Artifact Details


Microsoft windows NT workstation

Catalog Number







Microsoft Corporation

Place of Publication

USA (Puerto Rico)

Identifying Numbers

Other number 093007805488 Barcode number from label on box
Other number 236-00930 Barcode number from label on box
Other number 236-00930 SKU on registration card
Other number 236-074-850 Number on setup disk 3 (floppy)
Other number 236-074-862 Number on setup disk 1 (floppy)
Other number 236-074-872 Number on setup disk 2 (floppy)
Other number 236-075-240 Number from label on Windows NT CD cover
Other number 69396 Barcode number on Start here mnaul
Other number 69396-0696 Document number on Start here manual
Other number 69727 Barcode number on Hardware compatibility list booklet
Other number 69727-0796 Document number on hardware compatibility list booklet
Other number 813-6964361 CD key on Windows NT CD cover
Other number 94692 Barcode number on Windows NT CD cover
Other number PO M0501F1 Number from label on box
Other number WO 220993 Number from label on box
Other number X03-44435 Part number on box
Other number X03-60755 Barcode number on Internet explorer CD cover
Other number X03-60762 Number from label on Internet explorer CD cover
Part number 67720 On Your guide to service and support card
Part number 69401 On Windows NT CD
Part number X03-35850 On registration card
Part number X03-45931 On Internet explorer CD



System Requirements

PC with 486/66 MHz or higher processor or RISC-based workstation with Alpha, MIPS R4x00, or PowerPC processor; 16 MB of RAM; 110 MB of disk space; CD-ROM drive or access to a CD-ROM over a computer network; VGA or higher-resolution display adapter; Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device


Packaged Software: 3.5


(1) CD - Windows NT workstation
(3) 3.5 in. floppy - Windows NT setup disks
(1) CD - Internet explorer 4.0
Start here manual
Hardware compatibility list booklet
Your guide to service and support card
Registration card



Collection Title

J. Ehrman software collection


Gift of John Ehrman

Lot Number
