Reference Management for Researchers, by Researchers
Papers helps you collect and curate the research material that you're passionate about. This award winning reference manager will improve the way you find, organize, read, cite and share.
Search & Save
Search across your favorite scholarly search engines (in app and via our Chrome Extension) and enjoy 1-click downloads to quickly add references & full-text PDFs to your library.
Check out our personalized recommendation engine and related article feeds to ensure you never miss an important paper again.
Read & Annotate
Take advantage of the full screen Enhanced PDF reader.
Papers helps you focus on the task at hand. Highlight, underline, strike through, make inline notes, draw and add sticky notes. Switch between different documents with tabs, view supplemental files or jump to referenced articles - conveniently linked inline.
Cite Faster with SmartCite
Our users LOVE SmartCite because it's fast, reliable and most important - easy to use! Simply add the SmartCite Add-in to Word 2016 and you'll have access to your entire library right from your Word doc.
- Search for references within your personal or shared collections or use our built-in search engine.
- APA, MLA, Chicago, IEEE, Nature... choose from over 8000 citation styles built into SmartCite. Need something specific? Customize your own style!
- SmartCite was made for collaboration so simply email your document to another Papers users and they'll be able to pick up right where you left off!
It's Time to Get Organized
Say goodbye to desktop clutter and those folders of uncategorized PDFs.
Papers automatically identifies and matches imported articles with not only the complete metadata, but also available supplemental data, citations and full-text (if available).
What's more? Use tags, labels, ratings, smart collections and watch folders to keep you organized down the road.
Share & Collaborate.
Papers users can create private shared collections to collaborate with up to 25 other Papers users at a given time. Simply add your collaborator by email and they will be added to your shared folder. Perfect for lab collaborations, journal club, or tackling that upcoming manuscript.
Looking for a custom solution for larger teams? Learn more about our Academic and Enterprise plans
Sync Across Devices
Securely sync your entire library including notes, lists, annotations, and even highlights across all of your devices including your desktop (Mac/PC), mobile devices (iOS/Android/Kindle) or even through the Web.
Plus enjoy unlimited cloud storage space for your growing Papers library.