WHAT: Digital badge. (forgot how much i paid, since i paid in cash. didn't get a receipt)
WHEN: April 1st, 2016
EXPLAIN: Ordered a badge from Ryun at FWA in the dealers den. We decided to communicate via Twitter DMs. I paid her in person in cash (i know because i cannot find the receipt in either my PP or Square acct). I didn't get a sketch until November. I had to pester her for even that. Poked them again in January and they said they would send an updated wip, and I never got that. At the point it had been almost a year so I just decided to ask for a refund in February. They told me it would be a few weeks on 2/21. By the screenshots i'm going to post, they told me they would get it to me in "2-3 weeks." I poked them 2-3 weeks later, on 3/12 and asked for an update. She claimed she would send it that coming week and never did. I asked if I could get it after FWA 2017 because I assumed she'd be making enough sales to pay me back and she said yes. I ask for an update a week after the con, on April 16th and she ignores my message. At this point, I threaten with an AB, and then she promises to get it to me by the end of the week. It is April 24th, 2017 and I have not gotten my refund.
PROOF: 6 part album of our whole convo. http://imgur.com/a/JFu9Q
Do not go after persons posted about here, by leaving comments on their art pages.
If you have been posted about, please read I've Been Posted on Artists_Beware, Now What?
Did they ever even add your name to it?
Edited at 2017-04-25 05:44 am (UTC)
Again my sincerest apologies.