^^ Guys this is an explosive report and there are lots of angles to dig on that will fill in the blanks on Q crumbs. BUT for this post there is only one I want to focus on: Baghdad is built on the ruins of Babylon! Our embassy there is 10x larger than second largest in Beijing and apparently its a logistics hub for 300 tonnes of unknown freight between europe and east coast USA. Babylon is deeply symbolic of a decadent and fallen city of vice and evil in the western tradition. It played a huge role in the ethnogenesis of Judaism. the Talmud is written as a dialouge between the rabbis of galilee and the rabbis of babylon. Do you realize when obama pulled out the army and left behind this mega-embassy control was shifted from the military to the state department!? under hillary clinton. So what if, what if this is really what it was all about in the end? 911 gets us into the war, bush gets us into Iraq for reasons no can explain, then obama declares the war is over and the troops come home, whoops except for this mega-embassy which stays behind as the capital of hell on earth surrounded by sand and death and abject suffereing while planes of sex slaves, nuclear weapons, and drugs are flown in and out on-demand like the amazon warehouse of satan himself. Their need for symbolism, to restore their symbolic vision of Babylon to over the earth, this will be their downfall.
The world's largest embassy is situated in the Green Zone and fortified by three walls, another barrier of concrete slabs, followed by barbed wire fences and a wall of sandbags. It covers an area of 104 acres, six times larger than UN headquarters in New York and ten times larger than the new embassy Washington is building in Beijing – which is just 10 acres.
[Editor's' Note: The ten-acre US Embassy in Beijing is the second largest overseas construction project in the history of the Department of State — and the 104-acre US Embassy in Iraq is the largest.]
So, America's largest diplomatic mission is surrounded by high concrete walls, is painted in black, brown and grey and is completely isolated from its environment... The United States announced several months ago that between diplomats and employees, its embassy would include 16,000 people after the pullout of US forces.
This passage explains
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[–] 16044394? 0 points 24 points 24 points (+24|-0) ago
It was Not Just for the Oil we attacked Iraq, it was for what lies buried under the sand Babylon! It is Key to the Illumanati/Globalist goal to Restore a One World Government & Global Religion at the Origin site of the First Global capitol-Babylon! There was buried with city Technology left behind by the Nephilim-the Giant Children of the Fallen Angels spoken of by Enoch.
[–] 16044777? 0 points 4 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago
Mind sharing some sources? I m deeply interested.
[–] 16045377? 0 points 6 points 6 points (+6|-0) ago
It's more than racism that causes the Israelis to treat Ethiopians as lesser Jews. They have an older Bible. The Jews altered Genesis 11 after the resurrection of Jesus, and they threw out many books of the Old Testament. The Orthodox and Catholics have most of those books and the original Genesis 11, but only the Ethiopian Jews and Christians have Enoch.
[–] 16045134? 1 points 2 points 3 points (+3|-1) ago
I'll do my best to find some of the books I've read & videos I've seen about the Real Mission in Iraq.
[–] 16049427? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Nimrod-Tower of Babel-Chaldean's-Babylonian Talmud-Jacobs ladder-Joshua Tree-Star of Raphem-Osiris,Isis-Ishtar; The names change but they are the same. The trail into the esoteric is never ending, and that is by design to keep you digging into the knowledge of good and evil. Enter some of those terms above into this search engine. (It never ends, except maybe at the gates of hell) They act like they compete against each other, but are the same, Example: Jesuits vs Zionist
[–] 16045619? 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago (edited ago)
BINGO: Known.
What about that Babylonic tower technology that was used: like Haydron collider?
Mass antiquities seized by BUSH
[–] 16049447? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
16044394? wrote:
The aliens are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.
The veridical answer to that question is that the aliens (and their precursor edition, the demons) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the aliens/demons/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the aliens to the fore, to the conscious level. These aliens are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.
For much more on what is going on with the aliens/demons/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:
On the more literal level of extraterrestrial life, it is likely that very simple forms of life exist throughout the universe. Yet the ancient alien hypothesis along with the idea of current intelligent extraterrestrial visitations has been pushed hard by certain sectors of the corporate media, and it is low-grade B-movie science-fiction schlock. A species powerful enough to cross stars--let alone galaxies--wouldn't come to Earth as humanoid creatures in ponderous starships, but rather would use extreme nanotechnology. If they were malicious and wanted to seize the Earth, they would fall to the ground as microscopic dust, infect our craniums, and we'd all be brain-dead before we hit the ground. It would be lights-out before any human even knew that anything had occurred.
