The Hoax That Won't Die

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2019-01-26 18:14

The entrance to the Auschwitz museum is one of the most familiar images in the world. Great care is taken by organizations like the World Jewish Congress to keep it that way.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE HOLOCAUST IS A HOAX THAT'S ALREADY BEEN UNMASKED.  But the Establishment won’t give it up.

Instead of a hoax, we could call it a sleight-of-hand, in the sense of the tricks magicians use. (‘Hoax’ derives from the magic incantation hocus pocus). We could call it a myth, except that it was deliberately created to deceive and gain advantage, and continues to be upheld for that purpose. We could call it war propaganda that got out of control, and indeed it has slipped out of its World War II niche and become a free-standing phenomenon, fueling the world-wide ‘campaigns against anti-Semitism’ with ever-expanding laws that forbid speaking ill of Jews and/or Israel.

But it is properly called a hoax because it was deliberately created by a few men in the upper ranks of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) utilizing their tight network of influential, well-placed accomplices throughout Europe, Britain and the United States. Please continue reading at hoax that won't die

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