Kabier finding greener pastures outside of the Community    

By Jasonafex, a month ago
My fiance kabier kabier was one of the users that resonated with the 'Furries are Toxic' video, deciding she's pretty much done with furry politics due to their juvenile behavior, drama and standards. She determined furry Twitter in particular is pure cancer and closed her account to remove all temptation to even browse it.

Her happiness and productivity greatly improved putting her self interest first. She picked up a second language, reconnected with her grandmother, booked our wedding and made a tonne of new friends by branching outside of the community. She tried experimenting with human art and posting it somewhere else, immediately it blows up to the front page of Reddit and gets a Direct shoutout from Pewdiepie on her first post. She's also blowing up on Newgrounds which is her new platform of choice if you would like to follow her there.

It doesn't even matter if Patreon gets 'woke' either as Subscribstar has propped up to take it's place. Accepts pretty much every payment option under the sun and there are zero restrictions on adult content. It really seems the only thing that was holding back her career were toxic, Politically Correct furries.

It's sobering to me. It really does seem I'm being ridiculously loyal to the furry community for no good reason. She made a point that I don't owe the community anything, not for my relationship or my career. In reality, furries are the reason why both of those things have been repeatedly threatened. The amount of people that would find satisfaction in ruining artistic pursuits, creative freedom and even long-term relationships is disgusting. Collaborating with furries has been more frequently a pain then ever, as I simply don't trust them to not make it political.

I still plan to make a furry platform but it will be for the fringe. Those that enjoy furry content but don't want to put up with the highschool bullshit. It'll be designed to be welcoming to artists that aren't strictly furry too. A middle-ground for those that want to branch out but don't want to completely abandon their interests. That's me right now. With all the negative PR the furry community is getting this year, it really is a sinking ship and I've learned it's not my responsibility to fix it. You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink, much like I can preach about responsibility and accountability all day and get nothing but drama in return. I'll be making efforts like my fiance to be more self-centered, use Twitter only for self-promotion and use FA as a backup rather then a primary.

User replies


#link     Posted: a month ago

I send you nothing but good vibes on your pursuit, and know how much toxicity the community can be; but I avoid it, and stick with the good people I've met, also you need to do what's best for you and your mate, because at the end of the day all that matters is you're both happy and doing what you love. Also Blessings to your future marriage!

#link     Posted: a month ago

My first days on Twitter:

"SonicFox is cancer."

"Jasonafex is cancer"

A lot of Anti-SonicFox/Jasonfex memes.

I don't know, what i should think about it.


#link     Posted: a month ago

I don't know, what i should think about it.

Kind of the point. Just lots of that stupid whataboutism and "both sides are to blame" so we never learn the truth and stay confused.
When once again, one is actually pretty decent while other is the actual cancer, and kind of easy to determine which if you try.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Well that's the thing. When you try to determine it, you're just as likely to side with either side, depending on your personal situation and ideology. It just doesn't sit right with me, to judge right from wrong when neither side truely is either.

I mean, I lean "left" as it were, believing in personal freedom and strong social security. But I can also appreciate the arguments of the opposing side, with a strong sense of identity and the value of not rushing changes. To me, it just seems like both are just the different sides of the same coin; both equally valuable in the right amount.

The ones I don't like are those who try to head to the extremes of either side, sacrificing liberty for security or the other way around. And that's pretty much the issue of today's political climate: People are too extreme, whichever side they're on. Whether it's SJWs or Alt-Righters, they both annoy me equally, because they are too uncompromising in their beliefs. They are extremists, and they only cause trouble for everyone, including their own side.

Maybe the "right" side is, indeed, right, and we've had a period of too much influence from the "left" side. But that doesn't mean we should cut them out completely. This isn't a revolution, it's an adjustment. And if you push too hard in either direction, it's just going to create a huge stink which'll make no one happy.

But yeah, that's my perspective anyway.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I have no idea, what's going on...

The only thing that i know:

SonicFox was the winner of a Esports-Thing and arrives in his Fursuit, talking about things, who haves nothing to do with videogames.
And i found pictures and tweets about Jasonafex and Kabier, getting killed, riped, fired, etc.

And i'm sitting here likes:

What's going on? o_o

#link     Posted: a month ago

People making mountains out of anthills, that's what.

I think that yes, Sonicfox's speech was cringey, but he's entitled to his views and probably just expressed them poorly because he didn't have the time and/or skill to make a proper speech.

As for Jasonafex and Kabier? I have no clue. All I know is they're considered "alt-right furs" or something, which all the "woke furs" which are "in majority" dislike.

Basically, it's all an overblown issue and people should just get on with it. To be fair, I suppose we have a right to be sensitive if we feel like we're verbally attacked. But then again, we're furries! We used to distance ourselves from the weirder parts of our fandom back in the days, just shrugging off people who made jokes or crude comments about us as a collective, so I feel like we should know better...

#link     Posted: a month ago

To make a long story short with as little bias as possible (what am I saying that's kind of impossible here)

SonicFox - Popular gaming competitor who games in fursuit and uses his platform to talk about/ doesn't shy away from the fact he is gay, black and a furry. Is either democratic or liberal leaning and sometimes mentions it.

Jason & Kabier - Popular furry artist and animator team that recently has become very vocal about their (unpopular) beliefs on Twitter and FA and have been caught using racist and transphobic behavior and other hot topic stuff. They believe that just about everyone who is left-leaning is an over politically correct liberal snowflake instead of taking responsibility on how some of their actions affect others. Kabier left twitter after they passed a rule that continuous and purposeful misgendering and harassment of users wasn't allowed (which was categorized as "Politically correct" by these two) Not commenting on other accusations besides those since I haven't seen proof for them.

I used to like them both because of their art, but it's started sounding like whiney child hour. Sometimes it's not "SJWs", some of us just don't want to say the N word and actually care about other people Jan.

There's plenty of receipts for all this too... they're proud of it.

(Honestly, just avoid these two and a few others and the furry fandom is pretty chill and only "political" when it centers around laws that hurt our fellow friends and fur family. And it's up to you to choose to take part in those. It's all who you follow.)

#link     Posted: a month ago

That said I'm glad she's finding a better time outside of the fandom and maybe this step back will allow her to reflect on her behavior and the person she would like to be vs the edgy anti-liberal she seems to want to be seen as here. *shrugs*

A fair ammount of furries are diverse, on the LGBTQIA spectrum, struggling with emotional and mental health issues, and wholly supporting of each other due to being "outcasts - and thus end up as a generally left leaning and quickly adaptive group. It's just a bad place in general for "me no likey change" individuals.

Aggressive love and support for our fellow furries XD

#link     Posted: a month ago

If you're a representative of this supposedly chill furry fandom I can totally see why people are getting sick of it.


#link     Posted: a month ago

I think... there is a much worse problem with the world and their people.
Nobody can't forget, what happens in the past around the world and that's
a big problem.
There still peoples, who are racists, homophobes, etc.
But actually... This harrassment is a lot of crap.
Who cares about skin-color, sexual orientation or familiar stuff?
What really matters, is the personality and acting from everyone of us.

We're all humans and we should start to erease the past and build together a future.
God dammit... We're a intelligent species... but we're making so much dumb things...

#link     Posted: a month ago

l m f a o
reflect on my behavior?
take a look in the mirror bub.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Lack of self-awareness is impressive here. You claim a classical liberal (left leaning) is alt-right yet provide no proof of such a claim. Claim it's our responsibility that SJWs are intolerant of views they can not handle, and deem it our fault when they openly insult and harass anyone that isn't as radical as they are.

The problem in this community are people like you. YOU push away the talent and leave an echo-chamber in it's wake. Celebrate censorship and that is always the conclusion that follows.

If you want a broad spectrum of talent, that comes suit with a broad spectrum of interests, views and opinion. I would have zero issue with SJWs if they embraced more than carbon copies of themselves into the community.

#link     Posted: a month ago

So in summary, people with unpopular opinions should be ostracized from the furry community because only Democrats support the Alphabet Soup of "oppressed minority groups"? Its not Kabier that needs to reflect on "her behavior" its people like you who need to rethink your position on a great many topics; specifically your political parties' racist origins, their divide and conquer methods of dividing people into groups and pitting them against each other, and the actual support of rape culture through former President Bill Clinton and his corrupt wife Hillary. Let's take responsibility for your denial of facts, and your betrayal of the gay community by supporting Sharia law and the oppression of women.

You have a lot of positions to reconsider before you attempt to categorize Kabier and place yourself on your SJW pillar.

#link     Posted: a month ago


I’ve been following Jason & Kabier for 4, maybe 5 years. I’ve seen their content, posts, tweets, journals-etc. So while I don’t know them personally, that online content sums up a whole damn lot about a person.

I guess you could call me a liberal, but at the end of the day- my main standards are treating everyone with respect. Don’t care if you agree with it, or understand it. Don’t use racial slurs, don’t misgender people, and don’t generally be a massive dickwad. Somehow that’s becoming the “toxic anti-liberal agenda” because we stopped finding shitty behavior funny and started treating it like the well- shit that is is. People like J and K get so much slack because their preferred humor is just disrespectful garbage and they’re mad about it.

Is it really SO BAD to call someone by their preferred pronouns? Do you REALLY have to make that joke with the slur in it? No one cares if you’re doing it to make a point.

So to be honest- I don’t give a damn what Jason or Kabier believe politically. But again and again and again their behavior is edgy, disrespectful, and yes- sometimes racist and transphobic. And no- that’s not liberal code for something else. And somehow every time they shit on the floor- they are suprised when they step in it?!

Protect them all you like, but if one is truly a supporter of non censorship and “open discussion “ - they will realize actions have consequences. Maybe you know something secret about them I dont- but your online actions are the ones I’m going to judge you on, and these two have far used up their 3 strikes with no remorse.

No one on this site is a “Pillar” and none of us are important. But when you fail so hard at being a decent person you are infamous for it, sure, ill call you out and take a little heat for it. 💜


#link     Posted: a month ago

We can debate the validity of compelling speech so that we force people to use "proper pronouns" when referring to the transgender community. That is not a justification to act uncivil or justify violence or slander against a person who chooses not to use another persons preferred pronoun.

If that is your argument, then fuck right off mate.

Government has no legal right to compel speech by force if a person calls a biological man or woman by their natural gender. Medical science does not have a consensus on this topic, gender dysphoria is still a mental disorder, and to preach and grandstand otherwise is pure nonsense.


#link     Posted: a month ago

If you are a person of this viewpoint, there's really no discussing it further. To me it's just common decency, and to do otherwise just because you personally have an issue with it is just... disrespectful at the best.

We'll call a person by any weird furry name they like, and we have no idea who is behind the screen, but as soon as we learn that calling someone certain names and pronouns really causes them discomfort - it becomes the most important thing in the world for you to do so.

Once by mistake - forgivable and honest offense. Repeatedly and persistently - At it's heart it's as a form of bullying, with the impact it has on the person.

Are you truly refusing to call someone by the name or pronoun they prefer for some impersonal reason? When we go along with stupid nicknames on the daily? Or at what point does it become a refusal to respect someones wishes in an effort to cause them harm and distress? If you KNOW it hurts someone, it takes a lot of mire to say "I don't care about your personal wellbeing, because I'm choosing THIS semantic occasion to preach free speech.

Call a big strong man in camouflage from my hometown "Susan" and I'm sure he'd punch someone out cold.

Putting yourself in their shoes, is it unreasonable to expect confusion, hurt, even anger as a response? By someone repeatedly pushing to call you something that they deem is more correct than your own experience? That for some reason how they see you is more correct than how you see yourself?

I hope in time it becomes as second nature as using nicknames for friends, whether you think the name suits them or not.

Gotta jet, but I'm just so frustrated and tired of being "Anti-PC" for the sake of being edgy and saying that you are, instead of maybe giving half a damn about your fellow people. Goodnight


#link     Posted: a month ago

it is one thing having a particular belief but it is another stretching that belief to new lengths where its not needed "I should say the N word since I think it is only a word" "oh you disagree? YOU ARE A NIGGER FAGGOT!" I gotta feel sorry for people this desperate for attention in a small way but it still does not excuse it and it is clear kabs is ten times more unstable than you for this attention the only way I wish better for you both is that you stop complaining so much about everything and then taking things where you know is offensive to where it is not needed like kabs name on discord "autistic kabier" for god sake

#link     Posted: a month ago

There might be room for discussion on a personal person to person basis, but not Government compelled speech. I wish all the best for someone struggling with gender dysphoria, I really do, but let's not pretend for the sake of the individuals discomfort that we lie and refer to them by a different gender pronoun.

Even people who transition from one gender to the other are 40% likely to commit suicide despite emotional support from family friends and medical treatment. 60% regret their choices from age 18-34.

You're proposing a bandaid solution to a far more complex and emotionally sensitive problem. Again medical science is not all in agreement with propriators of the transgender movement.

#link     Posted: a month ago

well damn I wonder why you think it is a mental illness and they say they are likely to commit suicide? Also show me those statistics

#link     Posted: a month ago

Wow, I never woulda pinned them for the 'anti sjw' types considering Kab has a dick in half their pics and Jason's always taking it up the ass. I'm not even insulting that, I just notice that couples who stray from the common sexual hierarchy tend to be more liberal in my experience.

#link     Posted: a month ago

can you really not make a better response than "I know what you are but what am I?"

#link     Posted: a month ago

the messianic left is what's going on

#link     Posted: a month ago

It was like listening to Prof. Jordan Peterson speak, but without hearing it through Kermit the frog's voice Xp

Seriously, you bring hope for the future with your rational perspectives and comprehension of forced change to quickly results in chaos and rebellion. It's not many that I see that seem to understanding that the political ideological 'right + left' isn't a horizontal line, but the West and East sides of a circle, where both extremes meet at North and true Libertarianism at South.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Just stay away from jasonafex and you dont have to worry about anything. All you gotta remember is that he is a creep who says terrible shit and got together with kabier when she was underage

#link     Posted: a month ago

okay o.o

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

ignore people who say crap like that and decide for yourself.
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

ignore people trying to dictate who other people should listen to and think for themselves

#link     Posted: a month ago

Don't be weak minded and be told what to think about Kabier or Jason. Research the information yourself and come to a logical conclusion.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It's having to think if they go to new places, allot of people will not know.

people have to pretty much reach out to other site's otherwise nothing get's done.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm not going to go around and defend everyone, but if that's the only thing you have on him "being a creep" that's a little silly to me? Both the age of consent for Canada and Australia are 16. In 90% of the world you can drink by that age as well as enlist into the army. They didn't even announce they were a thing until She was 18, and it's kind of funny to sit there and think that "OH GOD FORBID" she's 18 years and 364 days and 19 hours old AND THATS A BIG NO NO, but suddenly 3 hours pass and "Hey that's okay now :3"

You can't act like you never went to a porn site and it said "YOU HAVE TO BE 18 TO LOOK AT THIS" before you were that age and went "PFFFT Whatever dude" and clicked in anyways?

