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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 5

    is accusing me of being a terrorist or spreading terrorist news, this is 100% not true and I am against all forms of terrorism whether it be a person or a group. My heart is for Syria and its people and i only tweet flat reports about syria

  2. Retweeted
    Jan 17

    When the Islamist won the elections after the Arab Spring the regime-remnants and opposition parties tried to sabotage and discredit their capability of managing the people's affairs. They succeed in both Egypt and Tunisia. And ISIS represented the failure of the Jihadi movement.

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  3. Jan 15

    انضمام أكثر من 300 عنصر من عناصر أحرار الشام - سابقا - في منطقتي جبل_شحشبو و سهل الغاب إلى صفوف تحرير الشام ، مع إمكانية تزايد العدد في الأيام القادمة. 300 members of the previous Ahrar Sham have joined HTS in Sahl Ghab and Shahshabo, more to follow short

  4. Jan 15

    بيان انضمام كتائب عسكرية عاملة في الشمال المحرر الى صفوف The groups that have joined the ranks of Faylaq Sham in recent days

  5. Jan 15

    الرئيس اردوغان إلى موسكو في ٢٣ من هذا الشهر لبحث ملف المتحدث باسم الرئاسة التركية قالن: إذا جرى انتهاك اتفاق إدلب فالكل سيتضرر Erdogan will visit Moscow 23 jan to discuss Erdogans Spox Kalil: "If the Idlib deal is violated, every participant will be damaged

  6. Jan 14

    اجتماع القادة العسكريين: هيئة تحرير الشام جيش النصر جيش النخبة فيلق الشام الفرقة الأولى وتم إغلاق وتعزير خطوط الرباط من قلعة المضيق إلى الحماميات Meeting of leaders of: HTS Jaish Nasr Jaish Nughba Faylaq Sham FSA 1st brigade All guardpoints in al Ghab are jointly manned now

  7. Jan 14

    الصورة لأحد المجاهدين -سابق جبهة الوطنية للتحرير- بعد عودته من نقاط الرباط على جبهات ريف حماة الشمالي A former Soldier returning from his guard points against the regime in

  8. Jan 14

    صورة جوية تظهر مخيم النازحين السوريين في منطقة أطمة في ريف ادلب الشمالي Aerial shot of the Najiheen refugee camp in

  9. Jan 14

    لا صحة للأخبار المتداولة في قنوات المنافقين عن مغادرة عدد كبير من مقاتلي فصائل الغاب وشحشبو إلى مناطق الدرع والغصن والمعلومات التي وردت أن عدد المغادرين لم يتجاوز الخمسة There is no truth spread in some channels that 1000's of fighters left to Afrin, only 5 fighters left

  10. Retweeted
    Jan 11

    I keep reading here and there that in last September's Sochi agreement, Turkey agreed to "remove HTS from Idlib". Fact check: it didn't agree to that

  11. Retweeted
    Jan 13
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    Today's definition of terrorism: "If someone not wearing a suit nor answering to a guy wearing a suit, that person is a terrorist"

  12. Retweeted
    Jan 13
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    Despite the government listing hts as terrorists, gov.'s AA calls them anti-regime armed group.

  13. Retweeted
    Jan 13
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    The oxford dictionary explanation of terrorism suddenly exactly matches to Putin/Assad actions in Syria, but no how to HTS

  14. Jan 13

    Can somebody explain me why some people call HTS terrorists? What actions or terrorist attacks did HTS commit? The Oxford Dictionary calls terrorism: “The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

  15. Retweeted
    Jan 12

    British aid worker Muhammad Shakiel Shabir, seen with Yvonne Ridley, after being rescued from his kidnappers by HTS rebels, in Idlib Syria on January 11, 2018

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  16. Retweeted
    Jan 10

    The moment our brother Mohammed Shakiel from (Aid worker) was freed by in What a emotional clip especially the look on hes face after he is freed. May Allah deal with these criminals

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  17. Jan 10

    ناشطون وإعلاميون سوريون يطلقون حملة "عام الجماعة" ويدعون جميع الصفحات والمعرفات الشخصية للتضامن مع المشروع الذي توافقت عليه جميع الفصائل السورية المتمثل ب حكومة الإنقاذ السورية Activists in started "The year of the Jamaa'ah" For all to unite under the Salvation Government

  18. Retweeted
    14 Mar 2018

    I am tired and exhausted because of the situation in the North. The false news and manipulations is reaching high peaks and the hypocrites are many. May it end soon inshaAllah so we can move forward.

  19. Jan 9

    أسير الحمزات الذي أسر اليوم في غر Hamza prisoners that were captured today in west

  20. Jan 9

    تحرير الشام تسيطر على مقر (مغارة) التابع للقيادي في أحرار الشام حسام سلامة قرب معرة النعمان HTS controls the headquarters of Ahrar Sham leader Hossam Salamah near Maraat Numan

  21. Retweeted
    Jan 9

    A mortar landed in a school as forces from Afrin attempt to enter HTS controlled areas in Idlib countryside.


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