Pretty soon, it will be faster and more efficient to just send us prerendered bitmaps.
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For those of you who are just tuning in, the code in the image above is the equivalent of parents spelling out words so their kids can't understand it. Except kids is the adblocker and Facebook is your parents. It's just terribly inefficient and slow.
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How do screen readers parse this (if they do/can at all)?
I can't imagine any screen reader smart enough to parse this. The crazy part is that this method also prevents the use of ".innertext" which normally foils this type of splitting.
How does it prevent innerText?
Misspoke, it doens't prevent it, but makes the data it returns useless .innertext returns "SpSpSononSsosoSredredSSS".
Oh man, I didn't even notice the duplicates. Wild.
Perhaps one day we'll have an AI-driven browser extension that detects ads based on what they look like. Then that mandatory "Sponsored" label would become the achilles heel of all web ads.
Until they start shifting pixels to fool AI networks …
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You need a quad-core 4GHz CPU to run facebook, because... Object Oriented Programming. The facebook code has 18,000 classes. 18K *object instances* is bad enough, but 18K *classes*? OOP put the state of technology back two decades. …
36K functions would be better?
A competent programmer wouldn't need a gazillion lines of code to implement FB functionality. A client app for sharing pics and messages is NOT ROCKET SURGERY.
A competent programmer wouldn't blame a programming paradigm.
“Use the right tool for the job” >> “A poor engineeer blames their tools”.
*engineer, ffs.
I like engineeeeeeeeeeeers.
They run on coffees and beeeeeeeeeeers
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I recently saved out the rendered HTML of the initial load of the Twitter timeline, just strictly from pressing Enter on the URL bar and letting the page load. The _rendered HTML_ is 2,025,102 bytes ...
Does that include media, css and js?
no that’s strictly just the markup being rendered on the page! it’s because they add insanely huge amount of data attributes to everything, even with embedded JSON…
Twitter’s notorious for that. Dumbfounded at the amount of metadata exchange for the simplest processes while building for iOS.
I can stop wondering why my laptop is having such a hard time when I just have a single tab with Twitter running.
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