't matter anymore because now they can talk about the infighting rather than whatever Höcke has or hasn't said

AfD needs to learn to not constantly apologize for shit that does not require an pology.
>>116476956 (OP)

The AfD spends one half of their time eroding their support in the Mittelstand by pandering to their ex-NPD members, and the other half fighting against each other since they are powerhungry shills.
He is still to blame because this wouldn't have happened if he didn't sperg out like a fucking retard in front of the ossi-ronnies.
Guess what? Ossis already vote for the afd, the afd should have tried to win over the "normal" people every else.
Enter the Höcke..

He is just the worst.
>>misquote Höcke

>AfD needs to learn to not constantly apologize for shit that does not require an pology.
Kek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO75IsQwzsM [Embed]
Too much AfD infighting. Plus we are too well off.

Also in general Germans are late to any party but when we come we come crashing hard. Example: Hitler.
FOCUS / Zeit / Spiegel are BND / CIA controlled Media - 2 years of propaganda against AfD is working now. A lot of anti-AfD claims are true false claims published by major german MSM.
AfD is not for the rich people - Schulz is.
Lol how much do they pay you for this shit Ronnie?
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I love how you shills always love at that line because it makes it so easy to blow you the fuck out.
Because I don't even have to argue about it or anything, I can just post this one and call it a day.
*always laugh
>This is what has driven Lucke from his own party
nah, he left because he's a textbook liberal and doesn't share any of the right-wing values of the new AfD
Luckes entire appeal was his "dude euro sucks lmao" stuff. apart from that he was 100% on board with the CDU/SPD establishment, and when his "alternative" party started to actually take positions that differed from the establishment in anything but monetary policy, he sperged out and fucked off.
Like this is news. That has been common knowledge since at least the 60s
He wasnt misquoted. That's a meme and he knows it. he said it like he meant it and then when there was rightful outrage he said it can be interpreted differently and that was how he actually meant it.
The quote was still the same, the words were exactly the ones he used and he is the stupidest person on this planet if he thinks if he says it like he did people would interpret it like he later wanted them to and not like he was the next coming of hitler.
I don't even believe he meant it like he later said he meant it.
He is a retard and a liability.
>t. mentally ill person

>AfD is not for the rich people
They can't even concretize their dumb tax plans (which have been pondered before and always resulted in the rich getting better off and the workers and those with a normal income to be worse off), so what makes you say this?
>He wasnt misquoted. That's a meme and he knows it

See >>116488709
I don't even have to argue about this because the guys who kept spreading it admitted that they miscited him. There's nothing open to interpretation here.
pretty much this

lucke was just some normie REEEE EU GET OUT
great Screenshot without context!
You really proved your point.
>Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees", nor "cultural marxism"

Simply wrong. Only retarded shitposting Schulz shills or dumb mentally or physically 12 year olds who think anarcho communism is something cool would deny something as obvious and evident as that.

>muh populism
The good old retarded leftist retard non-argument.
Again, your Facebook screenshot doesn't tell me anything, I know his retarded quote and his fake apology, he is the most retarded autistic in politics atm.

FUCK you stupid asshole. im not getting payed, also i am not a "russian troll" as you'd claim later. just FUCK you. YOU are payed to defend german globalist agenda media. if you really think Focus and co are unbiased media, you are successfully been cucked to oblivion.

seriously fuck you.




Wikileaks has released the missing pages from the Schaefer report into illegal state spying on the German press. The 2006 report, compiled by former federal judge Professor Schaefer, investigated spying on journalists by Germany's secret intelligence service, the BND or Bundesnachrichtendienst. The missing pages contain detailed descriptions about the BND's contacts with Focus magazine journalist Josef Hufelschulte, code name 'Jerez'.
Onoes, totally blown the fuck out, because his speech happened in some bubble without any context and his speeches and statements from before aren't exactly what the FAZ wrote.

>t. clapistanis actually believe this and don't just see the FAZ guarding itself against libel laws by shit AfD members as they usually do

The gist of it is what the FAZ originally wrote.
>Diese hatte in einer früheren Meldung fälschlicher Weise [sic] zusammengefasst, dass Höcke das Denkmal bzw. das Gedenken als Schande bezeichnet habe.

