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  1. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    “I’m struck by how many Remain voters now want to see Brexit done. We’ve argued long enough. It’s time for some national self-belief. Voters expect their politicians to grasp the Brexit opportunities”

  2. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    Just watched the full, unedited video of the MAGA kid and the Native American vet. I’d like to amend this tweet. The kid did absolutely nothing wrong. I regret the error. It makes this assault by leftists I witnessed all the more sick.

  3. 3 hours ago
  4. Retweeted

    Democrats have made it extremely clear this shutdown is all about opposing Trump for them. It’s time to pursue other options. 10 USC 274/284 would allow for fence construction without national emergency. Protect our communities, build the wall, and forget unreasonable Democrats.

  5. 12 hours ago

    "The main problem is that many French ambitions are simply incompatible with German politics.There are structural differences that are not linked to a single person." The doesn’t need approval.

  6. Retweeted

    Summit in Beirut was a "complete failure", analysts say.

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  7. 12 hours ago

    "If a border wall provides the political space for addressing , then it may still be a worthwhile investment. That said, the proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border—like all previous walls—should be viewed as a means to an end, rather than an end unto itself."

  8. Retweeted

    European Growth is slowing! Negative interest rates don’t work, neither does QE. Time to normalize monetary policy and cut taxes, regulations and spending! via

  9. Retweeted

    can only end through mutual concessions that lead to an agreement. It appears will offer concessions this afternoon. I hope Democrats won’t just automatically reject his offer. Demanding his unconditional surrender is not a reasonable position.

  10. Retweeted
    Jan 19

    And it was false regardless of the accuracy of the Buzzfeed story. Nixon was not impeached.

  11. 22 hours ago

    "A day before Reuters visited the quarter on a media tour last week, six people were killed in a security operation in another part of Qatif, raising concerns that militants quashed in one area will pop up in others."

  12. 22 hours ago

    بداية التدهور محمد بن سامان اضاعة السقة

  13. Retweeted
    Jan 19

    Young Remoaners: "Brexit is stealing our future!" 😭 Reality: With the exception of a few such as Germany and the Netherlands, the European Union isn't working out too well for young people... 🤷‍♀️

  14. Retweeted
    Jan 19

    The most troubling aspect of repeated fiascos like the recent Buzzfeed gaffe is the undermining of faith in what little real journalism, if any, remains in the political sphere.

  15. Jan 19

    at 5 pm 100.000 MCR

  16. Jan 19

    et relu je ne suis pas convaincu. est brillant mais il faut peut-être qu’il chasse le de sa vision pour une meilleure analyse du présent et du futur. était isolé au Pentagone.

  17. Jan 19

    "Europeans everywhere should take note: what happened in Gdańsk isn’t just a Polish problem. We are all sitting in a room filling up with toxic fumes – all over Europe. We need to act before someone enters it and lights a match." Alarming conclusion.

  18. Retweeted

    🇫🇷 - 🇩🇪 Découvrez le texte intégral du traité devant être signé à mardi prochain entre la France et l'Allemagne.

  19. Retweeted
    Jan 19

    The pro-EU People's Vote and Soros-funded Best For Britain campaigns have spent almost £400k pumping out "fake news" dark ads about how orangutans in Borneo are under threat by Brexit. It's a new one for Project Fear, granted. Will be following the money?

  20. Retweeted
    Jan 19

    The EU has not yet offered us a deal that delivers on the referendum result. If they won't offer us a better deal, then politicians need to be absolutely clear that we're leaving on WTO terms.


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