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Why do you like dick?

Am I the only gay guy who gets tired of being asked this by straight guys? A guy at work found out I was gay and asked "How can you like dick? Pussy is wayyy better dude."

Idk Michael, why is your head so small? Cuz you were born that way? Crazy.

Seriously though, when I brought this up with my straight friends, my BEST friend said "I'm honestly disappointed that you get aggrovated with that question. The man was just asking you a question."

I can understand to some extent being curious about others sexuality, but answering why you like dick is like trying to answer why you like your favorite foods. Because they taste good and i like them in my mouth.

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level 1
Moderator of r/askgaybros, speaking officiallyScore hidden · 2 months ago · Stickied comment

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level 1

Just tell them what you really like about dick. Go into far too much detail and really awkward up the convo. That’s been a tactic of the LGBT community for decades.

level 2

Yes! Do this.

It will help from getting more stupid questions in the future. You can also respond in a way where you act like you think they are flirting with you.

level 2

I do this and it works 100% of the time! Of course I only do it if the question is as stupid and ignorant as your example.

level 1
1.4k points · 2 months ago

Just ask him how he knows. Had he tried dick?

level 2

This should be higher up. If OP's paraphrase is accurate, the questioner is either a willing experimenter or, more likely, talking out his ass.

level 2

Him: "How can you like dick? Pussy is wayyy better dude."

You: "So you're admitting you've tried dick? How else could you compare the two?"

Him: "..."

Me: *rolls on floor laughing*

level 3

I heard a guy say, in all seriousness, “Once you suck one dick, you’ll never go back.” His intent was to imply that straight guys shouldn’t even experiment. I asked, “How do you know? You sound like you’re speaking from experience.” Everyone else seemed to catch it, but he just kept repeating the phrase.

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level 3

Damn that’s a good one!😄😄

level 3

You sure have an unrealistic version of actual life

level 3
8 points · 2 months ago

Is liking/trying dick a bad thing now?

level 4

No but straight people who ask this dumb question make it sound like we chose to like dick when that's not the case.

level 2

Lol this reminds me of when I was in middle school. Guys used to tease me and ask me if I liked dick, I would respond “Why? Are you interested?” Not only did I get a few laughs, but they eventually stopped teasing me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

level 2
19 points · 2 months ago

Hey u/voxnemo how are you today

level 3
19 points · 2 months ago

It's been a tough day but hey, some days are tough and you gotta run with them. How about you u/nerovox? Been a good day?

level 4

Oh you know. Felt sick, stayed home and browsed reddit

level 5

Been there, kinda wish I could have done that today. Instead I had to fly out for work and so now I am in a hotel feeling ugh.

Hope you feel better. Hang in there.

level 6

Wait do y'all know each other? This is the most casual and adorable thing I've seen all day!

level 7
14 points · 2 months ago

I don't think we know each other as more than fellow gaybros. We have similar user names though so we share that also. Just humans being human bros.

level 8
13 points · 2 months ago

That's about it

level 6

Yeah, I'm feeling better. I'll go back to work tomorrow. What do you do?

level 7

I work in IT (manager) and had to head out to a conference. Nothing too difficult, usually I enjoy it but this trip has just been stressful and frustrating. Meh, I am going to push through, support my team, and then go back and enjoy the weekend.

Glad to hear the day off helped. Some times you just need a mental health day as much as a regular sick day. What about you, what do you do?

level 8

I work at a child rehab facility... It's super depressing

level 9

Wow, that sounds tough. I can imagine you see a lot of depressing situations and people at their lowest. Do you get to see good outcomes?

level 10

Sometimes. But by it's nature it has few happy endings

level 2

I was always amazed at a "straight" guy looking for a blow job, let's me a guy do him, but he has to talk about pussy the whole time, calling me his pussy bitch and after I'm done he starts talking about the game coming on immediately

level 3

Is this video available online?

level 2

I’m pretty sure most of the dudes I know that have tried both have stuck with dick, so...

level 3

Maybe most guys who have tried both do stick with dick, but not all. There are guys who experiment but aren’t really gay. There’s also bisexual guys who lean probably just haven’t heard much about those guys because they get judged by straight AND gay people for some reason, so they keep quiet about it or disclose to a select few. There are also guys who have been raped by a dude with a dick, and lots of them don’t stick with dick...

level 1
644 points · 2 months ago

My friend was perplexed when he heard me joking about how much I like to suck dick:

“Wait?! You’re a top right? Then how come you suck dicks?... like... I thought tops only get their dicks sucked...”