There's not much context you need because they directly explain it in the post.
Can you even understand German?
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schulz is not /ourguy/ and will never be /ourguy/
hes just a commie that has no idea how to run a country.
the only people that vote for him are antifa, welfarequeens and hipster students
t. Ronny aus Luckenwalde
Was genau soll ich dir übersetzen um es zu beweisen?
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So Ronnie, now that you have proven that you are indeed autistic, how do they compensate you? Hotpockets?
>Simply wrong.
And you back up your claim with.. the latest garbage headline from some dumb British tabloid I guess?
Ugh, lernresistent isser auch noch.

>t. mentally ill person
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AfD is dead
merkel is untouchable
the press wont attack her
the majority of the opposition wont attack her
her party wont attack her
hell her party doesnt even have a replacement for her
merkel did a good job getting in this position
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Why is /AfD/ so fucking low energy? No wonder, there will be no changes with the same scheme every thread.

>AfD gud :DDDD
>Schulz Gottkanzler lmao
>AfD have no chance to win this election
>Schulz still Gottkanzler, look at my shilling

I'm fucking tired. There are not even nice digits in this threads.
>the only people that vote for him are antifa, welfarequeens and hipster students

So basically whole of Germany? Never met a German dude who wasn't a leftist cuck. Girls are even worst.
Oh Gott, is ja schlimmer um deinen geistigen Zustand bestellt, als ich zunächst noch hoffte.

Du willst also allen Ernstes behaupten, dass Högges Unfug völlig kontextfrei so gewertet werden solle, wie das, wofür er sich später selbst entschuldigt hat und das, obwohl seine vorherigen Reden genau in die Stoßrichtung gingen?

Verrückte Mongo.
Her party doesn't touch her precisely because they have no replacement.
The rest won't touch her because a CDU under Merkel is the best that could happen to them. It's another 25-30% of the seats changing their voting behavior from conservative to liberal.
>Girls are even worse
can't argue with that, since they are constantly indoctrinated that every freedom they have is the result of leftist activism. This is what cucks most people, because they are afraid females will reject them when they profess their political opinions openly.
and thats why schulz is leading in the polls
Because Germans are low energy, unfunny and unenthusiastic.
Mein erster Post zu dem Thema hat darauf hingewiesen dass die Medien bewusst eine falsche Formulierung genutzt haben damit es schlimmer klang als es tatsächlich war.
Woraufhin du behauptest hast das würde nicht der Wahrheit entsprechen, obwohl sie sich selber später korrigieren mussten.

Spreng dich einfach weg, Sören.

This guy is fully autistic lefist retarded typical german cuck, everything what doesn't fit in his narrative is "mentally ill" and "stupid" and he claims to be godsend because "he knows everything better".

Welcome to German Cucks / payed shills.
Just play your CS:GO and do your homework.
I can read dumbo, it just said that he didn't say "das Denkmal ist eine Schande" or "das Gedenken an den holocaust ist eine schande" or whatever.
He still said "Denkmal der Schande", Ronny.
I didn't even know your fake quote, that's how laughable you are. He still said the most retarded shit.

This is the article which according to your Facebook post now is factually correct.


What he said is literally the dumbest shit if you want to win an election in Germany and he is a retard, just like you, Ronny.
>The Führer is on vacation in the countryside, and as they pass a farm his driver manages to run over a chicken. Hitler himself enters the farmhouse to apologise, and leaves with a black eye, understandably furious. The next time they pass by a farm, they run over a pig, and Hitler tells his driver to go in his stead. He returns, carrying a large basket full of bread, meat and other produce, and no sign of lacerations. The Führer asks him, "How did you do that? What did you tell that farmer?" His driver responds, "Well, I knocked at the door, went inside, took off my cap and said, 'Heil Hitler! The pig is dead!'"
Fun is a mental disorder, Anon. Do your duty and be happy
Was fürn Scheiß, die haben wie üblich nen Meldungsaggretator berichtet, nichts anderes.

>damit es schlimmer klang als es tatsächlich war
Der Inhalt bleibt der gleiche.

This is why we need a crash of system here
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>everything what doesn't fit in his narrative is "mentally ill" and "stupid"
As opposed to your delusional outbursts of utter autism where everyone who isn't sucking AfD cock is some paid leftist, right? :^)

It's like ronnys here are delusional

>the press quoted him he said "son of a whore!" But he didn't he only said "motherfucker!" That's way less bad!

That's how you retards sound
t. Kevin aus Rudow
>all they have to do is directly wrote down what he said
>which has been recorded
>magically it ends up with a wording that changes the meaning quite a bit
>"But it was all just a mistake :DD"

Why don't you shill on reddit instead? At least there people would be willing to fall for your bullshit and you might actually achieve something.
Okay, I smirked.
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wie gesagt du bist entweder ein absolut verblendetes gehirngewaschenes kleinkind oder du hast persönliches interesse daran die patriotische bewegung zu zerstören.

du nimmst die globalistischen medien in schutz, was zur hölle ist bei dir falsch gelaufen ?

hau einfach ab.
Just wait for the state elections in a few days...
Es gibt in Deutschland keine patriotische Bewegung, das ist vielleicht in deiner kleinen Blase und ähnlichen Blasen irgendwo anders im Land so, aber es ist nicht echt und wird nie groß genug sein, der Zug ist hier abgefahren.
Nice buzzwords Kevin, go back to larping in the Fußgängerzone in Trebbin.

Ps.: the "patriotic movement" against "globalism" destroyed itself, thanks to your buttbuddy Höcke.
>changes the meaning quite a bit
It didn't. Only a weirdo AfD cuck could argue like your. See >>116490900

Högge himself apologized for fucking up so badly his own party wants to get rid of him (at least to keep up the facade)
>there is no difference between "shameful monument" and "monument to our shame"

Whatever you say
>absolut verblendetes gehirngewaschenes kleinkind
Siehste, da hamwas doch scho wieder mit dem geisteskranken Unfug.

>die patriotische bewegung
Watten für ne Bewegung? Nen Haufen behinderter, ungebildeter und arbeitsloser Ossis oder was?

>was zur hölle ist bei dir falsch gelaufen ?
Das frag dich lieber ma selbst, du Nichtsnutz.
Saarland will be the first and will have a red-red-green coalition. Same with nrw.
Afd will get probably 8% in each destroying any momentum they had for the federal elections.
Nice going.
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>Muh Bewegung
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha immer schön beleidigen hahahhahahaha

you want digits?

Look an learn peasant

so germany, time to leave sinking ship
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>AfD is the only sane option
Get Out.
>Ruhrpottkanake makes fun of Ossie
Now I have seen everything
>channels his inner Hitler
>delusional rants of blonde women and 1000 year Erfurt
>constantly alludes to Nazi rhetoric
>oh but that monument of shame thing, totally legit and not what he actually intended

I don't get how you can fall for obvious wannabe Hitler like that, but you don't actually seem to be too clever in the first place defending someone who apologized himself for his fuckup.
>autism and Antisemitism intensifies
Völlig normales Mitglied der herbeifantasierten "patriotischen Bewegung", nehme ich mal an.
He didn't say "monument to our shame", dumbo.
That's what he later said he meant.

He said "monument of shame" which every normal person would interpret as "shameful monument" and not "monument of our shame".

He is intelligent enough to know that.
>t. mentally ill person from abroad
Auslandssemester auf Kosten des pösen pösen Sozialstaats, oder was geht mit dir ab?
>ey du, wo ist meine wodka?
>gut, und nun ruft Martin
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Can't hear that word anymore. It make me want to kms.
It actually gets better if you watch the whole thing with his warmup wannabe nazi who gave a speech before him in their little wannabe Sportpalast. It's so ridiculous to think anyone but the dumbest of Ronnies would vote for that shit party.
America please nuke germany, i dont want to live with these retards anymore THX

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We need a civil war
Mal sone Frage an dich, is dir die NPD zu blöd geworden, oder warum setzt du jetzt auf die Scheißpartei AfD?
Verpiss dich CTR Germany
Was wär die Alternative zur Alternative?
>t. mentally ill person
I know his speech and that's why I only can shake my head over people who defend him.
Höcke has been larping since the beginning and tightropes walked dangerously between acceptable by the voters and unacceptable.
He went unacceptable, because he had to overdo it like an autist.

They wanted a little hitler guy and when they get him they say "he didn't mean it like that :3 PLZ vote!"

