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It makes sense why gays guys are so lonely

So I have been single for quite some time. I enjoy being single and rarely get lonely, but from time to time will dip my toe in the dating app world to see what's going on. Looking more just to meet guys rather than sex, I decided to download Tinder after a year hiatus. After a few weeks I received about 70 matches. Not too shabby.

However when I messaged the guys saying "Hey how's it going?" or "Hope your holidays are going well", I think about 10 out of those 70 only responded. From those that responded only 1 has continued to talk with me. I get tired of the apps fairly quickly, and was about to delete Tinder after being on it for three weeks. I dunno if it was because I was horny or what but I decided to try an experiment to see if guys would respond through a different approach. Out of those 60 or so that didn't respond to my initial message I changed my tune and sent them another message. Only this time I basically said "Or we can just have fun in bed ;)" or "Want to just have some fun?". Surprise, surprise, MOST of them then responded asking me what I was into or that they were down to have sex. Some even gave me their number and address right away, after weeks of ignoring my initial "nicer" message. I would say from those approximate 60 that didn't respond, about 40 now did to my sexual messages.

So I took this a step further. There aren't a whole of these, but on Instagram and Facebook, I have connections with some gay guys in my area, that I never met in person, but we connected through those social media channels. Initially be it months ago or even years ago when they would add me I would always message them saying I was just looking to meet new people in the area would be open for a drink or something. They would usually agree, saying to grabbing drinks, but then would flake out right away. So we would never meet. Seeing what happened on Tinder, I decided to try it on social media. And wow, same deal. As soon as I was like "Or we can just have fun," they would send me their digits or tell me to come over. Some cases I messaged them 2 years ago saying I would be down to grab a drink, for them to flake or ignore me. Yet two years later, when I am like, "Let's fuck" they are super responsive and communicative.

I'm going along with it to have fun (why not plus it's the holidays), but that was never my original intent. But this has shown me a possible reason why so many gay guys feel lonely. There is such a value in just having sex with someone rather than getting to know someone. The simple fact that you are ignored more often when you are trying to get to know someone for who they are, rather than when you are just trying to get in their pants, says a lot. This doesn't surprise me, nor does it depress me or bring me down, but rather just an observation after my recent experience. Also, I am not judging or hating, it's just interesting to see the mentality that I think can be self-destructive. It reminds me too, why I stay off the apps. It's generally not a healthy place, which is why in the end I think I am so happy with being single.

Just thought I would share my "unofficial" experiment with others. :)

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level 1

I didn't do any experiments or what not, but when I first joined Tinder I avoided saying generic things like "hey how's it going" because I thought it was a bad thing. I always tried to mention something from their pictures or start with something clever. That strategy did not start many conversations. Then I got annoyed so I took a break from Tinder for a couple months. Once I was back on, I just went for the "hey how's it going" since everyone else was doing it. Interestingly, people responded way more (albeit still not at a high frequency). Lastly, now I kind of just say "sup" and I think people respond to that more than anything else. Conversations don't last long though.

I've never tried it, but I am inclined to believe that you are right. I don't really want to hook up with a stranger though, so it's a little annoying that's what people mostly respond to. I wish there was a way to filter them out if that's not your goal, so that its not so tiring.

level 2
cream all over my face
174 points · 29 days ago

There should be a filter for "Guys who have sort of OK social skills who want to meet guys so they don't feel so lonely but it may or may not lead to hooking up but probably not."

level 3

That would be ideal for me

level 3

Haha this so much. Apps like tinder and grindr mostly cater to casual sex, and serious dating sites are way to focused on having to find a SO. I'd love to have more options for people who want to meet with cute guys and see where it goes from there.

level 4
Original Poster3 points · 28 days ago

Totally agree.

People don't seem to know just the simple task of getting to know someone. Either they want to jump in bed right away or they want to marry you at first sight.

