
  1. "a porous device for removing impurities or solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it"
  2. an image manipulation filter

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== FilterfilestypesseenwithlsRrecursive-ZM8xjMrC.txt ==

Use quotes when going to directories with spaces:
cd /directory/subdirectory
cd "/directory/sub directory"

ls: look inside directory
-R --recursive: Basically looks inside all subdirectories
ls --help
for more info

-la: user size and date info

grep: Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input. (Basically context controller)
-v: select non-matching lines
i: ignore case distinctions
Report bugs to:
GNU Grep home page: <>
General help using GNU software: <>

::::Case sensitive::::
With user, size, and date info (-la):
ls -R --recursive -la | grep -v .jpg | grep -v .jpeg | grep -v .JPG | grep -v .JPEG | grep -v .png | grep -v .PNG | grep -v .db | grep -v .nfo | grep -v .NFO | grep -v .url | grep -v .pdf | grep -v .torrent | grep -v .psd

Without "":
ls -R --recursive | grep -v .jpg | grep -v .jpeg | grep -v .JPG | grep -v .JPEG | grep -v .png | grep -v .PNG | grep -v .db | grep -v .nfo | grep -v .NFO | grep -v .url | grep -v .pdf | grep -v .torrent | grep -v .psd
::::Case sensitive::::

::::Not Case sensitive::::
With user, size, and date info (-la):
ls -R --recursive -la | grep -v -i .jpg | grep -v -i .jpeg | grep -v -i .png | grep -v -i .db | grep -v -i .nfo | grep -v -i .url | grep -v -i .pdf | grep -v -i .torrent | grep -v -i .psd

Without "":
ls -R --recursive | grep -v -i .jpg | grep -v -i .jpeg | grep -v -i .png | grep -v -i .db | grep -v -i .nfo | grep -v -i .url | grep -v -i .pdf | grep -v -i .torrent | grep -v -i .psd
::::Not Case sensitive::::