Trouble vs. Trump
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Drawing from the Beautiful Trouble and Beautiful Rising toolboxes, here are six key concepts that may prove useful to movements preparing to resist Donald Trump’s presidency.
1. Clinton’s neoliberal ‘realism’ lost the election. Now what?
In sum: Neoliberalism, today’s dominant ideology, reduces the state to a handmaiden of transnational capital. In pursuing the relentless privatization of the commons, its policies inevitably spark popular discontent.
Donald Trump didn’t so much win the election as Hillary Clinton lost it. Clinton’s failure to turn out the Democrats’ traditional base on election day should be understood as a catastrophic failure of the Democratic Party establishment to fire up their base by responding to the growing public opposition to neoliberalism. This, in effect, was the key difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries: Sanders named the enemy — increasing concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few under deregulated capitalism — and vowed to confront that power. Hillary Clinton preached a “realism” that simply accepted the ground rules of neoliberalism unchallenged. Compared to Trump’s repeated focus on how the country’s leaders had failed the working class, Clinton copped to glib assurances that “America is already great” that had zero resonance in communities where most people are struggling to make ends meet.
Understanding what neoliberalism is and building organizations capable of offering both resistance to it and viable political alternatives must be front and center for U.S. progressives who are committed to real systemic change in the months and years ahead.
2. To resist Trump, we need both ‘expressive’ and ‘instrumental’ actions.
Theory: Expressive and instrumental actions
In sum: Political action tends to be driven by one of two different motivations: expressing an identity and winning concrete changes. It’s important to know the difference, and to strike a balance between the two.
As we prepare to resist Trump, it is more important than ever to understand the difference between “expressive” and “instrumental” actions. “Expressive” actions come from the heart and gut; we do them because they feel meaningful, or “simply because it feels good to do the right thing.”
Most experienced organizers think on another, more “instrumental,” level. Regardless of the self-expressive value for those involved, organizers ask, “What is this action actually achieving?” While the best actions can be both expressive and instrumental, if we confuse the two purposes, say, expecting a primarily expressive, feel-good action to have specific results like forcing the hand of a power-holder, we will likely be disappointed.
In the era of Trump, America risks sliding from a liberal democracy into a more authoritarian regime. Our understanding of protest and power must shift along with it. In the Obama era, symbolic protest could (sometimes) get attention and exert pressure on sympathetic power-holders. Not so under Trump, where our strategic stance must now take into account the higher stakes and evolve tactically into “regime resistance.” Yes, we need healthy political self-expression, but we also need to be thinking strategically and “instrumentally.” An example of a more instrumental set of actions are the rolling “phone-jams” being done to exert economic pressure on Trump businesses until neo-Nazi Steve Bannon is booted from the Trump White House. Another example is the growing resistance to Medicare privatization, a campaign that is winnable, and cuts across regional, racial and class divides. It could also have lots of additional benefits: Potentially alienating Trump from his base, slowing his momentum, and exacerbating splits between Trump and the GOP.
3. Guerrillas in Trump-land
Principle: Know your cultural terrain
In sum: The first rule of guerrilla warfare is to know your terrain and use it to your advantage. This holds true whether you are fighting in an actual jungle or in the metaphoric wasteland of mass culture.
Trump did not reach the White House by offering a coherent economic policy or political platform. Rather, he made a cultural appeal to voters discontented with the direction in which they saw the country going. We need to understand this cultural wave that helped lift Trump to the presidency if we are going to counter his administration’s policies and divert some of this discontent toward more progressive ends.
A significant part of Trump’s campaign was based in white identity politics. He stoked racial fears while offering a nostalgic vision of a time when the privileges of white Christian men went unchallenged. This aspect of Trump culture is toxic, and must be countered at every turn. Other aspects of Trump’s appeal, however, resonate with the concerns of many on the left and can be built upon to support radical politics. Trump effectively played on people’s utter disgust with a “rigged” two-party system that is elitist, out of touch, and in thrall to undemocratic interests. He spoke to a feeling that the economy has left many, many people out even as it has “recovered.” These appeals may seem a bit absurd, given Trump’s own elite background and support for Wall Street over Main Street, but they offer potential leverage points for holding Trump accountable and crafting effective cultural strategies. Every time he nominates an establishment politician, or gives a tax break to the wealthy, there is a crack in his narrative that can be exploited.
A word of caution: We shouldn’t overestimate the strength of Trump’s narrative — he did, after all, lose the popular vote amid very low turnout. We also shouldn’t simplify the story, for example painting Trump voters with a broad brush as poor and working class whites. Much of Trump’s support came from traditional Republican strongholds (read: wealthy white people). Still, Trump’s discourse during the election has shaped the cultural terrain that he is about to step into, and that terrain, while largely hostile, has some pitfalls we should be taking advantage of.
4. Now more than ever, we’ve got to take care of one another.
Principle: Seek safety in support networks
In sum: When activists are threatened, it’s important to harness national or international networks that can provide support and deter violence.
As the large numbers of women and minorities signing up for self-defense classes since the election testifies, many people are taking the threat of Trump very seriously. The threat of violence against activists, both directly from the state and indirectly from individuals and groups emboldened by Trump’s rhetoric, has escalated greatly in the last year and may continue to rise.
To counter this threat, we must reach out to and support one another: report threats we’ve received, reach out to others who have been targeted by threats, disrupt and defuse bullying or harassment when we see it, form networks of support, share skills and resources, and call on organizations that can assist. The Southern Poverty Law Center, National Lawyers Guild, ACLU, the Anti-Fascist Network, and the Sanctuary City and Sanctuary Campus campaigns are just a few.
Now is the time to move from impartial observer to ally to solidarity actor. It’s the time to risk privilege and favor, take a stand and show up the when asked to. As Barbara Kingsolver writes, “There’s safety in numbers, but only if we count ourselves out loud.”
5. We have a lot more leverage than we might realize.
Theory: Points of intervention
In sum: Points of intervention are specific places in a system where a targeted action can effectively interrupt the functioning of power and open the way to change.
If we are going to mobilize people to effectively resist the Trump agenda, we must pick our battles wisely, and recognize where we can intervene to have the greatest leverage. It’s worth considering five different types of points: production, consumption, destruction, decision and assumption. For example, ongoing boycotts and targeted phone-jams of Trump’s business empire are applying economic pressure at the point of consumption. Trump’s threat to deport millions of undocumented Americans is being forcefully resisted by rebel cities and a new Sanctuary Movement that will challenge migrants’ criminalization at the point of assumption, and potentially, through mass direct action at airports, train and bus stations, at the point of destruction. Strikes and other point-of-production actions have historically been used to resist terrible presidencies. Yes, the presidency is a powerful office, but there are many, many other points of decision at which we can intervene and win victories: Remember how during the dark days of the Reagan presidency, ACT-UP brought the fight for justice for people with AIDS directly to drug companies and the FDA.
6. We win through strategic nonviolence
Principle: Maintain nonviolent discipline
In sum: Nonviolent action works best when you stay nonviolent.
In sum: Use strategic nonviolence to create a framework for broad-based direct action conducive to building large, inclusive, diverse and effective movements.
Decades of historical research has again and again shown that nonviolent movements are twice as effective as violent ones. The ugly turn towards a Trump presidency is only likely to reinforce that truth. Maintaining nonviolent discipline in our actions is a critical key to unlocking successful movements and winning victories.
Nonviolent action helps build people power by lowering the bar to participation. (Movements that are able to mobilize just 3.5 percent of their populations are almost always successful.) In addition, nonviolent action can reduce the likelihood of retaliation by authorities and, if they do retaliate, reduce the legitimacy of that retaliation. A public stance committing to nonviolence can help identify violent agent provocateurs, reducing infiltration and disruption of the movement. Moreover, a commitment to nonviolent action encourages creativity (unlike a reliance on violence which typically gets us into a same-old-same-old rut) — and the more innovative our tactics, the more likely we are to win.
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Hillary’s policies and personality were and remain preferred by a majority of Americans. She won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.
Trump “won” a few hundred thousand votes in key EC states, and “won” the presidency. My quote-marks are there because it’s clear that hacking by Russians, vile rumors spread by click-bait entrepreneurs, and the illegal interference by FBI director Comey leveraged Trump into power; also, since no one has bothered to examine the computerized voting machines, there remains a strong possibility that Trump’s “win” was entirely fraudulent and illegitimate.
So kindly stop trying to “trump up” accusations about Hillary. The other tactics you suggest do make some sense.