Whatever happened to, "Let just get to know each other" and see where things go?

level 5

True. To me one feels very superficial (though I've had casual sex, but it always just "happened") and the other option feels very needy/desperate. It would be awesome if there was some "let's get coffee" app (sponsored by starbucks tm ;P). Ofcourse it's possible to meet guys like that irl, but that's easier for straight people, and I haven't had the most socially active year in 2018 either.

level 2

Honestly for me, “sup” never works because it’s sounds like you’re trying too hard . I typically respond best to “hey how are you” or “hey what’s up” because it’s like tofu. You’re not pushing yourself onto the other person and it opens up a potential conversation.

level 2
17 points · 29 days ago

Conversations don't last long though.

I generally have the most success on apps by suggesting meeting up within the first five messages. I don't enjoy talking to people if it's not in person, and it's a much better gauge of chemistry.

level 2
4 points · 28 days ago

According to OKCupid Study of their messages, the phrase "How's it going?" is the most successful first line.

But after that first line, the rest is up to you and him.

level 3

That's interesting! Do you think someone has done a study comparing the most "succesful" conversation style across platforms?

level 4

Dunno. Though I think that's some machine learning and AI madness that Google or IBM is probably checking out as we speak. Imagine a lovely chat bot that can flirt and chat well and that you can fall in love with. It'll be a whole new industry.

level 1

It's bizarre that people match on Tinder and then don't respond. I can't figure it out for the life of me. But your experiment seems to have yielded some insightful results. Good to know!

level 2

I think a lot of poeple swipe right just to see the validation that other people swiped right on them. They don't want to talk to you but they want to know that you want to talk to them.

level 3
Ain't nobody got time for a flair!
28 points · 29 days ago

What kind of monster fuck ego can people have, amazing.

level 4
43 points · 29 days ago

I don't think it's even that deep. Swiping on tinder is an activity to pass time for many people, I think most of the time the pictures just seem like random photos to make snap judgements on than anything connected to real people.

I remember when Tinder first came out, a lot of my friends got it as a "joke" and would sit around showing random photos going "oooh should I swipe left or right"?. Then they actually matched with people they were into and next thing they knew, they were meeting up.

It's kinda like going on Grindr in a random place just to see if there's any hot guys nearby, without any intention of chatting to any of them.

level 5
3 points · 29 days ago

Guilty. My tinder behavior really depends on my mood at the moment. Some days I'm connecting with people and other days they're just a line of faces. I've actually met some really cool people on Tinder but it's hard to think of people as people sometimes when you just have a few pictures and a bio to go off of. I don't even swipe right on people that have no bios.

level 5

these people you described sound like horrible narcissists w nothing interesting going on so glad I can’t relate

level 4

Tbf, it could also be a huge sign of insecurity. You don't think you're going to get a match from someone who you think looks good, so you swipe on people who you aren't attracted to?

level 3

I think that is the case with many, notably the "handsome or drop-dead gorgeous" men. I think they need their egos stroked by this matching game.

level 3
Is a gay
3 points · 28 days ago

It's also an issue of volume. Go on tinder for ten minutes and you can easily match with dozens of people. Then what? Go on dozens of dates and weed them out?

level 2
23 points · 29 days ago

I think there's an automatic disgust with the whole thing, you're both on Tinder and looking at hundreds of guys. It automatically destroys any notion of fate or destiny or you guys possibly being "soul mates" -- it reduces relationships to chance, to shopping in a huge human mall. The ironic thing is the easier it is to find matches via apps, the less likely the "matches" are to ever take because we're less likely to go through the physical acts of meeting up and falling in love. I fell in love with my partner on a date when he was being himself and doing something silly. And in that moment of observing him so unselfconsciously being himself I knew he was mine forever. Love is mysterious that way, and can't be reduced to computer matching.

level 3

great point.

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level 2
9 points · 29 days ago

A lot of people just swipe everyone then decide after they get a message. It's kind of parasitic behaviour, but it works if not many people do it

level 3

I have the opposite problem. I get nervous when I swipe too much in one day. Sometimes matches come in and I can rarely have the time to keep up a conversation or chat with 1-2 match a day (I have jobs and life yo!). If I end up matching with 5 guys in one day (not cuz I'm popular, more cuz the drunk swipes and I swipe a ton all at once), then some guys don't get the attention they deserve and I then feel bumped out too.

