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    New policy brief from me on US-Turkey relations after the elections:

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    11 hours ago

    I wish international press would be a bit more critical about this. The question is not "incarcerating children with their mothers," which in some cases may be the most ethical course. The issue is gratuitous prosecutions and unwillingness of prosecutors to show discretion

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    11 hours ago

    You know US-Turkish relations are bad when a stretch that includes Trump attacking the Turkish economy and Erdogan threatening to attack US forces in Syria still counts as a thaw...

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  4. First thing I'll say is I wish this could be done without an internet polling methodology.

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  5. Retweeted
    Jan 18

    I made this cartoon for for the Day of the . Since 2016 has arrested 594 lawyers and convicted 216 of them. A total of 1500 lawyers are on trial.

  6. I would say more, but it's um 993 pages of Turkish so it's going to take me a few minutes.

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  7. Giant new report on the social impact of the state of emergency led by :

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  8. Especially considering how everything these days is about Russian influence...

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  9. Angle I would have taken instead: How America's Dirty Tricks Campaigners Supercharged Anti-Soros Politics in Central Europe

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  10. It's an interesting aspect, but I'm not sure that Hungary's campaign per se was the tipping point for anti-Soros stuff.

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  11. Also a bit self-congratulatory, since by 2013 anti-Soros campaigning was a staple of Eastern European and post-Soviet politics

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  12. And that's when we found out about the war

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    13 hours ago

    A lawyer of Turkish origin was appointed as the Vice President of Germany's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), becoming the country’s first official with an immigrant background in intelligence services

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  15. I need an infographic for the relationship between huzun, saudade, and тоска.

  16. Retweeted

    Kinda wish I didn’t hit that ol’ “translate tweet”.

  17. His job was to liaison with local police, which is to say, his crime was his job.

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  18. Turkey indicts Metin Topuz, employee of US consulate already in prison for more than a year, seeks life sentence: . His "crime" is he was in touch with police officers who were later charged as Gülenists.

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    17 hours ago
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    Kerch Strait ACCIDENT: Ships catch fire in Kerch. Turkish & Indian national involved

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    17 hours ago

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