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Artists Beware: RyunWoofie

WHO: RyunWoofie


WHAT: Digital badge. (forgot how much i paid, since i paid in cash. didn't get a receipt)

WHEN: April 1st, 2016

EXPLAIN: Ordered a badge from Ryun at FWA in the dealers den. We decided to communicate via Twitter DMs. I paid her in person in cash (i know because i cannot find the receipt in either my PP or Square acct). I didn't get a sketch until November. I had to pester her for even that. Poked them again in January and they said they would send an updated wip, and I never got that. At the point it had been almost a year so I just decided to ask for a refund in February. They told me it would be a few weeks on 2/21. By the screenshots i'm going to post, they told me they would get it to me in "2-3 weeks." I poked them 2-3 weeks later, on 3/12 and asked for an update. She claimed she would send it that coming week and never did. I asked if I could get it after FWA 2017 because I assumed she'd be making enough sales to pay me back and she said yes. I ask for an update a week after the con, on April 16th and she ignores my message. At this point, I threaten with an AB, and then she promises to get it to me by the end of the week. It is April 24th, 2017 and I have not gotten my refund.

PROOF: 6 part album of our whole convo. http://imgur.com/a/JFu9Q
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( 15 comments — Leave a comment )
Apr. 24th, 2017 10:25 pm (UTC)
Yikes, I'll never understand how people can drag things on for so long. As a fellow artist, I would not want that cloud over my shoulder.
Apr. 25th, 2017 02:34 am (UTC)
Here's their queue including those who need to be refunded.


Did they ever even add your name to it?
Apr. 25th, 2017 05:19 am (UTC)
nope lol

May. 3rd, 2017 03:50 pm (UTC)
Jesus Christ on a cracker, that's a long list.
Apr. 25th, 2017 04:24 am (UTC)
Thank you for posting this beware. It's sad that she is so unreliable and her communication skills don't seem to be that great. I was looking through her past bewares and it looks like people were having to file charge backs in order to get her attention. Now, it looks like she has graduated to flat out ignoring people? I like her art, but I don't think I would feel comfortable working with someone who is so irresponsible and inconsiderate to their customers.
Apr. 25th, 2017 05:20 am (UTC)
the only other beware she has on here is the one that got resolved i think? links?
Apr. 25th, 2017 05:30 am (UTC)
yeah not surprised i'm the only one she's done this to. hopefully she can develop better organization skills so that her queue doesn't look so disastrous.
Apr. 25th, 2017 08:37 pm (UTC)
Yeah, the lack of organization is definitely concerning me. What also makes me have second thoughts about commissioning her is the spotty communication, taking on new work when she already owes people old work, and policies like she will only issue a partial refund if she has done work but has to cancel for her own personal reasons. Everything combined makes me think that it would not be a good idea for me to commission her anytime soon.
Apr. 25th, 2017 05:44 am (UTC)
Disappointed to see that Ryun hasn't improved her business practices. I've commissioned her a few times with no problem whatsoever, but now I don't feel inclined to commission her anymore, especially with that enormous queue of outstanding commissions/refunds.

Edited at 2017-04-25 05:44 am (UTC)
Apr. 25th, 2017 10:16 pm (UTC)
Ahh this is a shame. I bought a very large box of prismacolours from her at fwa and looked forward to potentially commissioning her
Hunty Belmnt
Apr. 25th, 2017 10:42 pm (UTC)
Holy shit, Ryun was at one point somewhat active here too. That's a lotta commissions -_-
Apr. 26th, 2017 03:09 am (UTC)
Hey there. I would like to deeply apologize again for any stress I've caused. Your refund has been sent in full and you may keep the sketch that has been sent as an apology. I was a bit underhanded at FWA last year so my record keeping wasn't as on point as we were this year. My record book is currently missing but I have my price sheet from last year and the Digital Waist Up was $50. I will double check my records and if I have failed to send your funds in full I will send the additional ASAP as I locate my book. (I believe I have it in a basket in my baby's closet which he is sleeping currently.) I can also scan the page of where we wrote down your info to confirm the price so let me know if you desire such physical records. I didn't have my receipt book that year either so that is entirely on me. Anyway I appreciate your time regardless and if you need any further information please let me know.
May. 2nd, 2017 12:45 pm (UTC)
May. 2nd, 2017 01:59 pm (UTC)
Re: Screenshot
I have marked this as resolved.
( 15 comments — Leave a comment )


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