#link     Posted: a month ago

why defend someone like him with all the proof that he is a terrible person though

#link     Posted: a month ago

I generally do not agree with how they act online or trying to act like god and assume they can control a community.

I think that is just the main issue with this and how they are deciding to hop around in this issue.
I am tired of seeing artists that solely rely on fame that they forget what the actual meaning is when sharing content and such.

that is mainly the concern is how shitty they are acting to people who supported them and such and assuming they get free ass pat's online when that's not how things work.
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

For instance, in Canada, the age of consent is 16, but there are two close-in-age exemptions: sex with minors aged 14–15 is permitted if the partner is less than five years older, and sex with minors aged 12–13 is permitted if the partner is less than two years older.

And for Australia: What is the Australia Age of Consent?

The Age of Consent in Australia is 16 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity.

Australia also has a close-in-age law for 15 and under within 5 years.... so you're still wrong?

And pedophilia isn't for people in that age range: Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

So what's the issue?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Jasonafex is a umber of things but "Creep" isn't what I'd remotely apply to him.
And how under aged are we talking about? 12? 8?

#link     Posted: a month ago

You know, I didn't much care for the pair originally. But the fact that they piss off the virtue signal mob really makes me wanna get to know them better.

#link     Posted: a month ago

What a terrible thing to say about someone that you don't know personally, nor do you have the evidence that stands up to credible scrutiny. You're a pubescent child that needs to grow up and stop spreading hate. You're a disgusting person.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You don't have to know someone personally to see that they are a terrible person so...you have no point. Also letting people know how bad someone is not being a disgusting person.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Kab was underage when she got here? I thought she was drawing porn before she got with him. I remember when she had a lioness fursona and was fucking that other dude with lion fursona.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I want to see that proof of her being underage when they got together. She was of age when Jason proposed, like in her 20's at least. So I want to know HOW you know this crap. Stalker alert here.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Can't wait until you do manage to get your site up and running. I'll definitely be switching over.

#link     Posted: a month ago

That pic she did for Pewds is hilariously cute X3 his reaction would be mine too were it me

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm glad things are going great for her!

#link     Posted: a month ago

lucky for me I stick with my good friends and never really use twitter it is what keeps me sane in this community and when the website is up I am eager for it :3

#link     Posted: a month ago

Honestly I'm Sad Because She's Awesome But Blocked Me On FA For No Apparent Reason & Without Warning!!!
Forgive And Forget I'll Always Love Her Art No Matter What Anyone Thinks & I Would Of Behaved If She Told Me:3

I Still Dunno Why She Blocked Me But Sorry To What Ever I Did Some People Just Don't Get Me Sometimes:(
But Hey Jasonafex Thanks For Sharing This Tell Her I Said Sorry And I'll Be Here If You Ever Wanna Talk:D

#link     Posted: a month ago

Why do you use caps on every word? makes it hella hard to read your sentences, no offense

#link     Posted: a month ago

It's Was Just A Bad Habit I Developed In School!?

An OCD Thing That I Started Now It Just Feels Normal:3

#link     Posted: a month ago

That's not normal to have caps in each words.

Again, Your school taught you or you learned from the School .... were wrong :).

your types of those are hard to read :\.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I Know It's Not Normal I Said It Feels Normal!!!!

And Yes My School Sucked I Was Always In The Special Classes!?

Sorry If It's Hard To Read You Should Of Seen My Handwriting I Wrote In Code:P

#link     Posted: a month ago

To be fair I had no trouble reading your post.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Yeah Some People Can & Some Can't!
It's Never About Me Only About Them!?

I Don't Hate Either Should Anyone Else?
My Reason! My Life! Forgive & Forget:3

#link     Posted: a month ago

Pretty much. For me it's simply no different than reading the title of a book where every word is a capital letter. It's interesting that you apply it to all of your writing but it's stuff like this that keeps life interesting.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Exactly My Point!!!

You Totally Get It:3
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

Blocks have happened to other random people, the only theory is '' oh look this person commented on one post that directs hate towards me, lol i must block then!''

I could be wrong so don't take my word for this, Twitter is just a ces pool right now.

#link     Posted: a month ago

To Be Honest I Never Used Twitter Or Facebook To Crazy For Me:3

I Guess That's Why FA Is So Good It's Just Easy To Get Noticed:D

But Yeah Blocks Can Be Something Good Or Bad It Depends!!!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Facebook is becoming a kinda dead horse lol, most sites like that i tend to just stay on there for contact reasons but aside from that i don't much as i used too as it was just pointless to post allot.

Twitter i pretty much went too after Tumblr full-on shot them self's due to the new rule so it has been hard to find my feet again but trying other places seems okay so far.

I'm all for blocks only if there is a good reason behind it, i see it as pointless spam if someone has an open mind and someone will block for the sheer fact with someone not daring to agree with them.
DA has these problems allot,i have been blocked countless of time's and allot of the time i have never even spoken to the user.
I tend to forget most of the time why someone blocks me as well, my memory never serves me well XD

#link     Posted: a month ago

Yep And Even Discord & Patreon Is Going That Way!?

No One These Days Ever Really Cares Much Anymore:(

It's All Just A Swing And A Miss Everywhere You Go...

#link     Posted: a month ago

Iv'e not seen a problem with Discord? i only know Skype was pretty much a thing of the past.

For a site to care is too much to ask and after Tumblr/DA doing updates yeah i'm just tired now of most of it >.<
Aye agreed as well!
Things should get better in the end though, it just takes time.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You 2 shall do whats best for you!
Today there are this ppl who needs to make all this shit about the fandom to feel sooo damn good about them self.
I cant be a Single day on Facebook either without seeing all this Drama posts and "Dont add him/her" "Dont buy from him/her" "Dont trust him/her" "They are cancer".. i could go on forever.

Cheers for you 2!

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'll definitely check Subscribstar for myself, thanks for the advertisement.
Best of luck for Kabier in her future projects.
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm very happy to hear your fiance is doing so much better. You two deserve all the best in the world.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good for her. I'm not a content creator so I don't really see the side of the fandom that you see too often, but I know it exists. I wish you and Kabier great success in the future. Artists, writers, and every content creator shouldn't have to deal with such childish politics.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Sad to hear that this sort of thing is rife in the community. I've managed to stay pretty oblivious to it all but then again I don't do much to provoke attention either XD haha I'm also of the generation that finds it much easier to take a step back for a hot minute and just go....Whut? and carry on without falling into the pitfalls and social traps that litter the community road.

I dunno.. I both love and have disdain for the community.
We shall see where the road leads and if it's worth my sanity following it; right now am having fun but who's to say I wont Mosey off elsewhere XD.

Keep yourself sane, and keep being awesome.

#link     Posted: a month ago

"You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink". Good luck with your website. Don't forget your users will be humans with different views and they will one way or another express them. Unless you're planning a dictatorship that will permaban anyone with an opinion on things.

And with that, have a nice whatever time of day it is.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Intolerance is exactly why we don't like FA/Twitter. It's radical leftist circle-jerks.

The platform we are making will actually be more uncensored then anything you are used to.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Again, best of luck with that. What I'm used to is rather uncensored anyway because I make it a point to avoid all political talk. For one, I don't care about people's political views, but rather how they treat other people in person/direct conversation. Secondly, I'm not American. What you might call "right" "left" or "center" politically speaking may mean something completely different to me. But I STILL don't care :P I come here to post art and fav art that fits my interests, no more, no less.

(Also, the most censorship I've ever encountered furry-wise is Pixiv artists censoring their work on their own volition lol)

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm not American either. I don't mind political talk, when it's relevant to the subject matter and people can tolerate each others views as equals. Certain people are trying to turn the furry community into a radical left leaning safe-space. I'm not supporting that. I personally would be completley happy having no politics on my content at all, but it's weaponized on FA/Twitter because it's rule-set empowers censorship. It's now quite easy to paint a content creator as a member of 'wrong-think' and justify a witch-hunt against their livelihood. That's toxic AF and I'm not supporting it.

Passively posting content is a message of support. FA isn't changing anytime soon for the better and if we want to enjoy the furry community, a new platform is needed. It's not just the politics that are grating, the entire content distribution loop is a pain.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Never seen it, maybe I didn't pay attention? I tend to do that. I rarely give a damn about people's journals or their art descriptions. Saying "uploading art is supporting" is a bit out there ya know? It's like saying I'm supporting coal-powered power plants by looking at a billboard advertising a clothes store while sitting on a bus :U

Then again, I'm a person that doesn't care about others in general as long as they don't get in my way directly :P Maybe being a niche "artist" helps with avoiding all that noise.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I agree, folks like me & Kate are quite the minority perspective. Most of our concerns only directly impact us and a few other content creators with growing pains. When we make the platform, we aim to also appeal to those that want a more enjoyable art distribution and consumption loop.

FA is only as good as it's content is the point I'm trying to make.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I think for your platform, you should make any and all political talk a bannable offense. That way, anyone who tries to start toxic conversation against anyone, by saying "So and so is a left-wing liberalist who likes rape porn and fantasy art depicting children" to ruin their livelihood has no chance at doing so, and won't see the otherside of that pasture. This is just my opinion, and it might make it easier to moderate. I'm not one for political views, but I have been following you and Kab for a few years now. I was seriously thrilled to hear you two got engaged, and I'm thrilled to hear she moved on to Newgrounds away from this toxic hotspot. FA will become a Leftist safe-place before 2020, calling it now, and Twitter is just for those who want to be toxic in general.

We furries are not toxic in nature, just politics have made their way into our society, where the norm is not controlling in any way, thus creating a more "toxic appearing" community than it actually is. Without political views in our place of safety, we are a very nice people. I've read most of your posts through here, and not once have I seen an insulting comment. Despite all the flak you get from more 'hate filled people, you seem to keep a very cool head, Jason. I wish you two the best of luck in your lives.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Definitely spread the word on subscribestar. Patreon needs some competition after their recent behavior.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Seeing a good Patreon alternative pop up is always nice. Used to support quite a few peeps on the former before the whole VAT MOSS thing. It'll be interesting to see how this new place will take shape.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I guess I'm just lucky enough to avoid all the 'shit hitting the fan' scenarios, though that's due more to me being a 'nobody' here than actual luck. Still, the few people I know here are decent folk. Though I stopped being active in this community long ago, instead focusing more on my love of Anime, I'm still here; albeit hovering around the edges instead of diving into the deep end like I did way back when I first got into the fandom.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Nice to hear that twitter got a lot less cancerous!

#link     Posted: a month ago

When you leave, it will certainly become even better!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Ooof, triggered boy

#link     Posted: a month ago

Nah. Just seeing another degenerate dragon typing out angrily on FA

#link     Posted: a month ago

Mate like, u got nothing else to do in your life then to reply on every hate message, defending the 2 biggests cunts on the furry fadom? like go play Minecraft mate.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Mate you aren't the gatekeeper of the internet so your opinion of J and K does not concern me. You're acting like a dumb degenerate. It's as though Trump won the election again and you are raging and out of control. You didn't have to comment on his journal negatively you could have went about your business. He doesn't care for your negative attitude and neither does the average FA goer. So get away from my porn site.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Now this epic, calling me a gate keeper? Really ironic now don't mind me while I hit that default dance and block you because you thinking that FA is a porn site says enough about your general IQ. Now I'm hitting the dab like Wiz Khalifa and count this as a epic victory royale.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Another one bites the dust

#link     Posted: a month ago

>Posts incredibly toxic bullshit on Twitter
>Gets called out
>Complains that twitter is toxic

lol okay

#link     Posted: a month ago

That was my thoughts on this as well lol

I cant even, they would both be happier if they would not do stuff like that.
Like not hate on someone, edit videomaterial to make them look bad and then post a picture they made for said person in 2015 and act like its new shit and they are best buds.

#link     Posted: a month ago

> edgy humor isn't for you
> People got offended because they don't like edgy humor
> offended people raise a flame war
> how dare anyone have a sense of humor I don't like

there, fixed it for you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Being racist and other stuff like that isn't humor

#link     Posted: a month ago

Well we know how frequently the Alt Left uses the term racist to silence political discourse. So that's not saying very much.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You say that when there is proof of him being racist.

#link     Posted: a month ago

More like make a bunch of shitty jokes and completely spurg out when people fire back with the same shit jokes, having to retreat to a more "inclusive" community. A safe space, if you will.

#link     Posted: a month ago

mm yummy i love this boot mmm *slurp* u triggered bro *licky lick*

#link     Posted: a month ago

oh, cute, reply to me only to immediately block me like a pussy.

how predictable.

#link     Posted: a month ago

who died and made you guys the authority on what is and isn't funny?
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

1. that is a strawman argument
2. nobody is the authority on humor.
3. Humor is to each their own, what's funny to me might not be funny to you, doesn't mean it isn't funny, it just means you don't find it funny
4. you aren't objectively right just because you have a certain point of view that you feel good about
5. I would argue that trying to dictate to people what they can and can't find funny is objectively bad

#link     Posted: a month ago

I mean twitter is toxic tho. Independent of whatever they might have done on there I don't think It's a controversial opinion that twitter is just a garbage bin of terrible people who would probably feel at home on a chan site.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm not arguing about the state of twitter itself, just the hypocrisy of being an incredibly toxic person and then whining about toxicity.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Who defines the toxicity of the content? You? Mark Zuckerberg? The DNC? The Alt Left?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Pfffffffffffffffffff okay.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Not a coherent response

#link     Posted: a month ago

nothing says 'I'm capable of rational discourse' like fanatically attacking everyone you disagree with, so...not giving you more than that.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I don't have rational discussions with racist, fascist violent pig dogs. Which is the side you have willfully chosen to be a part of.

#link     Posted: a month ago

What I want to know now is what in God's name a "pig dog" is. Is it a closed species or something?

#link     Posted: a month ago

The insult has not aged well over time but I didn't want to swear

#link     Posted: a month ago

Oh yeah, I forgot all about the Germans and their language in this instance. Got it now x3

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm not German? >.>

#link     Posted: a month ago

No, but I meant that pig-dog is probably just a translation of the German word Schweinhund. The former just doesn't have the same ring to it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I kinda love how she was the super toxic oen spewing racism/Racist meme before Her twitter got nuked. Look in the Mirror before calling everyone else Toxic. Good Riddance.

#link     Posted: a month ago

So a bunch of Alt Left fanatics freak out over what they perceived to be a "racist" post and harassed a Twitter user in mass?

Sarah Silverman also freaked out over a construction symbol on a neighborhood street claiming it was a Nazi marking.

Alt Left members aren't very bright, so I'll have to take your opinion with the same regard as the ramblings of a village idiot.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Really odd how much stuff Jasonafex has posted to support stuff with moving away from furry stuff like again its just how people are, not the whole place is toxic or anything...