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level 1

I can totally relate to this. When I was dating, getting a first date felt so rare, like pulling teeth, but to just go over and fuck was the easiest thing in the world. I'd do that sometimes but it wasn't what I really wanted. It can work though. I met my boyfriend of 2 years on tinder and he's the best thing that's happened to me. I think the best approach is to not take it too seriously and just accept that most guys are only wanting nsa sex and take the dates when you can find them. I would get the most depressed the more emotionally invested I was in using the apps.

level 2
Original Poster10 points · 29 days ago

Totally agree. When those 60 guys didn't respond to my initial messages, I was like whatever. But not gonna lie, I was a little horny and about to delete the app, so I said fuck it, let's see if this results in anything and it sure did.

level 2

2nd everything. We’re a Tinder couple :) It just took a while.

level 1
Comment deleted by user29 days ago(1 child)
level 2
26 points · 29 days ago

The problem is "dating" confronts guys with their own issues; lets face it, most guys are not dating material due to personality issues, money issues, life issues. I know that when the possibility of dating comes up with me, I run through my list of insecurities, and it basically kills it. When you meet for sex, there's a finite contract, the relationship will end after sex. But I met my partner of 10+ years after a hookup, so sometimes in the gay world it works the opposite of the straight world -- sex first then relationship. I think deciding to date someone before you've had sex with them adds a whole other layer of anxiety and complication, at least in my case with body and self image issues. If I've had sex with someone and they enjoy it, at least there's that.

level 1
140 points · 29 days ago · edited 29 days ago

On one hand I feel like this is made up because this isn't how most of the guys I talk to on dating apps responded, my conversations are not nearly as sex driven as your experiences

but then again I only talk to guys 30 and above

On the other hand I think I will never understand the deep obsession of dick pics or hookups or just the appeal of having sex with completely strangers in general for the mass majority of gay men. I've once had a guy that's 40 miles away from me and he drove for 2 hours to my place just to have sex, I don't know whether I should be flattered or concerned, but I did treat him well and took him out to dinner afterwards.

level 2
65 points · 29 days ago

Armchair history hypothesis: for most of history in the West gay men weren't allowed to have relationships, period. So we grow up not seeing them, being isolated from society and not believing ourselves worthy of love. Now gay relationships are slowly gaining representation, but that doesn't apply to adults. Add in modern hookup culture and how easy it is to get casual sex, and you end up with most gay men not having healthy relationships or attitudes towards sex. The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs is a little old, but it discusses many of these concepts and the pyschology behind them, as well as offering a better perspective on gay dating. Highly recommend it.

level 3

I love that book. Bought the audiobook for it from audible. Highly recommemd it. Pinpoints so many issues

level 3

'How easy it is to get casual sex.' Sure thing buster.

level 4
9 points · 29 days ago

Eh, compared to straight guys, gay guys have it pretty easy lol

level 5

Yeah true

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level 2

That reminds me of my freshman year in college. It was a Wednesday morning before class and I was on Grindr out of pure boredom. Next thing I know, this dude messages me and starts heavily pressuring me to suck me off. I keep telling him I have to go to class and he keeps saying “I’ll drive you off campus, blow you and then drive you back. Real quick.” He told me what car he was driving. 10 minutes later I see his car outside my dorm, and he gets even heavier with it. And he would not take no for an answer. I have a mini freak out session, close out the app, and scuttle to class. A week later I see the same guy in the bus, and get creeped out (he didn’t know it was me, I was a torso pic). He was majorly greasy, and looked like he could overpower physically (I’m on the twink side of things). Gave off major creep vibes.

level 2
Original Poster37 points · 29 days ago

I wish it was made up but it's not. I was even surprised on social media that it was like that too.

