~smblion's Journals
I've finally gotten hold of the account name "SimbaLion" so I am going to be moving all of my information to that account. Please follow me there if you want to.

3 years ago    

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I'm a developer, and I own my own business. My sales are not as good as I'd like and I am certain this is because sales and marketing are not my strengths.

I am hoping I could chat with someone who knows more about selling than me, mostly to find out what I'm doing wrong.
3 years ago    

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I love FA.

I see many of you are looking for alternatives. Why not host your own website? You can use free software such as Wordpress which is very user friendly. You can find cheap hosting very easily, and your followers can still 'subscribe' to you using RSS, or an old fashioned mailing list.

If you host your own art gallery you will never have to deal with these sorts of dramas again. Everything can be custom to suit your style.

I help folks with this for a living. This is not a sales pitch. If you have questions about costs or execution, please feel free to ask me as I would be happy to help.

3 years ago    

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I am looking to get a commission done and I'm seeking out suitable artists. My criteria are:

* Quality comparable to most of my gallery
* Good drawing Wings
* Can draw animated scenes (not animations)
* Does not mind full nudity
* Price $60 or less

Can anyone recommend someone? I've got a few in mind but perhaps there's a new face in town who could use some scratch.
3 years ago    

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I'm kinda looking for a cs:go team to play competitive games with semi-casually. Anyone into that?
3 years ago    

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I'd throw them away if it'd buy another day
for you and you and you and you

I think you're crazy and begging poor souls
to destroy you. How the fuck is your existence so terrible?

I gave you my adoration and my time,
same as I'd give it to anyone

I tried to walk away and you refused to
let me go. We aren't in a dysfunctional relationship.

I've prepared my defense. If you find your
way to hell, I'll bear no guilt for your sins.

- simbalion

just a dumb poem.
3 years ago    

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Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wana go home.

home in the eternal sense. bliss and love and serenity and foreverness..

It's not that I don't enjoy your company, or appreciate the efforts you make.

If I'm to heal the damage caused by the human race, I must first go home.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wana go home.

4 years ago    

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dreaming late at night wanted to be alone sometimes..

thought nothing his time away

arc faders sounds in a corporate lie

lonely gifts and empty promises

am mm mm am mm mm am mm mm am mm mm am mm mm am mm,

4 years ago    

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just saying, I love you all.

4 years ago    

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When starting my own business I was surprised to discover there is no central resource for furries who are independent business owners. There's a lot of you out there, artists, fursuit makers, geeks for hire, and many less obvious fields.

So I've taken it upon myself to create a channel on FurNet IRC specifically for self-employed furries. The channel is #businessfurs and all are welcome to hang out.

My hope is that in time we can provide a place for self-employed furries to seek advice or share tips for success.

For info on joining furnet IRC this website should be helpful:
4 years ago    

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Because the alarm vial has filled with shame, the hu race has ended.
All humans will be summarily destroyed, their historic fingerprints carefully erased.
The fate of life is yet undetermined, purpose fulfilled.
4 years ago    

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so you've a desperate need
handsome yet tinged with greed

and off she goes. free from me,
free to be, born to know life

4 years ago    

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not that any of us will ever know anything about it
I've been told that real love is forever
and I've been told that real love is a real thing
I'm old and red and I've rebuilt my heart a few times.

i'm done for the evening, but i dont want to sleep
my life is empty without you, every moment
there's nothing to find but pain more precisely
described for your sensitive ears on the other

sides I'm gonna choose are up to me and almost no one has
taken the time to deserve to know what those are.

i still love everyone.
4 years ago    

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Recruiting now! ;)

I need some characters to be in my space empire, is anyone interested in volunteering their names? Details of special capabilities or interests might also be translatable to game concepts, should anyone be interested in sharing.

Non winged lions, or other species, are also invited. I just need more character names for this game :)
4 years ago    

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but why does everyone mistreat someone or some group?
4 years ago    

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My dad died. Now both my parents are gone.

Mom @ 56, Dad @ 65.
4 years ago    

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he's gone.
i'm angry and numb.

flashes of light
from the wall
she turns, what was that?

the hand of god reaches
thru thick cloud cover
five cold fingers
stretched out
to steal our love away
5 years ago    

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I was gonna skip this meme, then Roareyraccoon Roareyraccoon did it, and I thought what the hell.

Q: What made you choose the species of your main character?
A: It chose me. He is such an important part of my life, that I was significantly moved by the lion king, in a way no other film or story ever has moved me. I didn't understand it at the time, but I knew it was important. Pro-found. I understand now, something in my subconscious was saying "This."

Q: Is your character just like you, or how you want to be?
A: Both, he's an idealized version of me.

