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Horrorcow Jonathan Yaniv / Jessica Yaniv / @trustednerd / trustednerd.com / JY Knows It / JY British ColumbiaRacist pedo tranny; vexatious litigant from British Columbia; protected by big tech; #waxmyballs

Discussion in 'Lolcows' started by trannyfucker, Nov 9, 2018.

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  1. Dob seems to be July 2000, so she would have been 12 there.
    • Informative Informative x 16

    trannyfucker fucker of trannies

  2. That image is Johnathans intellectual property and is not fair use. You have been warned.
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    W00K #17

    W00K #17 Can i have a swill of your beer pham?

  3. then sue me and all you me as your wife so i can fuck you dry kid
    • Winner  x 40
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    jenffer a jay

    Verified True & Honest Fan

  4. According to the girl Lauren that most of the original leaks are from, this is pretty much what happened, and they also failed to respond when she tried to get them to confirm her info. It's a shame that they haven't commented or anything. I really think that the band (especially the mom, who seems to be the one who finally put her foot down and got this creep away from the band and fans) could be sources of a lot more info on this guy if they kept any receipts. Especially considering that he ran their FB fan page for a while, there's no way that he was not consistently using that status to creep on preteen fangirls. There's also the nonstop disgusting sexual harassment on Lauren's ask page - she's gotta have more shit on this guy.

    Tangentially, when I read the press release from JCCF about how they got him to drop one of his lolsuits against vagina waxers, they mentioned that they were trying to figure out who the 15 other women were, just like the ladies at gendercrit. It seems like the law firm got Jonny to drop the claim by proving that he uses his "deadname" as well as "Jessica" professionally and personally. I wonder if either of those lawyers, whose emails and phone numbers are at the bottom of that press release, have been informed that the guy they're looking to challenge again is a tampon-obsessed pedo...
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Informative Informative x 4
  5. I'm sure the group knows and has thought over making a statement, but as public figures, making a statement condemning a creepy predatory pedophile for being a creepy predatory pedophile would catch them alot of flak and backlash, provided that creepy predatory pedophile is also a troon.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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    W00K #17

    W00K #17 Can i have a swill of your beer pham?

  6. He uses his so-called "deadname" in his fucking DMCA notices. He's a fucking idiot.

    And yeah I think that girl was called Louise, she was French wasn't she? Even when dishing it all out on Twitter though she still "respected" Jonathan Yaniv enough to call him by his preferred pronouns as she would never dream of misgendering someone, no matter how much she hates them. That makes me think she's a really nice girl even if she's a bit misguided ("girl" might be a little patronising, I don't know how old she is, she could actually be older than I am)
    • Agree Agree x 6
  7. I can guarantee he did NOTHING for Cimorelli it was all fan-run and talent-based nothing to do with him. He(s taking credit for shit he had literally fuck-all to do with. Oh well.

    She was 12 an was in middle school at the time if I recall correctly. She's been contacted. She didn't keep any evidence but she did leave social media because of what he did.

    I think the lack of misgendering also kept her thread up so I guess that was half misguided respect half well thought-out strategy. She's had quite a few run-ins with the creep so she was aware of the DMCAs and other Twitter reports that were looming over everyone's heads. She's in her mid twenties now, she was 20 at the time if I remember the thread correctly.

    Her ask.fm has too many questions to be able to scroll all the way to the JY one, it would take ages...

    They had their chance before JY used the trans excuse. He wasn't using that in 2012/2013. They still didn't say anything.
    • Informative Informative x 7
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    #2007 RoonilWazlib, Jan 1, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2019

    RoonilWazlib teaching? is that student?

