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In short, Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network. 🐘

It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome as long as you follow our code of conduct!

Home to 24 users
Who authored 31 statuses

updated language post

tbh there's not enough room to list my languages in the four profile slots so i'm going to post this and pin it

native: english

fluent: esperanto

intermediate: interlingua, spanish

okay: german, hebrew, ido, klingon, latin, toki pona, yiddish

beginner-level: arabic, french, láadan, ladino, turkish, volapük

vague comprehension: catalan, italian, portuguese

^ not necessarily an exhaustive list


LGBT Books to Prisoners is a trans-affirming, racial justice-focused, prison abolitionist project sending books to incarcerated LGBTQ-identified people across the United States. Another great place to donate to instead of the Salvation Army, and I think I originally read about it on this context on Mastodon, but can't remember who originally shared it.

Also, it's worth donating to Mermaids UK, an organization that supports transgender children and is currently under attack from reactionary ideologues, showing that the attitudes behind Section 28 die hard.

LGBT Books to Prisoners

don't interact if any of the following applies to you:

- you dont think trans women belong in every single space for women
- you think immigrants shouldn't be welcomed and helped
- you think being marginalized in some ways makes it impossible for you to oppress other groups
- you think bi women as a class don't face as much homophobia as lesbians

- you're a cis het man who does not have it clearly stated in his bio that he's a cis het man
- you're minor who doesn't have it clearly stated in his bio that they're a minor


new instance, new #introductions post!

i landed here after the tumblr debacle (even tho i'm still active over there) and a brief adjustment period over at, which ended up being too busy for me.

my craft these days is mostly limited to #tarot and #sigils, although i am enjoying learning more about #astrology.

my other interests are being gay, overcoming capitalism, cooking (and reading about food), writing poetry and studying psychology.

i have a diagnosis of #c-ptsd but my experiences also fit in a #bpd framework, so you can expect some posts about my recovery.

and... that's all for now 🌸i'm excited to be here!


They will from the void build new works powered by the willful.

They will control their data, not entrusting their cache with the wizards in their towers.

They will work together to restore the future to it's intended state.

They will win with numbers, resolve, their will, and mutual aid.

They will win because the cruelty of greed is not more powerful that the instinct to survive, nor the nature of freedom.

Shape the void.

Own the wires.

Restore the future.


Once there was a promising young technomancer who abandoned all of his principles and collected everyone's data. He told them it was safe with him, and in time they believed him.

Over time the technomancer realized he had amassed so much information that he became mightier than even the leaders of the world, but his greed and desire for wealth kept him from noticing.

He began to sell his influence to these leaders and got them hooked on his data.

They used it solve crimes, and they used it protect the endangered, and they used it to detect who would likely do crime, and they used it to keep the people divided, and they used it to topple one another's nations.

All the while making the no longer young technomancer even more powerful and wealthy.

The prophecy says that the Technomancer will try to destroy those who oppose him. But the agents of the wires will bring him to his knees by rebuilding what was lost.


I'm going to repeat this here and also pin it, for people who don't follow @catherinebkrause :

if you like my writing and want to support it, or just want to support it, or whatever, please feel free to do so in any of the following ways:


smashwords: (reader sets price)


direct stripe:

almost any ebook store: search "catherine b. krause" there

i still don't have patreon

catherinebkrause's profile -

if you like my writing and want to support it, or just want to support it, or whatever, please feel free to do so in any of the following ways:


smashwords: (reader sets price)


direct stripe:

almost any ebook store: search "catherine b. krause" there

i still don't have patreon

catherinebkrause's profile -

Hey, I'm V, or Vi, or Abby, or a cat, or whatever.
I'm a hecka queer girl and I'm here to shitpost about cyberpunk transhumanism and flash my tits.
I play a lot of games, of all varieties, even obscure ones. Video, board, RPGs, skilltoys, 30-person social experiments, etc.
I'm one of those weirdos deeply invested in Doctor Who audio dramas.
My field of study is veterinary medicine, but I'm a long way from where I want to be.
On the spoopy side, I read tarot, and I have one tulpa 😸


ok so #introductions time.

i use social media primarily to keep up with leftist drama and scream about how much i love women, in particular the one i've been with for the past two and a half years.

in my spare time i write poetry with raised-catholic angsty undertones and complain about how everyone's degenerate use of garlic.

would put my HashTagDiscourse Stances here but idk what makes y'all mad here yet

my whole existence has a Straight Men Dont Interact Tag on it (jk but i wish)


Instead of donating to the Salvation Army, which has a long record of abusiveness towards LGBTQ people and is also colonialist in nature, please donate to organizations that help the most vulnerable LGBTQ people. One such organization is Casa Ruby, a bilingual agency in DC that helps LGBTQ people in need via a drop-in center, housing for queer youth, and case management. They have been helpful to me in the past and they do great work!

Get Involved - Casa RubyCasa Ruby

He made us all heroes.

If we listened.

Malign him not.

Billions wear the cape because of him.

Billions found their strength beyond strength.

Children raise their hand with imaginary powers.

Grown-ups adorn themselves with the shield.

Every time you make a fist, you feel the claws at the back of your hands.

The Helmet, The hammer, The Armor, The Anger, mutant, mutate, alien, or god.

Modern mythologies.

Billions are mighty.

Rest well.



What is Mastodon?

Mastodon is a social network based on open web protocols and free, open-source software. It is decentralized like e-mail.

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A more humane approach
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