Chart: 43 Alpha, Theta, Delta Brainwave Entrainment Benefits
Just a few of the many testimonials that our happy customers send to us every day:
I would like to share with you my experience after using EquiSync for three weeks. First of all, I am so amazed how fast I can put myself in a meditation state. During meditation, I feel some kind of a sensation I could not explain. I feel the rain dropping on my face and sometimes my legs. I feel the breeze of a tropical weather as if I was in the forest. I always sleep for a very short time at night and I have a very high sense of smell all my life. Using equisync I still sleep less, but am more relaxed when I wake up. During meditation, I can also smell the forest as if I am in the forest.
Today, September 10, I woke up at 5:00am (after 4 hours sleep) and started meditating from half way to the end of the Equisync III program. Woke up to cook breakfast and run by 10:30am. I cannot believe how I ran with so much energy. Run again at 7:00pm and still have lots of energy.
I also suffer with migraine for the last 15 years of my life. So, when I know I am going to have a headache I will start meditating and headache suddenly subsided. What an amazing thing you have created here. This is only three weeks of my experience. How much more what I can do after…………By the way I am 49 years old. I just want to thank you so very much for sharing this amazing tape with me. It is so worth it in all aspect. I wish you all the best. How I wish that our paths will cross one day.
Thank you for sharing the great experience and benefits of these successful effort.
Respectfully yours
I tried other companies the last few years or so….among the likes that mainly used binaural audio and the deepest I was really ever to achieve was alpha state….maybe theta once or twice over the last few years. It takes incredible dedication and practice to achieve the deep, renewing states of meditation that are most sought after…..I listened to the theta meditation mp3 last night and within what seemed like a few minutes my mind was flooded with imagery…memories long gone…my body was sleeping, heavy as lead, but my mind was crystal clear, aware of my surroundings. I could barely even open my eyes!
Just my FIRST session I felt like I successfully achieved a theta state of meditation….I came out of it feeling extraordinarily renewed and with this profound insight of “everything is going to be ok”….this was all from my FIRST session. I cant wait to continue this on a regular basis to see where it leads….one day I hope to achieve the deeper delta states…
I just want to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Thank you for this great product.
My name is [name removed], I am 33yrs old, and just this last weekend I purchased the full EquiSync entrainment mp3s… b/c I’m a veteran meditator and felt sure that the introductory tracks were for beginners. As indeed they were but I listened to them anyway.
Admitted, I haven’t listened to all the tracks yet, but while listening to the demo alone over the course of a month-and-a-half I, too, had a transcendental experience that was amazing! So I determined pretty quickly to save the money and buy your product, even though I really can’t afford it. Yes, over the last 3 years meditation has become that important to me.
When I had this experience while using your product, I had been listening to the demo on repeat for around 3 hours or so. Thus, after purchasing your product and reading the material, I was a bit shocked to see the warning “Not to be used for more than 2 hours.”
So my question is: Why? When I read it, I had a bit of a fear of brain aneurysms. Therefore, 1. could someone contact me to tell me why use of your product shouldn’t continue past 2 hours? [I probably won’t heed the reason unless it’s a life or death warning: I love this product that much!] 2. Please feel free to post my letter in your testimonials, if you ever decide to post such customer comments.
Thanks a lot and ROCK ON EOC!!!!
A friend in the lotus position
a concise P.S. I was in a horrible car accident when I was 18 and had to learn to read and write and walk and talk all over again. It was long ago and I’m pretty well over it, but such an injury has lifetime repercussions. The neurological damage sustained causes my left arm to shake uncontrollably anytime I use it in a situation requiring precise coordination. From simply listening to the demo, the shake [though not disappearing completely in the last 2 months] has lessened dramatically. I had been wondering for years what kind of neurological exercises I could undergo to help it…
Well, now I’ve found it!
To whom it may concern,
The results of using EquiSync for only 3 months have been phenomenal! Profound and positive changes have occurred , and continue to occur, in my being. These transformations have become obvious to family and friends as well. I am 71 yrs old and feel better than when I was in my thirties. My energy levels remain high with less sleep. I work out at the gym vigorously five days a week – bicycling and swimming are part of the regimen as well. I volunteer services at Hospice and nursing homes. My short term memory has improved to the point that others remark on my remembering their names after meeting them only once several weeks in the past. Sometimes I find that I’m reading fine print without my glasses. I spent the greater portion of my “productive” years as a monk but had lost the ability to meditate due to the development of A.D.D. Now my ability to stay focused and concentrate has remarkably returned and am reaching meditative states that I’ve not reached in years. Each new day is now seen as another opportunity to serve.
Because of others observing all of this I have been able to send you several customers and will very likely be sending you more… I am part of a large spiritual community and this would help tremendously in spreading the word of EquiSync. I also believe your product would be of great benefit to Hospice and nursing home patients of which there is a very large number here in Florida -aka- God’s waiting room.
My name is [name removed] and I purchased the full Equisync set about 2 years ago and I’m very happy with this product. I still feel and notice euphoric and life changing effects to this day and I’m so grateful for this fact. I continue to follow the research on this subject and know that as science and technology advances a more quality product can be produced.
Thanks for your time.
Good Morning:
My name is ******. I’m a systems engineer which have worked on the engineering field for over 20 years. During the last few years I have faced some personal challenges which have put a lot of my abilities to a test. Over a year now I got the “Equisync II” CDs from the EOC Institute, and the results from the very beginning were really amazing. Even as an engineer it was not easy to understand the incredible benefits of this brainwaves therapy when used consistently.