Yes Nikita, cause being a top means being a selfish lover...

level 2
Original Poster432 points · 2 months ago

That sounds like the same people who think being a bottom is more gay than being a top. Either way you're having intercourse with a man...

level 3

I was called a fag once by a top on Grindr. I sent a pic of my ass and he said "Disgusting. I bet you're a fucking bottom, fag." So either he was trolling, or an idiot. 1. I'm vers. 2. If it weren't for bottoms, you'd all be jerking off into socks.

level 4

i bet you're a faggot

Michael told him, whilst he was on a gay dating app

level 5

Wait what..?

level 6


(fake persons name) while (ironic location)

level 4
75 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

If it weren't for bottoms, you'd all be jerking off into socks.


level 4

you'd all be jerking off into socks

tbh they probably still are anyway with that attitude.

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level 3
72 points · 2 months ago

Technically speaking gay sex is twice as manly as straight sex.

Also technically correct is the best kind of correct 😉

level 4

Can you call it gay when there's obviously only one real Man?!

level 3

bottom is more gay

This one always gets me. A bottom cannot be penetrated by a woman. A top can stick his dick in a woman. A bottom is getting his needs the only way he can while a top is choosing to fuck a man hole instead of a woman hole. As a top, I’m definitely more gay.

level 4

I mean.... strap-ons?

level 5

I think we can all agree that being penetrated by a prosthetic is a lot different than being penetrated by a real appendage of another living human. Maybe not a big difference physically, but there’s definitely a psychological difference in the way we feel it.

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level 4

a top is choosing to fuck a man hole instead of a woman hole

gay tops aren't attracted to women though. so it makes no sense to be saying that tops are choosing to fuck a guys ass rather than fucking a woman. obviously tops aren't fucking women lol, what the hell are you even talking about? gay men don't like women mate

A bottom is getting his needs the only way he can

so are tops. tops would not be getting their needs by having sex with women. you don't seem to grasy what gay men are. gay men to do not get their needs by fucking women, being a top doesn't mena gay men would get their needs by fucking women

level 5

My comment was mainly sarcasm calling out the ridiculousness of saying one position is gayer than another. Thought that would have been obvious when I said tops were making a choice. I guess I should have added the /s.

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level 2
98 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

cause being a top means being a selfish lover...

For my ex it did.

level 3

Oh...yikes..Sorry, bro

level 4

It's all good. This is why he's my ex.

level 5
3 points · 2 months ago


level 2
14 points · 2 months ago

Tbf I thought only the bottom sucked dick when I was in the closet

level 2

I mean, at least they're trying to understand

level 3

He’s not exactly from a place where it’s talked about. He’s displayed some subtle homophobia, but apparently he thinks I’m different (??) like I’m a “manly gay” and that’s ok in his Russian mindset, like somehow he imagines me overpowering and fucking my dates before throwing them out (??)

level 4

Kinda rapey

level 2
5 points · 2 months ago

I can’t be the only one that just genuinely doesn’t like sucking dick...

Also, there are tons of guys who suck dick just because they enjoy it. Getting your dick sucked without reciprocating isn’t necessarily selfish.

level 1
541 points · 2 months ago

“Your mom loved getting pounded by your dad’s dick, maybe ask her”

level 2
51 points · 2 months ago

But I’m a test tube baby I’m sure no one but me in my family does nasty disgusting things like enjoy my and my partners bodies...

level 2

I'm saving this in my head for when someone asks me this question again 😂💀

level 1
117 points · 2 months ago

Well after first reading the question in the title my first thought was, "they are magically delicious". They start out small and soft and get large and rock hard and after a while they shoot out this white cream. That's magic! Then I read the rest of the comment and thought, I wonder if the person asking op the question has tried it? A good reply to that person that said pussy is better, might be, so you've had dick?

level 1
456 points · 2 months ago

Next time tell him: for the same reasons your mama does! ;)

level 2

What if she's a lesbian mom?

level 3

Oh... good point. Does lesbian mom come with gay dad? May be first ask him 'Ok.. who in your family likes dick?' And then say 'for the same reasons your third cousin likes dick'... i dunno... it doesn't have the same bite as jo'mama!

level 4

friend: Why do you like dick?

op: for the same reason joe does.

friend: joe who?

op: JO'MAMA!!

audience laughter

level 5

This dude is eating beans!

level 4
9 points · 2 months ago

Nobody comes with gay dad except gay dad’s boyfriend. Nobody.

level 3

I doubt people with lesbian moms would ask that question in the first place

level 4

someday, we will get to the point where even people from same-sex parents will have prejudice in their hearts.


level 4

That's quite a good point. I was making a joke though.

