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Temperature (Current)
Mostly Cloudy/Wind, Windy (75% cloud cover) Visibility 8 miles
Provide at least one rest break each half hour of the session with a minimum duration of 5 minutes each. Monitor fluid intake.
82.0°F to 87.0°F
Less Than Ideal Conditions. Use discretion for Intense or Prolonged Exercise.
Watch at-risk players carefully. Provide at least three separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 4 minutes each.
87.0°F to 90.0°F
Moderate Risk for Heat Illness. Maximum Practice Time is 2 Hours
For Football: Players are restricted to helmet, shoulder pads, and shorts during practice, and all protective equipment must be removed during conditioning activities. If the WBGT rises to this level during practice, players may continue to work out wearing football pants without changing to shorts.
For All Sports: Provide at least four separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 4 minutes each.
90.0°F to 92.0°F
High Risk for Heat Illness. Maximum Practice Time is 1 Hour
For Football: No protective equipment may be worn during practice, and there may be no conditioning activities.
For All Sports: There must be 20 minutes of rest breaks distributed throughout the hour of practice.
Extreme Conditions. No Outdoor Training.
Cancel or delay practice until a cooler WBGT level is reached.