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Portugal is a country in Europe.

Gunmen made a threat to blow up a building if the police attempted to storm it in the 1983 Turkish embassy attack in Lisbon, Portugal.[1]

Details Edit


"FACT #54: Populated by White stock, the nation of Portugal rose in four centuries to be the wealthiest most powerful country in the world. A great commercial and maritime power, it had large colonies in Asia, Africa, and America. Its seamen were the first to explore western Africa and they brought back hundreds of Negro slaves. By 1550, at the height of Portugal’s power, one-tenth of its population were Blacks. Today, Portugal’s population is described as one of the most homogeneous in Europe, having slowly absorbed the Negro gene pool. As of l975 it had lost all of its outside territories. Its workers are the lowest paid in Europe and they have the highest rate of illiteracy and a high infant mortality rate. In terms of art, literature, music, science and philosophy the “new” Portugal has produced virtually nothing in 100 years and by most standards is the most backward nation in Europe. *Keep in mind that the Black population of the U.S. is approximately 13%. (27)"[2]

References Edit

  1. Wikipedia:1983 Turkish embassy attack in Lisbon
  2. http://web.archive.org/web/20140411181944/http://www.solargeneral.com/jeffs-archive/black-failure/whites-blacks-100-facts-and-one-lie/ - "Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie)"

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