I talk to guys in there 20s but mostly guys in the 30s and 40s. Perhaps locations play a role in this? I live in one of the largest cities in the US so there are more options for sex/hookups.

I don't get the obsession with hookups and dick pics either.

level 2
15 points · 29 days ago

On the other hand I think I will never understand the deep obsession of dick pics or hookups or just the appeal of having sex with completely strangers in general for the mass majority of gay men


level 3

I mean, I can’t speak to dick pics but to the rest of it, it’s like jerking off but much more enjoyable. Usually.

level 2

I can concur that my experience with online dating for the past 3 years is very very similar to that of OP’s. I do see this as a pretty common problem, at least with the people i have met and befriended with. (I’m guilty of having driven a similar distance to see a guy but i wish he was as nice as you haha)

level 2
A/S/L 40/MA
4 points · 29 days ago

I can totally vouch for the accuracy of his post. I showed my friend my Tinder and he said same thing. Tell em you wanna have fun, don't express any more interest. I tried it, and he was right. Responses through the roof. It sucks because I'm trying to actually meet new people and it doesn't go beyond that.

level 2

On the other hand I think I will never understand the deep obsession of dick pics or hookups or just the appeal of having sex with completely strangers in general

At least one part of it (for me) is the ego boost of being desired by others. A dick pic is a concrete signal of that desire. The person wants you enough to show you a part of them that is normally hidden away, and it's a body part at the center of traditional sexual activity. It doesn't matter that they're a stranger, it matters that they've seen what you have to offer at least physically and are aroused enough to go that much further with you, rather than to ignore or block you outright.

For the more demisexually inclined, emotions and sex are tightly intertwined. They don't care for sex without emotion, and might even say they don't enjoy sex without a personal connection involved. But that's not how everyone's head works. Sex itself is a physically pleasurable activity. Whether it's with another person, with yourself, with a toy, it's possible for some people to stimulate the right nerve endings to produce pleasure, without emotional connection being involved. And the brain is hard wired to crave pleasurable sensations.

level 2

I’ve had the ridiculous distance away dudes before and I tend to be both flattered and concerned and have since stopped accepting their advances because some have had issues I’m not looking to deal with with a hook up

level 2

Not made up. I also match with a good amount of guys. I think only 2 out of 40 responded.

level 2

Lol - not sure if you should be flattered or concerned is a great point. Did you see him after that encounter? Just curious

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level 1

I personally understand and empathize with a lot of what you said. It’s representative of my experience, that’s for sure. But I would push your perspective one step further.

I don’t think it’s set in stone that having sex is easier than getting to know someone. I think that’s something that has been conditioned to appear as the default, but I can think back to times when community, friendships, and “dating” (in the sitcom way) were the norm. Plus, just saying x is easier than y, while being fundamentally true, is not necessarily informative or conducive to a better understanding of gay loneliness.

I think sex is an inherently satisfying experience. That conditions your response. When faced with the choice between immediate gratification and delayed gratification, we are more likely as a species to go for the immediate gratification. This does not mean that we are incapable of delaying pleasure, not at all: we can and do, but doing so is more effortful than not. In fewer words, the act of “getting to know” someone is more effortful than the act of just cleaning up and having sex with someone, and critically, the latter is more likely to yield immediate gratification, which reinforces the preference for sex over dating.

Now, hold that on one hand. On the other hand, you have societal issues that LGBTQ+ people face, more specifically, the oftentimes fucked up family relationship that we grow up learning and modeling. We (not all, I guess I should say, but maybe most of us) grow up thinking about love and worth in conditional terms. That’s partially why coming out is such a huge deal for many people, myself included. On top of being a declaration about some explicit knowledge we’d like to share, it’s also a statement that often means “I have accepted myself like this.” But doing so takes time and mental resources, and in some way, forces you to deal with an issue that our straight age-appropriate peers do not experience. Basically the concept of love and affection gets somewhat distorted, and if we are lucky the distortion is temporary and we return to our family as equals, and if we are not, sometimes we die.

