Originally this was just a birthday gift for a friend. But I decided to add a little extra.
You can use your keyboard to play around with her.
How to play with her:
V = Hard thrust
Down Arrow = Soft thrust
Spacebar = Climax
R = Reset (after Climax)
PS: The Character is Riona by Cadenza Art
Major thanks to Scorp29 for all the effort on coding the Flash, he’s been a huge help throughout Shadbase.
I hope you enjoyed the 2 weeks of filler content
I’m boarding my flight to start my new life in the states today, if everything goes well we can go back to the regular comic routine next week.
I will continue where I left off with the Teen Titans comic two weeks ago. For those who are still asking for The Last Orifice continuation: I HAVE LOST INTEREST I WONT BE DOING ANY NEW PAGES. I got a really busy schedule, many many things to draw, and id rather focus on new and exciting projects.
See you in America, I’ve got TONS planned for Shadbase
-Shadman over and out
shad-let bullet 4: ssurvived
So this is hell huh….it’s not so bad here
traps are gay
its not a trap since it has tits would be it would be a futanari
This is on kik… under gifs if you look up hentai…
shouldnt this be under animations?
my bad, fixed it.
if only this had more frames
Deeeer, me thinks this is gay, no more penises on shit, everyone likes this is fag
Me not troll
Great game,10 / 10,needs a sequel!
would of been better with out the penis gaysssssss
keep ur negative opinion 2 yourself
re release this wth more frames and more options!!
would of been better with out the penis gaysssssss
Fuck off.
Pls fak off
just become one, nowadays only bi (or pan[, basically both means the same]) are acceptable
i think i just found out im bisexual
Now if only she didn’t have a penis and she squirted…
Not a fan of this shemale crap… If the woman loses the female organs I am just done.. Disgusting
u so late bruh get out wit dat
Leave this place then, shadbase is clearly not meant for your kind.
Shut up, faggot.
Shagbase is for homosexuals, not shad.
I like how the homosexuals/bisexuals are calling the heterosexual a derogatory term for gay.
I would really like for more stuff like this. It’s just… Wow.
can you make more animations like this with riona playing more with her boobs?
Bored now.
this site is full of so many wonders
Its a whimsical place.
not going to lie I cam pretty hard to this
I think I hear a rhythm going on.
lololol ik
more futa animation
Can you keep the touch controls? Because I like to view these on my phone so I can’t use the keyboard just a suggestion
It was a experiment with the keys, there will be touch controls again next time.
Android or Apple?
yo Spazkid, honestly your animations are the best yet. i dont even comment or give compliments ….ever. so the fact that i am now, says something. i commend you on your work. i love it.
god i wana fuck her :) please make more shemale/futa stuff :D
Was just looking at the site bg vary closely and to anybody else who can see it ” oh my god! They killed kenny!”
please…… quit with the Dicks on Chicks, At least have them screwing other chicks that DON’T have Dicks.
no more last of us comic?!?!?!?! i’m dying!!! no, wait, just a fart…
shad when will the ttgf page be released?
I just uploaded it recently.
when will the next ttgf page be posted?
I understand Shad doesn’t have to do all this free stuff for us, but its still disappointing to see The Last Orifice wont be finished.
It’ll be missed. I look forward to the new content, though.
Yeah i would love to see u do link and ghirahim
You should get more into this at some point, i really like it.
Hey Shad, you still using that old Wacom Bamboo tablet?
I ordered one yesterday…
Hopefully one day, when I’m good enough, we can collab…
No I upgraded to a cintiq long time ago.
He draws super good on his cintiq.
How about a Ariel Comic? (the Disney one)
How about a Ariel Comic?
good choice shadman on america. no drone strikes to worry about dude.
stay away from ga man it sucks.
Because I sorta found a good hypnotist website and well… It might have worked too well
Hey shadman in your opinion what is your favorite f/f m/f anal drawing by you
I am starting to feel a bit concerned about those tamaranian girls.
You could kill my family and your voice would still calm me down.
Just wondering. Why two different places? Shade base and shagbase? What’s the difference?
just be happy and fap bro
It looks like Shadbase is for more focused comics, flashes and light nude pin-ups and Shagbase is for extreme nudity, hardcore sex, pin-ups with Shad’s fetishes and such…
Lov’n it.
Link and Ghirahim.