It's ridiculous
Wenn man nen Schaden hat und Neonazi is wohl nur die NPD oder irgendsone andere behinderte faschistische lokale Randgruppenpartei wie die Republikaner oder was es so aufm Land bei den Ronnies gibt.

Lindner is a pretty cool dude
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HERE, something you can all send your kids to. Nothing special going on here. Just a regular week of political indoc... education for a buck
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>MARTIN MARtin mar-
But did you watch the other guy who gave a speech right before him? It's like a poor man's Högge.

Du bist ein Hurensohn ( ich beleidige ziemlich selten )

NPD = Verfassungsschutz für Propaganda

Lutscht meine Eier, ich setze nicht auf die AfD, kann sein dass die AfD selbst auch schon längst Infiltriert ist mit Globalisten Spasten.

+1, unfassbar aufdringlich diese misskinder, oder ?

omfg 100% cancer confirmed, du hast sowas von keine Ahnung von Politik

WTF ? FDP ? Auch Globalisten Abschaum

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Serious question though, what is it that the CIA have on her?

Can a German anon give us an idea of what it is, vaguely guessing even? Has she politically assassinated someone in her early years trying to rise to power? I can't imagine her being kinky or anything.
Die FDP scheißt auf deine Stimme wenn es um Macht geht

She's having an affair with Vlad.
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>( ich beleidige ziemlich selten )
Krass. Kannste direkt in deiner Whatsapp-Gruppe posten
No thanks, not a fan. I kept reading Untermaxfeld as UntermaRxfeld :^D
They have documents of her about her GDR time I guess
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>Lutscht meine Eier
Schlagzeile: Patriotische Bewegung von Homosexuellen unterwandert? Führendes Mit-Glied fordert Fremde zum Eierlutschen im Internet auf!
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Come on Ronny, pls no more! My sides can only take so much.

Little triggered eastgermans like you, spouting buzzwords are what drives people away from afd.
That and larping hitlers like högge, retarded inbreds like von Storch and old grandpas from the retirement home like Gauland.

I almost feel sorry for Frauke to be honest.
lets hope höcke will be like trump, the more nazi mode he goes, the more votes they get
Vote AfD
Any other vote goes to Soros and raping your children
She doesn't shave her bush and pits.
Probably nothing. The likeliest would be some money affair stuff I guess. But since it's WikiLeaks, it's probably nothing which hasn't been known for years anyway and just some attempt to suck more Russian cock to damage le evil Western Countries.
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Say it with me:
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Why should he care about europe if he is German chancellor?
Wir können nichts für deine geistige Behinderung und mangelnde Fähigkeit Zusammenhänge zu erfassen.

Time to stop posting now!
He is shit as well.
Fuck off.
You're saying this is not appealing to you?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO5SeH-fJhs&t=120s [Embed]
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Yeah Schulz your guy alright LOL
A poor man's högge must be really cringy, will look it up.
>He wasnt misquoted.
>The quote was still the same,

Thats factually wrong. The full speech is available and has been compared to the fake news you shills keep recycling. It doesnt match nor can be reasonably interpreted the way leftist media distorted the speech and even fabricated completely false quotes and especially in English media completely false translations.

Deliberate fabrication (admitted in smallprints) is not missinterpretation. They do it all the time. These liars who will claim facts proof rapefugees are not more criminal when they know very well its retarded to compare absolute crime numbers from a minority to a majority. The same people that will write articles accusing Petry for plagiarism for basically quoting the Bible in a sentence about a Holiday with the same simple words like thousand of others did before her.

The only difference is that the topic was related at one point to the Holocaust, since that its the wildly abused core of all leftist shaming campaigns in Germany, which his speech was about, not the Holocaust, so they blew it up. Nothing in the speech was actually condemnable, in fact it was very constructive and reasonable.

When I say the Sky is blue and you say in my speech I want to beat Syrian children until their face is blue you are simply a liar. Thats EXACTLY the kind of lies that happend here. The story only superficially matches some few words pulled out of context, but contents are turned around and upside down and things added that areb simply not there. There is no missinterpretation. You are just pathetic liars.