In a few words, there are dangers associated with personal bonds, and maybe some part of that becomes deeply ingrained in our unconscious. When faced with the choice between a long and possibly losing battle for feelings and belonging and a short and gratifying foray into sex, many, myself included, choose the latter. This becomes even easier to do when you have penises at your fingertips: a few messages and you know someone is about to come over to kiss you, fuck you, maybe cuddle, and then go. And sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that is enough, not noticing that we are angry, lonely, abusing substances, and fundamentally unhappy. If we are lucky enough to bitch to our families, we often cannot be as honest as we’d like, so we are further alienated into a world within us that most don’t understand.

They would understand, if we gave them a chance. Maybe others feel the same way. Maybe most feel the same way. But some of us also have convinced ourselves that being alone is fine, that there are more important things than relationships, and that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. I don’t know, though, to what extent this is a defense mechanism or an internalization of the societal abuse that our people have had to endure. I don’t know to what extent this is a symptom or a trait. Honestly, all that I know for sure is that it appears I am not alone, and that ought to be worth something.

level 2

Holy shit this spoke to me

level 2

All this is true BUT you also missed the aftermath of what can happen when guys fall into this cycle. You age out and THAT'S when you to tend to start regretting it. That you've played the field for so long but your 20s and 30s don't last forever, now you're 55, 5 years away from 60 and are seeing that it's not as easy to find hookups (at least those you're attracted to).

level 2


level 1
16 points · 29 days ago

You couldn't have said it any better. Gay sex/dating culture is a pretty toxic thing.

level 1

This is a challenging post. As I’m fast approaching 60, I’ve been on a number of dating/matching sites for years now. I’ve only ever had one conversation with any guy on any of them in spite of sending many messages. Nothing else. I’ve gone years and years without ever being able to raise anything more than an occasional hello, then nothing. The gay scenes are very much built on sexual attraction and not communication. I know this will get heaps of downvotes as guys don’t like reading this awful fact, but as I’ve been around for decades, this is exactly what I’ve seen.

level 2
Original Poster8 points · 29 days ago

When you are reaching out to guys can I ask you, what age are they? Like how much older/younger are they than you?

level 3

It has varied over the years. When I was younger, say my 30’s, all ages from 18 to 60! I didn’t make any judgements about numerical years. If a guy was nice, as in character as that is what has mostly turned me on over the years, then I made a pitch. I’ve mostly been able to knock 10 years off my age as I’ve always had very good skin. But as I’m ageing, things are slowly catching up. Nowadays, I don’t expect to have any pick ups before I die. I know that sounds awful, but I was extremely promiscuous when I was younger, so I sort of tell myself it balances out!

level 2

I have seen profiles of guys open to older, like into their 80s in fact. So what you are saying is generally true, but not absolutly true. I find that fitness trumps age in the gay world, so a 60 year old "hot daddy" has many options. But not many of us are able to maintain that level of fitness into our 50's, 60s and beyond.

level 3

Yes, you are mostly correct. But if you look at your own wording there, ‘fitness’ ‘hot daddy’. What are those terms referring to? I suggest body and image over character and personality. No?

level 4

Terms like “hot daddy” and “bear” are nice gay shorthand for fit older guys or fat older guys. My problem is both of these are fetishized in the gay world, whereas those of us who are “average” are not. The gay world can be shallow in that sense and if you say you are into “bears” nobody is going to say you like fat guys. Likewise there is no fetishization of those with good character, in fact deviant sexuality and extreme personality types seem to be glorified (“Dominant masters” “fisting” “submissives” etc.). Its like we are channeled into becoming cartoon characters so that other gays will know where to peg us in. I have been called myself a Daddy lately, though this term implies many things I am not. It does capture the fact I am old enough to be the father of many guys who would be interested in me.

