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(English, Spanish, Norwegian  below)






















#MeTOO や #NoWomenEver

南米では #NoEsNo や #AbortoLegalYa などSNSを使い女性が声を上げています。













Recently a Company called Shuukan Spa has released a ranking of “University students with easy-access girls” on a public magazine. (Published October 23, 2018)

2018 was a year where women from all over the world fought for women’s rights, so that our voices were delivered.
Japan will be having the first G20 summit this year, 2019 and it is ridiculous for an article such as this to be published. It’s not funny at all.

I would like to fight so that especially on public articles such as this one,  sexualizing, objectifying and disrespecting women would stop.
We demand Shuukan Spa to take this article back and apologize, and promise to not use objectifying words to talk about women.

This sexualizing of women is not funny.

In Japan according to a study done by the Ministry of Justice, only 18.5% of the women report sexual assault or rape.
How about the left over 81.5%?
They don’t speak up. Can not speak up.

Because sexual assault, random guys touching your butt in public trains, having their crotch up your butt, rape, is something women have to deal with.
Because We use underaged girls in bikinis to fulfill the fetish of those who love baby faces.
Because we idolize young girls.
Because honestly, the society hasn’t changed ever since the time of comfort women.
Because men and women do not believe that we are worth the same as men.

In this world, 1 out of 5 women are raped or sexually assaulted before their 18th birthday.
According to the ministry of Justice, only 1 out of 10 people actually get convicted, after being sued for sexual assault.

In 2018, the world fought.
In some countries, abortion finally became legal.
100 year anniversary since Women got voting rights.
Women in Saudi Arabia were able to drive.
And using Social Media, people spoke up using #MeToo #NoWomenEver and in South America, #NoEsNo and #AbortoLegalYa.

This year we will not only hold the G20 nor but the W20 (women 20)
We demand that the media stops using words to discriminate women, objectify women, disrespect women and sexualize women.

We, women are not less than men.
We are human too.
We do not LIVE for men.
We do not exist for men.

Let’s raise our voices because I am sick of this society where women are objects.


Other GROSS articles

The company behind called Fuji Media Holdings that also 
write about Corporate social Responsibility, talking about SDGs.

Recientemente, una empresa llamada Shuukan Spa publicó un artículo con un ranking, una lista de Universidades con mujeres que son fáciles.
En una revista pública.  (23 de Octubre, 2018)

2018 era un año donde las mujeres de todo el mundo lucharon por nuestros derechos, para que la gente escuchara nuestra voz.
Japón va a tener a primera reunión del G20 de este año 2019, y es ridículo que un artículo así exista hoy día. No es chistoso. 

Quiero recoger las voces de las mujeres, para que empresas de prensa así dejen a usar palabras que sexualizan y objetifican a las mujeres. 
Shuukan Spa, queremos que ustedes saquen este articulo y pidan disculpas al público, y que den una promesa de que no van a usar palabras así para describir mujeres.

No es una broma.
No es chistoso.

Según el Ministerio de Justicia, en Japón solamente 18.5% de las mujeres informa las agresiones sexuales y violación.
¿Qué está pasando a los otros 81.5%?
No podemos callarnos. Hay que hablar por las que no pueden. 

¿Pero por qué es así Japón?
Porque las mujeres, las niñas en Japón tienen que 我慢する, vivir con la violación, los hombres poniendo sus manos en nuestra falda en el metro en la mañana
Porque los japoneses aman las mujeres jóvenes y tienen un fetiche asqueroso con las mujeres jóvenes con caras de niñas.
Porque amamos a las jóvenes.
Porque la sociedad no ha cambiado mucho desde la época de las “mujeres de confort”.
Porque los hombres y las mujeres no creen que seamos iguales.

En este mundo, 1 cada 5 mujeres es violada antes de su cumpleaños 18.
Según el Ministerio de Justicia, solo 1 de cada 10 violadores es arrestados (En Japon)

En 2018 empezamos un movimiento.
En algunos países, el aborto se hizo legal.
Era el aniversario del derecho a votar de las mujeres.
En Saudi Arabia, las mujeres empezaron a manejar.
Y las mujeres hablaban través de las redes sociales, usando #MeToo #NoWomenEver #NoEsNo #AbortoLegalYa.

En Chile, en mi universidad,
había paros, tomas, porque los jóvenes querían cambiar algo.
Querían luchar para un mundo justo, un mundo igualitario.

No hay paros ni tomas en Japón.
Pero necesitamos cambiar esto. Porque hay bastante problemas.

Este año vamos a tener el G20 y tambien el W20 (Women 20)
Los medios necesitan dejar a usar palabras que discriminar a las mujeres,  objetifican a las mujeres, les faltan el respeto y las sexualizan.