A few months ago I decided to test the ability of the “Equisync II” brainwaves therapy combined with other more traditional self-improvement programs and the results have been even more amazing to me. Currently in my mind I honestly believe this type of therapy can be a breakthrough, or simply the genesis of a new type of therapeutic techniques to correct several psychological, and behavioral human issues including depression, lack of organization, and self-esteem among many, many other possibilities.
I have discussed these findings with my sister, and two nice which are professionals in the fields of psychology, and medicine respectively (my sister and older nice have vast experience on the psychology arena, and my younger nice is a pediatrician), and they all agree this therapy can be of a great benefit applied in conjunction with traditional self-improvement programs.
I have always believe on helping others as a way of self-growth, and this is a great opportunity for me to share my theory with you in order to determine how doable its’ implementation could be. Please let me know the best way to contact EOC to discuss my research, and ideas on your “Equisync II” product. Thanks.
(name removed)
To Whom It May Concern,
I teach math to 8th grade students in a public school in [removed]. Last year I talked to a student about ordering your CDs and listening to it while he sat in my class. He was allowed to have his headphones on during the lesson, while doing his homework, and while he was testing. He got 98% on his end-of-level test.
I would like to experiment with a whole class this year. If it works like I think it will, the entire class should be at the top of the district when the scores are in and they very likely would want all students being taught math using your CDs….
I would love to talk with you about this pilot program.
I am one of the fortunate ones who received a free demo of your product. I do believe your product corrected damage to my brain from a childhood concussion. Immediately upon use, I became aware of sounds, drainage and even discomfort behind my right eye and the lower right side of my skull. This continued for a week of using the product daily. I was about to give up using the product when all discomfort stopped, and has not returned. I do believe your product should be used for childhood head trauma. Even though the brain is only bruised, a life can be altered immensely. I love my Equisync II and will use it daily and with confidence.
Blessings on you and Equisync.
First of all, thank you for a most remarkable achievement. I have tried products in the past that purported to synchronize meditation-level brain waves — usually overlain by sappy new-age music composed by non-composers — and was invariably disappointed. However, I have been using your Equisync II and Equisync III recordings for a few weeks now and the results are truly astonishing and live up to the claims on your website.
In any event, thanks again.
Good morning!
I am writing to you because i want to let you know that . . . i love your product !!!!!!!!
Yes . . . the concept is quite believable . . . especially with all the scientific studies done to confirm that “waves” have a lot to do with how we feel . . . how we perceive our world.
there’s nothing like being balanced!!
i love your product .
Thank you.
The only thing I have found lacking in using your product is that there is no place on your website to register my kudos to you for such an excellent product. I am not new to meditation, nor to brain entrainment products, and I found you product to be really outstanding. I’m completely hooked, love listening to the tracks and they are the best way ever to treat monkey mind. Bada boom, bada bing, in just a few minutes any aggravation I’m experiencing in the outside world, melts away and I am one very blissful and happy camper.
Many thanks for offering such an outstanding product. I’m very grateful to have found you.
I have listened to all 3 and fell asleep soon after the beginning. I must admit my emotions were at a different place than ever experienced before… calmer more focused.
Hello again,
I just want to write another email about how happy I am with your product, Equisync I, or the alpha waves. I dont think I have ever been so relaxed in my entire life. When I get sink into the state, it feels like a huge electric blanket is pulsing through my body, a really warm, swirling feeling, and my mind is very inactive. I am a meditator without your product. I am able to enter witness consciousness fairly easy on my own sometimes during the day in activity. This isnt the heart oriented feeling of bliss or expansion, but it still is great for the body/mind. This is great though, as it seems to fully relax me. I still believe, that for one to really see dramatic results, meditation should be a way of life. Considering how many of us, spend most of our day unconscious, not aware of the witness or the self, an hour a day is better than nothing, but would be best to be proactive during the day, watching. Keep up the great work and thank you for your product and research.
It is my pleasure to say that EquiSync is an amazing product. I enjoy it a lot.
From the deepest, sincere, compassionate, and loving part of my soul; I offer thank you. : ) By saving me, I believe your organization did a service to society as a whole, for now I am like a ripple in a pond that will reverberate good vibes to all who I come into contact with. I express compassion, understanding, and knowledge to all who I see need your life saving, and healing product. Like a missionary I desire to spread it; for it is pure, good and loving to my fellow man.
Thank you and God bless you all!
I can’t thank you guys enough for saving my life. I tell everybody I know about your guys. I love you guys. I word of mouth advertise and give my testimony to the power of your technology almost everyday. I am only 30 years old, but since I was 17 teen years old my life was a miserable roller coaster ride. I ended up being diagnosed with fibromyalsia, bipolar disorder, adhd, manic depression, sever anxiety, severe depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and you name it. Because of your product, I have never felt better in my entire life. I can cope and manage and more. I can finally sleep a full night without tossing and turning waking to knots in my back and stomach. I can finally stand straight and tall without feeling like I have a pinched nerve in my neck. I have energy again, and a renewed passion for life!
Thank you for giving me my life back!
I have to say that thus far I am really impressed with the results. I have having better sleeping nights and feel a lot more relaxed than I did prior to using this product. I intend to continue using it for a very long time.
Thank you again, I am very excited to be a customer of this technology.
Kind regards
Before; 152/92
I thought that you might find this interesting.