#link     Posted: a month ago

Ah twitter, I got rid of my account several years ago and never felt better.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best wishes for sure. It is always good to see more level heads about. Id certainly be curious to see what kind of platform it will be.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Im real glad to hear kabier is finding great success and is improving in health of mind and mood. It goes to show sometimes we have to step in a different direction of the things we love to improve them.

#link     Posted: a month ago

glad to hear she's doing so well! give her hugs for us!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best wishes for both of you and I am glad that she was happy again!

#link     Posted: a month ago


Seeing you talk to "The Furry Community" as if you could shepherd it has honestly got me pretty concerned. Like if you took the comment section away from these journals and only looked at what you've said in a vacuum, it kinda seems like you're on a downward spiral of schizophrenia. Talking and ranting up on a soapbox where most people are content to just ignore you, nevermind cheers or jeers. You keep stepping up there to preach, and talk like you're gonna change the community yourself by just making a site or going somewhere else. Not trying to say you can't, I just don't see any reason to believe you.

All you do is throw shade somewhere else, using that hate like rocket fuel to propel yourself somewhere. Where? Iunno. It'll be interesting to see where you go from here but I can't tell the future. All you have to say is that someone or something is bad and I just don't agree with you, often.

If you wanna be really happy, I suggest you just pull the lever and get it over with, you know? If you got beef with FA, boycott it. If you got beef with twitter, boycott it.

So far as I can tell you're sticking to it like it's an addiction and you're fighting with withdrawal. No matter what you say on the matter you have my sympathies. It'd be really great if you were confident to just do what you wanna do without giving explanation to anyone. Let people who don't like you or like you come and go. But you keep getting bent on the people who don't like you, or you don't like.

Maybe that kinda destructive thinking is your style, I just don't get it.

Best of luck. Toodles.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Most sane response on here that isn't blindly following. Great analysis.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Its certainly puts the anal in analysis. But hardly a coherent comment.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I always love seeing your posts. You are quite very thoughtful and know how to word things better than anyone else can! Well put post!

#link     Posted: a month ago

I like how you read half a journal and then make your own conclusions for the rest of it. Kabier is already boycotting Twitter and moving away from FA. I'm making a new website, which isn't something I can impulsively pull out of my ass. It will take time, only an idiot would sabotage their reach before said option is available. I like furry content more, so I'm opting for the middle-ground option.

Don't like the journals and updates? Don't read them.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You are in no position to give a medical diagnosis, nor are you in the position to claim that Jasonafex has no right to address the furry community. The community is on the verge of collapse due to the Alt Left, and you simply cannot help yourself in saying one of your poorly constructed criticisms on his journal, a journal I might add you shouldn't even be reading if you disagree with his opinions. So you are here joining a lynch mob in a pathetic attempt to validate your bullshit.

#link     Posted: a month ago

"a journal I might add you shouldn't even be reading if you disagree"

THIS is a hot take and almost for sure bait. Imagine if life and the workplace worked that way, with everything you disagreed with you just ignored.

#link     Posted: a month ago

So you're comparing the work life and the real world with a sexy green raptors Furaffinity journal page? A particular page that expresses views adamantly opposed to your own and you are particularly inclined to not only read but add your shallow, hive mind like opinions on his comment section?

I'm sorry you seem to be rather confused about reality.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I am very confused about reality, you're right. s/s/s/s/s/s

#link     Posted: a month ago

Lol "sexy"

#link     Posted: a month ago

whatever helps you guys out, My love and support to both of you guys, if there is anything I can do please let me know

#link     Posted: a month ago

aw shit man that's deep well it's true you might not owe us anything but we do enjoy having you 2 around
and if y'all still want to leave you 2 had one hell of a run

#link     Posted: a month ago

Damn another good furry lost what's funny is in this community I found a furry yesterday always speaking about politics and I think this toxicity needs to ******* stop and I know it's not going to just wish it did! I enjoy having you 2 around you guys are fun and funny! I don't want anything from you 2 you don't owe any of us anything except your love and friendship that's enough. If you both wanna leave that's your decision I'm not stopping you it's not in my blood to control people (telling them no you're not leaving the fandom you're staying) I'm not that type of person that's not my fursonality (is that even a word? XD) well personality too but still lol. Love you guys if you wanna message me go ahead :) I have kik,discord,telegram,Skype and a phone and YouTube you can get a hold of me on. Love you bro you 2 will be missed!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Thank you for giving us this update - all of the recent drama and bs has been so hard on a lot of brilliant artists and furries in general. Good for her for putting herself, her business, and your relationships first! Does she plan on keeping her account active here?

#link     Posted: a month ago

I just wish you two the best and hope to see at least some occasional posts from you here on FA!

#link     Posted: a month ago

I don't understand why furries have politics so its nice she isn't indulging in it (despite her blocking peeps in the past for no reason X3) and it's KOOL that you guys are branching out to other platforms... I wish you fellow canadians luck

#link     Posted: a month ago

I used to idolize you. You had a girlfriend and enjoyed cucking yourself out in art and animation. I would love to have that kind of dynamic in my life. I felt for you when you lived with her toxic family and admired you for getting out of a situation like that. But now you're just a magnet for drama. Instead of celebrating the kindness and appreciation that I'm sure still exists if you weren't such a toxic figure now, you just complain about people who are complaining about being marginalized or oppressed. How does that make you any better? Take a break or something and figure out what makes you happy and do that. Don't focus on the negative stuff. :/

#link     Posted: a month ago

We never claimed we are marginalized or oppressed. If you don't like something, you stop using it.

If you want us to keep using something, put effort in to make it better. FA sucks, Twitter sucks, it's not that absurd of a concept.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I was saying you are complaining about the people who are doing that.

Wow, you've really put yourselves on a pedestal if you want the whole community to kowtow to what you think would make FA or Twitter better. A lot of people on FA and Twitter don't think they suck and are having meaningful interactions every single day.

I'm not popular enough myself to know how much trouble these so called PC people cause you, but can't you just ignore them and keep doing what you love? You want to force your brand of tolerance into people who may take exception to what you say or do? That's probably not going to happen.

Good luck!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Not sure if they were claiming to be the Shepard of the community or just announcing what they are doing in the public forum. If they think that's what would be better for Twitter/Fa or whatever, then thats their call.

I think that's how conversations happen. One person speaks their mind, and another responds. But claiming their arrogance based on that seems rather superficial.

And it's probably saying that him and his wife should die in house fires and need to be purged off the Earth are things he's calling toxic. Because that is toxic.

I honestly haven't seen what made the fandom hate Jason or his fiance so much, but justified or not, what I have seen from people he wasn't speaking to has been toxic in itself.

But again, as a person who is looking in from outside a window, I see the vulgarity and mud slinging going one direction and can understand why someone would back out of that mess.

Personally, I think everyone needs to calm down and stop being so divided. Things are taken out of context quickly, intent is to often assumed now-a-days, nobody asks for the other side to clarify, and if you don't agree you can do just that or walk away.

Calling for torturous death of someone's mate is horrific in any case. That should be saved for murderers and rapists, not artists you have an ideological difference with. To much damn tribalism, especially here in the fandom.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Wait, is she leaving FA as well?

#link     Posted: a month ago

just ban every furry with pronouns in the bio, you have a way easier time. I noticed a long time ago that those are the cealots.

Also, I wouldn't put too much value n that pewds art - that's the low hanging fruit. But I whish her the best nonetheless.

at the end, just do what makes you happy. take a timeout and see how you fare, for example. would be sad to lose you, but honestly, I'd probably fuck off as well if there were so many people with a hate boner for me

#link     Posted: a month ago

Thank God, I thought I was the only one who came to that conclusion. Then again, I tend to feel like I'm alone on lots of things.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Don't play their game, censorship is never the answer.

Want to discourage radical zealots? Have an open and free platform where all ideas are equal. Sucking your own dick will frequently become challenged. It's why furries are considered cringey and socially inept to normies. They never take uncomfortable steps outside of the bubble. Escapism, especially from personal responsibility is rampant here.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Oh, I agree, I haven't blocked a single person. that was just an advice if you're sick of their shit. Better than just going in my book.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Twitter is definitely cancer, but according to much of the content you post and say you both seem to enjoy breeding that same toxicity/hate, you get what you ask for basically.
and it is pretty hypocritical to say you don't trust people taking things politically when that's what you often post about as well, even if it's passed off as joking.

#link     Posted: a month ago

For someone to admit their faults seem to be ''too much hard work'' for most people these day's i'm not even joking about that.

As long as someone is a pop fur/popular person why should they even have to admit to their faults lol? i mean to them it's such of an unheard thing for someone who is popular for them to apparently ''not have faults''.
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

You mistake political opinion with political authority. Twitter made it so that if you don't play ball with the radical left wing narrative, you have your speech revoked. FA follows suit, that kind of incentive makes people very toxic.

Remove censorship from the equation and you would have no where near the amount of vitriol being thrown around. People aren't a fan of being told what their beliefs should be, rather than discussing them like adults.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best of luck!

#link     Posted: a month ago

As someone that's followed you only because I appreciate certain artworks by you but for a very long time I'm going to have to be brutally honest here. This same circle of events, drama, and journal posting is going to keep repeating itself every six months no matter where you are because there is some blind hypocrisy on your part and even Kabier's . If you say something divisive or contentious you have to expect that people are going to disagree in a variety of methods and will a variety of maturity. Always assuming your view is superior and righteous is only going to set yourself up for the next cycle when you initiate it will a new statement.

I have no investment in any of this. I don't take issue with it and I'm far too old to be concern with drama llamas anymore. Just telling you what I have seen from observation and my own experience. Take it or leave it as you wish.

#link     Posted: a month ago

nice one

#link     Posted: a month ago

If finding a better place to call people "nigger" and "faggot" is a greener pasture... what can I say: I hope she is happy, I guess. There are things I can agree to but also things I do not; I hope both of you will find a way to stand for you believe, but without being unnecessarily hostile to people when it's sincerely not necessary.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Pretty disappointing comment and way too passive aggressive to be considered fair criticism. I doubt you even have the evidence to support your terrible claim.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It's an honest critique. As you can probably tell I tried not being overly harsh toward her, but I don't believe I stand by many of their views any more.

As for evidence, there are occasional screencaps popping up on Twitter regarding this sort of thing. Someone shared an image of Kabier making a meme using those two words toward SonicFox. I didn't save a link to the tweet as that didn't seem necessary, if you look around you can probably still find it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm absolutely willing to condemn Kabier if this is true, even more disappointing for Jasonafex.

That being said there are far more effective ways to condemn Sonicfox for his toxic behavior when he had that brief 15 minutes of fame.

Also repeating said offensive language in this comment section (not you but others) is totally vile and unacceptable.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I don't know more other than the screencaps I saw. One was an older conversation from a Discord server which has been around for some time... it showed them making such jokes several times in chat. A few days ago there was also a photo of a meme Kabier supposedly posted, and it used those two words to describe SonicFox.

It's been known they make somewhat insensitive jokes now and then. I'm not going to go social justice warrior over it, since other more practical problems concern me far more, plus I've been following Jasonafex enough to know he's an okay person at the end of the day. But just as I enjoy Jason presenting the other side of the argument when some people go overboard, I prefer to also criticize those things when I think they need to be more aware of them.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Quite reasonable. I've said things in anger as well, which I'm sure you can understand becuase we all do and usually have to apologize later for it. (Example getting into a fight with mate and saying hurtful things)

Problem is with social media is that shit cannot be erased, so you should think carefully before posting stuff.

#link     Posted: a month ago


Normally don't get involved in this shit, but since people keep bringing it up but failing to link an archive I thought I'd just give you the evidence everyone else seems to have misplaced.

Context matters, allot, if she'd used it to talk about how stupid a thing it is to call someone it'd be different. However directly calling a black gay man such, and thinly veiling it as "but muh memes" is pretty low. I may not like SonicFox but I'm not about to directly call him that, I'd rather debate him on his views given the chance.

Inb4 deleted by Jason...

#link     Posted: a month ago

Thank you. You seem to be the only rational human being that hears what I asked for instead of period all over this journal.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good on her and best of blessings to you and her in the near future.

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

I wish her, and you, all the best dear <3

I avoid social media like the plague it is, I like to think that was a good life decision.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Hope things stay on the up and up for both of you! Hopefully she continues her passion for both Normie art and Furry art. And you do your animations and possibly push out more projects in the future and stay up on your twitch streams.

Sorry to hear you guys get so much hate, being popular makes you a lightning rod for both all the positive and negative. And like they say the vocal minority unfortunately feels like the majority, so just keep both your heads up!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Ah man. Kabier was an inspiration for me to become more involved with the community as well as start to learn how to draw. Hopefully she keeps making furry art as well as human art. If not then I'm going to miss them but you do what you works best for you.

Also, I think its a little unfair to blacklist everyone who's exclusively furry. I know there are horrible people in the community, but I think labeling the whole because of what a few do doesn't seem right. I don't know. I'm just talking at this point.

Hopefully you guys find happiness in whatever you guys do, and I'll still be keeping an eye on your art.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Personally I think people should be treated with respect however I had my own bad experiences with many high-end Furreys/people that think to speak on the behalf on everyone else and that’s just insulting since I have my own thoughts and opinions and I could care less what anyone says about me or the community I in.

Also dozens of youtubers are facing issues not just PewDiePie and I’m getting tired of everyone telling me to describe or support him even though I don’t like his content anymore when I was younger i used to like it But now I feel like he’s just getting scale and to be honest he has more enough money to retire on so yeah you’re not getting my vote.

Also finally went all social media platforms still have to make money and it’s kind a hard to make money when your social platform gets denied by multiple companies because of certain content being show or well known for. Does it violating the terms of free speech and expression “yes” “no” that’s for people to decide not the faw.

Also what pisses me off more is when people break everyone into groups/categories because they are not Single individuals but there just whatever they’re fighting for. A soldier doesn’t fight wars because they want to kill they wish to protect, A Gay guy didn’t go around fucking every dude he sees, not every white person hates black people and so on and so on so grow up and treat it like adults your all human so stop Breaking yourself into the typical stereo groups that only give your side a bad name!... sorry I’m just so stressed out and I’m just getting tired of dealing with this crap.

Again sorry for the word wall but I’m just done dealing with everyone’s fucking drama and stuff but before I takeoff again have a good wedding you two and I wish you both happiness

#link     Posted: a month ago

Hope you and your fiance find some fresh air out there.
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good luck for both of you in your future endeavours.

If this is your backup now, where's your primary?