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level 3

ur mom gay

level 4

Nah but my grandma was Bi.

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level 1

Just like any stupid question throw it back at them "why do you like pussy? Dick is waaayyyyy better dude" and see the shock on their face.

level 2

Like honestly, dick is better. Vaginas are just dark, wet holes that have scary monsters inside.

level 1
65 points · 2 months ago

My god I get this a lot by my friends too...or "why don't you like Boobs? They're so amazing!"... I just have no interest. Vaginas are odd to me, and looking or playing with a nice dick is just so much fun! That and getting lightly slapped by one is entertaining.

level 2

Yeah I remember a few years ago... a couple of straight friends I lived with... who were totally cool with me being gay... seemed completely surprised that I didn't still like boobs. They were like... "we know you're gay... but you mean that you don't have any attraction to boobs?!" And I was trying to explain to them that boobs are about as interesting to be as staring at a blank wall. And they were like "oh my god! haha" And I like... "yep... being gay means you're NOT attracted to women or their bodies... not that hard to understand. I mean... I can't believe you guys don't like penises."

level 3

I once told a dude in frustration, "because they're just two lumpy fleshy fat sacks that might contract cancer at any moment. You can't even put groceries in them."

level 4

lol... I dunno... I just think they look... goofy and silly. Not sexy at all.

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level 4

Omg this is the best XD!

level 5

I mean, I'd totally be into boobs if you could pop them and candy would fall out like a pinata.

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level 3

how could they be surprised by that? did they literally not even know what a gay man is ?

level 2

sounds like they don't respect your sexuality

level 1

Ask him if he wants to try some so he'll know.

level 1
86 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

Tell them that dicks taste generally better than vaginas(at least in my opinion) and maybe they’ll understand better.

level 2
21 points · 2 months ago

You must be from a big city, I gotta make dude with farmer dick down here in Georgia. At least they’re uncut 💁‍♀️

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level 2

Wayyy better.

level 3


level 1

The problem with the question is that it presupposes that sexual attraction is the result of some sort of logical thought process. Vagina isn't better than dick or vice versa. We're just attracted to what we're attracted to.

Also, just ask your friend if he'd be attracted to a vagina attached Bradley Cooper's body. He probably wouldn't be. Our attraction to things doesn't exist in a vacuum. Dicks and vaginas are part of larger packages, and it's those packages that turn on us on, not the individual components. Once you remove the components from the packages, our perception of them change.

level 2

That's why I cant do gloryholes, like it could be the best looking dick in the world but I'm not going near it till I see their face or the rest of the their body.

level 3
8 points · 2 months ago

This is not what I was promised on Grindr (gets hammer)

level 3

This comment summed up my entire gay life thus far

level 2
17 points · 2 months ago

Also, just ask your friend if he'd be attracted to a vagina attached Bradley Cooper's body.

Yes. This!

level 2
7 points · 2 months ago

Yeah I’m not about to fuck no Stan Lee looking grandpa no matter how horny I am thats for damn sure

level 3
level 4

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level 1
38 points · 2 months ago

I don't. I like pecs 😩😩😩

level 1

"How do you know pussy is way better? Have you tried dick? You could be settling for McDonalds when there's a steak house next door."

Then watch them squirm.

level 1

This is why all my straight friends are women.

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level 1

Straight guy from r/all just dropping a hot take. No matter who you are or what you do stupid people will always ask stupid questions. As an Asian America dude the one that get me are:

Where are you from? No where are you really from?

The answers still America. Just because my mother was born in a country she left 50 years ago doesnt make mean I have any connection to it or am not american.