  8. Hate to ask again but - does anyone have the text of the publication ban? Or a link to it? Or even proof that it exists at this point? Is it a blanket ban on the entire case or just then names involved? Are there 17 different publication bans, does there need to be a publication ban for each individual complaint?
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1
    • Late Late x 1
    Yellow Yam Scam

    Yellow Yam Scam She'd better stop. She'd better stop.
    True & Honest Fan Birthday

  9. The Cimorelli girls were young, they are super duper Christian, their parent(s) told them to be nice to the creepy loner virgin, and they obeyed. Same reason kids who were raped by priests in 1977 waited 30 years to report it.
    • Feels Feels x 21
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    • Informative Informative x 1
    Kate Farms Shill

    Kate Farms Shill Sunbeam 4 Jesus

  10. Fucking save that shit you nigger.

    I think there's more to that than meets the eye.

    The Mass Effect PR photos are also of interest.
    • Like Like x 1

    Iwasamwillbe The Ground of Being

  11. History changes on Wikipedia edits are there forever to be viewed in the "view history" tab at the top.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 6
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    Xenu Warrior Princess

    Xenu Warrior Princess Shut up baby, I know it.

  12. But Wikipedia talk pages...?

    And the staff can alter shit in ways that don't show up in the history.
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Informative Informative x 2

    Iwasamwillbe The Ground of Being

  13. I don't have it but I just thought, surely the only thing that was banned was his "deadname", in the media? And since Beautician #1's solicitors managed to get that thrown out, it doesn't apply anymore? And also I thought that the publication ban would only apply to Canadian newspapers anyway. If that part at least is right then I don't think Hailey Heartless actually understands what it means
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. There is nothing there regarding the case to be archived yet.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Yellow Yam Scam

    Yellow Yam Scam She'd better stop. She'd better stop.
    True & Honest Fan Birthday

  15. They probably can, but have not come across that personally yet.
    The talk page was like that since before any Yaniv references were added afaict.
    Xenu Warrior Princess

    Xenu Warrior Princess Shut up baby, I know it.

  16. I just started reading this thread so I’m very behind, but y’all, this is a ride.

    I have a few different thoughts that I’ll post here.
    • His “But what if a LITTLE GIRL asks me how to stick a tampon up her vag???” fantasy pisses me off- not only because of the gross pedo undertones, but because it’s unrealistic. The first person any girl menstruating for the first time goes to is her mother. If her mother isn’t available, a girl will go to a female teacher or some other woman that she trusts. I know that because I've been in that position, as has every other woman. The absolute last person I would turn to would be a male stranger.
    • Men like Yaniv make me uncomfortable as fuck because they’re the type who know just how to capitalize on how non-confrontational and polite most women are (because that’s how we’re socalized to behave). He bursts in with his weird fucking fantasies and questions and the women he talks to just try to navigate the situation without hurting his feelings. You can tell how caught off guard some of them are, too.
    • I still can’t get over the ball waxing lolsuit. It honestly reads like an Onion article. Suing 16 women because they don’t want to wax your balls... holy shit. I don’t want to live in a world where you can get sued for not wanting to touch a stranger’s genitals.
    • I know TERFs are shitty, but it’s hard not to root for them when they seem to be the only group that’s interested in protecting women from predatory troons or in calling out the crazier/worst parts of the trans activism movement. I hate how trans activism groups get so pissy about TERFs for shedding light on some of their scandals. If they policed themselves better, they’d stop giving TERFs so much ammunition.
    • Agree Agree x 37
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    • 🤔 Thunkful x 1

    Cosmos Soldier of Love and Bitching on the Internet
    Supervisor True & Honest Fan

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    #2018 2nd_time_user, Jan 1, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  17. You are correct, I'm exceptional

    He's an awful Catch-22 for the woke af liberals, isn't he? If they condemn him, they're siding with TERFs against such stunning and brave trans girls, and their hands are therefore forevermore smeared with trannie blood. But if they side with him, they're showing that their movement will welcome and defend obvious child predators as long as they claim different pronouns.
    • Agree Agree x 12
  18. Sweet merciful $diety, this woman is a chore to watch. She's almost as exceptional as Yaniv.
    • Agree Agree x 13
    • Feels Feels x 1
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