It's about time Labour MPs learned this. They're not in charge of the party any more. The membership is, and they expect you to not undermine their choice for leader nor the political programme they support. It's not rocket science.
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Just because all of the options are bad it doesn't mean do the worst one. This has to wait until the party gets an actual grip on the real antisemitism problems. She is less damaging to the corbyn project in the party than being removed from it acrimoniously
I understand your point of view, but there's never going to be a good time. If this was done a year from now, it won't be the right time. If she's deselected six months before a general election, it won't be the right time.
Once we are in government.
Sorry, if she can't say she would support Corbyn as Prime Minister she cannot in good conscience stand as a Labour Party candidate.
That’s her problem not ours
She is a Labour MP. It is our *collective* problem. No one is bigger than the party.
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It's terrible optics and such a distraction though (even presuming this is 100% free of anti-semitism, which I do not). I am in the uncomfortable and ridiculous position of having wanted to get rid of her pretty much every minute since 2010 but not in this way and not now.
It will look bad whenever it happens. To take the cynical view, better now when the news is packed with other things than leaving it.
I think better when the party has got enough of a handle on the overall antisemitism problem that we can be sure it's being proposed and voted on for the right reasons.
I think this is being done for the right reasons. Serial disloyalty and being sanguine on whether Corbyn should be Prime Minister are ample grounds for no confidence.
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Explain what you mean by not fair and open selection?
Staying with the outgoing MP, who also happened to be married to the secretary who oversaw the selection. Is that right and proper behviour?
Was the selection carried out within the rules of the Party? You should be careful when you accuse people of impropriety. The secretary has one vote. Was the selection challenged. Of course neither of us was there.
Of course it was challenged, and of course it went down the memory hole. This is all common knowledge and can be verified through contemporary press reports. And, as you know, banana republic practices were rife and encouraged for the chosen few.
Still ho evidence of wrong doing. If they were all so concerned why didn't they get the vote out? Same happened when Unison didn't get their preferred candidate in my old CLP.
But it is evidence of a contest not conducted in the spirit of the rules, and therefore is open to legitimate challenge. Oh, and as secretary the postal address for write in votes was ... guess where?
The more left people say they the more conspiracies they find.
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Unless the proposers get people to support the motion, Luciana could win.
Of course she could. That's democracy.
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