I just did some more investigation on the Skype-Setup.exe file and do some furhter tests.
Now I want to share my findings on how to create a new portable version of Skype from version 8 on and even with an integrated update process.
Skype-Setup.exe will be downloaded automatically by the application into the data folder, during the next start of skype, it will be checked if the file is there and start the update process. This process might not be wanted if you've got a portable version.
I've created a small batch file to start my Portable Skype Version, but first we need to create the following file structure:
In SkypePortable I've placed the batch file. Now we will download the Skype for Windows Desktop installation/setup file. Now we need to extract the content of it by using the InnoExtract utility from http://constexpr.org/innoextract/
innoextract.exe -s -d SkypePortable\App\Skype\ Skype-Setup.exe rename SkypePortable\App\Skype\app Phone
Content of SkypeStartCheck.bat:
@echo off
echo ===============================
echo Start Skype and check for
echo Update
echo ===============================
echo Check if update file is located in Data folder
if exist "<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\Data\Skype-Setup.exe" (
echo Skype-Setup.exe found
echo Check if old backup folder exist
if exist "<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\App\Skype\Phone.old" (
echo Old backup "phone.old" folder found
echo Delete backup folder
rmdir /s /q "<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\App\Skype\Phone.old"
echo Take backup of old installation
rename "<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\App\Skype\Phone" "Phone.old"
pushd "<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\Data"
echo Extract Skupe-Setup.exe
"<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\InnoExtract\innoextract.exe" -s -d ..\App\Skype\ Skype-Setup.exe
rename "<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\App\Skype\app" "Phone"
del /s /f /q Skype-Setup.exe
echo Starting Skype
start <DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\App\skype\Phone\Skype.exe --datapath="<DRIVE:>\PortableApps\SkypePortable\Data"
I hope this help all of you who were searching for such an information.
Created SkypePortable in PortableApps.com format. https://github.com/DoeWayne/SkypePortable