O tym rozszerzeniu
- Since 1.9: Save Web Page and Any Web File to Local File
- Save or get archived webpages from archive.org, archive.is, webcitations.org, megalodon.jp, google cache, gigablast.com or even from all at the same time, since 1.4.6, archive.is and megalodon archived pages are automatically updated/archived.
- Since 1.8: add your own archivers or other service urls.
- AutoSave Tab Option: Select "Autosave Tab" from the menu in a tab and the tab will be automatically saved to selected archivers in options when the page of the tab change.
- Save a link in page, a picture or a frame too.
- Auto Save a list of urls or the links in the page
- Select text on the page and save all the links and even urls in the text without A tag.
- Menu and Options to Select the Archivers to Use to Save Webpage.
- Options to save file by extension, url mask, etc.
- Options to autosave file when opened in a tab.
- Check a page or link with http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/
- Option to Automatically Save Archived Urls in Bookmarks.
- Save Video in One Click With saveitoffline.com
- Search selected text in page with archive.is, archive.org, search.yacy.net, gigablast.com.
- With a 404 Error page, you can use the menu "Get Cache From..." to check for archived versions of the page.
- Use Custom Script to Save Pages.

- Version en Français (French Version):

- Article on:

- Addon License:

- Report Bug:
To report a bug or ask for a new feature, please use the link "Support E-mail" at the right of the page and include your browser name, version and the addon version and the urls with the problems.

- Check my archiver for video only with more options to save video:

If you want help me with addons :

Make a Donation:
- https://www.paypal.me/gaelroblin

Send link of my addons to your friends and post on social networks:

- Facebook:

- Google+:

- Reddit:

- Others:

Register / Buy with my partner id on theses websites :

- http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/709-53476-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=1&pub=5575402375&toolid=10001&campid=5338329144&customid=geot&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229480&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg

- http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/b2ryLqva

VPN Tunnel:
- https://airvpn.org/?referred_by=256493

CashBack website (French Only):
- https://www.ebuyclub.com/?parrain=bubul01
- https://fr.igraal.com/?parrain=bubul01
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Prosimy nie używać tego formularza do zgłaszania błędów i próśb o nowe funkcje w dodatkach. Zgłoszenie zostanie wysłane do Mozilli, nie do autora dodatku.

Informacje o wydaniu 1.9.7
- New option to set a shortcut key for toolbar button action
- With archive.is new option to save to local file the zip of archived page of archive.is
- New menu to save to archiveis and download automatically the zip archive file made by archive.is
- Better compatiblity with archive.is others domains when automatic redirection
- When a local archived page need files (like pictures, stylesheet, etc), the page will now be in a folder of the name of the main htm file and the others files in subfolder (before only needed files where in subfolder) to more easily share the saved page and the file needed to render the page, just copy the folder where is the html main file
- New menu to save selecteds links without popup like all page links
- Tab of archivers now open next to the archived page tab