Week 3 of the government shutdown feels a lot like Week 2 and Week 1: There’s no end in sight, and the nation’s top political leaders continue to shout past each other, neither side blinking.

Behind-the-scenes talks got underway this week in the hopes of crafting an immigration compromise that would potentially have saved face for both sides. But even those talks seem to have fallen apart. So for now, President Donald Trump is still in the driver’s seat — and that means the shutdown that started Dec. 22 likely isn’t ending anytime soon.

“We’re stuck. I don’t see a way forward,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) vented to reporters at the Capitol on Thursday after senators cast their last vote for the week and rushed to the region’s airports to start their extended weekend. “I have never been more depressed about moving forward than I am right now," Graham said.

“Nothing’s changed,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) told VICE News on Thursday afternoon. “We’re waiting on them to tell us what’s going to happen.” The mood at the Capitol is somber, with members of both parties bracing for a long shutdown — the longest ever in the nation’s history if it goes past Friday.

“I think we’re going to be here for a little while,” Scott had told reporters after leaving a private lunch Trump held with Republican senators at the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon.