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    Welcome back sur mon blog de Bagdad à Jérusalem, l'Orient indiscret (après une longue absence, c'est vrai...) >>

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    2 hours ago

    How attack may strengthen ’s hand against Syrian -

  3. Retweeted

    "The danger follows us" / "El peligro nos persigue", resume una de las cada vez más numerosas mujeres que intentan escapar de la misoginia y el machismo de

  4. Retweeted

    John Bolton wants to bomb Iran -- and he may get what he wants by

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    ’s Clandestine War on the Kingdom of : Saraya al Ashtar and the Military Wing of Hezbollah Bahrain

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    Regional Government Prime Minister : " has always been our friend in hard days. Iranian firms have been helping build vital infrastructure in Kurdistan. The have not been paid over the past 4 years, but hard days are over."

  7. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

    In only 10 days, backed groups in lost nearly 90 localities to , greatly complicating deal b/w Turkey & -

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    6 hours ago
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    3 hours ago
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    3 hours ago

    AFP covers 's excellent new report on the third anniversary of the coming into force.

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    12 hours ago

    4 years ago, I used to think that a mediation between Qatar and the UAE could save Libya. I changed my mind since, and I'm amazed by how the same argument is now used regarding the Italian-French rivalry in the country.

  12. Retweeted

    Re-engagement with Regime Signals New Phase in the Struggle for With the war over, countries re-engage with the Assad regime to ensure their interests in the future of Syria. Great piece as usual by

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    Intel: Why ’s boast of new nuclear fuel does not violate 2015 deal

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    12 hours ago

    Fabrice Balanche demonstrates the repercussions of Syrian displacement on demographic trends & sectarian balance: Although the share of minorities has relatively grown, Arab Sunnis still constitute the majority of the population.

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    5 hours ago

    With the war over, Arab countries re-engage with the Assad regime to ensure their interests in the future of .

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    7 hours ago

    Fly Dubai Airways resumes flights to

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    4 hours ago

    Important and perhaps decisive: swing actor Russia sets out its position, saying restored government control over northeast Syria is the "only solution," but will seek a deal that takes Turkey's security interests into account. Erdogan in Moscow next week.

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  18. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    ’s president said Tuesday that his troops will establish a 20-mile- (32-kilometer-) wide “safe zone” in northern , adding that Turkey would seek logistic and financial assistance from the United States and other allies to create the zone.

  19. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    . w/scoop Jeffrey team requested no media at last meeting with officials in N/E , and SDF still quiet about meeting. With talk of -run border buffer zone+ officials' sudden bravado, it must mean...bad news bears for SDF?

  20. exactly 700 m above Beyrouth

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  21. Snow in Beyrouth.

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