Best Regards
I have also noticed that during my morning meditation session (I use the product twice daily – once in the morning and again at night), I’m able to almost instantly reach extremely deep levels of relaxation. In fact, within minutes I lose all sensation in my extremities. This is exactly like yogic meditation’s pratyahara, or sense withdrawal, state. It’s really quite remarkable that I could get that relaxed that quickly. This process usually takes me anywhere between a half an hour and an hour and a half. With EquiSync, I reach the same state in literally 2 to 5 minutes!
At any rate, I am enjoying the product immensely. I’m keeping a journal in which I’m recording my thoughts & observations as well as memory and cognition scores just as a sort of completely unscientific pet project, out of curiosity. So far, I’ve benefited from being better rested and more focused as a result of your product and that alone is worth the price of admission but I hope to be able to show that over an extended period of time, EquiSync can also improve working memory, cognition, &etc. I’ll be sure to share the data I collect with you if I get anything of statistical significance.
As you well know, the most effective form of marketing is word of mouth. I have a powerful testimony to the efficacy of EquiSync!
I have only been using the EquiSync cd’s for three weeks, and I haven’t even gotten to the Equisync III CDs yet. But I have had the most remarkable results. Please do read this in its entirety, although it is long, because I have a proposal for you in the end.
As somewhat of a modern mystic, I have studied altered states of consciousness, but due to my monkey mind, I have only been able to experience them to a very minor degree. I have tried so many methods of meditation to little avail. But I became aware that I would not be able to progress in my spiritual life if I could not achieve at least a modicum of success in meditation.
Then in my own research regarding my life-long hypertension and its resistance to medication, I became very concerned when I learned that 145/95 is the gateway to dementia. At that time my BP was consistently 145/95. Then, even worse, it started to become routinely 161/106. I was simply unwilling to take more medication with all its attendant side effects, so I started researching natural solutions. I became aware of a breathing apparatus which sold for $300 that would help me train myself to deep breathe, thereby reducing my blood pressure. $300 seemed like a lot, but not in the scheme of saving my life. I started thinking. I already knew how to breathe from my brief studies in Chi Gung. I simply needed something to help me focus my mind. I tried using the Chi Gung breathing while simply counting 200 breaths. It worked for a short while, but I quickly became far too bored, even though I knew it could be a lifesaving measure. I had been considering EquiSync for sometime, and realized it was much less expensive than a $300 breathing regulator, and that it might serve a dual purpose. So I purchased the entire suite.
I became aware of two things from the very first time I used Equisync I first, I could literally feel what was going on my brain. Second, I achieved a meditative state from the very first use. And third, my BP dropped to 116/76 immediately after use.
By the end of just a few short days (3 or 4 of use), my constant “on edge” feeling completely dissipated. I had changed my lifestyle drastically to a very low-stress environment. All feelings of anxiety disappeared rapidly, but I was still experiencing something “physical.” I had trouble explaining it to anyone. I lashed out immediately at the slightest frustration. I tried to explain to those around me that it was something physically happening in my brain, but they were skeptical. Within less than a week of using the EOC cd’s, I noticed my tolerance level for dealing with people and situations had increased tremendously.
At the end of just two weeks of use (I was now into the Equisync II cds), I experienced for the first time ever, what my partner described as Nirvana. I experienced a complete dissolution of individual consciousness, felt at one with everything, and felt the deepest peace, love, and complete bliss I had ever, ever experienced in my life. Since you do all the research on this, you know what I’m describing. Unfortunately, language does not express it. I have never experienced mind altering drugs, but I recall watching a documentary of LSD research, and one of the subjects described the exact same “feelings” as I had when she had received a micro amount of LSD.
I honestly believe, and I”m sure you do, too, that EquiSync can be a part of the next stage of psychological evolution for humanity.
NOTE: I do NOT “see myself” flying (since childhood, I have had dreams of myself flying around, but I’m watching myself, seeing myself fly in those dreams). In this experience I do NOT see myself. I just see everything else (the ceiling, the room) as though I were floating/flying.
Sometimes, this experience turns into an HD (high definition) dream in which I am flying around in another location (again, not seeing myself in the dream, but seeing everything else in the dream from the perspective of flying).
It’s fun, cool, and I always hope to have the experience. But I’m just wondering if you could tell me what’s going on in my brain from a scientific point of view. Are there any particular benefits from this type of dream experience?
I just wanted to let you know I have been doing the program now for 2 weeks. I have already been able to overcome a phobia that I had developed in the last few years.
First and foremost I like to say that although, I’ve had in my possession all three CDs, which I had purchased from you sometime ago, I recently for the first time, in the last month (December), started to listen to Equisync I.
I thought that if I listened to Equisync I continuously for a period of three weeks or one month, I would understand and retain more information. However, enthusiastically, I must honestly report that from my very first session I was able to focus without the mental chatter (you know, disturbances and/or interruptions).
It’s been approximately one month now, and the results from listening to Equisync I have been nothing short of phenomenal!
I’m have been using your Equisync I for a few days and find myself sleeping better and more relaxed. Even though still not understanding how your technology works, but the results are awesome.
I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) along with GAD (general anxiety disorder), your product is helping me with the anxiety.
I bought the Equisync II program. I have already become calmer and more confident. I also went into a euphoric state many times….
thank you
I’m have been using your Equisync I for a few days and find myself sleeping better and more relaxed. Even though still not understanding how your technology works, but the results are awesome.
I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) along with GAD (general anxiety disorder), your product is helping me with the anxiety, however I will like to know if it will help for ADD as well.