I was listening to to the Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon theme while derping around here and WOW I love it! If you haven’t played Far Cry Blood Dragon then your missing out!
‘Winners don’t use drugs!’
Pooh,you and I are both bummed out about Jon leaving Game grumps,but I found something glorious…mabye it’ll help you too?
That was me sorry…..fuckin gravatars man………
thanks man, that cheered me up
i guess we’re even now
When you say you’ve stopped The Last Orifice, does that mean you just won’t finish the comic or will we not see any more The Last of Us content here again?
Aww, I was looking forward to The Last Orifice, but after seeing most of the game it breaks how you made the characters and thats something you wanted if I remember correctly. Meaning the personalities from the game to be like the story and all. So I understand and its all goo with me if that matters. Can’t wait for the next update as always Shad and welcome to the U.S.A. its shit half the time.
The only criticism I have is I’d like to hear her moan.
Unfortunately there wasnt enough time for that, but next time Im sure there will be moaning again.
Are you gonna go back to Bioshock infinite now……cause I got lots’o ideas to spread like budda!!
I only got another commission concerning it, I wont make it a theme. I will be going back to Teen Titans, like I mentioned in the description. Update coming tomorrow.
Honestly, It would have been better if he would have never made a last of us comic and then left it incomplete. I would actually suggest that he take it down. It’s sort of like if the lady who wrote HP just decided at book #5 she got bored and just stopped. I mean at least have the courtesy to do 1 last page of it just to give it closure if nothing else.
I dont owe you anything, and no, I wont take it down, thats the dumbest thing Ive heard in a while.
Not to be a dick or anything, but that anon had a point on taking down that Last Orifice comic you don’t want to misguide newcomers to this site who go back and expect to see the rest of the comic but I’m just saying.
You don’t have to listen to me i was just stating it may be a good idea.
im on anonymous’s side on this one
this was a bit selfish shad
think of it this way
theres a good TV show you like and when it gets juicy , the show gets cancelled out of nowhere
you might as well just remove it…
How the fuck is it selfish THIS SITE IS FREE so stop your bitching
They’re are plenty of show i watch that never got a proper end I enjoy them all the same. I would be pissed if they just took the all complete off the market were I can’t watch them again.
Do you pay to view this site? You don’t so STFU.
Fuck you all
No but he makes money off his viewers donations
That’s their choice to donate and if you really want a say pay for a commission when he is available to do them fucktard
You should’ve made it so she keept going even after she came.
That drawing style isn’t of Ktullanyx?
I just love how her dick and tits flop around as she bounces up and down on that toy of hers. I especially love that dick mmmmmmm.
Not to mention the balls, Spazkid did a great job making those bouncy too.
And that orgasm she had was glorious!
what the fuck?!?!
Please finish the last of us comic :(
Dont come to the US, its gay as fuck.
I know right? I sometimes want to hate my country, America, and its rednecks.
You should be grateful I took a vacation to africa and it is shit here.
Not going to be able to play video games watch tv or have good internet power and water till i leave
my god. shadman in america. we’re all screwed man. so screwed.
Mobile or gif or whatever please!
So no more of the Last orifice? Well that’s probably a good thing, don’t feel like getting arrested for having my computer filled with kiddy porn.
I swear to god shad and spaz, you’re gianna give me blue balls! But it would probably be worth it.
God damn I was looking forward to The Last Orifice.
Now what is this I am hearing? another BioShock pic coming up? lets see what you have to offer us Shad,(another fine piece of artwork)
HREY DEADPOUL. did u no gaymspot iz seyin ur gaym iz unly a 5 owt uv 10?
i lafed tu moch at dis. jest seaing hur big dik flopin arownd jest seams funy
Cool flaw and can’t wait for you to Continue the comics and see your new stuff sad that you finish the last of us comic if was getting real good anyway love your stuff dude
I’ve seen to much o.o
Actually you havent seen enough
You should do more with her Shad
Hey shadman, if you ever get into Pokemon again It’d be awesome if you did one of Skyla.
Dammit when I read the name Rinoa I thought you meant the one in Final Fantasy
i wouldn’t mind being fucked by her
AMAZING!!! 8.9 Stars
http://www.xvideos.com/video4285221/brunette_ladyboy_sucking_off_blonde_trannie One more because I like you
http://www.xvideos.com/video4392446/amateur_latina_shemale_butt_fucking_tranny I put this here cus I like you vanilla face
That is fucking hot!
who is the tranny?
