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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Dec 2018

    "Zionism is Making Us Stupid": The Russian Relationship with Israel from the Soviets to Putin

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  2. 2 hours ago

    "Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

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    2 hours ago

    : Location of attack in . While all the details are still unclear, al-Shabaab is the immediate suspect

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    10 hours ago

    Iran satellite fails to reach orbit: state TV

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    3 hours ago

    arrests a military advisor from Afghan origin over spying for

  6. Retweeted
    Jan 14

    There's certainly a huge investment programme by Venezuelan politicians in housing, though the money's being spent in Florida and Spain, not in Venezuela; and it's more at the top end of the market, than what anyone would call affordable.

  7. 3 hours ago

    It's a useful demonstration of how unlikely it is that this is what will do. There is no incentive to occupy Kurdish-majority cities, for example. The mission is likely to be restricted to breaking up the 's Kobani and Jazeera cantons.

  8. Retweeted
    24 hours ago

    With current level of inspections, Iran could have an active nuclear weapons program today and IAEA would not know. That is one reason why Israel’s recent actions to seize a portion of the archive and expose a secret nuclear-related warehouse are so important. 5/5

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    10 hours ago

    Today’s Schedule (via ) - All times GMT 0900: PM May meets with senior ministers 1030-1130: Amendments to be voted on will be made public 1245: Brexit debate to begin 1900: Brexit debate to end 2000-2100: Meaningful vote to take place Results to follow

  10. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    Women who voluntarily joined Boko Haram told us life with the insurgents offered them structure, education, and a sense of independence. When a society can't or won't offer these things, insurgents step into the void. Our full report in March.

  11. Retweeted

    FIRST ON CNN: A letter has been delivered from President Donald Trump to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a source familiar with the ongoing denuclearization talks between the U.S. and North Korea tells me.

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  12. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    Docs Show US To Massively Expand Footprint At Jordanian Air Base Amid Spats With Turkey, Iraq

  13. No, this can't be true. I'm sure Trump is now fully up on Qassem Sulaymani's role in decision-making in , the Quds Force's place within the Islamic Republic, and the various Kurdish politico-military factions from PKK to KDP to PUK.

  14. King Husayn of suppressed a revolt of fanatics and gangsters (the in that case) in 1970, and at the last he came to encourage the Shah of to act to do the same against Khomeini, even offering to do what the Shah would not do for himself. The Shah refused.

  15. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    Looks like a sizable contingent of Harakat Hizballah al-Nujaba guys are moving into Anbar.

  16. That was the moment your administration was signing, over the vigorous protests of the Pentagon and Intelligence Community, a military pact with to attack Asad's enemies and abetting the campaign to raze . Some .

  17. Replying to

    Ah, interesting. The claims it was 13 "martyrs" that fell fighting against in Lebanon in 1982. This was in the context of a statement late last year that was uncritical, to say the least, of |

  18. Replying to

    It's probably too late now but there was a story there for someone on the 's doctrine and history, given how the organisation directed propaganda at and Jews worldwide, and how much success they had in gaining sympathy for "the Kurds" in Syria.

  19. Replying to

    The specific part of the that trained the , under the protection of 's Syria, was Nayef Hawatma's , which also functioned as the cut-out for the Soviet Union in training the Sandinistas. It was among reasons was so involved in the Nicaragua policy.

  20. Replying to

    11 terrorists killed fighting alongside the against in Lebanon c. 1982 1. Şerif Aras 2. Mehmet Atmaca 3. İrfan Ay 4. Veli Çakmak 5. Kemal Çelik 6. Abdülkadir Çubukçu 7. Abdullah Kumral 8. Şahabettin Kurt 9. Mustafa Marangoz 10. Ismet Özkan 11. Emin Yaşar

  21. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    Maybe we should take our tactical nukes out of Turkey before we threaten them with destruction of any kind. Oh and generally, maybe we shouldn't threaten NATO allies.


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