Idiots, like life, always find a way to get under your skin and be annoying. You can be man, woman, gay, straight, black, white, Hispanic, whatever some mouth breather will come up to you and ask the same dumb question the last 300 hundred mouth breathers asked you.

level 2
3 points · 2 months ago

As an Asian America dude the one that get me are: Where are you from? No where are you really from?

This is top-tier cringe, but still so normal among Americans.

The thing is, they don’t really mean any harm, they are just essentially asking what your ethnicity is. But they phrase it in a way that makes you feel like a foreigner. It’s condescending without meaning to be.

level 3

It’s condescending without meaning to be.

That's why it's the same as the "why do you like dick?" question. In that one the person treats this very important life choice/realization that you made/had as if it were a menu choice at a restaurant and then proceeded to tell you why it's the wrong choice based on the sound logic of "bro what I got is sooo much better huh huh."

And it's not the first question that's grinds my gears. It's the follow up "where are you really from" as if it I didnt understand the question. The only question being answered in this situation is who question asker considers america. And the answer: not Asian people.

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level 1

Yea, I get annoyed at that too. Or "How do gay guys have sex?" or "Are you a top or bottom?" Leave me alone. I don't ask about your heterosexual relations. "Does your husband let you use your vibrator on him?" Like wtf kind of question would that be? Your friend also sounds like a douche. Your coworker was asking for selfish purposes, and poking his nose where it doesn't belong. Regardless of what his intention was of asking, it's rude and strange to ask someone why they like the genitals they like. Weird.

level 1
42 points · 2 months ago

I don't "like dick."

I like MEN.

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level 1

It’s like trying to explain why you like the taste of a certain food. Uhhh it’s just hard wired bro

level 1
A/S/L 40/MA
18 points · 2 months ago

Ask him why he likes Pussy so much.

level 2

But then he might have to hear about pussies...

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level 1

I actually don't think dick tastes very special and getting fucked isn't all that to me lol. I mostly like the guy associated with the dick.

level 1
7 points · 2 months ago

“How do you know you’re gay if you haven’t been with a woman?”

level 2

How do you know if you are straight if you're never been with a man

level 1

I usually say "because Richard is nice"

level 1

I’m a top and I LOVE dick. There is something so fun and satisfying about sucking a nice fat cock. I love getting skull fucked too, so hot!

You should ask your friend if he’s ever tried dick and if no that he cant possibly understand.

level 1

Honestly, this gets super annoying.

level 1
12 points · 2 months ago

“The same reason your dad likes mine. It’s amazing.”

level 2

It’s kinda weak tbh

level 1

Someone who isn’t gay doesn’t have the right to be disappointed that you are aggravated.

They haven’t lived their lives as a local spokesperson and educator on being gay, answering every dumb straight boy or girls dumb questions about how you know you’re gay, why you’re gay, what’s being gay like.

Why is it our job to constantly reaffirm everybody that “no no we’re pretty much the same, I just feel what you feel but for guys”.

level 1
29 points · 2 months ago

Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick… That’s when I’m satisfied.

level 2

The ultimate complete version should go like this:

Cock😳is one of my😤😖 favorite😍😘 tastes😝😛😛, not🚫 only that😅, but 🅱alls smell👃👃 amazing😍😍.It makes me😅👈 go a little👌 crazy😝😝 on it to 🅱 honest😅😏. Like😃, I 🅱annot😩😓 get it far enough👅 down 😂my throat🙈 to be satisfied👅👅😍. Im only satisfied👉👌 when i 🅱eel those intense😤😖😫, 🅱owerful😈😫, salty🍆🤤, hot pumps of cum💦💦 down my throat😖👅. When i sit🏋️‍♀️ back on my heels👠👠, look up👆🙇 at you🤤 with cum💦💦 all over my mouth🤤💦 and slobber😫💦🤤 running down👇👇 my neck😫🙈, hair all fucked up😖😖 and wipe🤤 my mouth😃👄 with the back👃🙅‍♂️ of my of my arm👌 and ask if i😂 did a good job😏😏😝 and you🤤 cannot🚫🚫 even speak🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️😶 because I've👌👌 drained all😮😮 of your energy😈😈 out the tip👆 of your dick👃👃..... Thats when im😂 satisfied.😈😅😏

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level 1

Just get them to ask their girlfriends...if they have them.

level 1
4 points · 2 months ago

It really depends on the friendship. If he couldn’t handle you talking to him like that or if you’re not comfortable with him talking to you about that, just let him know where the boundaries of your friendship are for you.

