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Cold Fusion And The Future, by Jed Rothwell, published by, December 2004, 4th Edition April 2007. 189 pages, 47 illustrations and figures. Now available in Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese.
The reality of cold fusion is growing and has spawned a series of books that describe the phenomena in ways a general reader can appreciate. This is the latest entry. It shows how this controversial energy source might change our future. The book describes how many nightmare problems that seem beyond any present solution, such as global warming, invasive species, and providing clean drinking water and sanitation to billions of poor people, may be remedied with cold fusion combined with other technologies. The future might be better than you think. This book includes a layman's introduction to the field, and a glossary of terchnical terms that often appear in cold fusion papers. |
". . . [A] really marvelous job. The breadth is wonderful. Setting cold fusion in the broader context is very important." - David J. Nagle, Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, The George Washington University "I thought your book on cold fusion and the future to be a remarkable document. I read it straight through on receipt." - John O'M. Bockris, Professor of Chemistry, Texas A&M University (1978-1997), Distinguished Professor (1980-1997) "Thanks! Can you recommend a reliable Mind De-boggler?" - Arthur C. Clarke | |
This book is not copyright. It is distributed for free at, here: (4 MB) If you would like to print a copy, we suggest you download the high-resolution version: (16 MB) Please feel free to print as many copies as you like.
Now available for the Kindle.
The Japanese edition is here:
「未来を築く常温核融合」ジェト・ロスウェル。 日本語訳を読みたい方はここをクリックして下さい。192ページありますのでダウンロードするのに少々時間がかかります。この本には著作権はありません。自由にコピーして下さい。
An edition in Brazilian Portuguese is here: O livro "A Fusão a o Frio e o Futuro" traduzido ao português brasileiro por Sergio Bacchi. Uma visão das aplicações possíveis da fusão a frio do hidrogênio pesado. Um livro com muita imaginação e humanidade.
The first two chapters of the book have been translated into Italian and are available here: