Since Spazkid has been, and still is taking a break from the animated commissions, TwistedGrim has come in to take his spot to animate for you.
If you want a loop done, he charges 300 $ per loop (The price can be negotiated though). Hes very good at what animating, he first started contributing with the League of Legends animatons a few weeks back and I'm happy to be able to share his work on my site.
You can also follow his nsfw Tumblr to follow his more adult art.
You'll be seeing more of his work on Shad and Shagbase in the future.
In any case if youre interested in commissioning him shoot him a line on his Tumblr or email me directly at and we can work something out.
For those on a mobile device can go see the GIF VERSION of this loop.
my flash isnt working or something but by the look of the comments im guessing im lucky
why all the womens got penis?
Could you do this cute tourist loli in the sunglasses and the cute redhead loli with the yellow shirt and the white edges and the cute Nomad loli as a threesome? They’re from Go Jetters. They serve the best lolis and shotas and MILFs and DILFs.
fucking hilarious how the dick flops up and down
Cyka blyat!!!
so good
fuck yea i love this loving that hard yet flopping cock shes got rocking too
Not is bad
Are you still doing commissions?
id like to see more frames in animations like this
The dick had to ruin it….
Not agreed
It’s best part man! :v
Hmm, didn’t take Twisted Grimm for the type to draw chicks with dicks. The More You Know I guess.
twistedgrim? like, the youtube animator?
this makes me woner is its a boy or a girl cause it has a dick amd tits..
It’s called a transgender.
It also has a vagina
Fucking gay.
5/10 because of the titties.
Otherwise than that, fuck off.
Fuck you.
Id fucking suck that dick.
Wut deh ferkk
Yea i think shes trying to suck her own dick
It’s Sponty! :D
$300 for an animation seems like a rip off.
You’re paying $12.50 per frame for 24 or more fully colored and shaded pictures, how can you call THAT a rip off?!
$12.50 for frames so similar to the ones before it. Aside from the upper half of her body, not much details have been put in. Background with the tentacles seems easily done. I feel like a real prick for saying this, but it’s not worth 300 fucking bucks…
Shadman could you PLEASE draw one of the angeloids from Sora no Otoshimono? it would be awesome, you are an AMAZING artist!
Why does everyone say all these drawings are of futa? I mean, this one is, but I thought futa had to have pussies and dicks, which most of the drawings don’t?
Nope, futa just means a person with the genitals of the opposite sex, not a person with male and female genitals.
Nope you are wrong.Futanari is the Japanese word for hermaphroditism, which is also used in a broader sense for androgyny.
Beyond Japan the term is used to describe a commonly pornographic genre of computer games, comics and animations, which includes characters that show both primary sexual characteristics
So Ms. Spelld is correct
Can u do elsa from frozen…please shadbase you wonderful artist you?
That would make me happy, besides a Bleach image and a One Piece image :D
Im heavily considering trying to fit Elsa into my schedule, but cant guarantee anything cause I got alot of girls I should be drawing.
I think some elsanna would fit in the latest shadbase theme, and could even be a break from the current comic. Not too shady and fancy, just something to attract the crazy elsanna tumblr fandom.
Shad I am going to say this as a long time viewer, you are making some bad decisions.
You think people care more about your LoL comic than Frankie Foster from a show everybody in the world has seen? I mean your 3 pages into this league bullshit and there hasn’t even been a good page yet, just bad story with bad writing leading up to ONE-TWO pages of quality shit. Meanwhile, everyone is dogging you to do the Frankie comic and almost 2 weeks later (I think) you still haven’t done it? You give the LoL comic priority and don’t even give us nudity on page 3? We wait so god damn long for you to post something we don’t wanna read a damn League of Legends fan-fiction, we want the good’s so cut to it and stop giving us shitty writing instead of what we actually want to see. Some hot animated bitches. (Or dude’s, Chick’s with dicks, dude’s with clits, uh.. animals, pokemon, I don’t judge.)
I will no longer donate my money to you, I don’t want you to take it personally it’s just I don’t feel like what I’m getting is worth my money.
Sorry you don’t like what I post, I’m having allot of fun with the LoL comic, and the other stuff I have been posting. The Frankie comic will show up eventually since its a commission I wont back out of, I wont change my ways cause someone is not fond of it, that’s not how I operate. I appreciate donations, but that’s what they are, donations. I doesn’t mean I owe you anything.
half of the stuff you said i agree with, the other stuff……not so much
its ood that you’re getting your voice out there for the thins you want
AND i agree that shad has to re arrange his schedule a bit since he has 3 unfinished comics to work on
but thats the thing, it’s just shad at this point
i killed spazkid and grim is throwing himself out there for commissions
so shad has a lot to do and it’s not like anyone here is helping him with the comics
i also agree with what shad said last week
*ahem* Shad you fucking revealed the fosters pic too early, all non related posts is just digging a deeper hole for you(e.g. your new rouge pic)
make a full on public announcement, like an update just to get people to understand what the fuck is going on instead of doing a “i’ll do it this week, oh wait i mean next week, i mean the week after”
Hey shad, I just noticed the thing on the bottom of the page that says, All characters depicted are 18 and older even if specified otherwise. Did you get in any legal shit that makes you have to put that?
Shad, I was thinking about the new update, the one in which you can change the pages with the left and right keys, and I think it’s a very good idea, but is a pain in the ass when you want to see a big picture. You could do like some websites, that change the pages with ctrl left or right key. Just saying, it could be better, in my opinion.