#link     Posted: a month ago

1. You have great characters and a unique art style
2. I wish you both the best of luck.

#link     Posted: a month ago

She's very wise, I agree 100%, and I wish you both the best of luck. As of today, I'm turning over a new leaf, too - after thirteen happy years, this is finally goodbye. God Bless, for any other religious furs out there. Stay safe out there, everyone.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I agree that we need a better platform for furries who don't wanna deal with drama. I will continue to support you Jasonfex.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Im so glad to hear that she is doing great there. ^^ i hipe for the brightest shoutout for kabier and jasonafex. I wish forcthe brightest future for you both as a happy couple for these upcoming years and may you both stay happy always. ^^

#link     Posted: a month ago

i think problem think furry fandom is special community , it is not
problem is also that some thing community is great it is not
or that its utterly terrible it is not

iv been in many communities , iv been in furry fandom longer then i am on FA , would i consider it toxic? sightly

would i consider most communities i was part toxic? yes

do i know any community whos not toxic? no

I watched the video of that dragon guy and while it makes lots valid points i care to question..where are these people asking for sex , wanting to RP or pestering others , i not seen most for like decade , i met some toxic furries but i met toxic people in EVERY FANDOM

my tip is , be part of fandom but only part of it , dont let it go into your head you are yourself. you dont owe fandom anything.

I could make this longer , explain , and so but on end of the day its pretty common sense , too many furries consider being a furry as second job , and thats unhealthy in any fandom.

You guys been in pony fandom? or anime fandom? you guys know how its there? no , good. its not better:)


#link     Posted: a month ago

Depends what you're looking for. Furries build their culture around sex and highschool drama, we've grown out of it. It's gotten counter-productive to indulge that mentality.

Attending conventions to get drunk, fuck and parade in a fursuit for photos just isn't appealing. We want to host panels, teach and elevate people. Responsibility is frowned upon and anything that centers around maturity is considered an alt-right belief. Pushing for higher standards in this community is like sand paper, look at FA and what users are willing to put up with.

There are plenty of communities out there that have higher standards, staying here is flat out limiting.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Problem with people saying furries make drama is....iv been in other big communities and drama there is not smaller

Convention things , well it happens oh my god people get drunk everywhere and its problem of any con

Only problem with furry fandom con are people who organise the cons are very soft and "wont kick people out" or give people too many chances


and in retrospect that makes people behave worse because no rules are enforced

Furry cons are bad? ever herd of dash con? or that celebrity con 25$k dollars a ticket who turned a scam?

if you think other communities have standards you are completely wrong:) , with cons? that would be true , creators of furry con needs to have standard so "these people who dont usualy behave will behave or get kicked out" otherwise fandom is fine

Before i joined furry fandom(i know this will make me sound old but i joined internet quite young) and iv been in a lot other communities before , after i joined furry fandom and in all honesty i dont see furries making more drama then other communities.(i can be biased but i usually tend to be very objective about furies) , only thing i can admit is furries drama tends to be more sex/fetish centred

#link     Posted: a month ago

Even ingame mmo guilds have drama , Psycho trying to take over guild and fabricating a lot evidence(one im currently in in startrek online and this drama is 3 weeks fresh , you should have read his mails he kept sending to all guildmembers including me)

When i played WoW and was in guild that was drama , oh god this post would be too short to mention it all.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Wow sounds like she's doing good Nice.

#link     Posted: a month ago

And the slogan
"Furries ruin everything"
Takes on literal meaning.

I am deeply saddened this has happened.
But, I'm also happy and relieved tgat you're happy and pursuing your career and enjoying it.

Keep on Rocking, Jasonafex and Kabier!

#link     Posted: a month ago

she picked up a second language so quickly I impressed Leaving fandom was probably the best thing then

#link     Posted: a month ago

*political comment*


#link     Posted: a month ago

Memes, political bullcrap and what-have-you aside, it was a noble pursuit for you to try and save the fandom's image.
All fandoms have their toxicity and 'woke' clique within them though, no matter what, there'll always be those that'll want to see you fail.
And as you stated, you don't owe anyone anything. You and those you care for should come first, you can't force change on others that're too blind.
I wish you and Kabier the best as I'd wish anyone that, I'll be looking forward to see what you two do in the 2019 year!
Sending you both positive gucci vibes, take care!
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

Leaving doesn't really work at all. It'll just encourage people to do it to you and others repeatedly because it works. You should just remain on so that they would forget about it eventually. As bad as the backlash is, it always lasts temporarily because there are more important issues to focus on.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It is not my responsibility to fix the community.

#link     Posted: a month ago

The only thing that needs fixing is Kabier's attitude.

"N***er F***ot"

#link     Posted: a month ago

Here's hoping things only get better from here.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good luck <3 sorry the drama got so bad :(
hope i get to see your stuff around ^^

#link     Posted: a month ago

And nothing of value was lost.

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

If you don't like these two people so much, why are you here on their journal? Did you get an update on their journal by being a watcher or do you lurk on their page, waiting for a moment to dig your knife in deeper?

I'm not even being critical of it either, I'm just curious as to why you would waste your own time to comment something completely ignorable to someone who you claim not to like, yet went out of your way to belittle.

I find this behavior baffling. I don't stalk people I don't like.

Why do you? Or am I misinterpreting something here, which is a reasonable possibility. *nod*

#link     Posted: a month ago

I *was* a watcher til their behavior drove me off. And you're one to talk about wasting time. My first comment took me all of five seconds. How long did that multi-paragraph screed take you?

#link     Posted: a month ago

'bout a minute or so, but I like to put thought into things. To each their own though.

#link     Posted: a month ago

If they "drove you off", then how are you here reading and replying to their journal entry. You are clearly subscribed and you hang around to bitch. You clearly dislike them enough to piss on their departure so how about you depart from their subscription list and go find something better to do.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It's nice that she is getting on with her life and still finding a way to stay in the furry community as a whole. P.s. Newgrounds is a cool place for Art too.

#link     Posted: a month ago

The furry community changes a lot. If it's ever been clean of sorts, then it no longer is. But the thing is, you make your own space within it. Furries aren't all the same kinds of people. We used to unite specifically as Furries to be above most of the things that make us feel different from one another.

This philosophy has changed, for some. But not all.

I wish I could convince Kabier and you to feel at peace with being Furries that show other Furries what kind of community they want. I think you could do this kind of thing.

Make your own Furry community. The furries who tear us apart will not be there, if you refuse them. Step in and encourage everyone to again stand above politics, for example.

I will miss Kabier so bad, I don't have words. I've always enjoyed her art, and I was miserable for a time when she sort of stopped having her Lion King inspired persona, but then learned to love the new. But she was still a Furry, and she was ... well, where the other Furries are.

New Grounds, to me, that's ... a site for flash games? I didn't even know they had adult content at all there.

I wish she would build something with you. You'd be awesome at it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Didn’t know people naturally lashing out to calling a black gay person as a “nigger faggot “ was “drama”

#link     Posted: a month ago

Ah man. I can’t call people dirty juden untermenschen anymore? Whatever willl I do?! GIVE ME MONEY TO BUILD A WEBSITE WHERE I, the FURRY MESSIAH, CAN HAVE MY RALLIES.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Do you have the quote to back that statement up or are you just blowing smoke up everyone's ass for your unoriginal moral outrage?

#link     Posted: a month ago

There’s literally a screencap from his whore on Gab

#link     Posted: a month ago

Whore? Is that how the Alt Left refers to women these days?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Alt left? What are you even talking about?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Do you normally refer to women as whores? Did you know that is a very derogatory label that hurts all women? You're a pig.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You have an issue with referring to his child bride as a whore but have no issue with her calling someone a nigger faggot. I see where you stand lmao

#link     Posted: a month ago

Excuse me but do NOT assume I am in support of ANYONE who uses any racial derogatory language or slur against any human being. You are a vile disgusting viper who needs therapy. I denounce your hateful behavior and hope that you change for the better and or mature, if that's even remotely possible.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Based off of you telling someone to play in traffic in a different thread I think I would be the least of anyone’s concerns in needing therapy. Lmfao

#link     Posted: a month ago

Considering you dont even have an avatar I'll be sure to disregard your own poor analysis

#link     Posted: a month ago

Considering you got offended referring to his whore as a whore but not open racism & homophobia I’ll disregard your irrelevant avatar statement & over dramatic attempt in trying to paint someone as alt left. When leftism wasn’t even brought into this thread

#link     Posted: a month ago

Oh I disagree WheyProteinZincCarbos. Leftist triggering is scattered throughout many of Jasonafex journals and Twitter threads. And now that I have context for these screen caps everyone is referring to, you can fuck off with your righteous indignation.

I do not approve of jokes in bad taste, and I do not approve of racism or prejudice deliberately to harm others. So you can stop attempting to lump me in with all of your character assassinations.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You are selling yourself short if you're playing their "Damage Control" and not even getting any compensation from it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

What the shit are you going about? You're placing down strawman arguments, accusing everyone of racism and bigotry, then insult me as if I'm cleaning up? They are big boys and big girls they can clean up themselves. I'm addressing your accusations and challenging your idotic comments.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm not accusing everyone of being a racist, just the lizard and shibes, especially since they do that themselves. They don't need you or me to help them in that.

Also, if they're big bois and girl enough to clean up, what's your end game? c:

#link     Posted: a month ago

Righteous indignation? Leftist triggering? Are you for real? You’re nuts bro. You seem to be the one triggered here by rightfully offended people who do not tolerate any type of racism or homophobia. You’re coming up with all this shit & suddenly making this about yourself. Fuck off you weird cunt

#link     Posted: a month ago

Real men are talking SoyCalcium. Butt out.

#link     Posted: a month ago

What's my Enders Game? Lol Jesus. Why do you come to this journal if you hate Jasonfex that much? To troll? Did you really expect not to recieve negative comments for your PC shit?

#link     Posted: a month ago

You're exactly the kind of response I expected and I am not disappointed.

I'm curious to know what PC comments I made when I'm shit talking to the lizzo and shibba. Again, you're selling yourself short for doing this without some pay.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I haven't disagreed with you on many points; so please understand that this isn't from an opositional view looking to 1-up you.

However, that is a very weak straw-man deflection at best.

An avatar doesn't make your point valid dude, and deep down you know it.

If you want to win the discussion, you have to do it reasonably and honorably, or else why fight at all?

#link     Posted: a month ago

The point I was trying to make is that there are people who will harass FA users by creating an account just to respond to Jasonafex journals.

#link     Posted: a month ago

No doubt. But check that account. Pictures from 2 years ago. Not that short-sighted if a troll account >.O


#link     Posted: a month ago

If that's the case it's fine. We all have times we make weak points during a heated conversation

#link     Posted: a month ago

I’m not a guy if that’s what you’re implying. Seems like you’re just one of their typical ass lickers

#link     Posted: a month ago

Well fuck, we wouldn't want to mis-gender you would we? What is the proper classification for demons these days?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Glad to hear Kabier is doing well! Been happy to see continuing works and hoping nothing but the best for them. Excited to see where your two adventures end up taking you, there are those that just generally want good for people.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best of luck to y'all.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best wishes to you both.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good luck to you both. I'd stepped back from the fandom for this very reason as well, I'm glad your betrothed has done so well in breaking away from everything, hope she keeps aiming high and you both get what you wish for ^-^

#link     Posted: a month ago

Jason if you leave FA and Twitter are you really going to have the patience to wait the whole time it takes to develop a new furry social media platform before bitching and moaning about Sonicfox again?

#link     Posted: a month ago

That 15 minutes of fame has already expired fam. All of Youtube put that cringey embarrassment on blast, you're going to be exhausted complaining about all of them.

You may find behavior like that as an acceptable standard for how furries present themselves in public, but I do not.

#link     Posted: a month ago

But calling the guy "niggerfaggot" is well and good behavior. Gotcha.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Not a quote I've ever said. By your logic, no-one can ever be criticized because of their various identity cards.

Unlike you, I judge based on the merits of ones character.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Trust me, I am judging you based on your character.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I see very little noteworthy characteristics in you either karras

#link     Posted: a month ago

How empty is your life you have to white knight Jason of all people.

#link     Posted: a month ago

How empty of you to harass Jasonafex and assume my intentions.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Lmfao that's probably what everyone on this thread is thinking right now

#link     Posted: a month ago

I want you to prove Jasonafex said that otherwise you're just another crazy Alt Left fanatic, as if we need more of those on FA.

#link     Posted: a month ago

dude he has so many unfinished projects anyway

#link     Posted: a month ago

People who have mental or personality disorders try to look some where to be accepted so they move on to our community, the furry fandom. So more people comes in, we get their sensitivity, their mood swings, thats why we run into, and experience drama in the fandom. Which is why the furry community tends to turn "toxic". Not everyone is like this, its the specific people that come in with the eye twitchies, gives us a bad experience, making us want to pack our art, and leave.
You say to me its not healthy to be obsessed over this but its hard to pry away when it keeps coming back. Here you are bringing up toxic furs again, my point, these types of people keeps coming back affecting us but all we can do is express, voice ourselves, and not give up. Its easy to quit but its hard when some of us need to make a living, we still need our community.
I love my watchers, i love my supporters, my friends, its just the ones who come in trying to look for attention whether its positive or negative, thinking this is a safe haven, a place to be accepted but they start trouble making people wish they never found furry. That video you linked on youtube explaining about how people use furry to be safe, the guy says its not safe, and hes right.
If people want to come in to be accepted for being different or whatever, one can not come in and start trouble talking shit to people, causing drama, and issues. It begs the question, why bother joining if one insults or heckles other people while looking for acceptance? Right? I mean why bother right? hehe so its back to the mental issues. Its just crazy. Been a furry since 2000, i notice the change and its been getting worse as young people coming in. It starts to make the community look like NickToons.
I feel for you guys, and i am glad you brought up the subject from the start only because no one has said anything yet, finally someone said something. I just hope people can learn from this, and change themselves for the better of themselves, and the community. Love yuhz Jasonafex, and i am glad to hear your girl is doing better. Keep working hard, be strong, and move away from crazy people. Good luck.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I just realized you pretty much had summed up my comment already haha. I feel like more people would be less... Affected I guess? If they had this realization and expected it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

i think i have to agree with rubberkitten here on this. every fandom has its dark side, but when you spend too much time analyzing the bad parts of a fandom it can start to cloud out all the good parts of the fandom. we could list off all the good people and the things about the fandom but by that wouldn't be good enough. maybe this is just a matter of focusing too much on the negatives and just straight up ignoring the positives on your part perhaps? or maybe your just hanging out with the wrong group of people within the fandom. maybe my social experience with the fandom is just difference or perhaps im just being optimistic and can still see more good in the fandom then bad. i have my friends and fans within the furry fandom to thank for that ^^.

i think just being a popular person apart of the fandom makes you more vulnerable to getting painted a target for the drama and toxic parts the fandom. but thats just the risks that comes with being famous for most people in the fandom.the experience between a member of the fandom who is and isnt famous can be significantly different after all. it definately can make it harder to find the right group of people to hangout with that dont have alternate motives behind why they want to try befriending you.

but regardless im sorry to hear that you and kabs experience with the fandom has been rough. if leaving the fandom feels like the best thing to do to get away from the overwealming fame and drama its understandable. by the end of the day i wish the best for you two and i hope you both have a merry christmas this december! ^^

#link     Posted: a month ago

Very coherent and well formulated reply. Excellent comment.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm sorry, but I never really see many people with mental health issues around here. If you're referring to me due to the last journal of Kabier being a dickwad and her going on other social medias passively targeting me after her mocking me then you're also part of the problem. Because yeah quite the time to make one of the most completely uneducated and silly statements I've ever seen. My mental health doesn't define my actions or words. Sometimes idiocy pisses me off. We all get mad, it's normal.

