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Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>
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“While 72% of Saudis believed that their country was moving in the right direction, attracting foreign investment and decreasing the unemployment rate are the primary challenge Riyadh faces today.” <<--
@S_Alwahabi on King Salman’s four years in power …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Coopération franco-libanaise en faveur des médias : le ministère de l'Information remet un trophée à l'ambassadeur de
#France#Liban Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Yes there are risks to withdrawal. But leaving Afghanistan makes more sense than staying: it's an unwinnable war; staying costs big time; CT can be done w/o ground forces; this isn't 2001 Afghanistan as threat to homeland is exaggerated; US foreign policy isn't social work.
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J'étais invité hier de Public Sénat pour parler du casse-tête causé par le rapatriement des djihadistes français détenus par les Kurdes syriens. …
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Djihadistes-Syrie. Selon la garde des Sceaux Nicole Belloubet, les Français détenus par les Kurdes syriens ds des camps sont en majorité des enfants mineurs: "'A peu près à 75%, de moins de 7 ans". 48 enfants et 25 mères, soit 65%, selon Le Figaro. …
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"Maintenant s'ils (djihadistes fr détenus par Kurdes ds le nord syrien) étaient par exemple en Irak et qu'ils étaient jugés en Irak et qu'ils étaient condamnés et détenus en Irak, je ne verserai pas une larme", a dit le PM E. Philippe. C'est pas ce que Le Figaro annonce ce matin?
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With over $100 billion recovered, Saudi Arabia ends high-profile anti-corruption crackdown …
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Quelle idée de tenir une nuit des idées aux
#EmiratsArabesUnis où la manque de liberté d’expression nuit aux idé Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#Enquête. Tout le monde le sait, les réseaux pro-israéliens jouent un rôle actif sur la scène politique américaine. Moins connue en revanche est leur influence à#Bruxelles, siège des institutions européennes. Par Grégory Mauzé.,2876 …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
The infographic reveals that the U.S. is now combatting terrorism in 40 percent of the world's nations And it is failing. With no end in sight. In fact, more people have been killed in these wars than by terrorism itself...
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@Ibishblog sees a tough year ahead for Saudi Arabia & the UAE on Capitol Hill as they have been drawn into "partisan and political arguments in a manner that makes their interests unusually vulnerable and attractive targets." …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Background on DarkMatter and the UAE …
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Golan regrets by Hafez al-Assad, according to Bandar bin Sultan …
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#Saudi Royal Court on the influential figures detentions in late 2017: 87 accepted a compromise and were released. 8 did not accept a compromise and referred to the Public Prosecution. 56 were transferred to the Public Prosecutor to complete investigation for criminal charges.Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#ISIS is expanding to the#Sahel. Read from@EmilyEstelle to learn how: Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
#crypto currency will be a “virtual Lebanese pound” destined exclusively for local use, announced Riad Salameh …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Kurdish civilians in northern Iraq fed up with both Erdogan, PKK …
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Activist Source:HTS is intending to form a Defense Ministry for the Salvation Government, and to force all Syrian Opposition Groups in Idlib to work under the Defense Ministry,and might begin forced conscription
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Turkish forces continue to mass in the region but there is no a sense of an imminent operation, writes
@Metin4020 Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Georges Malbrunot Retweeted
Assad and Russia are trying to convince Turkey to return to the Adana agreement of 1998, allowing Turkey to pursue YPG 5k into Syrian territory, but border otherwise protected by Syrian Army. … …
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