I just wanted to thank you guys for having such an outstanding product available. I used to meditate when I was younger but got away from it over the last 7-8 years. I had difficulty starting back up, but since I started using your cds I have no difficulties getting back into it; and am now meditating 2 hours per day and have never felt better. I have only been using them for a couple weeks but have already noticed a difference. Thanks again for creating such a wonderful product and I will be sure to recommend it to everyone.
I received my order on Mon. and have done 3 or 4 sessions of Equisync I. I just wanted to say I can already notice a difference in myself. I am much calmer and more clear thinking already in just 2 days. I don’t think it’s my mind playing tricks on me. Is this a common occurrence? Your product is great I can’t wait to try Equisync II and Equisync III.
Thank you
I’m working as a consultant for a new and growing holistic wellness company. I am responsible for determining which products would be the most advantageous for both our patients and for retail sales. I have personally purchased the Equisync I CDs to test them. My daughter suffers from major anxiety. The CDs helps her to relax and be less anxious. I tried it myself one time and it was very effective at putting me into a deep meditative state. I believe that your product works and I would like the wellness company to carry Equisync for patients to use and purchase.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you so much!
The demo was just amazing and I got a little carried away. I need to help my son right now so have to wait on this very wonderful series. This is quite an amazing experience listening just to the demo ! My brain really was rewired.
I started with Equisync III and then Equisync I.
This experience is changing my life dramatically. I can not thank you enough.
In light and love
I meditate in the morning (and get a wonderful start to my day) and at night (for a better night’s sleep). I look forward to both these sessions. It’s like floating in a pool of bliss!!
My only problem is when to know that I should graduate to Equisync III. Could you give me advice on that?
I don’t remember how I found your web site, but am so glad I did. Thanks for a wonderful product!
I just had to let you folks know how impressed I am with your Equisync CD’s, (Equisync I, Equisync II, & Equisync III). I just received the last two yesterday. I tried them both with amazing results. Especially the final CD, Equisync III. It creates a tone that is like a plane of sound that exists between the eyes all the way through your brain to the back of your head in the center. It is a tone, that if concentrated on purely, is the most amazing thing I have ever felt. I firmly believe it is some kind of door the the other side. It is like walking into a Lucid Dream. I am amazed many do not or know not about your technology and it’s wealth and value in understanding the self as well as our place in the Cosmos. I have recommended your product to others and will continue to do so. It is the first product, that has literally blown me away, and without the usual hype of products, such as these. It is it’s pureness, and it’s simplicity, that enables one to help oneself and others in this life. Using the CDs, at least initially, as almost entirely eradicated the intense pain I have felt for years. I have many forms of arthritis, all of which are degenerative, and incredibly intense. I have been able to work in my garden almost all day, without the usual restriction of pain and fatigue. I truly applaud you folks, you are definitely a Godsend….
I wanted to let you know that I think I am getting great results with your product!!
I used to meditate daily years ago and I knew it kept me more balanced and calmer. Those were the good ole days!
I started using the CD’s 3 weeks ago. I do one hour sessions once or twice a day. I try hard to do it twice. I’m happy to report that I am feeling better every day. The “negatives” are lighter in affect and my ability to focus and concentration is much improved. I’ve even lost some weight!!
I was searching for a starting point and EquiSync has served that for me.
Thank you
Was wondering if you could give me a little more background on the suggested 2hr usage limit. I’m in LOVE with these CDs. Spent two months 2-3 times per day with ‘Equisync II’, and earlier this week shifted over to ‘Equisync III’. Since moving into Equisync III, I’m naturally drawn in my morning sitting to about 1 1/2 hrs with the tracks looping through my iPod. Then I sit again at night. I feel great. So is the 2hrs suggested for people with little prior meditative experience, is it a precaution for those whose psyche may be more fragile and prone to getting uber spacey and not managing their lives?
I have purchased several brain entrainment CDs, all of which have cost far more than the one I am using from the EOC Institute. Without a doubt, your CD outperforms the other ones hands down. It is nice to know that there are companies out there that truly put the customer first instead of the “ALMIGHTY DOLLAR” Thank you so much for your excellent product. It is a big help.
I’ve been suffering from PTSD for more than 10 years and high blood pressure for more than 5 years, like most people listened to my doctor’s advice and took prescribed medication which routinely would’ve set me back quite a bit. At my worst, my blood pressure would’ve gone over 100 and it was impossible for me to work in that situation.
Out of sheer frustration, I’ve discovered an alternative approach to my predicament and turned my back to conventional thinking and beliefs and, above all, distanced myself away from my doctor. In fact, I’ve not seen him for well over 19 months.
Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been doing meditation with the help of audio-beat technology from a well-known brand, which I thought was a bit expensive. But, at least it gave me an insight into how the mind could and would give me an edge in solving most of my problems. From February, I decided to double the dosage to that which was recommended by the firm as I was desperate for a cure.
At the beginning of May, I decided to change over to EquiSync because it’s much cheaper and let me experience the deeper levels sooner. At best, my blood pressure has been down to 66 and after cups of tea and food, back up to 76-80 which is regarded as acceptable. I was able to achieve these wonderful results in less than 6 months of daily practice of meditation using audio-beat technology.
The beauty of it all is that now I’m not taking any medication which has its own unpleasant side-effect and cost factors. With the help of meditation I’ve discovered my other half with expanded awareness, thru’ which I come to realize and appreciate my special gift.
You see, it’s like magic when your mind is still and be able to see things unfolding before your very eyes.
Anyway, you have to experience it to truly appreciate it.