And he said he made it too easy for leftist liars like you to fabricate this hoax, not that its up to intrepretation what he said. He never apologized for the content nor did he backtrack on it. With vultures like you around you just can't say something in a simple way as he did even if there is nothing wrong about it. Thats just more leftist lies

And before you say it I don't like the heute show either.
>mangelnde Fähigkeit
Damit kennste dich aus, wa :^)
0,02 Schekel have been added to your bank account
So something (((stasi))).
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Because his election will do more than just make Germany great again. It will make all of Europe go through a second Renaissance.
>Being this mad
Van der Horst is a clown.

Stop crying about cheap comedy just because it hurts your feelings Ronnie
Proved you wrong already in the thread rea it before posing, pls.
Nobody even knew about your misquote.
He still said something immensely retarded.

literally hitler @ communism
Opinion discarded
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obvious cia is obvious
Exactly, since all of her documents are officially "lost"

thats your view.
this speech will be in history books later as an example for having big balls and not being cucked
im not mad i just think is funny that this guy has openly said you and other germans are pretty much slaves for israel and then you continue to defend someone like that. pretty funny man

Also its not a fake qutoe its sitted on the picture go check it out
>And he said he made it too easy for leftist liars like you to fabricate this hoax, not that its up to intrepretation what he said. He never apologized for the content nor did he backtrack on it. With vultures like you around you just can't say something in a simple way as he did even if there is nothing wrong about it. Thats just more leftist lies

Well he dun goofed because it cost afd a lot of votes.
Quite risky, don't youbthink?
Which brings me to my original conclusion:
he is just a retard, either way, like you.

History is written by the winners, and the afd isn't about to win anything.
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Just give every German a revolver and a will to sign over their property to the nearest Arab.

You people just insist on fucking yourselves.
> taking (((polls))) seriosusly

Honestly, msms use same tactic of inflating popularity of pro-establishment choice, just like with remain and HRC.
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So viele non-red-pilled opfer hier unterwegs...
praise kek
Ne den Scheiß guck ich net, aber der Zusammenschnitt is erste Sahne. :^)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHKdLhOBNbY&t=2400 [Embed]

The whole thing is basically an evening with NPD lite
The result of 70 years of indoctrination and brainwash.
This country is seriously fucked up.

this fag is just derailing this conversation with his stupid opinion, dont feed the troll guys. lets talk about real politics.

Here come the garbage tabloid headlines
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>t. lying shill
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afd will get 15-20% in the end, everyone is scared to openly say they support them. i have a lot of friends who voted cdu/csu in the past and realize what damage is being done to germany and now vote afd-

facebook likes of the afd are also increasing day by day by a lot- during the us election i always compared clinton and trumps fb likes, at the end it was a pretty good paramter to predict the outcome- altough you have to consider the old people here who dont have internet - plus until september there will be a lot more of terror attacks which will open the eyes of many
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How's that patriotic "movement" going? :^)

This is why nobody takes you and your afd seriously.

Newsflash: normal people won't get redpilled if you shove them mein kampf in their faces and larp as an autist who praises to pepe the retarded cartoon frog who pisses with his trousers fully down and then proudly exclaims that it "feels good man!"

You're an embarrassment and your mother who you still live with cries herself to sleep every night because of that.
Do you even bother to read these articles?
This is what I expect to happen in the state votes in Saarland the next week.
>afd will get 15-20% in the end
>i have a lot of friends
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Baby needs a safe space, cute

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>41 posts by this ID

Geh arbeiten, Zecke.

>You are fake news
Afd will get 10% at the max if there isn't a big terror attack before the election.
Even then I doubt it
>none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"


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>31 posts by this ID
Even more retarded Schulz shills. You are so predictable.
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>over 30 posts by this ID
Ernsthaft was haben sie dir versprochen für deinen Einsatz hier? Haben sie dir versprochen dir deine Jungfräulichkeit zu nehmen?

>not my opinion
>must be shill

pol gets more and more retarded. all the lovely chaotic nerds being programmed into legit neonazis. wtf dudes
>culture garbage

yes disgusting they promote german, muh teh ebil nazis!

>they have neoliberal stuff

oh no, they are no commies, help us god!