People's views of people and opinions doesn't reflect mental health. I've met a shit ton of people with mental illness who are never involved in drama and live their lives to themselves. Quite frankly I never really got involved in Jasonafex's drama until the last journal. Only here in there over a long as period of time when something stupid was said but again; last time was attack mode due to their behavior because it has gotten outta control.

But I guess people's views that don't pertain to yours I guess are mentally ill and you must be a god. You're not. I'm not. Jasonafex and Kabier are not. The people on both sides in the comments are not. When it comes to the toxic fur things well problem there is that when people point it out and accuse that well there will be retaliation. What do you expect? He and her cause non-stop drama but point fingers at everyone else and can never apologize for their nonsense. Like Jasonafex made a heavily edited version of Sonicfox's speech making him stutter over a minute long. But then he points and screams "TOXICITY!!!" when people call him out. That behavior is toxic. Kabier sharing images calling Sonicfox "nigger faggot" and racially exaggerated images of him. But she'll cry toxicity when she's called out.

Sorry, shitty behavior causes shitty responses. But if you're good at art or are "gifted" at tween-animations you can get away with it. The furry community can be pretty fucking annoying sometimes but projecting your behavior onto others and then blaming them for their responses that you fueled then you're the problem. Literally degrading everyone and putting yourself on the pedestal... people aren't gonna take it. But it's their fault! I don't think so.

#link     Posted: a month ago

"Shitty behavior causes shitty responses"

It most certainly does Dragonley. And it holds true to any stupid things that YOU say or do as well.

#link     Posted: a month ago

im gonna really miss seeing her stuff in my feed, but if she is feeling better by leaving and focusing on other stuff, then im very happy with that. Her happiness and well being should come first, that gose for you as well. Damn im also so proud, i saw that art in the pewdiepie vid and didnt notice it was her until now. Congrats to her on that! I wish her nothing but the best in the future.

#link     Posted: a month ago

good to know i wont see her comic about rape anymore lol

#link     Posted: a month ago

Not helping.

Also, nobody was forcing you to look at that.

#link     Posted: a month ago

i wasnt trying to help haha

#link     Posted: a month ago

Lol you're so morally righteous and better than the rest of us lol.

#link     Posted: a month ago

lol at least i wasnt the person to go waste my time responding to every other persons comments

#link     Posted: a month ago

Lol don't get triggered bitch

#link     Posted: a month ago

i think you were the one getting triggered, considering the amount of people you've been responding to.

#link     Posted: a month ago

If I need a analysis of the situation I'll have myself a little squat, and consult my own shit

#link     Posted: a month ago

maybe you should stick your face in it too.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wish you great things coming for you two~ you two were pretty nice to me for the few min we chatted a few years ago at FE. I hate the drama and bullshit the furry "community" has. Its like highschool drama but 10x more worse.

Its good to hear things are getting way better for you two! Hope to still see some more great stuff from you and kabs :)

#link     Posted: a month ago

Hopefully both of you decide to go somewhere else as nobody here wants you toxic losers

#link     Posted: a month ago

Speak for yourself chump

#link     Posted: a month ago

I watched you for animations. If all you’re going to do is pretend you’re iguana trump and make edgy journals about how you dislike the furry community while asking for thousands of dollars for another one of your inevitably delayed projects, then could you go already? I used to enjoy the content of you and your wife but the last couple of journals have been narcissistic ramblings and you’re not producing content I watched you for. Furry politics are for stupid people and you’re not really any better than who you constantly whine about.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wanted to tell you to fuck off, but "Iguana Trump" is just too clever not to give you a kudos on creativity. That being said, fuck off.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Uh oh someone's mad.

Go shit in your bathtub, useless dog.

#link     Posted: a month ago

What a weird response. I think you're probably more upset than I am about Jasonfex. Stay triggered.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I mean... You're spending an awfully large amount of time commenting on this journal.
If I didn't know any better I'd say you're the triggered one judging from your response to others opinions...

It's only a furry on the internet with a puppet tool on Adobe Aftereffects using other people's artwork, you don't have to be mad, it's only game.

#link     Posted: a month ago

lmao he blocked me like the pussy he is. Seems like a crybaby libcuck. Evidently I'm the triggered one but this ten year old has to insult me in defense of his idol.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I am out of the know and don't feel comfortable weighing in on subjects I don't fully know or understand. But it is my personal opinion that we live in a society.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Iguana rise up!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Funny coming from her and you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

at first i was thinking the furries are toxic was just another snowflake, drama, overblown thing but now i am starting to think it is an actual real thing and not a few troll sneaking into the fandom to make it look bad

#link     Posted: a month ago

So this means you're leaving FA, right? Please say you're leaving FA.

Also it should be noted that every bit of drama ever regarding you was either instigated or encouraged by yourself(*cough*e621*cough*). You saying it's everyone elses fault is nothing short of a delusion. You've spent the last several years doing some of the most stupid shit I've long seen somebody do with a straight face, and still being close-minded enough to believe it's everybody elses fault.
But yeah, good luck with your...what is it now....7th endeavor or something? That'll probably fail due to incompetence or poor planning and end up a stagnant patreon page like all your other plans to date?
I don't even know why I bother writing all of this.

#link     Posted: a month ago

No the people that react to Jasonafex and Kabier in an unreasonable outrage and triggering are who are responsible. A rational response to Jason or Kabier is to

A) Unwatch and not say another word
B) Politely disagree in the comment section or Twitter
C) Ignore the post(s) and continue watching for pornz

What the Alt Left tends to do, and the mentally challenged child adults do, is rant, harass, throw out charactization slurs, and react to EVERY single thing that Jasonfex says and does on social media, essentially validating his concerns.


#link     Posted: a month ago

imagine seeking out every single comment you disagree with and responding to it

#link     Posted: a month ago

Imagine seeing a bunch of twats bring their Twitter drama over to Furaffinity and anytime I read an update journal for someone I watch, I see dozens of triggered Leftist douchbags, commenting negatively saying all kinds of crazy, mean, incredibly offensive things. Do you really think posting your bullshit goes without consequence?

#link     Posted: a month ago

If you two still enjoy "furries", I really don't see why you feel like you have to leave it all behind. Why not just be more selective about what you engage in? All this toxicity is entirely avoidable, with still being able to enjoy what you do.

#link     Posted: a month ago

We enjoy furry content, not it's community. If we are just going to churn out content with limited interaction, we can do that in any community. Ones that actually elevate us to greater heights and promote talent. We could prioritize other platforms easily and just dump art here for the exact same results.

If you want to keep talent around, make the experience more enjoyable. FA is terrible and conventions have become a political circle-jerk. When it's not that, it's sex, drugs and attention seeking behavior. Very few actually care about a higher standard.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Perhaps you should shift your focus to a different area of the community than FA, twitter and conventions. There are better options, for example I'm in about six different furry servers on discord and they're all great.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I have my own discord groups but they are unchallenging. it serves me no benefit having my existing views and opinions constantly re-enforced in a bubble.

There is a reason I support free speech. Not to protect my speech, but to protect the speech of those I disagree with.

#link     Posted: a month ago

also a privately owned platform enforcing what you can and can not do is not taking away free speech

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wish there was a way I could rekindle your interest in having a furry community. To me, coming to this was life changing. Sure, I can leave again, but I like it here. When shit happens I just usually turn away from it, and it is something I find easier every year.

I'm not a hardcore furry, I don't have fursuits and I don't attend a lot of cons, and I'm not a lifestyler either. But I feel connected. I feel a lot better when this kind of thought is shared with people I personally find interesting. I appreciate Kabier for her artwork, and both you and her for the podcasts and streaming. It is a comforting thought to see people like you, people I find to be good, right here. There is a void when you leave, and no one could replace you. I'd honestly feel like a loss, because I am sort of attached to the good parts of this community.

#link     Posted: a month ago

then leave FA if it is that bad

#link     Posted: a month ago

I couldn't care less about the toxicity on FA at this point, so long as
I'm able to fave yours & Kabier's NSFW stuff, then all's good between us.

also, I wish you both the best on yer wedding day

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good riddance.

I love how Jason brags about her getting a "direct shout-out from Pewdiepie" as if it were some type of medal.

Yes, her art was mentioned. Wherein he briefly chuckled and then closed by saying, "I would never say the n-word though so I don't understand."

Stop trying to make the n-word happen. It's not going to happen, and both of you are pathetic for making it your centerpiece.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I could get a shoutout from Pewdiepie. Let me write him an email real quick.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It's great to see Jasonafex weed out the furs who I normally would avoid. Please present evidence about saying that racial slur. Otherwise you're just another Alt Left fanatic.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Um? Talk to me on Telegram and I'll literally show you screenshots of Jason and Kabier using the word.

#link     Posted: a month ago

In what context are they using the word? Context is everything. Is it bad humor? A meme?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good riddance, still baffled that people support you anymore.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Short sweet and unwelcome. If only FA had a filter....

#link     Posted: a month ago

Soooooo are you always a twat, or are you just menstruating today?

#link     Posted: a month ago

I agree with many of these things that have been said.
But due to being a real Australian, i'm gonna be courteous and nice.
You and your girlfriend might wanna take anatomy classes and get your eyes checked, you got two left feet mate.

See ya later Mate

#link     Posted: a month ago

Love and Tolerance.
As long as you don't support Trump.

Loving how exclusive the Fandom has become, and how toxic it's become to just about anyone.
The creative space that was once a bastion for artists has become Politically Correct and therefore censcored for wrong think.

Well, fuck it.
Maybe the fandom shoukd die off and we stay discrimated against, harassed and stereotyped.
We don't deserve anything else but ire.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Right, going around calling people "niggers" is wrong think.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Well, calling White people simply for being White is also wrong think and Racist.
I don't see anyone screaming about that.
Hence the toxic atmosphere.

And it's funny.
PewDiePie says Nazi or the N word once, he's targeted by SJWs, yet here in this comment section i see people using it CONSTANTLY.

Hypocritical Political Repression.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Nice whataboutism.

There's no doubt there's toxicity in the fandom, but Jasonafex and Kabier have no room to complain when they spread that toxic atmosphere then run away when called out on and cry "FOUL!"

#link     Posted: a month ago


It's not a "What About" case if it actually happens, it makes it relevant.
I do not support nor approve of Discrimination or use of Discriminatory slang.
But it's also not my Right to try and restrict someones expression.
I can call said person a douchebag, hut I just can't flat out say "you can't say that because-insert reason-"
You open up dialog and then debate it out like civilized people.

This goes for both sides and to he Frank, both Left and Right are equally pathetic and lacking in the discussion and debate spectrum.
It's causing me, personally, to he desensitized and detached.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I know we're just going to have a back and forth, so I'll just say we'll agree to disagree.

I do agree with the annoyance towards the left and right though. Can't take a step towards either without being labeled by the hundreds of different words they both possess.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I can agree to this.
We're both not wrong per se, just different ways of saying or describing it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Yes, degrading whites is wrong too.

But seems to me you find it okay to degrade blacks just because people degrade whites? Sorry that's still racism.

It's more wise to find it wrong both ways instead of, "oh political repression that a side is racist". Yeah that's dumb for an excuse to allow racism towards blacks because in the end if you ask me... thinking it's okay to be racist back due to hypocritical repression really doesn't seem that'll solve racism. It makes it worse. It encourages both sides.

#link     Posted: a month ago

A little late, but you didn't read the part where I said I got support nor approve of Discrimination, did you?
You just reacted in a kneejerk fashion.

You're looking to start an argument where there isn't one.
That's why people HATE Liberals.

I took a bipartisan route and STILL get labeled.
There just isn't any middle ground or compromise.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I can't untangle all the confused Leftist bs you just typed so let me summarize. It's not okay to marginalize ANY race, simply by their color of skin or ethnicity. Never ever is that okay. Do not attempt to demonize someone when you yourself arent even fully aware of your own parties injustices. It makes you look like an even bigger fool.

Everyone who has been typing out these inflammatory/ vile terminology against black Americans have all been Leftists. And they seem to be under the impression that typing it out to prove their points or to somehow directly "quote" Jasonafex are in and of it self offending any black person who happens to be scrolling the comments. So knock it the fuck off already.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I voted Trump into office. Am I wrong for that? It's my free thought and opinion. I don't let other's control my thoughts. And I won't let someone like you dictate who i should and shouldn't follow.

#link     Posted: a month ago

People like you that insist everyone you disagree with is either a Trump supporter or a racist is exactly why adults leave the community.

Left wing classical liberal, not a racist bone in my body. Judging someone for the content of their character is not the same as discriminating against their entire Identity Group. You can excuse absolutely anything with that logic.

No-one is running around calling people the n-word, that is hyperbolic. You can use the same tactic to scrub context from anything and make it racist/sexist/phobic etc. All it takes is hate and intolerance to achieve.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Why do you only attack the left-wing? They literally wouldn't act out if the right-wing didn't act out. Seriously seems to me you really don't believe it exists. I don't 100% agree with full on liberals either given they can be extreme but you seriously make out anyone who disagrees with you being a liberal extremist. That's... literally what right-wing extremists do.

Also seems to me Kabier shared that post calling Sonicfox a "nigger faggot". But nobody seems to be running around calling people the n-word. Right? Yikes.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Right leaning individuals are often civil, willing to hold a discussion and don't talk over others. Even right here, you insist you know my motivations before I even state them. Anytime I do confront them, it's a pleasant, respectful experience. The same can't be said about puritanical authoritarians such as yourself.

All I ever hear in defense of radical leftists is 'But the bad words!'. Do you ever plan to evolve the conversation beyond that?

If you don't like shock humor, don't follow her Gab. You are the ones introducing that rhetoric to this journal, no-one else.

#link     Posted: a month ago

"Right leaning individuals are often civil, willing to hold a discussion and don't talk over others."

That's some damned fine biased and entirely subjective points you're putting forward here to bolster a point you have no business making, mate. Do you always try to support your stand point's foundation with nonsensical, unprovable, biased, and entirely fabricated bullshit? Cause that's the kind of shit that makes adults leave too. Here, I'll prove it to you. Bye. \o

#link     Posted: a month ago

And the point of making a reply was?
Proven Jasonafex right again.
No civil discourse, just shouting, flailing, ad hominem throwing toxicity.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Lmao, right?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Everyone is biased to a certain degree, it's part of how the mind works. This is understood in any amount of psychology of survival instincts. So to pretend someone doesn't have them is just false scientifically and biologically. Unless that person is a Social Constructionist, at which point there's a whole lot more wrong with them, but that's another conversation for another day.

He's got as much business making the point as you do, unless of course your claiming to be an authoritarian; dictating what people can and can't say. Trying to make your point is part of having a discussion, just like what he was taking about.

He's not in a court right now, so he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. It would help, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to toss in screen-caps proving a negative in every reply for every potential rebuttal. That's just not feasible.

As for fabricated; unless you have proof that what he said is false, then your using your experience (which is a major causes to form a bias, btw) to claim that 'something that didn't happen to me couldn't have happened at all'; which is a preposterous claim.

Adults have discussions, not drive-by replies. Don't post n ignore or claim to walk away; that's juvenile and makes you look scared to handle the conversation like an adult, which is what you claim you are.

Leaving a conversation before a conclusion has been made is exactly what he was talking about with the maturity of having a conversation without being rude to the other party, and what you were arguing against mind you. You actually proved points of his posts correct in how you responded. :/


#link     Posted: a month ago

Your profile picture is fucking amazing!

#link     Posted: a month ago

Thanks :> I made it myself years ago from the only scene that was good in that God awful parody movie. >.O

#link     Posted: a month ago

Are you completely ignorant of the Left's past and present historical and well documented misdeeds? Do you know it was a Democrat that created the Jim Crowe laws? It was Democrat plantation owners that fought the Civil War to keep their slaves? Do you realize how intellectually stunted you are that you do not know actual history, and jump to the Alt Left as though you are the sole proponent of Social Justice and decency?

"They literally wouldn't act out if the right wing didn't act out."

Who started the Pussy March? Who threatened to blow up the White House? Who assaults Maga Hat wearing citizens and blocks traffic? Your party. Please go read a history book or two you ignaramus.

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

Love and Tolerance.
As long as you don't call black people the N word, F word, be transphobic, homophobic, a dog fucker, or a pedophile. Because seriously you'd have to be a pretty shit person to do any or all of those.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Which means that should he directed at both parties, not just one.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I disagree. If those kinds of accusations are being thrown around, be skeptical. ASK the people accused how they actually feel, explore those opinions in full and if any are actually true, you would be surprised what some common courtesy and respect can do to increase empathy for others. Often the bigots are the very people dividing people into groups, pure tribalism.

I have been called every single one of those labels, as has pretty much every person I have met with an opinion even slightly out of the SJW bubble. Consider how many furries are painted as 'alt-right' or conservatives painted as fascists. It's very easy to do and buying into that rhetoric without any challenge it's a sure fire way to corrupt any community. That's how people start believing censorship is a good idea, you can shut down people you don't like, no extra effort needed.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Why is Trump even in this discussion?

#link     Posted: a month ago

He's making a point.
If you disagree, step outside the box or oppose a Liberal, SJW, Leftist/e.
You'll typically be called Alt Right, a Trump supporter, Fascist, Nazi, Racist etc etc.

It's the fact there isn't any civil discourse or discussion..... Let alone debate.

#link     Posted: a month ago

What bothers me most is that both Democrats and Republicans pit large swaths of groups against each other for political posturing, and it seems to me the Alt Left is far more engaged in it after 2016, especially with the media running around with people like Don Lemon saying we need to restrict and or ban white people.

Maybe the Right is wrong too, but I pay attention to the frequency of occurance on the Left and they are taking the cake by a huge margin.

#link     Posted: a month ago

That sounds really amazing mate and hope all goes well hehe 😊❤️👍

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best of luck to you both!

The sad truth is the furry fandom in and of itself is considered a form of delinquency. As such it attracts all types who may/may not share other forms of delinquency. But at the very least there is a far greater freedom in expressing it.

When the line is already being pushed outside the realm of "normal" it's easier to push it further without judgement.

This unfortunately attracts toxicity. People who are shitbags because they have no consequences of being as such. No judgement, no penalty, why tf not?

It's inevitable in a space like this. But I personally think knowing that helps deal with it.

Not saying you're obligated to of course. You do you and like I said best of luck! Mostly just food for thought. I learned early on yo expect a higher percentage of assholes, creeps, and downright freaks within this community. Why? Because to normal society we're all already letting a freak flag fly. The envelope is pushed, bounderies are extended etc. It feels safer for people to stretch it further here. And since many don't have anywhere else to do so AND it's the internet? You've got a recipe for toxicity.

#link     Posted: a month ago

The problem is the spread and frequency of these shitbags.
It's why people are leaving.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Right but that's the natural occurence I think within a community of "delinquents". And I use that phrase only to mean behavior/characteristics that are typically considered abnormal. If you open the door it will draw in all yypes, including an unfortunately large portion of people with pent up issues of not being able to express themselves IRL that then become internet monstrosities.

#link     Posted: a month ago

*meep* Awww, really don't want to see the two of you go elsewhere. I just started distancing myself from the people who want to talk about politics all the time and that made things so much better. Really, really don't want to have even more platforms to keep an eye on, since as it stands now I barely have time to squeeze everything in in the mornings. :p

#link     Posted: a month ago

Where can we follow you then if FA is your back up? I wish the best for you and your fiancè. It's sad you have to leave a full platform because of how toxic it is.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Kate is prioritizing Newgrounds but I'll still be using FA until my website is done.

#link     Posted: a month ago

if everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe you should check your own shoes

#link     Posted: a month ago

No, that smell is only coming from the furry community. We have no issue elsewhere.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Excuse me while I nearly piss myself laughing at just how delusional and self-fullfillingly prophetic this statement is.

Give it time, man. You'll pull some more stupid shit outside of the furry community that'll further add to the arsenal witnessed on your encyclopedia dramatica, and I will not be surprised at all when you'll no doubt find yet another scapegoat to blame your own stupid behavior and its subsequent consequences on.

#link     Posted: a month ago

The same people who watch Jasonafex also watch how you conduct yourself. I wouldn't be too smug with yourself.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Why are you responding to every comment in this journal?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Right? I've noticed that too.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Because he’s an incel with all the time in the world?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Because he's a big boi making big boi decisions. All 61 of them.


#link     Posted: a month ago

There's a reason why I strictly keep furry topics and politics separated, because once they come together, nothing but drama and pain will come from that.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good luck on your future endeavors and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

#link     Posted: a month ago

good, now fuck off

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

"She tried experimenting with human art and posting it somewhere else, immediately it blows up to the front page of Reddit and gets a Direct shoutout from Pewdiepie on her first post"

If you want to call 244 followers "blowing up" for something you've been promoting close to a month. That and edgy humor about a year old meme usually goes well with the 9 years old crowd of Youtube Pewd fans (She forgot the bridge tho).

"She made a point that I don't owe the community anything."

You know, except the artwork you've manipulated via After Effects all coming from artists (who are mainly furry).

"It really seems the only thing that was holding back her career were toxic, Politically Correct furries."

Y'all squeal about safe spaces but then run away at the slightest bit of controversy, going into places like Gab or Newgrounds where you'll remain in obscurity while cackling at "owning the libs" by saying faggot and nigger all the time. This isn't something political, it's people recognizing when someone doesn't follow what they soapbox about.

I'm probably pissing at the wall here and this won't really mean much in the end.


#link     Posted: a month ago

> close to a month
48 hours.

>If you want to call 244 followers "blowing up"
For a single post it is. That is more watches then we get per post on FA.

> except the artwork coming from artists (who are mainly furry).

Easily done in any other community. I don't need to animate furries.

Going into places like Gab or Newgrounds where you'll remain in obscurity
Furries are obscure fam. Fantasy/Human art is mainstream. It's clear already that with less effort we can garner far more exposure and opportunity over being restricted here.

You seem compelled to twist the truth about every single thing presented to you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

If your platform kicks of and it successfully artists that do more than just furry art and leaves all the political crap, give me a call. I am so tired of all this so called "woke" crap seeping into everything. I can't turn to a single damned thing now without some small toxic minority getting all the fucking attention.

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

It's honestly amazing how far the fandom's fallen to start pushing or forcing all the good people out of it and just kind of leave the fandom to rot in drama. I'm scared of going to conventions anymore all because of this political BS shitstorm that seems to be coming out of every damn nook and cranny.

It's as though a new fandom is needed, one that is NOT as all-accepting, just so we can have peace and fun again.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Intolerance is not the answer, treating all opinions as equal is.

Pop the bubbles, bring people together and actually have them discuss their opinions rather then have it left entirely to assumption, which often leads to all this straw-manning and Nazi witch-hunts. Radicalism only works in bigoted echo-chambers. A lack of censorship would push the community closer to the center.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I agree intolerance isn't the answer, but sometimes it's necessary in order to allow for the iron bubbles to pop themselves so those within can realize that they've been in the wrong the entire time. Most of the problem people are being far too steadfast and stubborn in their opinions being the only thing possibly right to allow their bubbles to pop, even if the truth slaps them in the face repeatedly.

Or maybe that's just my passive-aggressive tendencies coming out again, saying to just move on and let the problem solve itself.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Those that can't handle a fair and honest discord will avoid the change and stay here. They censor themselves from the rest of the world, no additional action needed.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Okay, true. Let them add more to the iron bubble and don't even bother with it cuz they won't bother with the rest.
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  Comment hidden by the page owner
  Comment hidden by the page owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

Finding myself in a similar situation. Cutting out the drama lines, getting more productive. Not sure about my state here on this site.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good! Well sorta. I mean the point you're making and why she distanced herself, good! But she doesn't have to completely stop creating furry art to do that. Not sure if that was her point or not but I can tell it isn't your point to stop with the furry platform because that would just lose potential paying customers when all you're trying to lose is the whining bitches that don't pay and aren't worth hearing.

Question though, if you guys do drop FA and Patreon, where can I keep following you guys on that can be considered an active platform for you?

#link     Posted: a month ago

She'll still be drawing furry, just treating FA as a side platform rather than a primary. Same goes for any furry politics, we aren't invested anymore.

I'm putting my focus on the new platform and seeing how that goes. Once it's out, I won't really use FA either as I don't enjoy it. There are better ways to interact with people and post art.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Ah ok, so she'll basically be a non-social furry like most artists anyway. That's a better way to be, imo. Stick with those friends you know already and can trust. :)

Well, when you've decided, let me know what you guys will be using primarily, and I'll follow ya there. I barely use FA as is anyway, I've only got 6 artists I follow on here who are still active, and with you two leaving that's gonna be down to 4. XD

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm at loss here becasue it's pretty much

> I dislike toxic fans
> don't blame me, blame others
> it's fine for my finance to go around saying the ''n'' word and so forth, why are you people so offended?

> It's fine for me to go take the piss out of other furry's,becasue nothing will happen to my image!

> you are all trump supporters if you do not agree with how i feel.

I'm all for people going online and expressing how they feel, but it also upon sad allot of the time when people rely solely on fame and forget the world around them.
I read this journal and other's and it seems nothing but a child throwing toy's out of his pram lol
You can call people who disagree with you and your fiance all you like, it's empty words at the end of the day and desperation.
It's also laughable as not everyone is in the USA, i could say i do not support trump/politics is nothing i care for/Brexit is a joke and may needs to be booted out.
What would that then make me or others? ''toxic people'' Nah.

Not everyone will pander action's like this online, you have good art and so does your finance it is just a shame you have used fame like this and are using fan's to make a personal army.

I have seen how you react to most comment's/hiding/going on twitter and making it a ces pool and then assuming you ''must be right'' in everything and trying to act or play like god when no one has the power to make a site that is ''safe''.

i could make a new deviant art if i wanted too and within 5 minutes and not even that no matter what rules i have someone will post something and it will follow and follow that break the rules.

You need to take a step back and realise this kind of behaviour is not okay online.
You can take my comment however you like, i have had worse reply's before/people name calling like 5-year-olds and I've only been on the net for 12 years lol
It is up to you how you take this, Karma is just very much real and it does not matter where you go online.
Not a threat, just saying from personal experience.

#link     Posted: a month ago

> you are all trump supporters if you do not agree with how i feel.

You are confused because your strawman doesn't even remotely reflect my actual views. I have never used 'Trump supporter' as an insult, infact I consider trump supporters very respectable people. It's called tolerance and actually speaking with the people you disagree with, you may learn something.

> It's also laughable as not everyone is in the USA

Yeah, like me and Kabier.

> You need to take a step back and realize this kind of behavior is not okay online.

Censorship is actually the bubbled opinion no normie agrees with. No-one likes puritanical authoritarians, that's why you state you encounter friction everywhere you go. It may be surprising to you, but people don't enjoy having the opinions of strangers shoved down their throat.

Free speech is the opposite of a safe space, that is the entire point.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wish you two nothing but the best and I hope you guys keep your sonas aslike some form of mascot fot the channel. I'll do my best to keep track of you both since I love your work on FA and Youtube. Also from one of the comments you two ere gonna make a new website? If that is true than I am excited for that as well!


#link     Posted: a month ago

It's easy to dabble in the fandom and not be a furry. I for once agree with you. What is that old phrase? Misery likes company? Loads of individuals on the fandom, and online in general are always either wanting to out do someone or pull others down. I personally hate social media because of this. It's echo chambers, self-centeredness, and drama. Nothing makes me feel more empty than facebook, twitter, and all the rest. The thought policing is killing me and political correctness is ruining everything I enjoy. Even worse is everyone is focusing on the negatives of others, rather than on any positives. Obviously there is serious degenerate behavior, but in general, everyone is guilty of something that they may not be proud of. The constant attention seeking is cancerous as well, "look at me look at me!" is pretty much all I see. Someone who uploads 100s of pictures of themselves and get sad when no one favorites them? What's the fucking point? I don't hardly want to even share my opinions because I don't want to hassle with someone getting butthurt. I don't go out of my way to say insulting things about anyone publicly. But fuck, it's not my fault if someone get's hurt about my opinion. Also, fuck all this micro aggression nonsense.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Funny how you say you don't want to "put up with the highschool bullshit" and yet you censor comments you don't agree with.

#link     Posted: a month ago

How do I like comments on FA

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good luck to your girl, i saw the picture she made of what's his face and i have to say it was good. I couldn't draw humans for the life of me, something about the noses i can get down.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Art and personal politics stay separate for me, with rare exception, for exactly this reason. I create for the joy of creating, first and foremost, and share in the hopes that others enjoy it as well. I'm happy to hear Kabier is doing so much better for the changes she's made in her life, and that she's been rewarded so greatly and so immediately for putting herself and her health first. I hope you find similar success wherever you keep producing content.