If he’s really just marveling at the difference, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. People are all different and we’ll never understand why. Straight guys often talk to their straight guy friends about sex and relationships and this could be just seeing you as another guy friend rather than as a different species.

It could also be judgmental dickheadedness and without knowing more about your friendship, I couldn’t say.

Gay men often have a knee jerk reaction when straight people talk about gay sex but sometimes they’re really just trying to understand. Straight men talk to each other about sex without sexual tension between them. Sometimes, they’re just trying to treat you like one of the guys.

If a stranger asked me why I liked dick, I’d go berserk. If a close friend asked me why I like dick, I’d say that the clearest sense of how much I’m pleasing a partner is when his dick is pulsing against the back of my throat and when I can smell nothing but ball sweat as he’s eating my ass. There’s just nothing that makes me feel sexier or more desired than that. Ball sweat is just intoxicating for me. The smell works like poppers on me and loosens me right up for what comes next lol.

If he’s a good friend, he’ll accept that answer and you can talk about anything lol. If not, you can have that discussion about boundaries for your friendship or know that he doesn’t see your friendship as between equals.

level 1
4 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

What's even funnier is certain friends attempting to get their heads around the notion, and coming up with their own explanations or observations, a few of which have even given me pause.

One friend has pointed out that all guys are obsessed with dicks, it's just that straight guys are only obsessed with their own. Setting aside some slight apparent confusion over what constitutes an obsession, I can't find any real flaw in the basic gist of this.

A buddy of mine who has a great fondness for getting head, and won't shut up about it whenever he gets some gal to do that for him, figures I've sometimes been involved with other guys just so I can get head whenever I want. (This "observation" was made after discovering that I have no interest in anal sex, with either gender.) While not at all true, it does cause my sexuality to make sense to him in the context of his fixation on a favorite sexual activity, so I've just let him believe that.

A couple friends have been of the opinion that I've gotten involved with other fellas because I periodically get terminally fed up with female drama, and because I can. Again, this is not true, but it's an attempt to grasp why they would do that, if they also had the capacity to be attracted to other guys.

Related to that, me and one buddy of mine have a couple times heard things like, "You know what, I get why you date guys," in the midst of rants about the antics of gals friends have been involved with. I've been tempted to reply with something like, "No, you really don't, but that's funny as hell." (In the case of our friend who's exclusively homosexual, this is doubly funny because he doesn't date guys at all, he only does hookups and doesn't "do relationships.")

In the context of specific relationships, friends of mine have seemed to grasp what I find likeable about certain boyfriends of mine who they've met, they just can't really understand why I find those things appealing. In a strange sense, they sometimes half-understand certain things along those lines better than some exclusively homosexual guys do, given the complicated relationship with masculinity which some have.

level 2

if you were me i wouldnt be freinds with them lol but that's jsut me

level 3

These are things just said jokingly, because they know me and one other buddy of ours aren't easily offended. I very much doubt they'd offer such opinions to anyone who's likely to get all bent out of shape about it, but at the same time they probably wouldn't be friends with someone who's that easily offended either. (For that matter, neither would I.)

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level 1
8 points · 2 months ago

I'm bi, so i dont have to defend one over the other, my go-to reply is: shrug "how can you not?"

level 1

Do you love YOUR dick? Yeah well, me too.

level 1

If I had a coworker ask me that question, I'd ask what fucking business of it is his and tell him to mind his own goddamn business.

level 1

Man I could never imagine asking someone that... I work with a gay guy three days a week, we have down time and chit chat a lot. I've never once considered asking him why he liked dick or honestly anything about his sexual orientation, I'll ask about his boyfriend sometimes but that Justin seems totally normal as anyone would do. We talk about our weekends the shows or movies we both watch and the video games we play... The things we have in common, kinda like one would talk to anyone else.

Honestly that's insulting as hell imo, sorry that you would have to deal with that. If you would never ask a straight person why they like dick or pussy then don't ask a gay person either because that's the definition of treating them differently because of their sexual orientation.

level 2

Bouric89, what about when gay men ask straight or bisexual men why they like women/vagina?