
You blocked @KitKlarenberg

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    2 hours ago
    Replying to

    i'm telling my dad on you.

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    4 hours ago

    Geneva passes resolution to give Julian Assange asylum. The City of Geneva wants Switzerland to offer asylum.

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  4. 5 hours ago

    Would help if you spelled my name handle correctly. I've not harassed Dan whatsoever, much less on a daily basis - I posted precisely one tweet mentioning him. Conversely, he's posted dozens of times about me since, lying every step of the way. Get your facts straight.

  5. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    If you weren't around to experience the most deranged, McCarthyite propaganda of the Cold War, it was *exactly* like this. The world had a short respite, now we're back.

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  6. Retweeted

    2. It occurs to me, reading this explosion, that a negative decoration (the opposite of a CBE) should be awarded to people such as Alastair, so that they'd be *obliged* for all their days to have the letters'WMD' after their names. They might be more modest then.

  7. Retweeted
    Feb 6
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    Feb 6
  9. 22 hours ago
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    The actual "debunking" was done by of : . Curious that you instead link to an RT report that mentions Glenn's article. Here's a way to not be credible: engage in sleazy neo-McCarthyism.

  11. Feb 6

    Is it just me that finds it a bit weird the 'offices' of , the firm run by 'independent chemical weapons expert' Dan Kaszeta (of and fame) is a very short walk indeed from HQ? More to come on this very soon.

  12. Retweeted
    Feb 5

    Venezuela's economy is in free fall because of falling oil prices and US sanctions, not socialism. Here I examine the country's economy & politics since Chavez. This is the context, and these are the facts, the media doesn't give you. This is a coup.

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  13. Retweeted
    Feb 5

    So apart from Iceland, Estonia and Macedonia, aren't all the countries in the EU? So useful for US to have a block power to conveniently agree with its regime change ambitions. Well done Italy for your defiance of group speak.

  14. Retweeted
    Feb 4

    This is an image of Dave Jones ('Edge' / 'Bob the Builder') who infiltrated environmental groups London Rising Tide 2005-2007 & 2006 Drax Climate Camp. If you remember him please DM as we are currently building a profile of his campaigning activities.

  15. Retweeted
    12 Dec 2016

    Last week's project with : Revealed: links between covert Scots police units and official review

  16. Retweeted
    Feb 4

    Sean Rigg death: police lied as part of cover-up, tribunal hears | UK news | The Guardian

  17. Retweeted

    What a low we have reached when 'restoring democracy' in Venezuela means a foreign backed coup which appeals to the military, and which aims to immediately privatise the country's oil wealth. Britain must be a broker for peace & stability, not a US poodle

  18. Retweeted
    Feb 1

    My latest: 40 yrs ago in Iran, UK govt dropped its long support for the Shah, whose brutal security service the UK helped train, and developed contacts with the opposition, then armed and sometimes connived with the Ayatollah’s regime. via

  19. Retweeted
    Feb 5

    Is this acceptable under twitter guidelines, , slurring someone maliciously as an "anti-semite" based on no evidence whatsoever? Can I therefore just go ahead and call anyone I like a pedophile - just for the hell of it? Would this be OK for our cultures?

  20. Retweeted
    Feb 5

    The man who oversaw this criminality and public deception campaign has another article in the Guardian today - Blair is loved by the Guardian, the Anglo-American power elite's main liberal asset in the UK.


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