In March I started using the CDs that I affectionately call “Meditation for Dummies” and am very pleased with the results so far. My blood pressure has dropped, I am sleeping better and notice that I feel much more calm and less stressed. Instead of feeling that I need to “find the time” in my schedule to meditate, I look forward to that totally relaxing half hour–that peaceful feeling of floating.
I highly recommend this product.
My golf has improved as I focus helps me hit the shot that I envision more often.
Just a few minutes of Equisync II at bedtime takes me quickly into alpha—theta sleep state. It has become an integral part of my early morning routine at the start of each day.
I look forward to further improvements in the future.
I have had mild to moderate bouts of depression and low self-esteem coupled with constant “mind-chatter” on and off for years and despite trying lots of things nothing really did the job.
Your CDs arrived at a potentially devastating, traumatic and emotionally upsetting time ….[personal information removed]…
I was not looking forward to returning back to my house as I live on my own so was very pleased to see that the “equisync” CDs had arrived in my absence. Ever since I have been back I put a CD on each evening and the change has been totally fantastic. The meditation is unbelievably calming and soothing, the inner-voice has been silenced and quite often I just put it on to drop off to sleep with the sound of gently falling rain. I can feel each day starting calmly and things like organising the memorial service have not been the strain and upset I would normally have expected. I could wax lyrical for hours because the benefits are truly and utterly fantastic. Never did I think I would find anything that would lift my spirits, clear my mind, calm the inner space but Equi-Sync has done that, and more.
I thought I was heading for the shrink’s couch ! When I get my web-page I would be honoured to carry a banner/ become an affiliate for Equi-Sync because you have produced something that I believe in 600px and it works brilliantly. Thank you for making me a kinder, more thoughtful and happier person.
With very appreciative thanks.
Kind regards
I will keep you informed.
I have Equisync and I LOVE it! I have only been listening for a few weeks…but I certainly could tell a difference immediately!
Here are the benefits for me:
I am able to experience a deeper meditation state, faster. I use it get to sleep when I have had too much caffeine, sugar or other stimulation before bed. When my brain is tired and I still need to go to class, I listen to the middle section and it energizes my brain again so that I can focus in class.
What a coup!!! Thank you so very much for your tool to help me through this energy changing process that we are experiencing right here, right now!!!
In Gratitude!
Please print this as a testimony for your program and services.
May your generosity be paid back one hundred fold.
I love your tapes! I bought them a few weeks ago and have greatly benefited. I’m also a holistic practitioner and have recommended them to a number of patients. And today when I made my last referral to your website for them to purchase from, it occurred to me that perhaps you have referral discounts, or wholesale prices for practitioners, and that I should ask?
Best regards
Just wanted to chime in my results on your program so far.
When I am using equisync I feel kind of like it is “pushing me” – I guess this is the right way to say it- to achieve better results, which I really like. I fall asleep quickly, and sleep all night and even wake up before my alarm goes off. I feel noticeably calm during the workday- which is very helpful for what I do. I really like the warm feeling (my whole body gets really warm during my equisync meditation sessions) and I feel kind of like Im floating while listening. The soothing rainfall is also very nice.
anyway enough rambling for now
thank you for a great product!
I have been using my CD everyday and loving it ( I have become a NON SMOKER ! ) …[redacted]…the rain is beautiful
Kind regards
thank you once again
Hi i’m just writing to let you all know that your Equisync CD’s are amazing! Just last night i was meditating to “Equisync II”. The one that has mostly theta binaural beats in it. I gotta tell you i have never had a meditation like i experienced with this CD. At certain points during the meditation it felt like my whole damn body was vibrating! That very night when i went to sleep I also had lucid dreams! It was so relaxing! I’ve tried “Equisync I” too, that one is amazing as well! I haven’t tried “Equisync III” yet. I can only imagine what that is going to be like!
Looks like “EOC Institute” has a winner with the Equisync CD’s!
Well, I finally listened to “Equisync III” after listening to “Equisync I” & the “Equisync II” several times. Let me just say that this put me in another state of consciousness within 7 minutes(guessing) it was beautiful! I meditated throughout the entire 70 minute CD set! It didn’t feel like 70 minutes. I could feel energy in my neck, my solar plexus area and at the brow of my head! Definitely NOT for beginners!
Those DELTA binaural beats are very powerful! These CD’s are definitely working. I can feel myself becoming a new person as i listen to the different CD’s. Situations that i would normally lose control in don’t bother me at all anymore!
Peace & Harmony
Why didn’t I know about you a long time ago?
thanks again.
Thank you for your wonderful product
I have never been more creative, productive, more loving to all people nor have I ever been happier in my life. All the wisdom I have found in my pursuit of happiness was somewhere in my intellect. Now it is a part of me. I am using it. I now consider myself a model for younger people to let them see how it is possible to function and be everything they’ve wanted to be. I just celebrated my 85th birthday and I am as young as when I was 25. Thank you for giving me the gift of my true self.
Incidentally, I have sent the three C.D.’s directly to my son in New Mexico and I have just purchased three more to give as a gift to a friend who suffers with depression. I teach classes in Life-writing. Last Wednesday I announced to one of my classes the incredible effects I am having as a result of listening to Equisync.
My profoundest thanks
I forgot to tell you, after using your meditation for a few weeks, I woke up one morning with the most vivid recollection of having an out of body experience […shortened…] I am hoping to experience this again and control myself the next time. Thank you for enabling me to remember this extraordinary experience. I never believed they were real until I used your program.