>adopting some recent SPD or Left positions

example? please provide 2 since you claimed "some"

otherwise you are spotted out as liar (again)
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<3 diese pisser wollen solange "shitposten" dass man denkt man wäre mit seiner meinung alleine, klappt nur nicht <3 hehe

t. Projecting your own mental illness onto other people you don't agree with.
>Die FDP scheißt auf deine Stimme wenn es um Macht geht


Wer seine Stimme an die verkäufliche FDP verschwenden will, kann auch gleich die großen Lügenparteien wählen die alle immer mehr Geld für jeden der nicht Arbeitet und nicht Deutsch ist fordern eh alle das gleiche Replacement Migration Progamm verfolgen, das hinter leeren Wahlkampfsversprechen zur Machtsicherung steckt. Selbst die ursprüngliche Zielgruppe der FDP Heuchelei existiert statistisch kaum noch. Die dienen nicht mal als "wenigstens nicht Merkel und Schulz" Weiche.
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A shill is a shill is a shill is a shill.
Afd is polling 6% right know in the Saarland be happy if they even get into parliament.

>inb4 muh polls!
Kek, German polling is pretty accurate, never ever will the afd get more than 5%more of what they are polling, and that is extremly henerous.
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>lets talk about real politics.
Can we talk about the elephant in the room? Why do neonazi "movements" attract so many borderline homosexuals? Why is the AfD such a sausage party with a tiny percentage of female members?
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>All those triggerd autists

4chan has ids, you could literally see it in this thread, that I hat Schulz as well.

Also you are literal little children
>mommy!!!! He has more than 30 replies calling us out with our bullshit!
>I got it I call him a Schulz shill and a Jew! That will show him


By that logic you two losers are shills as well
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The real elephant in the room is why all leftists are hideous beta and omega males with a power complex. But we already know the answer to it: because they live through resentment and jealousy while using fanaticism as a substitute to real will power.
They promote cultural fantasies which have never been true throughout history.


>moratorium as part of Asylpakt II which delayed family reunions
>SPD sees the basis has changed, way less people would be reunified
>somehow this is "wanting more refugees" when in reality their programs and actions are to prevent refugees from coming in the first place
so describe to me, what is a shill? how am i one?
angst ? ;-)


"neonazi movements" .... XDDDDD
Noch nicht lang auf 4chan unterwegs, wa ?

shillz will be shillz


go home



mimimi, shillz will be shillz.
es ist so ziemlich scheiss egal wieviel die AfD im Saarland erzielt die Hauptsache ist das die Partei in einem weiteren Landtag sitzt. Die Grünen kommen in vielen Bundesländern auch nur auf ein paar Porzent über 5 und dennoch haben die es geschafft Einfluss zu erlangen. "Aber mit der AfD will niemand koalieren!" Tja, genau so wie mit den Grünen und Linken niemand koalieren wollte und schau wie es heute aussieht.
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>implying I am going to read through all of your pathetic drivel
>implying you are not a waste of space, air and my time entirely
with all the buzzwords you spout I can see that you just repeat what somebody else said and you didn't think one bit for yourself.
Or younger retarded and try to sound intelligent and /or like a wannabe goebbels.
first minute
>video starts with a guy reporting how his proposal to build a kindergarten was denied, while they approved new refugee homes

Is he wrong or do we judge people by their hairstyle now?
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>>116476956 (OP)

Press conference on the AfD election campaign programme w/ Glaser, Petry, Meuthen

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxdUphol1w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxdUphol1w [Embed]

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxdUphol1w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxdUphol1w [Embed]
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>lefti niggers, sjw, antifags literally shitting their pants because when AfD wins they will hang first
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I didn't say you are one. Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil.
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Your`re so autistic it ain`t even funny anymore
whoa the silling is strong in this one:

>Nah, but if you rant, at least do it properly, you dumbass.
NO U! No argument brought forth.
>>I especially like their tax conservatism and economic liberalism
>If you're not particularly rich there should be no reason for you to vote AfD on the basis of their weird and impractical tax and economic delusions.
NO U! No argument brought forth.
(as in, what is impractical or delusional about it)

>>That alone would be millions more
>>or you don't know what you are talking about
>I see you don't actually understand the basis on which he made the change of course here.
Only hints at a strong argument existing, does not make it.

>>t. mentally ill person fantasizing about people paid on 4chan
>>and attempts to paint events as "inevitable" and alternatives as "unrealistic".
>Nonsense, but anything the AfD calls for is in fact highly unrealistic.
NO U! No argument brought forth.