Long story short: Of course the mainstream gay world is biased towards body and image over character. Gays have been marginalized so they seek release and redemption in the more extreme fringes of human sexual behavior. Sex = identity in the gay world, period. Anyone else is just a nelly old queen.

level 2

You’re right- it is rather depressing and sad in this regard

level 1

I think there's apps out there that are more catered to finding a relationship than a hookup. I'm about to delete tinder and scruff and start investing time in okcupid or match

level 2
Original Poster27 points · 29 days ago

I mean that makes sense. And I thought Tinder was a least more for "dates".

I just found it so interesting.

level 3
29 points · 29 days ago

Straight guys and straight girls turned Tinder into straight grindr effectively, after they saw the success of Grindr for a long ass time now.

level 3

I thought it was too, but I think any app that just makes it easier to see more potential guys as fast as possible (swiping apps), will ultimately just end up largely a hookup app

level 4
Original Poster6 points · 29 days ago


level 3

Tinder is definitely more geared towards dates, Grindr is another world lol I've only had one guy on Tinder try to ask direct for a hookup immediately and even that was after talking for a few minutes whereas on Grindr people literally send nudes and ask if you're free that night off the bat.

Everyone would really help each other if we all just put "looking for fun / looking for something serious" in the bio so it's clear.

level 4
12 points · 29 days ago

Tinder is definitely more geared towards Dates

For gay people, because we have Grindr. Straight people use Tinder as their Grindr.

level 5

This is one of my favorite weird truisms of apps.

level 4
3 points · 29 days ago

Tinder might appear like it's geared toward dates, but it's the same people as on Grindr after all. It's basically grindr with a more decent appearance

level 3
7 points · 29 days ago

And I thought Tinder was a least more for "dates".

You thought correctly.

level 2

FYI, OkCupid is basically tinder now. The gay user base is much smaller since they started mucking with it.

level 3

Yikes. Is there anything that hasnt been terribly influenced by hookup culture? I heard match makes you answer a million questions which I would hope to be more thorough in finding something lasting.

level 3
7 points · 29 days ago

FYI, OkCupid is basically tinder now

Maybe in your area. In my area it's basically Tinder for trans people.

level 4

I am not anti-trans, but it bugs the shit out of me when I say my preference is gay men on OKCupid and all these gorgeous "woman" who are trans bombard me with texts. Inside every gay man isn't a hetero who is into chicks with dicks -- downvote me for that, but generally those are the guys into Trans, straight dudes who like cock.

level 5

"Straight dudes who like cock". Lol.

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level 2

Okcupid and Match are worth a shot. I remember on Okcupid in the heyday i could come home from school/work and have lots of good long conversations with guys. But once the phone apps came out, chats and responses dropped off a fucking cliff.

level 3

God, you’re so right. I think this was all quite a bit better when we had real keyboards. Now we’re so quick to distract ourselves with a different chat or app

level 2

I don't understand the mechanics of OkCupid. I seem to get the same results as with grindr

level 3
11 points · 29 days ago

I got a nice text from a cute bear on OkCupid lately and it went well, and he saw my pictures and all I wanted to do was meet him for coffee. After a period of flirting, he started screening me like we were going to get married, asking for more pictures. It was just coffee, and HE was the one initiating contact. Many (most) gay guys are fucking cowards, and like to be in "total control" so they can meet their imaginary unicorn, and most won't even lift a finger to take a chance they might connect over coffee with a good soul. I admire straight men -- they have navigated rejection their whole lives so they are persistent and know how to work hard to meet someone. Gays would settle for a blowjob over a coffee date maybe leading to partnership or friendship any single day of the week. Its sad and pathetic.

level 3
3 points · 29 days ago

Could just be your area then.

level 4

The type of people? Yeah... my city is like a melting pot in one of the most controversial states. :(

level 2
Brotato Chip
6 points · 29 days ago

Unless you're white or or a light skinned Latino, match isn't the place for you.

level 3

Ugh that is so sad and depressing. I am White and very aware of all the attention I get from those other than white, and it makes me uncomfortable -- in my mind there's an automatic disparity, and I don't want the pressure of being "the man" or some representative of my race.

level 1

I wonder if straight women have similar experiences.

level 2
83 points · 29 days ago

Straight women have a different experience I think, let me break it down.