Which is to say, if a species powerful and intelligent enough to cross stars were to land on Earth, where they would land is quite literally inside everyone's skulls.
[–] 16044528? 0 points 12 points 12 points (+12|-0) ago
US military is moving and protecting the Opium/Heroin trade from Iraq and Afghanistan directly to the US. Officials get a % for negotiated contracts and silence. Those involved get MKULTRA PTSD+ and suicide themselves because no 1 would believe US is smuggling 300 tonnes of the stuff for the DS.
Opium fields spread across Iraq as farmers try to make ends meet
American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production
[–] 16045617? 0 points 6 points 6 points (+6|-0) ago
I wouldn't be surprised if the Cocaine Import Agency has tunnels under the Mexican border that have conveyor belts of Cocaine going straight into DUMB's
[–] 16046665? 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
I agree with this.
Giant boring machines have been operating 24/7/365 for over 2 decades, all over the world.
[–] 16045743? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
There's a thought that doesn't take too big of a stretch. I bet you're right!
[–] 16044932? 1 points 11 points 12 points (+12|-1) ago (edited ago)
Learn the history of Babylon and you will see how closely integrated good and evil are. The ancient god of Babylon is Amon-Ra also known as Marduk.
Ra is the Egyptian word for sun. Words like Sun rays, radial, radio, radius, radii all come from the root word Ra. Amon means hidden. When Marduk was banished from Egypt he went into hiding and became know as amon the hidden god. We still say amen after every prayer to honor Ammon or Amon. Either one.
There was a skirmish is ancient Egypt over aten worship versus Amon worship. King tut’s name was changed from tutanhkaten to Tutankhamen to reflect this shift in thinking.
The Mona Lisa painting is an anagram for Amon l’isa (Lisa being an alternate spelling of Isis the Babylonian Feminine goddess). Leonardo Davinci knew this.
Amon-Ra had a son/successor named Nabu. Nabu had a son named Nebuchadnezzar which means “beloved of Nabu”. He was one of the most successful Kings of Babylon. Iraq was one of the original landing points of the annunaki. The bands of Anu were divided from there.
[–] 16047641? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago (edited ago)
Quick note: Marduk (son of Enki) is Ra.
[–] 16044759? 0 points 5 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago
You are aware that stargate technology exists and one of those devices is located in todays Iraq? Look up on Above Majestic for more interesting stuff
[–] 16045115? 0 points 5 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago
There are some Interesting books out there regarding this one of which is called Transylvanian Sunrise. This book co authored by Peter Moon tells of a young boy who during the years of Communist Rule in Romania was one of several children tied to a Communist version of MK Ultra in creating Super Soldiers. They discovered a Sphinx in Romania and within that Sphinx tunnels which led to long buried technology left behind by the Watchers(Fallen Angels). There are tunnels & a form of rail cars that connect much like a Wormhole to Other underground facilities in Egypt & Iraq. Here's a link to a video with this Peter MoonYouTube it's pretty New Agey stuff but very interesting nonetheless.The Nephilim Are Returning, they will be the ones promising mankind of a New Golden Age if we just join their Global Order and forsake our deeply held Christian faith.
[–] 16045636? 1 points 2 points 3 points (+3|-1) ago
From what I can gather, Humans are an ET Genetic Experiment
[–] 16045505? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Is that free online anywhere yet anon?
[–] 16044425? 0 points 5 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago
Great dig anon. I read the article and moved on to other news. This is the sort of thing that I come here for. DEEPER meanings
[–] 16044639? 0 points 4 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago
WE are the birds that will FEAST on her flesh. This is the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. Its JUDGEMENT DAY.
[–] 16046946? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
Wild OT Fun fact: In the movie Blade Trinity, a group of vampires went looking for Dracula and they found him in...drum roll...Iraq. When asked why they searched there, the female character said it was the 'cradle of civilization'. Fiction yes, but we know how those Hollyweird fucks like to pepper the truth with fiction for a good laugh on the masses.
[–] 16048825? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
I remember this shit good catch anon
[–] 16045984? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
On another topic, why does that embassy need three walls, another barrier of concrete slabs, followed by barbed wire fences and a wall of sandbags? According to the DS, walls don't work!