Do you mean a wide picture? Like the recent “Left Behind” picture?
Yes, exactly.
Dude, you stole my name -_- Anyway, that’s what I meant, Shadman. For larger images, it was a habit to use the left arrow and the right arrow keys to see the whole image. Now I (or we) can’t do that, so it might be better to use ctrl left/right arrow keys to switch between images.
I havent thought of that actually since wide pictures are a rarity. I will consider trying to find a solution, for now you will just have to use the mouse for those.
Actually Grim has a more stable animation, since Spazkid’s work doensn’t has a fixed main action point, it’s pretty hard to enjoy it and observe it as a whole at the same time, but when it comes to Grim, he’s a hands down, his work has that cartoon touch, making it more believable. I can define Grim as strong and stable, centered action point, combined with your unbelievable skills and artwork abilities, you can make the impossible happen.
boner engaged
Glad you like it Niketa.
Of course i do daddy! You, daddy spaz n twisted grim are amazing artists! I loves all yas stuff. You guys are great, ID TAKE ALL OF YOU ON. but your still my favorit daddy shade
That is a REALLY floppy dick.
Not crazy about the choppy framerate.
Hey shad, should do something with holy avenger!
Just as I predicted, Twisted will make FUTA. So, you didn’t want to believe me at first Pooh Hardy.
YES! The more you try to fight me, the more I turn destiny against you! All for my sick pleasure!
Got to agree with Pooh this time, fuck you guys, there is way to many futa and all that shit, give some lesbians, some straight things, and directed to Shad, why would you make a fucking poll about what do we want, and we dont want Futa on majority, if you dont try to something straight?
Put on comissions: “For the following 2 weeks, I am not doing Futa”, at least to be pleasant again, your work is good Shad, but you are going way too much to the dicks
Cry more.
I haven’t seen anything ACTUALLY male in a long time.
I manage to deal with the reality that I can’t always get what I’d like, (or ever really) being a “big boy” requires alot of harsh truths.
Futa was in the poll
and none still won
honestly i think shad expected one of the gay options to win since there are more …gay people in the comments and for something rejecting the idea to be the majority, he had no idea what to do
there was a gay skunk, a gay pony, this futa animation, at least 3 futa versions of rouge and rumors that there’s more futa in the LoL comic
all after the poll was decided
Yeah, but, it probably takes a ton of time to make a drawing, so he’s probably started drawing straight stuff since the poll- he just hasn’t finished it?
Once again, I am entertained.
Don’t fucking post porn pics you fagget
I don’t consider futas “male”,(or attractive really) especially if they were originally female.
It ain’t the same man.
Just how futa’s aren’t overly attractive to you because they have a dick.
Yeah the skunk is an exception, Ill give you that.
Also alot of these things are commissions.
It’s not shad’s (AKA, OUR) decision for now, its the commissioners.
Thanks I masturbated to everything elates site more then once time for some down pants fun
Hey shad, you should do something with Attack on Titan.
Oh yeah. I remember that… So ETA for page 1 of the Frankie comic?
where does the second nether region tentacle go?
Mostly likely into her pussy.She´s probably a herm and not a shemale
where does the second tentacle go?
Mostly likely into her pussy.She´s probably a herm and not a shemale
Heh heh hee heh. love it. thanks twitsted.
Oh i bet you’re REEEEEAAAALLLL happy right now
oh i said he wouldn’t do it
you said he would, you said i knew he would….you were right
…and i was wrong
So go on, LAUGH at me…..HAHAHAHA POOH WAS WRONG I TOLD YOU SO…. YOU WON THE BET… won the bet of my pride, i put it on the line. i gave it up without thinking, without facing reality, without accepting the truth…. the oh so bitter truth
one mans meat is another man’s poison… and in this case it has no cure for me…
only shame.
I am really happy. I am so so so happy. You will not believe how happy I actually felt when I saw this on TwistedGrims Tumble and said to myself “Will this be posted on shagbase”
Pretty boring loop, to be honest.
Twisted Grim has joined the brawl!!
300$ seems quite a lot of money for a 10-20 frames loop + no sound. Also I see zone is in the Allies section, is he going to do some animations for shadbase, because that’s a colab im looking forward to see.
It does take several days to take a animation like that done, so Id say the price is more than fair, but like I said you can try to lower it depending on what youre looking for. Also I support Zone but unfortunately there wont be any animations by him on here.
ZONE IS A GUY *mind explodes*
TwistedGrim is a nice new edition to Shad/Shagbase. Nice new pic TwistedGrim!
300$ for like 10 frames of animation + no sound seems quite a lot of money for it .Also, i see Zone in the Allies section, is he going to be animating for shadbase also?
Nice to see you back though Spaz! <3
This is Grims animation and post, Spaz still isnt back yet.
Wow,sorry about that.I didnt even bother to read the description i just saw artwork that clearly wasn’t shads and assumed.Ill make sure to do that next time.
Too much blood going to nether regions causes literacy levels to go down apparently.
Nah.I was actually thinking that i quite disliked this particular animation by who i thought was spazkid at the time.
Yeah…TG might be to uhh… inflexible for me…
Maybe that’s not fair of me to say at this point in time, we’ll see I suppose.
Yes we will see.Ive seen many of his animations on youtube and as Shad stated he is in fact a great animator.Im not going to judge him and size him up now after only seeing one pornographic work of his.