Straight women:

  • You are the controller of the good that’s in demand.

A girl is always going to have a selection of men to choose from without much effort, whilst a straight man is going to have to be “competitive” 99% of the time.

  • Women tend to seek casual sex less than men.

Which means that they also don’t care if they decide to just have no sex or stay single. Guys are the ones always desperate to get their nut, which means that the women have control in this “exchange”.

Gay men:

  • You don’t have any specific power over potential sexual partners.

I don’t care if you look like a donkey’s asshole, there is some gay dude out there willing to get fucked by you.

  • Hell, most “ugly attributes” are considered sexy attributes for a wide variety of gay dudes.

A lot of gays are into chubbier, hairier men, a lot of gays are into anorexic looking twinks, a lot of men are into older guys, a lot of men are into exclusively 18 year olds. There is a ton of variety in the gay community, and everyone can be loved for something that would be a major negative in the straight dating game.

level 3
74 points · 29 days ago

Add being short as a death sentence for a man in the straight world, but perfectly fine in the gay world b/c some tall guys are into short guys.

level 4

I’m 6’1 and loooove hooking up with short guys. They can fuck me, then be little spoon. Best of both worlds.

level 4
37 points · 29 days ago

Wow, I never even considered that. Holy hell this definitely correlated with Straight guys who get laid all the time, they are always tall regardless of how physically attractive they were.

Straight people are fucking odd.

level 4
10 points · 29 days ago

because some tall guys are into short guys.

Can confirm.

level 5

When I see tall hot guys😍 When I see short hot guys 😍

level 4

Some gay guys, like 1%.

level 5

I am 5’6 and I have no problem getting laid, although I do have the admit I usually bottom so it is easier.

But I do agree that if I am straight, I would have a harder time getting anyone unless I am dating another short asian girl.

level 5

I don’t think so. It helps if the short guy is a bottom though.

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level 4

I wouldnt call it a death sentence but women make a bigger deal about it yeah. Before I came out a girl I dated used to always bring up my height how if she wore heels we'd be the same height and it was a big deal for her. Im 5ft8 for reference.

level 3

A lot of gays are into chubbier, hairier men, a lot of gays are into anorexic looking twinks, a lot of men are into older guys, a lot of men are into exclusively 18 year olds. There is a ton of variety in the gay community, and everyone can be loved for something that would be a major negative in the straight dating game.

This is a really good point, for all we criticise the gay community in a weird way can be remarkable 'accepting'. To an extent.

After reading all the Grindr horror stories of needing a thick skin, when I finally downloaded it and used it as someone with body image issues I actually find it super confidence boosting. My pic shows my body, not a bad angle but not super flattering or hiding anything way, and the moment I open the app I get loads of messages, when I exchange photos people call me hot. This is from many people of a range of attractiveness.

Because of the high sex drive and less slut shaming, there isn't a shame associated in being up front with these feelings so even non conventional sexiness is openly celebrated.

Of course there is also enormous toxicity from this open attitude such as racism and femme shaming, but it's interesting that in one sense at least it's kind of liberating.

level 4
25 points · 29 days ago

And even beyond preferences, sometimes they completely reverse.

The first time I met my partner I was drunk and depressed and looking for a drinking partner. We met up, didn’t really hit it off. A week later we met up sober and didn’t spend a day apart for a week. He’s a twink into twinks, I’m a bear into bears. Now we’re discussing marriage.