For what it's worth, I've been considering a similar shift myself for the past year, and even the initial re-establishing of myself in mainstream circles has been well-received. Perhaps it's due to different attitudes, but it just as well may be due to the wider audience. There's certainly nothing wrong pursuing another avenue of expression or income either way. It's fun to be drawing humans again, too~

I wish you both the best of luck in future endeavors here and elsewhere, and I look forward to what you share with everyone.

#link     Posted: a month ago

"I still plan to make a furry platform"

With blackjacks, and hookers!

Good luck you winner.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You made my day xD

#link     Posted: a month ago

I just wanted to come I to the fandom to make friends and become more creative I really don't care about the political side of the fandom I still wish to be in the fandom and make friends but still I haven't accomplish that since I joined fa but on deviant art it is the same way I might as well become a shadow.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I can't say I envy the position you and Kabier are in, but that being said I do have to wonder if you haven't brought a lot of it on yourselves.

I agree with you on a lot. The wave of censorious political bullshit that has gone through the fandom has driven away a lot of my friends who were furries exactly so that they could escape the troubles of IRL. A lot of people I know are accused of all sorts of horrible things simply for not agreeing with someone else on a particular point, and with entities like furry twitter being what it is, they end up getting brigaded and drummed out over some strawman. This isn't the fandom I joined back in 05.

Yet I do think you two push the edgelord button a bit too hard and too often. I get that you are trying to make a point about free expression; if the activists can all sound off and demonise people at will, why not their detractors? However don't you think this is rather pissing in an ocean of piss? The goal here should have been to get people to check their activism and politics at the door- politics is inherently divisive, there is no way to state your views and not have someone sperg out at you for doing so. Nor does it have any relevance to the fandom, a community about art and anthros. I feel you have contributed to this problem more than helped it by giving those of a censorious, misrepresentative bent a target to point at, squeal and call a nazi when mostly it seems you are just critical of progressive zealots.

#link     Posted: a month ago

racist flesh puppet goblin retire bitch

#link     Posted: a month ago

Alt Left fascist lunatic. Play in traffic.

#link     Posted: a month ago

That's a bit of a word salad.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Maybe it's a Haiku
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

I am rescinding my previous post about supporting you and Kabier, as I've learned more about the situation outside of the carefully crafted journals that you've been posting making the two of you out to be victims instead of racists and bigots. The community is toxic in many ways, but calling people out for their outdated, backward, and dangerous views is not one of them.

Go make your new section outside of FA, shut out everyone who disagrees with your pathetic worldview, and leave the rest of us in peace. TIA

#link     Posted: a month ago

Please, enlighten us about your extensive "research" into Kabier and Jasonafex. Hopefully with cohesive evidence.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I can only say I've seen occasional screenshots on Twitter of Jasona and Kabier using offensive words (racist or transphobic) in places. They are used jokingly, I'm not accusing them of legitimately supporting those things! I just believe they need to be more careful.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I think if we start censoring offensive humor we will ultimately harm our society as a whole for a slew of reasons. Intent is everything. If it was to directly attack a group or individual for the sole purpose of saying something hateful towards them, I condemn that. If it was used in the context of a joke or pun then it's probably leaning towards bad humor and should be considered taboo or in bad taste.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm actually against censoring any speech. That's part of why I like Jasona's stance on other things, he is a freedom of speech advocate like me. That doesn't mean doing anything is always okay though: Not everything that's allowed is automatically a good idea.

I do believe they were doing it with intent to be humorous. It's definitely not as bad as someone actually being serious about it, but people need to understand that even in this format it can come off badly to those who have faced persecution. If you're a black person who was a victim of racism for instance, you understandably aren't going to be happy with someone you follow suddenly throwing N-word jokes around. It depends on the exact details and context of said joke of course.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best reply ever. Great stuff you sound very reasonable to me

#link     Posted: a month ago

Thank you. I try. Many argue the opposite, but it depends on the circumstances in which we all meet. Thanks yourself also for listening.

#link     Posted: a month ago

you don't joke with racism and transphobia.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Nah. I've got better things to do, just wanted to make sure everyone was clear on where I stand.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good then it means I can't take your stance seriously.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You brought all the hate and drama on yourselves and now you can't handle it you are running away, you behave like children and thrive on bad publicity good riddance people have finally had enough of your crap.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Did you make an account just to post on this journal or do you normally not have an avatar?

#link     Posted: a month ago

I don't have an avatar and don't you dare try and defend him or her, I've been doing some digging and found some truly disgusting things they have both said and done. So if you sit there and kiss his ass like you've been doing for the past comments (yes I've read them all) then you are no better than him, do some research before you try and act all high and mighty.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I've calmly been informed of everything going on, and don't you dare presume my intentions here. Read all my comments. Perhaps you'll gain some fucking insight when you reach puberty.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I highly doubt you have been informed of what has been said and done, I have proof they have been racist and offensive to people with mental illnesses, and as someone who has had severe depression for over 11 years im not just gonna let that kind of childish disgusting behaviour slide.

Nearly every post atacking him you have replied with some smart ass comment saying how they are just as bad or where is your proof etc, so don't stand there and lie further please it just makes you look silly and imature.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You don't know what you are talking about unfortunately, nor do you have the skillset required to justify your level of outrage with evidence of actual racist behavior. You come off as an angry, petulant liberal who uses the terms "racist" "nazi" "islamophobe" without any evidence. You remind me of an angry ANTIFA gang member and that makes me even more upset.

The context of some of the slurs was framed in a joke of terrible tastes, and were not directly attacking any marginalized groups.

Yeah now Jasonafex is Trump right? He's harassing and insulting disabled kids was it? Have any proof or nah?

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm from the UK why on earth do you feel the need to bring up politics I'm sick of everything coming down to left and right nonsense, you have zero clue what you are talking about. And I have the proof if you want to see it you can note me a contact adress then maybe your blind eyes will be opened to the truth.

You disgust me feeling the need to defend someone who has scammed and lied to his so called fans on multiple occasions, the whole situation is toxic and I'm done arguing with someone who refuses to accept the truth despite it being shown to him by others.

They both acted like children and treated anyone not known in the fandom like garbage, and then once all of thier childish horrible behaviour had gone too far the intelligent people lost all respect and refused to associate with them. Hence them leaving the platform to find a new one where they can restart the entire toxic cycle all over again.

And lastly Kabier left Twitter because she was called out on being racist so the comment about the negativity on twitter was pure BS especially since she is known for being toxic on the platform, if you are going to attack someone else for saying the truth atleast know and understand the full picture thank you very much.

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

No matter what happens, you still got my support.
You 2 are were really nice, polite, and a pleasure to meet irl, and that to me is
something I won't forget. Times will bring obstacles, but everyone can overcome them
and only clearing the way to a brighter future no matter where the roads take you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

hmm... getting better support from outside the fandom? hintiddy hint hint...Also stop deleting comments you overly sensitive shit. The comments you deleted were not in any way over the line take opposite opinions why don't you?

#link     Posted: a month ago

You're one to talk about censorship when you're here deleting comments from people calling you out for your bullshit.
There are two sides to every story, right? How come the truthful side is being pretended it hasn't been told.

#link     Posted: a month ago

So, when people like you censor others, it's fine.
But when people like you get censored, it's not ok?

Double Standards are delicious.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Stories may have two sides. But why pick a side. If someone wants to detach themselves from something then its within their right to do so.

#link     Posted: a month ago

hurry up and leave already

#link     Posted: a month ago

Watch out! DJ the degenerate and DatkWraith the edgy incel might insult you to support their reptile god.

#link     Posted: a month ago

You’ve gotta commend them on their commitment, I don’t think I even love my own wife as much as these guys love Jason’s pungent reptilian asshole.

#link     Posted: a month ago

More ad hominem.
Not fun when the shoe's on the other foot, huh?

You guys are funny asf.

We're degenerates and incels, in a fandom that largely fantasizes about Rape, because the Pot calling the Kettle black isn't a thing.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Uh oh, I think I hear the SMELLY RAT trying to speak english. Be quiet incel, go pretend you're relevant more.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Calling me an Incel when I'm happy being Single and not grovelling people for sex.
Oh, and apparently I'm relevant enough for you to respond.
But then again, you did call me a degenerate on a website that is literally nothing but degeneracy.
Pot, meet Kettle.

It's why I like arguing with SJWs, or w/e you call yourself nowadays.
No substance, no real argument.
Just non-stop incessant screeching about anything you remotely find offensive or disagree with.

Make me laugh more, with your inane and baseless insults that only gives me more power and vindication.


#link     Posted: a month ago

You post edgy trash of your broken laptop and come off as a cheeto-scented fedora wearing incel. Stop with the scripted responses, NPC.

#link     Posted: a month ago


Oh look, you're a degenerate.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Calls people incel.
Then calls people NPC.

Triggered and a hypocritical idiot.

#link     Posted: a month ago


* Posted: a few minutes ago

You post edgy trash of your broken laptop and come off as a cheeto-scented fedora wearing incel. Stop with the scripted responses, NPC.

Uh oh, I think I hear the SMELLY RAT trying to speak english. Be quiet incel, go pretend you're relevant more.

Posted: 11 hours ago

*Watch out! DJ the degenerate and DatkWraith the edgy incel might insult you to support their reptile god. *

God tier edgelord.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I am not the one replying to every comment about Jasonafex trying to suck his dick, unlike you. So who is more triggered, then?

I'm not even a liberal. It's pathetic how bad you want to use your anti-SJW language on me where it doesn't apply. I remember when kids like you who liked shows meant for 2 year old girls and wrote huffy shit on the internet got pushed in lockers.

Furthermore, trying to use one of my stories against me? Really? Do you think if insulting me over my content would be an equal reply to my comment about you wasting time posting broken laptops claiming you'd "beat those antifia dolts" if they'd been in your vicinity would somehow remove the fact you're still a beta male degenerate? Man, you really do argue like a liberal. I can see why you don't "grovel" for sex. Nobody wants you. But keep trying, this will be excellent for my cringe comp.

Also, he blocked me like a cry-baby. Damn, can't anyone defending their iguana overlord not get mad and block? Pussies.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I blocked you to watch you sperg out like the Degenerate hypocritical SJW NPC that you are.

Mission accomplished.

You've ran into every wall imaginable in the span of a few hours.
Calls some edgy while posting edgy comments and insults.
Calls someone a Degenerate and an Incel while creating Degeneracy and Incel content.

Jesus Christ, I can't stop laughing at you!

#link     Posted: a month ago

He blocked me too
What an adgy Degenerate Incel ;)

#link     Posted: a month ago

You and Darkwraith are hard at work trying to get a squiggle "animation".

Let's see how long this keeps up between you two.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Nah, I'm doing this for fun.
I don't want anything out of this except for entertainment.

And it IS entertaining.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Going with the "ItS jUsT a PrAnK bRo" route. Bold. /s

#link     Posted: a month ago

I said i was doing it for entertainment, not pranking.
Do you not know the differences between triggering you guys for giggles vs pranking?

But nice Strawman.
It's all you guys do anyways lol

#link     Posted: a month ago

"you guys" Whoa now, I ain't no SJW. I think the pony fucking has left your brain a bit in a rot if I'm an SJW lad

#link     Posted: a month ago

I didn't label you an SJW, you did that yourself.
*You guys* does not constitute as a label, as far as I'm concerned.

People who typically dislike Jasonafex and Kabier typically think and react alike, an SJW is typically easy to spot and fall out. NPCs even more so.
You Dame in with an assumption and I have assumed you to be aligned with *Those guys* but have not labeled you as such.

Don't put words where there wasn't any.

Also, pointing out my Pony PP doesn't exactly help your argument on a Furry website.
If anything, in Furry terms, that makes you a Racist. 😎


#link     Posted: a month ago

I mean, almost anyone with any common sense dislikes Jasonafex and Kabs. Plus their own "Free will" constantly puts them at adds ends with potential clients.

Also, no one will mourn if a brony has his fee-fees hurt, much less one that thinks a furry disliking their deviant nature is racism.

Allow me to be the adult and let you have the last word.

#link     Posted: a month ago

And there it is.
Just like every other person in this thread who's tried to challenge or dunk me.

Posit statement.
Run Strawman.exe.
Ad Hominem.
Shutdown dialog quickly.

You didn't hurt my feelings, I was just observed statement and comparison.
Trying to segregate a Pony based OC is a Furry OC(which has equine based species) is the equivalent of Furry Racism.

You're also trying to make it seem that peoples harmless interests, such mine with Jasonafex and Kabier, seem morally or intellectually limited.
Which is retarded, especially when coming from a Furry.
And we're all fucking Furries here so it's some wierd self hating spiel you guys espouse.

And I find it extremely entertaining.

I'll continue to follow Jasonafex and Kabier. Why? I like their art and they don't have a filter.

Have a good one. Hopefully you actually drink a beer and relax.

#link     Posted: a day ago

I just looked back at this comment thread for shits and giggles and hoo boy.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I think my best advice is to stop talking about political stuff in the first place because it just brings fuel to the fire. If they start anything, play their game of censoring. Block, ignore and move on. But I do not disagree that the furry fandom became too unhealthy in the social aspect, I am always wary to say the wrong thing. Focus on your art and your fans instead. Put the social and sensitive topics in a account where it doesnt relate with your work.

#link     Posted: a month ago

DJ you felt the need to bring politics into a comment thread, you are part of the problem not the solution, and your response is oh I'm doing it for fun that makes it even worse. And the fact you don't think so is just moronic, You behave like your a child trying to goad people with smart ass comments. For real seriously pal get a life it's embarrassing to read the crap you are spouting it's not even intelligent it's just childish.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Trying to tell me how to live my life eh?
It's why they're leaving.
Leftist regressive Politics has caused the Fandom to become wholly toxic.
It's why Koth left.
It's why Kabier left.
It's why Jasonafex is leaving.
And many are following suit.

The fact you're completely clueless, and the fact you don't like my style of baiting people for entertainment, paints you as the legitimate poster child of a moronic NPC.

I'm going to do what I want, and there isn't jack shit any of you can do about it.

Also, learn some fucking grammar before calling someone a moron.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Oh lawd, you did it now, you dared mention the chunky lad.

#link     Posted: a month ago

He’s a brony, are you expecting intelligence? A fern has more rights to the air I breathe.
  Comment hidden by its owner

#link     Posted: a month ago

Alt Left be like "Help! I'm being oppressed!"
Alt Right be like "You're not being opressed, you're opressing yourself."