I like, now we can have sexy time with my sister.
I love it when you do these.
Say shad, you should consider an option to toggle the foota for your next flash, it’ll satisfy more people
This flash was made by Spazkid.
Testing to see if gravatar works
and it does
wat teh fak iz dat
No idea…
…..Go away
Got anything to say about your new game Wade?
Yes,lots of BEWBIES!!!!
yeah…. I will see it when Shad shows proof you sent in for a commission.
yeah, I doubt this too… shadman dosen’t like adventure time… even if he got payed.
he said the same thing about MLP
and look how that turned out
But that’s cause he saw a picture of it in a different art style, and there are a lot of different ones about MLP, but from what I saw, Adventure Time hentai is always in the same stupid art style.
Actually thats not entirely true if you look it up on Bing there is different animation.
Seriously, this never gets old. XD
Guys we have to be more understanding!
Shad has all those commissions, all his other projects, all those pin ups and shit for shagbase, whatever else he does for a living, playing games, and everything else he has in his life. He just doesn’t have time to finish the comic of something he personally doesn’t want to do, I’m also a artist and I can tell you that my worst work has come from projects I didn’t have interest in.
But I kinda miss the pin up that shad made…
The pin up is still there -_-
I’m sad about him not Finishing the comic too but it’s not enough for me to leave the website. He does give it all too us for free, and yeah there a few people who only liked this site because of that comic and some people who feel personally sad about it, but really if you guys look at it from shads perspective and how he has many other projects to do, things that he is just not interested in clearly don’t have a place.
And no I don’t think that calling these people butt hurt or anything is right, it’s their choice so they might as well do it.
And besides, the last of us is bound to have a sequal and I’m sure it will get shad to masturbate on his console and draw something for us again.
Someone who understands
Is there any way you could post a mobile version for upcoming animations. (I know it wouldn’t work interactively but just a normal gif or something.
I wish you finished The Last of Us comic, I was really excited, I wouldn’t have minded if you didn’t tell us you were working on it for the past two weeks. Whatever, if you change your mind I’ll be very happy. Still a huge fan either way.
where’s the bar that shows how hard she can fuck?
shad love the flash animations, are these becoming a monthly thing?
Yeah Spazkid definately wants to post them at least monthly, hes a machine!
Done with this website.
yeah… an act of selflessness
he could have ended it in 1 page and get it over and done with
THEN continue with the….*sigh* teen titans comic
Ill be seeing you later.
I am really disappointed that you won’t be finishing the last orifice. While I respectfully disagree with your views on the game, (And that’s just me as I loved everything about the game) we have been waiting for a while now to see a real ending to it. Some of the comments on here are claiming people like me to be, “Butthurt” about it, however the fact is there is a fan base out there for both the game and this comic and you shad did tell us you would be finishing it. So call us butthurt if you want but the fact is we are disappointed that shadman would let us down like this. I for one am dropping my fan card of this site as it seemed a bit too easy for shadman to drop this project, and if he begins another that I would be interested in, what’s to stop him from doing this again. He wants us to keep this site free and pay him for his work but then he doesn’t deliver on said work. Shadman, what you need to realize is that while you may have lost interest, there are people that are still very much interested. All you would have to do is pop out one or two more pages to put a cap on it. Then you could wash your hands of the whole thing and everybody would be happy. So as of today, I will be taking my commissions elsewhere. I’m sorry but you broke my trust with you as an artist by basically lying to your fans. Good luck in your future decisions.
Well said!
Just leave him be. If you want to leave so be it but there is no point in typing out a long comment ripping Shad for not doing a comic he lost interest in. An artist does better work on something that inspires and interests him as opposed to something that doesn’t.
Enjoy wherever it is you end up.
If you feel as if you no longer want to visit this site so be it but leaving a novel-lenght comment on a flash animation won’t change Shad’s mind. Artists create their best works when their subject interests and inspires them, when their subject doesn’t, nine time out of ten the artwork will be half-assed and not very viusaly pleasing to the viewer of said artwork.
Enjoy wherever you end up.
And just syaing both of those comments are by me…. I thought the first one didnt take so you can disregard the second if you wish.
cant tell if that’s sincere or just straight up sarcasm
The TL;DR translation of the whiny Anonymous’ comment;
“Well, the site is free, but there is a donate button on the side, that means I HAVE to press the donate button and pay, and that makes me the owner of the site basically, my mom died because of cancer, and the cancer was created by the lack of TLOU comic, Shadman is a godamn killer, let me just whine little bit more.”
Dude what the fuck is wrong with you!?
dude…..what the fuck…
This is fucking gross
I had a feeling you will lose interest after finishing the game, no crying over spilled milk, as always, I will be waiting for the new and exciting projects.
For how long are you planning to stay in the US, Shad?
Im a resident there now, so untill further notice I will live there.
I like the flash, but she looks too shiny with that background. The background is nice it looks like she came from a different world. What’s killing it for me is the girl looks more like rubber then the tire underneath her. It looks like two nice peace’s mixed together.
*sniff sniff* Do you smell that in the air? It must be butthurt season~ Get the fuck over it, people. I wasn’t even a very big fan of the TLoU comic in the first place (not saying it was bad though). I’d much prefer the continuation of the teen titans comic, so I’d say I’m rather relieved
I am completely on your side, but, I do have to agree that some people may be too much butt hurt because they really enjoyed the comics. It would be the same if shad all of the sudden said that he won’t continue the Teen Titans series. I would be really sad. Luckily, we will continue :D
I decided Teen Titans over The Last of Us, and I would do that again anyday.
Damn that climax is nice
……Go away
….What he said
Enjoy my new gravatar as it stares you down to your dirty zones….heh-heh…..
You gave back the armor to Tony?
Actually, I destroyed the butt compartment in a tragic bathroom accident after eating at an all you can eat Mexican food buffet….
I have mixed feelings about your new gravatar.
Oh well,what ever helps you sleep at night…
sorry to say, but i dont like your game :0
I will appreciate you either way Deadpool. <3
Pls make a belly bulge version
What the fuck shadman, we’ve waited ever so patiently since march 27th for you to finish the last orifice comic and then you finally announced that you would be taking a break from Teen titans to finish the last orifice we wait some more, ( i realize you had to move and stuff) and after 2 weeks of mediocre filler content you tell us that you lost interest in the comic and won’t be finishing it? Way to fuck the last of us fans over.
Not only did you show disrespect in Shad and Spazkid’s works, but you also showed how much of a miserable “fan” you are. Whenever an artist says something, you cannot complain with him, but only understand his reason.
How would you like if you started something, went to a little break, and when you are starting to get back to it, you lose interest. Would you continue it even though you don’t like doing it? I think not!
He did say that he would finish it though
Things change. That’s life.
Shad, do what you like. I for one enjoy this update. Regardless of people getting butt-hurt of something they undoubtedly get nearly free of charge, it’s awesome to see your work.
Damn I really wanted to see that last of us comic.
Gif version please :(
Maybe Spazkid will whip up a GIF version at some point.
There’s one on candenza arts tumbled.
hot that was hot
well i’m done with this site. Time to move on to more honest artists.
Ouch. Why the Shadman hate?
He’s moving half a world away, and still has time to update free stuff to the internet for no money to please people like us. And since it’s HIS website, he can post what he damn well wants, and if he’s bored with The Last of Us, he’s not going to post more. I don’t care either way, cause whatever he posts is amazing. So if you don’t like it, do go. There are plenty of other websites you can complain on.
Shadman, you rule (and Spazkid too!).
Its not the fact that he’s not finishing that’s pissing me off. Its the fact that that he said he would and is not. A person that cannot stand by his word is as good as worthless. If he feels the need to be untrustworthy, fine, but there is a line and he has crossed it.
Because porno drawings are serious business. Eat a dick.
What comic are you people even talking about? He never even did one for TLoU
Someone’s a dumbass.
I second this notion.
Congratulations! You have won the idiot of the year award!
Aw what! But Barney was a shoo in!
The Last Orifice – Page 7… “What last comic!?!”
Pooh HArdy i agree with you 100%
Fucking disgusting…..
Why you guys complain I’ll just be fapping to this “You do not have flash installed” screen…
Who’s dick is that?
I believe its called a Dildo.
wow shadman, you PROMISE us a fucking last of us comic in june. and at the end of june you fucking lose interest. right when it was getting good too. and instead you keep giving us this creepy futa shit. instead of the good, respectable stuff. fuck you shadman. i used to like you, but im sick of all the fucking dicks.