The most unlikely things can happen, so don’t get discouraged.

level 5

Just curious, but if you were looking for a drinking partner and didn't really hit it off, what prompted the sober follow-up meetings?

level 6
2 points · 29 days ago

‘Eh, may as well’ broadly covered it.

level 3
12 points · 29 days ago

Yeah... I am not seeing the chub-love you do, except on the bear app. I still think the majority of gay guys are into thin twinks that shave almost all their body hair or naturally lack it or ripped guys that love to show off their workout results. It is a rough road for the trans, chubby, and 50+’ers. Someone 18-21 who appears for the first time on an app decked out in Old Navy jeans and a slightly too big t-shirt putting “newly out and confused.. looking for someone to guide me” in their profile will create an online stampede comparable to buffalo herds in the 1800s.

level 3

Which world do you live in? I am a slightly chubby hairy guy with a good looking face. There's tumbleweed rolling in my sex life usually.

level 4

Where do you live?

level 5


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level 3

Which means that they also don’t care if they decide to just have no sex or stay single. Guys are the ones always desperate to get their nut, which means that the women have control in this “exchange”.

What utter nonsense. What woman wants to be reduced to an old maid, spinster, or crazy cat lady??? There's tons of stigma for women who remain single. Plus everyone will mention your biological clock.

level 3

Just dont bring race into the equation. Thats a barrel of monkeys no one wants to open.

level 4

Not sure what you are implying ... I am very attracted to Asians, and am White. I find them "pretty" for lack of a better word and I find them sexy, I love their generally hairless bodies ... everything about them. These days it seems fashionable to call my preference for Asians somehow "racist" but I don't think people really understand what racism is these days. As I understand it, racism is about the negative consequences of judging others by their race, of denying them opportunities or dignity through stereotyping. Sexual attraction is largely out of our control, I don't think my attraction for Asians is racist. And there are plenty of Asians who are into White guys and I don't call this racist. Maybe I don't understand the point of your comment. I'm not ashamed of my preference, and certainly wouldn't date some other race just to fulfill some sort of cultural quota.

level 5

I'm generally more attracted to Asian guys as well, and several of my friends told me it was racist to say that because it's implying they all look the same. I mean... they have similar physical features like any ethnic group would, and I happen find those physical features very attractive (likely because my first bf was Asian). I don't understand how that ends up being racist.

Also I visited Tokyo recently and I found it pretty interesting that a large majority of guys I talked to weren't attracted to white guys at all, usually just Japanese guys.

level 6

The people are confusing racist for fetishist. The problem with a lot of guys who only go after minorities (In this case, Asians or Blacks), they usually only go for implied stereotypes.

  • The Asian will always be Super subby/submissive

  • The Black guy always has to be a BBC Dom Top

Now fine, some minorities do fall into the stereotype and actually like being such but the problem lies when these people who have a fetish push these stereotypes onto those who make it known they aren't it. For example, I'm a black guy, a feminine one at that and I can't tell you how many times people on apps ask me if I'm a BBC dom. "You Top?", "I want to see that BBC", "I want your BBC", etc. I can go on, you get the idea.

I make it known in 3 spots on my profile that I'm not a Top so the fact that some of these guys still bother asking me just irritates the living hell out of me. I remember on one occasion when I told a guy "No", he replied with "That's a shame. Black guys are meant to be tops". I mean seriously? So I mean yeah... That's why a lot of certain minorities tend to avoid guys who specifically chase after them because most of the time it's for implied stereotypes and we don't want to deal with it.

level 6

Seriously tell them to fuck off. I used to date black guys too but everything has gotten so racialized its like the elephant in the room. Ironic that all the racial finger pointing is driving a wedge between the races.

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level 3

a lot of gays are into anorexic looking twinks

Well as an anorexic looking twink I must be looking in the wrong places lol

level 2
Original Poster4 points · 29 days ago

I am sure to a certain extent, but probably nowhere near as bad as in the gay community.

level 3

The difference is that (most) men know that (most) women aren’t interested in just sex

level 1
Friendly Neighborhood Furry
25 points · 29 days ago

I'm lucky to get 7 matches in a few weeks, let alone 70 lol

level 1
27 points · 29 days ago

Oh honey, I’m not alone cause I want to have sex. I’m alone cause I’m weird af lol.

level 2
8 points · 29 days ago · edited 29 days ago

Yeah that's relatable to me. I would like a fulfilling relationship, though. Someone to relate to.