I like it. I like the fact that I can just sit there and observe my thoughts and feelings and then go back to watching my breathing. It really does teach me to be centered and balanced. I look forward to the next several weeks. By the way, what I am doing now is meditating for 23 minutes in the early morning and again 23 minutes in the early evening. I’ll check back with you.
…I got curious about the Equisync II CDs and it was the 2nd track that started giving me some body signs that revealed me I was in the alpha state. I never practiced meditation before, however, I follow the Gurdjieff and Ouspensky teachings which, if you are not aware, tell us how to do quite the same thing as meditation in our everyday lives while performing our daily tasks. I also believe that Equisync II was more appropriate for me because my life is also dedicated to collective causes, my personal life is totally under control, but your CDs were able to relieve my severe depression after only 3 days of practicing, my chronic insomnia condition which had been lasting for over 27 years seemed to be finally healed. I am truly amazed, really.
I will be more than happy to spread these wonderful news in some blogs as I noticed there is no concrete input so far about the effectiveness of your product.
Last, let me compliment you on the low price of your product which allowed me to purchase it and be healed already from depression and insomnia in three sessions basically, two things that prevented me to attain emotional control because both interfere with our neurological system.
Thank you again. You have my permission to post my input (pls correct my English wherever it’s necessary) and my email address. I will be more than happy to testify the effectiveness of your CDs.
I am however feeling more alert, calm, focused, better thinking, so I love Equisync
Ever since I started using equisync, I no longer have to use [removed] to go to sleep. IT’S WONDERFUL! Thank you. Have recommended it to many of my friends.
We are all on this planet together; therefore, any positive changes you make in your life will indeed affect those around you…
I recently purchased all three of your EquiSync CDs and was surprised to have a tingling sensation in my arms on the first listening of each CD, similar to the chi energy you feel during Qigong or Tai Chi practice.
These are obviously very powerful entrainment tracks. I was wondering if you could disclose the entrainment frequencies you are using, much like Holosync, etc., have provided on their programs?
I hope you are very well.
I purchased the EquiSync MP3 about 2 weeks ago and I notice that it has a very calming and relaxing effect. I can also notice how my brain waves shift while using it, I really like it, it is enhancing my meditation experience and also how I feel beyond it.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for your help! I absolutely LOVE Equisync III. I’ve used dozens and dozens of various brain-synchronization tapes and CDs over the past 25 years, and while some have been excellent and very effective, I have never experienced anything to compare with Equisync III. I am very impressed, and very pleased with that purchase.
I just wanted to share with you my initial experiences with the [Equisync I] meditation CDs. I like it. I like the fact that I can just sit there and observe my thoughts and feelings and then go back to watching my breathing. It really does teach me to be centered and balanced. I look forward to the next several weeks.
I wanted to let you know of the deep gratitude I feel towards you and your product I was so excited when my cd’s arrived, I started with the [Equisync I] cd, oh my god the effects were immediate, feelings connected to thoughts started pouring out of me ..
you are truly messengers of the light thank you. this sleeper has awoken
EquiSync®: Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
In a world of far more expensive brainwave entrainment products, why is EquiSync widely considered the very best?
What are the differences between the 3 EquiSync programs?
How much time per day do you recommend?
What is the “Mind Awake – Body Asleep” state and why is it so important?
How do I choose EquiSync programs/CDs/tracks? Is there a set program that I have to follow?
The EquiSync experience is so pleasurable. I am curious, can you tell me more about what I am actually hearing (the layers, etc.)?
Can I play EquiSync from my iPad/ iPhone/ Android phone/ tablet/ or other mobile device?
How many CDs come with my purchase of EquiSync? How many tracks are on each CD? What are the differences between the individual tracks?
I see that EquiSync is split into three programs. Are they all included in the price? It is just a one time purchase, right?
I have a habit of losing files. If needed, can I come back to retrieve my EquiSync downloads in the (distant) future?
Do you ship internationally?
Your 60 day 110% money back guarantee sounds great. Is it easy to redeem if necessary?
Does EquiSync contain subliminals?
The benefits of meditation are incredible. Do I need EquiSync to achieve these benefits?
The science behind meditation and brainwave entrainment audio technology is amazing. Where can I learn more?
Can you compare the strengths & weaknesses of the CDs vs the MP3 downloads? What is the transit time for the CDs?
What kind of headphones do you recommend for EquiSync?
Will I always have to use EquiSync to maintain the benefits achieved?
EquiSync highlights a feature I am very interested in: “natural brainwave patterns.” Can you tell me a bit more about that?
If this technology is so important and powerful, why have I never heard about it before?
Can I use EquiSync for reading, writing, art, or creative activities?
Will EquiSync help me sleep?
When using EquiSync I have a wonderful new sensual awareness, can you tell me about more about that?
Is my credit card information safe?
I am having problems ordering with my credit card. Suggestions?
How Brainwave Entrainment With EquiSync® Can Change Your Life
Your brain has nerve cells that fire electrical signals day and night, forming distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns. These highly unique patterns are closely connected to your thoughts, emotions, moods, biological chemistry, everything you do, and really, everything that you are.
Because EquiSync® sound technology guides you into different mind states (and various states of meditation) via brainwave entrainment, it is helpful to understand the different frequencies and how they contribute to your state of consciousness.
Since most of us spend our days in the beta state, EquiSync excludes the beta brainwave frequencies, and entrains only those responsible for the most beneficial brainwave states: alpha, theta, and delta waves. The two charts on this page illustrate the basic benefits of each brainwave state as well as the basic targeting of the EquiSync programs 1, 2, & 3.
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
The design differences between EquiSync® programs: 1, 2, & 3.