No somos menos que los hombres.
Somos personas. Somos humanos.
No vivimos para los hombres.
No existimos para los hombres.
No vamos a callarnos, vamos a alzar nuestras voces, porque estamos casadas de esta sociedad.

Otras prensas que odio:


Fuso-sya publiserte Det uker magasinet "SPA -Den universitete lista som du kan lette å sex med kvinne-studenter-"

I 2018 kjempet mange kvinner for likestilling i verden.

Det er veldig skam at dette magasinet publiserte i år, selv om det holdes G20 i Japan i år.

Vi krever at Fuso-sya anerkjente deres fail mot kvinner og slutter å diskriminere mot kvinner på noe magasiner.
Denne boka bringer sexkrim.
Forsøker sier kvinne som anklager voldtatt er bare 18.5 prosent i Japan.
Hva gjorde resten?
De resten kvinner måtte tåle.
Sexkrim og "Chikan" som menn berører ukjente kvinner i toget er vanlig situasjon.
I 2018 ble flere gutter fanget for sexkrim.
De er studenter i veldig kjente universitetene.
De brukte medisiner i alkohol for kvinner.
Kvinner kjente ikke den inkluderte medisiner og drakk den .
Etterpå ble de kvinnene voldtatt.

I år holdes W20 også.
Derfor krever vi mediene til å stoppe ordene som diskriminerer kvinner, ordene som ser kvinne som objekt.

Vi , kvinner er ikke under menn.
Vi er mennesker.
Vi lever ikke for menn.
Vi eksistere ikke for menn.

Derfor skal vi reise opp våre stemme for å stoppe at menn ser oss som objekt.



  1. 13 hours ago
    40,000 supporters
  2. 対談を申し込んでます, We are requesting a meeting

    English Below






    この度は週刊SPA! の企画「ヤレる女子大学生ランキング」の件に対するフォローアップとしてご連絡を差し上げました。










    1. ヤリマン生息数が多い大学
    2. 合コンお持ち帰り率の高い大学
    3. ストリートsex率が高い大学
    4. パパ活女子の多い大学
    5. 就活ビッチの多い大学
    6. 処女が多い大学



    1. We are calling for a meeting with this tabloid magazine, SPA and we’ve called / still calling the company , Fusosha along with Fuji Media Holdings, which owns the subsidiary.

    We’ve attached the email below:


    I am contacting you today to follow up on the Shukan SPA! Project of「ヤレる女子大学生ランキング」.

    I am aware that an apology statement was announced from your company this morning, however, I am full of disappointment that the content of the statement was inadequate in addressing the awareness of misogynistic issue presented in the article. It was very prominent that the apology was done in haste and to stop and silence the current protest. Even though this issue was encouraging serious sexual offense, I believe that your statement was not properly discussing the fundamental problem. This was not just a rash decision made by one magazine, but rather a result of the low level of awareness of human rights of the whole society in Japan. I would like you to take full responsibility for the impact that you have created through this article on the readers and people you have insulted.

    I firmly believe that it is necessary for the company to thoroughly analyze the background and the factors of how this came to be, such as the process of decision making, the reasons why this article was decided to be published, and the people who approved it. Otherwise, the same thing will happen again, and I am worried that these incidents will repeatedly continue to damage and belittle the dignity of women and many other individuals.

    One less article such as this case, does not mean that the problem of misogyny will resolve. I believe that the society as a whole needs to be conscious about this issue and that we all need to move towards something better. And perhaps, your company had been responsible for encouraging the culture of misogyny.

    I do not wish to have non-constructive dispute criticising each other. I hope to have an educated discussion with people from different backgrounds and people with various ideas, aiming for a healthy environment where we can all understand each other better and coexist peacefully.

    I hope that we can understand each other and to why we raised our voices against this article. Using this published article as a starting point, I believe that we can think about how we can improve to better the society from now on, together.

    With that in mind, I would like to have a forum for discussions where I can meet your company representatives and understand each other better. Please let me know what you think.

    I am looking forward to your reply.


    2. The top picture is of the article DONE ONCE AGAIN (We have deleted the university names for safety purposes)
    in 12/25, with
    1. University with sluts (Yariman)
    2.Universities with high-Chances to take home at Goukons( social meet ups to meet men/women)
    3.Street Sex universities
    4.Girls with daddies
    5.Job Hunting b**ches

    And lastly the university with most Virgins

    3. We have a team.
    We will be uploading to YouTube now but we have six girls now in Tokyo and a lot more supporters world wide that is helping us raise their voices.
    We have BBC, Japan Times, ALL these media covering us helping us speak up from UK United States, Chile, Philippines.

    4. Please send us your comments !
    Please send THEM the comments too.

    We are complying the comments, comments of everyone speaking up for this cause and specifically for Shuukan SPA, Fusousha and the jibcompany begins which is Fuji Japan Holdings.