I doubt he cares, so..bye, you fucking loser.
Someone here is a a bit butthurt.
I honestly don’t like the futa stuff either and I am disappointed by the comic but you have to give shad some respect or a lot of respect that he is taking our requests for free may I say again “FREE” last time I checked most people in this day and age nothing is free, he has toned down the futa stuff but if you say stuff like this your only going to drive shades interest away for drawing at all and he’ll either stop drawing altogether or make the website premium and then we’re all will be fucked thanks to people like you. All im sayin is give the guy some respect he is a busy man especially now with this moving to the US. Pro tip when shit like this happens you say “Well shit” and move the fuck on.
Damn that’s the thickest paragraph on page.
Wow you’re really done with that Last of Us comic? It was really going somewhere what the hell. -_-
Shad, Very generous of you to share this with us. I love it. Plain and simple.
Could you please finish the The Last of Us comic?
Welcome to the States Shad! We’re glad to have you!
He’s ours now….MWAH HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!
Glad to be here.
Needs MORE penis! But I’m sure I’ll get that next post :D
.sanigav erom sdeeN
Her face when she cums, priceless.
Wherever you go Shadman, live it up like a boss. And watch out for the rednecks.
Love it. Great work, Spazkid!
I didn’t even like Last Orifice that much Teen Titans was imo much sexier. And good luck in the US, Shad. I hope you’ll be fine over there.
nice. thats all i need to say :)
Goddamnit, I waited patiently for the final The Last of Us page. You said it would be continued on June 14th, then we got a pin-up and now it’s just gone? What the hell?
yeah i’m a bit pissed of aswell
and now shad is continuing the fucking teen titans comic -_-
i’d rather see ellie than a bunch of trannies fuck
Pooh, quit your bitching he said he is moving to the united states and to give him some time before he could continue the lust of us, give the man a break.
I dont actually think that thats the reason why he’s bitching.
I think he’s just mad about Jon leaving GameGrumps.
@Pooh Hardy: *Tugs Pooh Hardy in real close* There there, its not your fault, its not even Jon’s fault.
Its the GameStations fault for threatening with terminating his contract.
You say i’m bitching,but you didnt even read the description…
just shut up ok?
I remember this gif from spazkid’s tumblr, the framerate or just the animation itself is really poor if you ask me, it screws with my eyes if I try to watch it, it needs to be more smooth
aside from that, yeah its sexy, blue demon dicgirls are win to me
ugh not this shit again
and FFS shad , i was looking forward to the last of the last orifice, especially since you kept blabbing on about it
not cool man…
p.s. fuck you spazkid
pooh hardy, the most butt hurt moron on all of shadbase and Shagbase
you call me butthurt but you’re the one who is mad enough to ragereply
i love how the double standards work here
Speaking of double standards why is it you complain when you get both versions in a comic or pin up?
You did too you asshole
dont try ignoring your actions while lecturing me
its like you’ve only started paying attention to me since may
i only complained one time and thats cus the same picture was put on both shadbase and shag base
This is good… very fucking good!
Omg so hot
Needs less penis.
I agree.
I disagree.
“3 foot penis, flopping around
Put in your mouth and put in your vagin”
you have bad timing
Mind if i ask where you got the sound effects? I wanna try my hand at animating again
Spazkid made them himself, how is a mystery!
Try putting soap (with some water) in your hands and squeezing them (like when you throw water).
After that you can hit some leather (in the way you like) and then mix both sounds together.
Or chewing Mac-n-Cheese VERY loudly…heh…heh..ha..ha.haha hahahaHAHAHAHAHA WWUUAHHHH HAAA HAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Or just use some jello…like ZONE!
you guys are nasty
i’ll never be able to eat mac n cheese the same way again
or take a shower while slapping leather
or even look at jello
Or fuck someone… :/
Too bad you never have OH!!!!!!
Why were you in the shower slapping leather?
Don’t forget to get good food at the US!
What do you mean by good food.
Country food, some Bar B Que, and what ever else we have that can be considered good.
Oh Shadman…
First comment bitches!!
You are always first in my heart Deadpool.
<3 <3 <3 HEE HEE HEE!!1
And thus began the fanfics and rule 34 of Anabi and Deadpool…
Me and Deadpool? Oh that’s a dream come true! xP
“AHEM” mr. Deadpool? no questions. just felt like saying your name
I like your game.