CDs 1A & 1B
CDs 2A & 2B
CDs 3A & 3B
• Unbalanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
The design differences between EquiSync® programs: 1, 2, & 3.
CDs 1A & 1B
CDs 2A & 2B
CDs 3A & 3B
• Unbalanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
Before & After – Illustration
Differences between EquiSync® programs: 1, 2, & 3.
CDs 1A & 1B
CDs 2A & 2B
CDs 3A & 3B
• Unbalanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
The design differences between EquiSync® programs: 1, 2, & 3.
CDs 1A & 1B
CDs 2A & 2B
CDs 3A & 3B
• Unbalanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
The design differences between EquiSync® programs: 1, 2, & 3.
CDs 1A & 1B
CDs 2A & 2B
CDs 3A & 3B
• Unbalanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
Differences between EquiSync® programs: 1, 2, & 3.
CDs 1A & 1B
CDs 2A & 2B
CDs 3A & 3B
• Unbalanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
• Balanced
Beta Waves — 13-40 Hz: Brainwave Entrainment Benefits
- ✓ The beta wave is the predominant frequency when we are fully awake and alert.
- ✓ Active awareness directed to the outer world.
- ✓ Beta brainwaves are present during stress, paranoia, addiction, worry, bipolar disorder, anger, fear, and anxiety.
- ✓ They are also present during hunger, depression, irritability, and moodiness.
- ✓ Insomnia is the result of producing excessive beta waves.
- ✓ Associated with excessive mind chatter and self-destructive impulses.
- ✓ Too much time in the beta state weakens the immune system.
- ✓ Beta brainwaves make up much of our conscious mind.
Alpha Waves — 7-13 Hz: Brainwave Entrainment Benefits
- ✓ The alpha state is where meditation and relaxation begins.
- ✓ We start to encounter the wealth of effortless creativity flowing just beneath our conscious state.
- ✓ We experience alpha waves when we are focused yet deeply relaxed.
- ✓ Studies have shown the alpha state has been associated with “peak performance.” Elite athletes produce alpha brainwaves prior to highly concentrated performance (shooting a free throw, hitting an important golf shot). Amateur athletes produce more of the anxious beta brainwaves.
- ✓ In the alpha state we learn, process, memorize and recollect large sums of information fast and with peak effectiveness.
- ✓ Highly creative people have been shown to have "bursts" of alpha waves when they have good ideas.
- ✓ Alpha waves are thought to make the brain "act young" again.
- ✓ In the alpha state fears, habits, and phobias begin to melt away.
- ✓ Alpha brainwaves bring an effortless sense of comfort, peace, happiness, and harmony.
- ✓ Alpha waves are best for "super learning".
- ✓ Alpha waves dominate the first layer of our subconscious mind.
- ✓ A gateway to deeper states of awareness.
Theta Waves — 4-7 Hz: Brainwave Entrainment Benefits
- ✓ Theta brainwaves become prominent when we go deeper into meditation and relaxation — “almost trance-like”.
- ✓ Here, brain activity decelerates to the threshold of the sleep stage.
- ✓ One of the more indescribable and wonderful realms we can explore.
- ✓ Theta waves produce flashes of creative visualization through vivid imagery.
- ✓ In the theta state we feel much more open and connected to other people.
- ✓ People often report a feeling of floating while producing theta brainwaves.
- ✓ Theta waves are thought to bring out a person’s dormant extrasensory perception (ESP) skills.
- ✓ The theta state heightens problem-solving skills.
- ✓ Having dominant theta brainwaves are correlated with insight and intuition.
- ✓ Associated with lucid dreaming.
- ✓ Theta waves bring inspired thought and increased motivation.
- ✓ Sometimes long-forgotten memories come to the surface.
- ✓ Children have strong theta brainwaves, which helps to explain their superior ability to learn.
- ✓ Theta waves are briefly experienced as we climb out of the depths of delta upon waking, or when falling asleep.
- ✓ The theta state is the deeper subconscious to unconscious part of the mind.
Delta Waves — 0-4 Hz: Brainwave Entrainment Benefits
- ✓ Delta waves are the deepest level of meditation.
- ✓ The delta state is associated with “no thinking” during deep, dreamless sleep.
- ✓ Delta brainwaves are very rewarding.
- ✓ Delta waves are said to be the entrance to non-physical states of reality.
- ✓ A crucial state for renewal, healing, and rejuvenation.
- ✓ The immune system strengthens in the delta state.
- ✓ Delta waves are linked to the unconscious part of our mind.
- ✓ Many scientists believe delta waves to be the most beneficial.
EquiSync’s design is based on the 100’s of studies performed on the effectiveness of brainwave entrainment technology, and 1000’s of studies on the powerful benefits of meditation. If you are interested in better understanding the power of this technology and rapidly expanding field of research, then here is a very abbreviated bibliography, a very small sample of the studies out there:
Wahbeh H, Calabrese C, Zwickey H (2007). “Binaural beat technology in humans: a pilot study to assess psychologic and physiologic effects“. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) 13 (1): 25 – 32. doi:10.1089/acm.2006.6196.
Le Scouarnec RP, Poirier RM, et al. (2001). “Use of binaural beat tapes for treatment of anxiety: a pilot study of tape preference and outcomes“. Alternative Therapy Health Medicine. 7 (1): 58-63.
Gaynor, Md., M.L. (2002) The Healing Power of Sound. (Shambhala Publications)
Davidson, R., Kabat-Zinn J., et al. (2003) Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by Mindfulness Meditation. Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine. 65:564-570.