This is rethoric style of someone who doesn't himself believe in the things he supports.
Everyone else would be eager to bring forth the strongest arguments for his case.
Hör auf die Wörter zu verdrehen. Fakt ist: Mit der SPD gibt es noch eine gehörige Ladung Futschis die nichts anderes bringen als Probleme.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3RNpktC1_U&t=91s [Embed]

Keep digging your dumb hole
You both are almost cute with your ad hominem and stupidity ;)
Ronnys rausgeblasen
Ist die AfD in Saarland überhaupt vertreten?!?
Und wie stehen die da?
>failed with their legal actions, because it was so illegal

yes because the courts are not ruled by the government here.

pro tip: they are. it is called "weisungsgebunden"

Fetti was geht?
Denkste damit überzeugst du normale Menschen die afd zu wählen?
derzeit bei 6 %
na dann sag mal was ein shill ist
>Ist die AfD in Saarland überhaupt vertreten?!?

>Und wie stehen die da?
Wie der Schwanz vom Adi: Schlaf
Talk about the Höcke Effekt
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>Logik und Redlichkeit von einem Shill erwarten
>Denken, dass eine Hartz Zecke, die auf einem mongolian basket weaving forum shilled irgendetwas anderes interessiert als seine neetbux
6% sagen die Lügenpressenumfragen, aber rechne mal gut 7-10% drauf
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Ihr könnt euch zusammen tun und einen Bastard zeugen, der wird dann genauso hässlich wie eure Seelen.
>45 posts by this ID
38 pots by this ID

wieviel kriegt ihr eumels eigentlich pro post?
Courts are not weisungsgebunden faggot.
The federal attorney is though, but that is the prosecutor, dumbo.

Courts couldn't do shit because CSU was all talk no bite.
The case would have easily gone through. But Seehofer was a little pussy.
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Ich bin echt beeindruckt von deiner Tiefgründigkeit und deinen schlagenden Argumenten. Schopenhauer kann noch von dir lernen!

über 10% dort? Dachte die wären fast raus da weil nichts ging. Sieht bisschen viel aus.
Das gilt für den Staatsanwalt. Das GG macht die Richter explizit unabhängig.

Versuchs nochmal, diesmal lies aber erst die relevanten Paragraphen, Ronnie.
Shilling this hard
>mommy! That guys are still here!!!!!!!! I just want to talk about afd and anime :(!!!!! Mommmyyyyy!!!!!!

Lel, are you a loser in real life too?
>hurr we are evidently immoral liars fishing for retards and naive people who believe our blatant lies
>therefore you are retarded! BTFO!

>my dishonest opinions are proof for my untrue
and fabricated accussations

Don't be retarded shills.
Thx m8, but I am more of a Kant guy myself tb h
wow, ist ja fast so das es bundesländer gibt in denen gewisse parteien von natur aus einen schlechten stand in den umfragen haben
He's likely full of shit and got thrown out of his own party last year for being a neonazi moron. Is he wrong? Well his own former party thinks he's wrong for their party.

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Ich werd nach der Wahl hier sein und über dich lachen
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>this delusion
Screencapped for BTFO posts next Sunday.
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und das von jemandem der sich hier auf 4chan die finger für nichts wund tippt
Why don't you just admit that you and högge are little nazi larpers.
It's okay, retarded, but okay.

You'r welcome, bro.


+1, just ignore this (((ID: 6IsyAD++))) fucker, autistic brainwashed scumbag / payed soros / eu / ctr / antifa confirmed, he's just derailing the conversation, thats his payed job


Wie wäre es mal sich das Programm wirklich reinzuziehen und nicht nur BND Collaborator Focus nachzuplappern ?

Stanni, ziemlich viel Meinung für so viel Ahnung halt ;-)

payed / brainwashed scumbags

0% Argumente

Nazikeule zieht nicht mehr, WIR SIND STOLZE DEUTSCHE !
Nazi Buzzwords RIP 2016 ( you may not noticed yet )

/r/The_Schulz -> KZ / FEMA -> problem solved
Already in saving face mode. They once polled 12%. That is double.
your buddy predicted 25% earlier in this thread. That is how delusional you people are
aha, was ist denn falsch an meiner aussage?
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thanks for proving yourself as a liar shill.
Mooommyyyyyy!!!!!!! My diapies are full!!!!

