
You blocked @tomlin64

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  1. 31 Dec 2018

    A Macron failure would bode ill for the EU’s future via

  2. Retweeted
    26 Oct 2018

    World Press Freedom Index, 2018 1. Norway 2. Sweden 3. Netherlands 15. Germany 18. Canada 28. S Africa 33. France 40. UK 43. S Korea 45. US 67. Japan 102. Brazil 119. Nigeria 124. Indonesia 138. India 147. Mexico 148. Russia 157. Turkey 169. Saudi 176. China 180. N Korea (RWB)

  3. 24 Oct 2018

    Dover-Calais route could be at 12-25% capacity for up to 6 mths. Read ⁦⁩ report.

  4. 17 Oct 2018

    According to the Atlantic: by 2021 the number of voice-activated assistants on the planet could be greater than the number of humans

  5. 16 Oct 2018

    Tonight, about 1 in 10 NYC students will sleep in a shelter or with relatives

  6. Retweeted
    16 Oct 2018

    The Swedish recipe in the difficult stage that the Brexit discussions are in: keep together, stay calm, continue to work and be as happy as possible!

  7. 8 Oct 2018

    Between 2008 and 2017, more than 5m non-EU citizens were instructed to leave the EU. About 2m did.

  8. 22 Sep 2018

    On this day in 1980, Iraq invaded Iran.

  9. 14 Sep 2018

    The US now detains 12,800 migrant children

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  11. Retweeted
    9 Sep 2018

    Franska varianten att medier inte får publicera något om presidentvalet två dygn före vallokalerna öppnar är ändå ett ganska tilltalande exempel, om än lite surrealistiskt IRL. Plötsligt blir det totalt tyst om valet i nyhetskanaler hela helgen. Är tänkt att främja reflektion.

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  12. Retweeted
    8 Sep 2018

    Well...if it worked for ...The presidency has decided that ministers attending the informal in should wear "Europe First" badges:

  13. Retweeted

    Hey ! The imposition of Soviet communism on Eastern Europe started in 1944, well before the Cold War; Nato was a reaction to that, not the cause. Read my book about it - here's a link - and then you won't make these elementary mistakes

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  14. Retweeted
    27 Aug 2018

    Two years ago, I was saying “do you have any questions?”. Last year I switched to “what questions do you have?” It made a difference. Today I tried “ask me two questions”. And they did! And those ?s led to more ?s. It amazes me that the littlest things have such a big impact!

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  15. 28 Aug 2018

    China now has the largest navy in the world

  16. 16 Aug 2018

    Interesting overview of state trolling

  17. Retweeted
    16 Aug 2018

    "All the platinum ever produced would only cover your ankles in one Olympic sized swimming pool." Price is simply where the supply and demand curves meet.

  18. 15 Aug 2018

    AUS and UK standing up for rules-based international system.

  19. 15 Aug 2018
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    14 Aug 2018

    "Nous ne savons rien, mais nous allons prendre le temps de vous le dire": La 1ère victoire des terroristes, c'est le temps d'antenne que leur accordent les chaines d'info alors qu'elles n'ont aucun autre élément établi à diffuser que l'annonce de l'attentat ou de la tentative.


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