Both sides are wrong, both sides are toxic. It's cool and all that she got a little brief showcase from PewDiePie, but the content that was shown is trying to get him to slip up say the N word again is just stupid. So many trolls alike trying to get him to say it again like if it's funny and shit is just outright childish. He will never say it again, and his mods in his comment section have been hard at work at trying to banning users and removing such comments from his channel.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'll admit i'm rather knew to the furry community and never really noticed the politics...maybe cause i'm more of what one would call a hermit furry and admittedly even with the only real experience I have with other furs is the two times I been to Indianapolis furry convention and both times I volunteered so I could try and be brave enough to talk witch failed. so if there were politics maybe i'm just blind and if so i'd rather remain blind what got me into the furry fandom and what's keeping me is mostly the art, the crazy suits people come out with and the fact I can talk and act like a fox or any of my other sides openly/walk around with my giant Charizard plush XDXD.

it will be sad to no more of Kabier's art or...yours if your stopping to. your art kind of left me questioning things in silly ways about myself either way it's always good to hear when others branch out and find something else to do. still seems stepping away did really go there no matter what you two plan on doing wish you two luck and I will admit....i'll miss both of your art.

As for furry communities...Xd what communities, Deviant art, IB, FA, well I guess furrypile was one but I only went to one place there the rp section XD.

err.. what was I saying I rambled XD. oh yeah hope everything works for the best and I will greatly miss you two's art.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Its just eh.

I consider myself more a ghost as well, just watching from the sidelines and throw some lines when needed, overall, the content is what got me here or else i would dig my grave in some other fandom, again.

So just stay that way, its good being on the sideline and not fight an unneeded war.
both leave on thier own terms because they got called out for thier shit (and there is much which i ignored over the years but now its over) so its the best for everybody, there are enough artists ready to fill the void they left in you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wanna see a fuckin debate between darkwraith and djlunarium
They seemed to have invested a lot of time on this journal as if it were their own.

#link     Posted: a month ago

DJ you say I'm clueless but don't know the real reason they are leaving, they are leaving because people have finally had enough of the toxicity, the drama and atacks on others not because of damm politics. The fact you actually believe Jasonafex shows us all just how blind and ignorant you are.

And there you go again talking about NPC etc you honestly think because I said that you are childish and stupid for trying to provoke others that I'm some kind of political warrior... I couldn't give a shit about politics I'm sick of it infecting everything it touches, but you just want to see politics in everything people write when in reality it's got nothing to do with it.

Over half people telling you to stop and calling you out aren't fuelled by politics they are just being mature intelligent people and are sick of the toxicity. You know the kind you seem to bring with you everywhere you go because you think everything is a debate.

And as for attacking my grammar that's just childish and honestly I would rather make a few mistakes than to have a mindset and maturity as twisted and toxic as yours, half the crap you say online you wouldn't dare say to people in public. So stop hiding behind your screen like some kind of keyboard warrior and grow the fuck up yeah.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Continue to circle jerk each other.
It's hilarious.

You guys are trying to act mature, have moral high ground.
But you're Furries who dress up in mascot outfits and Jack to rape and Snuff.

I'll keep making it Political, it's what you guys do, and if it pisses you off.
The mature thing would be to move on.
No one made you comment but you and trying to virtue signal only makes you look like a total idiot.

Keep calling me immature, childish, uneducated.
What have you.
It's nithing but projection from a fandom filled of insecure, socially awkward, reject losers who want to feel special.
So you group up, like some sort of psychological group therapy session and start telling each other *It's alright* and giving hugs and Pat's on the back.

You're not calling anyone out.
You're vindicating Jasonafex, Kabier, Darkwraith, Kothorix and myself, every time you decide to speak up against somes opinion with pure vitriol and hate.
Why do you think I'm triggering and baiting you?
It's easy and it gets the cockroaches to come out for everyone to see and take note of
If it makes me look like an ass, I don't really care what a bunch of egotistical, self entitled Furfags think of me because it ultimately doesn't affect me.

I have spoken.
Now, I'mma follow Darkwraith around. Because since we're apparently *comrades* or some shit.

#link     Posted: a month ago

hey btw are you going to say something about this kabier stuff being under aged? deleting the evidence against it when if innocent helps nothing and only shows guilt it is no wonder why she is so unstable it looks like it is because of you

#link     Posted: a month ago

Sadly I think that's true because back in the day or atleast as far back as I can remember kabier wasn't bad at all but his influence has rubbed off on her and in a pretty bad way. Its a shame to see such a vulnerable woman taken advantage of and brainwashed by a twisted individual like Jason, as toxic as she has been I seriously hope she gets the help she needs, because coming from someone who suffers everyday with severe mental health it can only get worse if not managed properly.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Kindly stuff it. What do you think you have to prove?
Quickly! Someone doesn't agree with my thinking or ideology! Better call them a pedo!
Pedo it seems has naturally regressed into the go-to insult for slanderous children like yourselves. Titles such as rapist, racist and misogynist have lost all their impact thanks to flagrant misuse. Are you trying to devalue the lable pedo next?
Perhaps it would be best if people like you thought before you felt, found evidence before you accused and stop devaluing serious labels.
Perhaps you should go to bed Junior.

#link     Posted: a month ago

"Perhaps it would be best if people like you thought before you felt, found evidence before you accused and stop devaluing serious labels"

I gotchu fam.


#link     Posted: a month ago

So you would rob Kabier of her currently held 'of age' status due to speculations from the past? Shes an adult now and shes still holding strong with Jason today so their relationship has clearly always been consensual.
There's also a big leap between actual physical activity and posting adult content online. Don't lie. We've all been searching for porn online since well before we were of age. Puberty starts earlier then 18 and to accuse Kabier and Jason of a pedophile relationship because she was exploring her early sexuality online is hyperbolic at best.
I can already feel the stigma around the label pedo slipping away, thanks again for devaluing another important word.

#link     Posted: a month ago

if what was posted is true it is called grooming into a relationship and it looks like kabs interests were later only boosted by Jason's attitude and it is not just adult content online there is more

#link     Posted: a month ago

also don't put words in my mouth that I never said please

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good Lord.
You guys can't take him on politically.
You can't attack his integrity or his artistic talent.

So you resort to attacking his RELATIONSHIP.

What next?
His deceased relatives and ancestry?

Talk about Try-Hards.


#link     Posted: a month ago

I love how all the people say Jasonafex and Kabier are such had people, when they are essentially Cyberstalking the both of them obsessively.

SJWs have devalued words that once had impactful meaning.
All used excessively to push a narrative or to ad hominem out of a losing argument.
But w/e.
They're worthless anyway and that's why they project as much as they can.
Denial is a powerful and addictive thing.

#link     Posted: a month ago

tbh, you dont need to cyberstalking them (other people did the digging and gosh do you find shit on them), you are pretty much hit with the post & pictures without any searching.
Also, that dudes twitter is just wow, holy damn XD

I am on twitter pretty much since like two weeks and once i fellowed a few furries, that shit started raining on my dash.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Agreed. I had a lot of respect for Kabier at one time. Even felt sorry for her for ending up with such a twat. But now she is just as bad as he is.

#link     Posted: a month ago

how long did you know her?

#link     Posted: a month ago

I want to thank you for standing up for A-political values. Everyone is caught up in a shit storm of extreme left and reactionary right warfare. More than ever, people are getting sucked into extreme lines of thought and completely abandoning any semblance of rational compromise focused thinking. People have become preachy to the point that political convictions read more like a religion than anything else.
Seeing how the fandom has declined is heart breaking. I remember back when the furry fandom was inviting and friendly. Full of actual respectful people. Those people might still be around but the loudest people are now by far the drama thots.
I'm excited to see what becomes of you two in the future! Much thanks!

#link     Posted: a month ago

People don't seem to understand that when you try to get reactions out of people by saying offensive, inflammatory stuff for "lols", you're just as bad as the people reacting. I had to unfollow both of you on Twitter because, though I enjoyed your content, I couldn't go a single day without seeing the two of you being overly political, and to cast the blame on the fandom for reacting to your own edgelord button mashing is pretty comical. You bring the backlash onto yourself, it doesn't just randomly find you. You're not as innocent as you seem to think. No matter where you go, calling people "nigger faggots" and being disrespectful is not going to be accepted and glorified. Period. This all just seems like the boy who cried "drama!". You don't have to agree with someone's viewpoints or ideals to be respectful, and from what the both of you have shown, you're anything but that.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Then follow them for Art. Not Politics.
They are free to do whatever they want, they are adults after all, and if they want to talk politics so he it.
No one is making any of you read anything they post, you're doing that yourself.

It's essentially what I do.
I look for Bullshit, them I stir the pot with a spautula attached to an impact wrench to laugh as people sperg out in childish outrage over literally nothing.

I get a serious kick out of it.

But it seems people like to virtue signal or seem morally superior and therefore have to hunt out Bullshit and the start NPC preaching.
Which is still hilarious.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Sorry, I can't separate the art from the artist because I don't want to be associated with their name or be in support of them, which clearly you don't mind being associated with them as you've taken it upon yourself to reply to every single person on this journal who isn't singing their praise, and that honestly just makes you look like a tool. They can say whatever they like but I'm also able to unfollow them for that reason if I so choose, and that's my decision. No one is making you read what I'm posting, you're doing that yourself.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wasn't chastising you for unfollowing them.
I was just making an observation that you could enjoy their art and ignore their Politics.

I do that with SJW artists that I follow.
Fuck their Politics, but I give credit where the talent is at.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I'd rather not do either, honestly. There are plenty of artists who are genuinely good people with genuinely good art. I don't see any reason giving my support to people who are clearly not good people, just because "dey drew da good pronz".

#link     Posted: a month ago

Good and bad is largely based in personal perception.
I don't see anything wrong with Jason or Kabier speaking their mind, regardless if it's controversial.

But, every artist has their Politics and not every artist is a *Good* person.
*Good* people are essentially a myth nowadays and it's people you agree with that you consider as *Good*

But you do you.
I can't stop you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It's sad that your fragility keeps you from enjoying content. I hope that one day you can pull your head out of your ass and chill the fuck out.
The phase 'nigger faggot' originates from an Idubz kick-starter crap response video in which a salty kick-starter responds to Idubz criticism of his product by calling him and his audience Nigger Faggots. Idubz embraced the label, leading his following to adopt the title Nigger faggot. If you understood the concept of these inside jokes, perhaps they wouldn't offend you as much?
The point of saying these edgy things is less often to get a reaction and is more often to spread an inside joke and laugh at everyone who doesn't get it.
Congrats. you "wooshed'
Lets conclude by stating a fact. Words do not spring from the aether with a predestined power level. We as humans determine what words mean and weather they have the power to offend or harm. By instilling that words such as nigger and faggot remain taboo, you keep them locked into the past and those words retain the same power and vitriol. When you start throwing the words around and mocking friends with them and laughing at the absurdity of their offensive nature you de-stigmatize the words and give them less impact, reducing the harm they inflict. You are actively working against your own cause by holding words like nigger and faggot captive in the past.

#link     Posted: a month ago

My "fragility" has nothing to do this, and I would appreciate you not attacking my character when I approached this situation respectively. If you can't give me the same respect that I gave Jasonafex and I'm willing to give you, then I'm not going to entertain your argument. Sorry, but I didn't come here to shitsling with Jason's protectors. If you don't like what I think about the situation, then feel free to keep it moving. No skin off my back. I don't agree with your argument and nothing you say is going to change my mind. You're entitled to your opinion but that doesn't make mine invalid.

#link     Posted: a month ago

If you interpret my words as an attack then I can't help that. It's your interpretation. Note that my intent was and is to inform you with my words. If my words hurt your feelings... what, what am I suppose to do about that? I'm not into coddling people. I can't help that harsh words bring you discomfort.
If you can not separate the art from the artist, then I feel so bad for your naive, sheltered little puss-ass
I'll reply to you if I like, because if you don't recall, you initially engaged with me and invited conversation, not the other way around.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Ok...? You seem way more upset than me about it, lol, you sure I'm the triggered one? Also, you seem pretty self righteous. I didn't reply to you at all. I was replying to Jason and this journal. You're the one who decided you'd take it upon yourself to "inform" me of your opinion. Look at you go, owning triggered SJWs online. Must be proud of yourself. I'm blocking you simply because you're not capable of speaking to me like you're an adult capable of conversation without ad hominem attacks. Should take a page out of DJ's book. Have a nice day.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I was actually trying to be nice, but I looked again, and damn http://prntscr.com/lwx9xc, you're so ready to jump on anyone who's not rallying behind Jasonafex, you didn't even pause to check if I was actually talking to you before you started slamming your face against a keyboard whiteknighting for him. That's truly and honestly sad.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Don't praise me just yet lol
I can throw ad hominems like a professional discus athlete when I want to. XD
It's just your post didn't warrant it because it didn't seem nor look like kneejerk outrage with the writer throwing insluts right out the gate.

No one should follow my example, because lets face it, I'm an asshole and a bad influence.

Keep on Rocking!

#link     Posted: a month ago

not even bothering with the comments lol. You and your lovely wife just keep truckin on oki? #positivevibes

#link     Posted: a month ago

just out of curiosity does that mean you will stop making those absolutely amazing games?

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

Soooooo are you gonna address why you hid 3 comments of criticism against you? For someone is against censorship, you sure did censor those guys.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Three comments were hidden and you guys start screaming from the tree tops.
He didn't deplatform anyone lol

You guys should just hack and laugh if you find his actions ironic.
Not *RRREE* at the top of your lungs.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Iunno, seems pretty hypocritical if you ask me :T

#link     Posted: a month ago

You can't change people how their veiwpoint on certain things are.
That would require some sort of serious Divine Intervention.

So do what I do to Liberal SJWs when they do something hypocritical or contradictory.

Point it out.
Then laugh like a hyena.

When you attack someone you end up giving the target power and meaning. Just like words, individuals have to give them power and meaning.

But, it's just three lousy comments. It's not like he is legitimately silencing someone like the Internet did to Alex Jones. He just hid a few comments.

#link     Posted: a month ago

If they were so lousy, why hide them? Must have gotten to him :P

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

I'm still on Deviant Art, lol. there's just too many platforms out there now to keep up with posting on.

#link     Posted: a month ago



#link     Posted: a month ago

"im not toxic ur toxic"

#link     Posted: a month ago

bye felicia.

#link     Posted: a month ago

The amount of laughable garbage in this post is insane and rich. lol

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wish you and Kabier the best

though I do have to ask: will you be continuing to produce furry art with your characters? I'm quite fond of Vergence, Genesis and many others and I'd hate to see them vanish because of the amount of toxic assholes within the community

#link     Posted: a month ago

I hope you find a better crowd unfortunately jerks are in every fandom. I get by from just ignoring them. but it does get hard, I wish you two the best in your travels and that you don't ever leave the fandom completely!

#link     Posted: 23 days ago

First time I've really bothered to read a journal but I was bored and this one was interesting. If you think about the average fur and their place in society it's not hard to see why they are toxic, some people make this their whole lives and what a sad small life that is. You should 100% branch out, the community is not worth it lol. I hope to see your talent on the other side

#link     Posted: 3 weeks ago

As far as i'm concerned you are the toxic one Jason and all criticism you and Kabier have been getting is completely warranted.

#link     Posted: 3 weeks ago
