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ID:1Lc02Ye3 No.40584016 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Had this crazy dream last night /pol/

>I'm at a live viewing of the daily show
>Ston Jewart (that's what he goes by in my dream for some reason) turns around in his chair to greet every one
> some sheckles falls from his pocket as he does so right out to the edge of the stage
> gets out if his chair and runs frantically to dive and recover them on them like some handegg hambeast trying to recover a fumble
>sneaks the sheckles in his jacket pocket and crawls back to his seat to compose himself
>but as he gets back to his seat the room goes momentarily dark
> the lights come back on and Ston starts to laugh it off as technical difficulties until he notices the audience has their attention to the corner of the stage mouth a gape
> Ston sees him and the blood runs from his face
> it is him.
> the mudskin mangler
> the one who perforates pakis in Montana khakis
> the one man holocaust himself
> Ben "Zyklon B" Garrison
> "hello Jewart" Garrison says breaking the bitter silence
> "you! The Terror of Tel Aviv, what do you want form me" Ston cries out in a state of complete horror.
> "relax Jewart" ben replies in a calm and collected tone "I just came because I noticed how worked up you've been getting lately. Maybe it's time you took a break. Relax. And
... " he pauses as he pulls out a vintage SS gasmask from behind him. Looks in to Ston's very soul and says "...hit the showers"
> Ben puts on his mask at lighting speed as the room floods with gas.
everyone tries to escape. But the doors are barricaded.
> I'm on the ground choking in agony and I see him come to me and neil over myself
> "it pains me to do this to do this to my own," he says. "But you paid money to be here and handing over money to the yids so they can trash the white race on air is something only death can absolve you of."
>uttering my dying words I say "I-I understand, forgive me."
>wake up
> sheets covered in my cum