In regards to last night's journal, and all those who were involved in it ... I just want to inform everyone that it has been completely resolved.
I'd like to warmly thank
electrocat for being the mediator between Sniff and myself and helping us actually LISTEN to one another--TRULY listen--and both apologize to each other for our transgressions ... and move past them.
Out of respect for me, I'd appreciate it if all conversation related to what happened just disappeared and all journals/shouts about this were taken down. Even in the midst of my anger last night, I made it clear on several occasions that I fully intended to have this drama reach a FULL conclusion. And now it has.
What took place was a private conversation between the three of us, so please don't ask me for details. All you need to know is that over the course of 2 hours, we worked out all of our differences and both realize that we overreacted about many things.
Consider the hatchet thoroughly buried. =3