Also stop Talking german and so it in English so reine can laugh at you that you don't have any argument at all.
Rest going.
Also i got one of those "Komforttastaturen" no finger hurt here.
ist schon beeindruckend wie dreist der hier rumlügt, ist selbst mir zu doof.
regt dich die deutsche sprache so sehr auf, sören? dann werde ich natürlich weiter auf deutsch schreiben
und grüße an die restlichen helden vom bahnhofsklo ;)
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>Nazikeule geht nicht mehr WIR SIND STOLZE DEUTSCHE

Kek, hallo pegidapeter, wie geht's?
Was macht das Hartz 4? Raufgegangen?
No but it's against the rules fuccboi. That's why the /pol/der threads got deleted.

Also it makes you look like a loser.
tree fiddy direkt vonner NWO auf mein geheimes Schweizer Shillkonto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cn7xfBpZ3M [Embed]

>Nazikeule zieht nicht mehr, WIR SIND STOLZE DEUTSCHE !
>AfD im Sinkflut, schlechtestes Ergebnis seit Luckeaustritt
Äh ja klar.
>t. delusional neonazi cuck
kannst du wenigstens versuchen nicht wie ein 12jähriger zu schreiben? "fuccboi" "Lalala du bist ein loser! XD" Also wirklich
That they polled double before, are you too retarded to read my post?
So even if they have a "schlechten stand" in Saarland they have a worse now.
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Is noch früh und mir langweilig, macht einer nen cont. auf? Will noch wat über euch Spaten lachen. :^)
>Also it makes you look like a loser.
>say the loser with almost 50 shilposts


AfD won't even get double digists, they are fuckin FINISHED
Lel, but it is you who sounds like a retarded 12 year old (eastgerman).
This girl is far more based then u sucker

yeah lets talk english so that others can understand shill retardness

NWO is real - calling people nazi on 4chan is a compliment, we are not on /r/the_schulz m8
nochmal, was ist falsch an meiner aussage
hast du probleme beim nachdenken?
vorsicht, rethorische frage ;)
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Wait, so AfD attracts neo-nazis just like the linke and greens attract liberal and leftist fanatics BUT AfD is the only one who actually clears them out?

I'm sorry but I just can't figure out what's supposed to be wrong with AfD. Their plan AND political actions are sound and reasonable.

Also wenn du mich davon überzeugen möchtest, dass da irgendwas bei denen schief läuft, dann musst du mir erstmal aud dem Teil hier nen Punkt hervorholen, der dir besorgniserregend erscheint. Letztlich ist dies das Programm unter dem sich die Leute hier entschließen in der Partei mitzuwirken.

>Nein du!!! XD
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and another liar spotted in this thread.


of course the prosecuting attorneys are bound by instructions of the minister of Justice.

which in our case is a liar like you too.

who is needed to start a trial here columbo?

lmao, this thread.
That girl is total Unterschicht and living on welfare, I presume you are and do too.
Hello CIA
stop arguing with shills people, this is pure german intelligence propaganda derailing conversation
Watt wählste denn, Sören?
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I like that moment anon.
What I said dumbo!
The prosecutors are the courts I.e. Judges are not.
Why are you so retarded?

Bayern could have easily sued the federal government in a Bund-Länder-Streit before the constitutional court, where there isn't even a prosecutor involved. But Seehofer is a loudmouth loser like you.

this. dont reply to this gaylords.
>liberal fanatics
No they don`t.

I know that you take all your political positions from here, but don`t apply american labels to european/german politics.

Neither the greens nor die linke are liberal.
>BUT AfD is the only one who actually clears them out?
Uh, explain to me how you cope with daily life, if in your reality the neonazi who was thrown out his local party chapter, yet appeared at a youth wing event of the AfD giving a speech directly before their evening's highlight, larping Nazi Högge is "clearing them out"?

Jesus you people are fucking braindead.
Why aren't you watching Akte X on Pro7Maxx right now?
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>whatever that's supposed to mean.
Out with you, normie. You aren't welcome here. Lurking 1 year before posting is a must.

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