Vaso Azzurro Ristorante, Mountain View, CA.

Welcome to Vaso Azzurro Ristorante! We are known for our authentic and fresh Northern Italian fare made daily with only the finest ingredients. With a variety of satisfying and unique dishes, we have something for every type of taste preferences. Our "feel at home" staff and intimate atmosphere filled with upscale Mediterranean decor makes us a great place to take a date or the whole family. Ask Vaso Azzurro about catering and event planning.
"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing
and devote our attention to eating."

- Luciano Pavarotti -

Dish — Vaso Azzurro Ristorante in Mountain View, CA
Vaso Azzurro Ristorante
Desert — Vaso Azzurro Ristorante in Mountain View, CA
Food — Vaso Azzurro Ristorante in Mountain View, CA
Order takeout over the phone directly to Vaso Azzurro and get 20% discount! Call Phone: (650) 940-1717
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