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ID:LEKyR96/ No.40572367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
the real question is not if or how our civilization can be saved, but does it deserve salvation?

another thing.. are you ready to spend you energies (intellectual or physical), are you ready to fight (and die) for the people surrounding you? people that may tolerate your ideas only at the moment of fear, of need.. people who is ready to spit on your face at the first possible occasion..

think about the "nazi" (..yeah I know..) volunteers in Ukraine.. they fight, they die.. meanwhile at elections there, far right parties get ridiculed, no one votes them, no one likes them, they are just cannon fodder.. when this will be all over, what do you think will be their end, in pro-EU, pro-US Ukraine? like the brown shirts for Hitler.. they will be purged..

they are fighting for.. WHO ?

and you.. are you "fighting" for WHO? for the 30% of your country who doesn't give a fuck about anything and doesn't even vote, for the ones who vote left, or for the moderate Bourgeoisie voting for right, that looks at you disgusted.. yeah, maybe this people one day will come crying, they will need some fucking cannon fodder I guess..

how many nazis in Germany after WW2? how many fascists in Italy?

the SHIT PILL.. is that western civilization chose the path for weakness, and we DESERVE destruction, because this world is not for the weaks.. talking about a single person, you can say he's lucky/unlucky.. with volks it's different, a nation gets always what it deserves.. we are fighting for a world that stopped to exist in the 60's.. if you want to shoot some fag, do that for your personal pleasure, your nation will stab you in the back

so.. do you want to take the shit pill?

tl.dr. what's happening is divine justice, become stoic and say to others that they can go to fuck themeselves