Q: Does your character have the same personality you have?
A: His personality is mine. What you see in "real life" is the personality I was prescribed by those who would punish me for not performing properly.

Q: Does your character have the same dislikes and likes as you do?
A: Yeah

Q: Does your character look like you at all?
A: If I had any say in my physical appearance, then I'd look like him.

Q: Is your character the same gender as you, if not why?
A: Yes

Q: Do you have more than one main character?
A: No, altho I have created many characters, some more personal than others.

Q: Do you have a back story for your character, if so does it have anything to do with your own history?
A: Yes, but it's not especially important to me. He's existed for 18 years now (not his actual age) and there's been lots of development in that time. He grew with me.

Q: Is your character mated, if so is it to your real life significant other?
A: He would like to be, and is as lonely as I am.

Q: If not are they looking for a mate, or are they a swinger so to speak?
A: No. Used to be.

Q: Is there something special about your character that you think sets them apart from others?
A: Many things. Most importantly his peace of mind and capacity for compassion and forgiveness.

Q: Do you have much art of your main character?
A: I'd like more. If I could, I'd get a picture of my character every day. But I'm not unhappy with what I have.

Q: Would you ever consider parting with your main character, if so why?
A: Never. I'd part with my human self first.

Q: If you suit, do you have a suit of your main character?
A: The reason I don't have a suit is because I'd want one of me, and it would be too costly to do what I want.

Q: Have you ever roleplayed with your main character, or do you prefer not to?
A: Lots, but not as much anymore. There's always an ongoing roleplay in my mind however. To me he is alive.

Q: Do you consider your main character to be a part of you in any way?
A: He is me. The rest of this life is a sham.
5 years ago    

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o/ I hate moving
without you near me
I need your heartbeat
to guide me home o/

5 years ago    

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Today marks my 18th birthday on FurryMuck. "Simba_Lion" was created Aug 17th, 1995. I'd been into some furry stuff before that, but I found out about the furry fandom when I found out about FurryMuck.

It's been worthwhile. I made a lot of cool friends, lost many, and had my heart broken a lot, but I wouldn't give it up.

I got to play a significant role in making two very popular conventions happen. For many furries like myself, these places were a refuge, and a home away from abuse and hiding. Something close to heaven, in my opinion. And I'm glad I was able to be part of making that happen.
5 years ago    

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I miss kissing. I miss waking up with someone who loves me. I miss car rides. I miss roller coasters. I miss sex. I miss talking to friends on the phone. I miss confidence. I miss drugs. I miss taking wrestling games far too seriously. I miss being hugged from behind while working in the kitchen. I miss showering together. I miss visiting friends. I miss visiting friends turning into naked parties. I miss naked parties with friends turning into sex. I miss going to concerts. I miss playing Fluxx. I miss being whipped. I miss cuddling in bed at night. I miss my ability to believe in other people.
6 years ago    

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Simba Lion: TV vs me, tv wins :)
Simba Lion: it's okay tho
Simba Lion: I should just wear a TV mask
Simba Lion: well, if I wanted attention, and I almost dont
Simba Lion: but I could walk around and everyone would stare. Everyone. It'd be performance art! :)
Simba Lion: a welding mask with an ipad attached
Simba Lion: and a pair of logitech eyeball webcams on the sides
Simba Lion: feeding into glasses inside
Simba Lion: like an alien
Simba Lion: fuck, this idea is _too_ good
7 years ago    

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What do you do, when you discover one day that by your measure, your life is over? All of your dreams have been accomplished or crushed.

Do you seek out new dreams to succeed or fail at, or do you just lay down and die?
7 years ago    

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MOVING: My new account name is 'SimbaLion' (3 years ago)
Any sales or marketing folks watching me? I need help (3 years ago)
Looking for a new website for your art? Host your own! (3 years ago)
recommend an artist, please help (3 years ago)
Any furs in a CS:GO team? (3 years ago)
I'd throw them away if it'd buy another day for you (3 years ago)
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii wana go home (4 years ago)
searching for freedom, the american (4 years ago)
I love furries (4 years ago)
Self-Employed furries! Business owners! (4 years ago)
hu: loved once, lost forever (4 years ago)
the journal no one reads (4 years ago)
forever is a really long time (4 years ago)
WINGED LIONS (4 years ago)
I think y'all are mostly remarkable (4 years ago)
R.I.P. Dad. (4 years ago)
too young, too soon. R.I.P. Daymien (5 years ago)
Fursona meme (5 years ago)
Happy new year! (5 years ago)
18 Years of furry fandom (5 years ago)
Lonely (6 years ago)
performance art (7 years ago)
End of Line (7 years ago)