Lazar S, Kerr C, Wasserman R, Gray J., (2005) Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness. Neuroreport. 16(17): 1893 – 1897.
Karino S., Yumoto M., et al. (2006) Neuromagnetic Responses to Binaural Beat in Human Cerebral Cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 96. 1927-38.
Reddi V., (2002) Effect of Binaural Beat Stimulation on Pain and Mood in Individuals Reporting Chronic Low Back Pain. Moore Health Science Library, University of Virginia.
Cahn BR, Polich J., (2006) Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies. Psychological Bulletin. Vol 132(2) 180-211.
Barnhofer, T, Chittka T, et al., (2009) State Effects of Two Forms of Meditation on Prefrontal EEG Asymmetry in Previously Depressed Individuals. Mindfulness. Vol. 1-1, 21-27.
Brefczynski-Lewis J, Lutz A,. (2007) Neural correlates of attentional expertise in long-term meditation practitioners. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. vol. 104-27.
Oman D, Shapiro S, et al., (2008). Meditation Lowers Stress and Supports Forgiveness Among College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of American College Health, Volume 56, Number 5, 569 – 578
Moore A., Malinowski P. (2009) Meditation, mindfulness and cognitive flexibility. Consciousness and Cognition, 18 (1), pp. 176-186.
Chuter E., Allan M., Laws D. (2007) A pilot study comparing reduction of anxiety by binaural beat audio and patient-selected music in the pre-operative period. Anaesthesia. 62, 3 310.
Stevens L et al., (2003) Binaural beat induced theta EEG activity and hypnotic susceptibility: contradictory results and technical considerations. The American Journal Clinical Hypnosis 45(4):295-309.
Brady B., (2000) Binaural-beat induced theta EEG activity and hypnotic susceptibility. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.
Klepp S., (2005) Effects of Binaural-beat Stimulation on Recovery Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine.
Kennerly, R., (2004) QEEG analysis of binaural beat audio entrainment: A pilot study. Journal of Neurotherapy
Lo P, Leu J, Quantification of pseudo-periodicity of alpha rhythm in meditation EEG. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol 25, No 1.
Takahashi T, Murata T,et al., (2005) Changes in EEG and autonomic nervous activity during meditation and their association with personality traits. International Journal of Psychophysiology. Vol.55-2, 199-207.
Lagopoulos J, Xu J, Rasmussen I, et al., (2009) Increased theta and alpha EEG activity during nondirective meditation. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 15(11): 1187-1192.
Aftanas L., Golosheykin S., (2005) Impact of regular meditation practice on eeg activity at rest and during evoked negative emotions. International Journal of Neuroscience.
Chiesa A., Serretti A., (2010) A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations. Psychological Medicine. 40: 1239-1252.
Aftanas L., Golocheikine S., (2001) Human anterior and frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and internalized attention: high-resolution EEG investigation of meditation. Neuroscience Letters. Vol. 310- 1, 7 57-60.
Lehmann d., Faber P.L., Achermann P., et al., (2001) Brain sources of EEG gamma frequency during volitionally meditation-induced, altered states of consciousness, and experience of the self. Psychiatry Research & Neuroimaging. Vol.108-2, 111-121.
Baijal S., Narayanan S., (2010) Theta activity and meditative states: spectral changes during concentrative meditation. Cognitive Processing. Vol.11-1, 31-38.
Barnhofer, T., Duggan, D., Crane, C., et al., (2007) Effects of meditation on frontal [alpha]-asymmetry in previously suicidal individuals. Neuroreport. Vol.18, Issue 7, 709-712.
Fell J., Axmacher N., Haupt S., (2010) From alpha to gamma: Electrophysiological correlates of meditation-related states of consciousness. Medical Hypotheses. Vol.75, Issue 2, P.218-224.
Tang Y., Ma Y., Wang J., Yaxin F., et al., (2007) Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. vol. 104-43.
Lutz A, Brefczynski-Lewis J, Johnstone T, Davidson R., (2008) Regulation of the neural circuitry of emotion by compassion meditation: effects of meditative expertise. PLOS One. 3(3): e1897. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001897
S Jain, SL Shapiro, et al., (2007) A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation versus relaxation training: effects on distress, positive states of mind, rumination, and distraction. Annals of Behavioral Medicine Volume 33, Number 1, 11-21
Farb N., Segal., et al., (2007) Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience. Volume 2, Issue 4. 313-322.
G Pagnoni, M Cekic, (2007) Age effects on gray matter volume and attentional performance in Zen meditation. – Neurobiology of aging. 28-10 1623-1627.
Zautra A., Davis M., et al., (2008) Comparison of Cognitive Behavioral and Mindfulness Meditation Interventions on Adaptation to Rheumatoid Arthritis for Patients With and Without History of Recurrent Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Volume 76, Issue 3, June 2008, Pages 408-421
SE Sephton, P Salmon, I Weissbecker, C, (2007). Mindfulness meditation alleviates depressive symptoms in women with fibromyalgia: results of a randomized clinical trial. Arthritis Care & Research Volume 57, Issue 1, pages 77 – 85.
Bowen S., Witkiewitz K., et al., (2006). Mindfulness Meditation and Substance Use in an Incarcerated Population. sychology of Addictive Behaviors. American Psychological Association 2006, Vol. 20, No. 3, 343 – 347.
Zylowska L., Ackerman D., (2007). Mindfulness Meditation Training in Adults and Adolescents With ADHD: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Attention Disorders.
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