I preferred [and still do] Jill Stein’s personality/policies [more integrity, more transparency, more concerned with the needs of the electorate than with being The First XX-Chromosome President.] But since this past election process was at least horribly distorted and disastrously bungled, if not rigged, I felt I was forced to hold my nose and do what I could to prevent Mr.’MakeAmericaHateAgain’ Trump from winning. Thus my vote for Mrs. Clinton. So don’t count your “winnings” too puffily. This was coercion, not a choice, and definitely not my preference.
Thus wasting your vote. Can you see this in retrospect? A vote for Jill Stein would have sent a message to others that it’s OK to vote your hopes rather than your fears. The choices you make in one election cycle affect the range of choices you have in the next election cycle. Had enough people not turned their backs on their values, things might have changed for the better next time around. But unless we get out of this “lesser evil” trap things will never change for the better. LEV has brought to pass everything you fear.
Yes, I get it. and I apologize. I have been kicking myself for weeks about it. It was an inauthentic reactionary thing to do and I am totally sorry. I feel as though I have let my fellow Americans down by not voting my conscience. I want us to open up to other parties. How can we make this happen? Ms. Stein got very little in the way of media coverage or endorsements. Can we get around that BS?
There is no credible proof of Russian hacking. Please stop believing corporate propaganda and the words of pathological liars. Did you also believe “weapons of mass destruction?” How about “Saddam Hussein steals babies from incubators?” If not, why do you believe the lies this time? Could it be because they are telling you want you want to hear?
This is actually something I would rather not believe. Unfortunately, it’s true. The US intelligence community has stated that Russia, deliberately interfered with and corrupted our electoral process to favor the election of Donald Trump.
Here’s former diplomat James Bruno in Washington Monthly, “The United States has just endured a carefully planned, well-orchestrated assault against its democratic form of government in the form of a grand cyber-theft of information and targeted release of that information.” More specifically, Bruno quotes from the report in which 17 US intelligence agencies unanimously concluded, “Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.”
Crowd Strike and Threat Connect are two independent security firms who have identified the Russian actors involved in the DNC breach. The types of malware used by these groups was known for several years preceding the election.
I am so happy that people have been responding to this. Keep Engaging! We may not agree, but that is no reason to shut down the discussion!
You know, the election was lost for many reasons, including the strategic disenfranchisement of millions of people of color (the majority of whom would have voted for Clinton, since the majority of those who could vote voted for her–and also did so in the primary), foreign intervention, misogyny, white people taking racist bait, decades of right-wing spin obediently recycled by the press, up to and including the decisive intervention on behalf of Trump by the head of the FBI, who was also hiding evidence of Trump’s alleged Russian ties, possible fraud in some swing state elections that the recount might have uncovered had it not been prevented, and the built-in distortion of the electoral college. Despite all that Clinton won the popular vote, which makes it seem saying she lost because she was a neoliberal inaccurate at best. Clinton had also come out against TPP, argued for higher taxes on corporations, banks, and the wealthy, and for some wealth distribution and protection of social programs, unions, the environment, women’s rights, debt-free college–that’s not really textbook neoliberalism. Mostly Clinton’s platform was an extension of Obama’s, minus TPP (and if Obama really wanted her to win, he could’ve abandoned TPP, which dragged his party down). It was not a brilliant campaign, nor was she a stellar candidate, but the race was not lost because of one simple factor and certainly not that factor (studies such as suggest that racism and sexism were better indicators of who would vote for Trump than economic woe).
I think we win in part through telling stories that are adequate to the situation.
The election is over. Trump won by campaigning for the most elector college votes, not the popular votes. I feel this article is meant to keep this great country in chaos and cause a bigger divide. What if Trump does amazing things for all Americans? Are people going to still fight him every step of the way? Maybe the right thing to di is wait and see how he handles things before we cause more divide.
I would argue that the right thing to do right now is to create pressure so that those in power have no other choice than to do the right thing. We should take people at their word, look at their history, and create the environment necessary for them to not be able to act on their lesser impulses. Make it so that they actually want to do the right thing, when compared to the alternative. So it’s not a wait and see approach that I’m suggesting– it’s a make it too costly for any bad policy to be passed during this tenure.
Right now cabinet nominations are being considered. We’re seeing right now from these choices what the administration’s intentions are. We should fight to oppose the worst of them, until we get appointments that will be more fitting for their roles. Among other things that we could and should do.