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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 11

    a really excellent article by Charles Glass on how feckless Obama administration totally botched Syrian strategy, idly destroying country in the process.

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  2. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    Trump decided to keep notes of translator, a fact likely only known to him & translator. This fact then leaks to press. Those two facts tell you why Trump did what he did.

  3. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    It’s concerning Barr trusts Mueller given his sordid history of prosecutorial misconduct, and supports his current “investigation” even though borne of a poisonous, partisan tree. Thoughts, ?

  4. Retweeted
    Jan 13

    Political wing of -led Azov regiment got official status of election observers at presidential in . is likely again to demonstrate during election their large influence in Ukraine as they did during .

  5. 22 hours ago

    Sounds like exactly the sort of person that likes to honor and reward.

  6. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    activist fails to ban blogger who exposed his ties to UK propaganda outfit on Twitter — RT World News

  7. Retweeted
    Jan 14
  8. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    Microsoft adds neocon app "NewsGuard" to its Edge webrowser by default pushing U.S. security state news imperialism across the world. Gives green tick rating for Voice of America & Fox News but red mark for despite admitting perfect accuracy.

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  9. Retweeted
    Jan 12

    Was it Novichok? Vladimir Uglev, 1 of 2 creators of "Novichok", 20 March 2018: –If Skripal and his daughter received a lethal dose of B-1976, C-1976, or D-1980, then ... there is no antidote to these agents. With nearly 100% certainty Skripals will die"

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  10. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    UK propaganda network Integrity Initiative is attempting to get Twitter to ban users who point out their ties to "citizen journalist" organization Bellingcat

  11. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    Open Borders Advocate George Soros has a HUGE Wall Around his Home

  12. Jan 14

    Bellingcat's Dan Kaszeta of Integrity Initiative, a UK government-sponsored propaganda operation, wrote to Australian university in 2014 seeking to suppress Syrian anti-jihadist then student at the university

  13. Retweeted
    Jan 13

    How much longer can William Felix Browder get away with his nonsense story, so well spun, so devious, so loved by media & slavering Russophobes, yet so easy to unravel when investigative scrutiny's applied?

  14. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    Court documents detailing evidence of extensive prosecutorial misconduct by Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann have mysteriously gone missing.

  15. Jan 13

    good story on "covert propaganda campaign" carried out by "front for the British military-intelligence apparatus". Bellingcat's Dan Kaszeta involved

  16. Retweeted
    Jan 13

    To give some context to Integrity Initiative scandal, we discuss the CIA’s illegal MH-CHAOS program that started off investigating Warren Hinckle’s Ramparts as a Kremlin-funded destabilization op, and ended up spying on over 300,000 antiwar Americans

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  17. Retweeted
    Jan 13

    This Orkney settlement had been buried underground and perfectly preserved until a massive storm unearthed it 5,000 years later.

  18. Jan 13

    I do not have the second page of this document. I downloaded this document from the internet, as it had already been made public.

  19. Retweeted
    Jan 13
    Replying to

    It's warranted and in the public interest to know that the source of so called open source investigators are actually not very independent.

  20. Retweeted
    Jan 13
    Replying to and

    He/she previously used the domain . This domain was registered at Dynadot LLC (like .org) under a Harry Potter related fake name and the address of a Big Chicken fast food in Marietta, GA. His/her sincere intentions are self-explanatory.

  21. Retweeted
    Jan 13

    Feinstein made sure her Chinese spy got full benefits when he retired. She could have had him arrested when the FBI told her about him-no she protected him! Why???


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