    TV with English Subtitles;

    Kazuna Yamamoto
    18 hours ago
  3. 1 day ago
    35,000 supporters
  4. 署名を提出しました Petition turned in and now what? Siguente Pasos.

    *English Spanish below
    Educate Forの山本和奈と申します。



    日本でもGender Equality、そして女性を「本当に」促進する社会を作りたいと思います。








     #BastaJapón に切り替えたいと思います。


    Educate For / KMLAB/ JustSmile 


    Hi, This is Kazuna Yamamoto from Educate For.
    I would like to inform everyone that I have sent the petition to the editors of this company. 

    But WE will not stop here.

    The Japanese society still has billions of problems, where very little people are speaking up.
    Refugee and immigrant labor, nuclear powerplant, Labor Conditions, animal rights, Overworking, child poverty... 
    and Gender Gap. 

    To take the first step, I have decided to bring up the issue of Gender Gap and the sexualization of women, but  I would like to continue with this problem so that Japan can really focus on achieving Gender Equality, in order for Japan to be able to truly promote women and respect women. 

    But I also want to remind everyone that this isn't happening because of the Men only.
    Feminism is not Women over men but is EQUALITY for every gender. 
    This problem is caused by the society, not only by men, women, those who do not identify themselves with neither but by the society it self.

    And as a media company that has the power to influence people and is supposed inform people, 
    It is disgusting that this kind of article was published, especially when 
    half of the university students are UNDERAGED. 
    Stop sexualizing women and fantasizing young girls. 
    I'm sick of the Pedophilic Culture of this country. 


    But as I re-enforce it (due to a comment I received)
    I think it is wrong to sexualize men as well.
    But I am focusing on the women because historically speaking, there is more sexual violence against women, sexualization and objectifying women than men. 

    I made videos in English and Japanese to speak my opinion and all of my friends that are speaking out.
    We won't shut up, or hide because I want the publisher, the writer and the company to come out as well. 



    The spanish version will go on today.
    We are switching from #StandUpJapan to #BastaJapón to create  an international movement because Japan won't change from the inside. PEOPLE DON'T CARE.
    But if we get enough people both inside AND outside to speak up, 
    I believe we can make a difference. 

    I stand by all of the victims of sexual assault, the students of the university and anyone one who has had a traumatic experience due to information given by companies like this.

    Educate For / KMLAB/ JustSmile 
    Kazuna Yamamoto 



    Hola, me llamo Kazuna Yamamoto de Educate For.
    Hoy quiero compartir que mandé la peticion a la empresa de esta prensa.

    Pero no quiero parar aqui. 

    La sociedad Japonesa todavía tiene billiones de problemas . Necesitamos alzar nuestras voces,

    Problemas de refugios y labores de los inmigrantes, muertos por las condiciones laboral, derechos de los animales, pobreza infantil, Y el gap de genero .

    Como un primero paso, quería alzar mi voz para enfocar en la sexualizacion de las mujeres en japón y quiero seguir luchando para la sociedad a cambiar, una sociedad justo para Japón a ser parte de este movimiento global.

    Pero tambien quiero decir que este problema no es por los hombres, pero es un problema de la sociedad.
    Feminismo no es Mujeres>Hombres. 
    Pero es Mujeres =Hombres. 
    El problema esta adentro de la sociedad, por la causa de ambos los hombres, mujeres, y todos los generos. 

    Las empresas de medios de comunicación tiene el poder a llegar a la gente, y odio que algo así fue publicada.
    Especialmente porque la mitad de los alumnos de las universidades tienen menos que 20años. (20años es el año legal en Japón)
    Y esta prensa esta motivando a sexualizar las mujeres jovenes.

    Pero quiero decir de nuevo que 
    la sexualizacion de hombres son un problema igual, pero estoy enfoncandome en este problema de la sexualización de mujeres porque, hay más datos de violación sexual contra de las mujeres y prensas contra las mujeres.

    Hice un video en ingles y japones (estoy creando lo en español ahorita) y muchas gracias a todos que me han apoyado con los videos.

    No vamos a callarnos, vamos a alzar nuestras voces, porque estamos casadas de esta sociedad.



    Quiero que este movimiento de  #BastaJapón puede ser un movimiento global porque no es suficiente. 
    Quiero que todo el mundo puede ayudar a Japón para cambiar la realidad. 

    Educate For / KMLAB/ JustSmile 
    Kazuna Yamamoto 





    Kazuna Yamamoto
    3 days ago
  5. 3 days ago
    20,000 supporters
  6. 5 days ago
    Kazuna Yamamoto started this petition

Today: Kazuna is counting on you

Kazuna Yamamoto needs your help with “週刊SPA: 女性を軽視した出版を取り下げて謝って下さい”. Join Kazuna and 42,220 supporters today.